Brokerage Account - allow user to LIMIT which Securities Available for each Account
For easily tracking brokerage accounts that are employer sponsored, it would save SO MUCH TIME if the Security drop down list ONLY has those available by that account's plan. For example, I may have "Vanguard Mid Cap Index Instl" on my list but have to look and NOT click any other "Vanguard M…" that may be an option and invested in another account. WHY am I seeing the 1000's of Securities when this account only has 10 possible for trade (or DIV, etc.)
Where exactly are you seeing the truncated security name? When entering transactions, the names are preceded by the ticker symbol, so if you know that, it is easy to select the security you want. You can also start typing any part of the ticker symbol or name and Quicken will shorten the list to only include only those securities that include that string. In your example, you could type "mid cap" and pick from a much shorter list.
To make securities easier to find in an account with a limited security selection like you describe, you could put a short abbreviation of the account name at the end of the security names and type that, 4k for your 401(k) for example, and, as you request, the list will show just those securities.
In the Transaction List (Register), you can click on the gear then pick "Security display in register" and set the security names to show as Ticker : Name, which will make them easier to find in your transactions.
To help identify the correct security in places where only the name is shown, I have renamed my securities so they begin with the ticker symbol, like GE-General Electric, so I don't use the above option. I don't have thousands of securities though.
If you have things like expired options that you won't be using in the future, you can go to the Security List and hide them. Then they won't appear on drop-down lists unless you check the Show hidden securities box.
QWin Premier subscription1 -
WHY am I seeing the 1000's of Securities when this account only has 10 possible for trade (or DIV, etc.)
because Quicken has no idea what securities are possible for you to trade.
You can hide securities that you aren’t using from the list, but that’s about it. But note that is securities that will not show up in any of your accounts lists without selecting to show hidden securities.
This is my website: -
Where exactly are you seeing the truncated security name?
I'm not - re-read my request - I used ellipses (three dots) to denote there is more there.
I DO (in some security cases) have that SAME security in other (Personal, ROTH, IRA) accounts so renaming them is not an option.
You can hide securities that you aren’t using from the list, but that’s about it.
That is the crux of what my request is - to be able to hide securities - SELECTIVELY for each account - so that when I go to reconcile or enter trades from NON-Downloadable EMPLOYER accounts (ROTH, 401(k), ESPP, RSU, Options) - I ONLY see the securities for that account.
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I suggested several ways you might get around this issue with the current software. What worked for me was to rename the securities so the name starts with the ticker symbol. You wouldn't have to do it for all of your securities, only the ones in "problem" accounts.
But there may be other alternatives:
I think what some people do when entering transactions manually in an account with a small number of securities is to copy and paste earlier transactions for their existing securities. Then for example when there is a new reinvested dividend, you would copy the transaction from last month or quarter and update the date, share count, and dollar amount. Would that help?
Or what if there was an option on the transaction screen so that the drop-down list would only show the securities you currently hold in that account? That would certainly shorten the list for repeat transactions and make mistakes less likely. That I think would be much easier for Quicken to implement than some addition to the Security List that would let you specify which accounts should show that security.
If none of those work for you, I am out of ideas and you will have to wait and see how many votes your idea gets. It takes about 50 votes for an idea to be considered.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
What you might want to try doing is to edit the names of the securities in question by adding "1-" at the beginning of the particular securities names. Then the securities for that plan would show up at the top of the drop-down. So, if there are 10 stocks offered in the plan, then those 1st 10 stocks would show up at the top of the drop-down list.
I do this with my brokered CDs by adding "CD_" to the beginning of the CDs names. It makes it much easier to identify the CDs from other bond securities.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R60.15 on Windows 11 Home
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Or what if there was an option on the transaction screen so that the drop-down list would only show the securities you currently hold in that account? That would certainly shorten the list for repeat transactions and make mistakes less likely. That I think would be much easier for Quicken to implement than some addition to the Security List that would let you specify which accounts should show that security.
THIS ^^^ is what would be GREAT! Please do this Quicken Team!