Bug Report: Incorrect Account Balances in "Account Balances Report" for Investments

Product Version: Quicken Deluxe for WindowsFeature Affected: Account Balances ReportIssue Summary: The Account Balances Report generates incorrect account balances for various Investing Accounts when accessed from the Net Worth & Balances tab. Banking and Property & Debt are correctly shown.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Navigate to the Report → Net Worth & Balance in Quicken.
- Click on the Account Balances Report button.
- Observe the generated report.
Expected Result:
- The report should display account balances that match the values shown in the Accounts menu on the left sidebar.
Actual Result:
- The report displays erroneous balances for most Investment accounts:
- Balances are for manually entered data matches.
- Balance for downloaded transactions (Fidelity and ETrade) are always the same or higher in the report than in the Accounts menu.
- Some accounts show some minor differences (1.5%) (Fidelity Accounts).
- Some accounts are signficantly difference, one for ETrade is almost 2x higher.
- Accounts for HSA account downloaded from Fidelity tie exactly.
- These irregularities extend into all prior periods. A comparison of report produced last month (and saved to Excel) to this current report shows that these irregularities were not for recent reporting but impacted all prior reporting periods.
- The report provides inaccurate data, rendering it unreliable for tracking financial information.
Other Details:
- The report was produced on November 2nd, at that time the report was reporting correct balances. Running the report this month the data is showing the irregularityies above.
- I have run VALIDATE and SUPER VALIDATE on the report, no significant issues were noted and this did not resolve the problem.
- As FYI - I submitted a report this morning of this bug through "Report a problem…" this morning with a screen shot of showing the comparison of the report to the account list balances.
As further research into this, this same problem was reported earlier this year.
It was noted "This morning, Quicken updated to R54.16. The Accounts Balance report is now correct." Not sure if same issue, but certainly smells like it. Maybe same/similar fix?
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Thanks for the detailed report.
Please go to Help > About Quicken and let us know what version of Quicken you are running.
Have you verified that the data in the Accounts bar is correct? Click on gear at the top right of the Accounts bar and make sure Show current balance is selected, not Show ending balance. If Show ending balance is selected, future dated transactions will make the Accounts bar numbers disagree with other reports.
If you run Net Worth & Balances > Net Worth report, does it agree with the Account Balances report or the Accounts bar?
If you go to a problem account and click on Holdings, does the balance agree with the Account Balances report or with the Accounts bar?
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Thanks for your reply. My version is R59.35.
The amount in the Account Bar is correct. The difference is only showing in Investments, no future dated transactions.
The amount in the Net Worth report is the same as the Account Balances Report.
I think I have uncovered what the issue is….. In looking further at reports, I noticed the amount in the Portfolio Value report is correct (agrees to amount in Account Bar). The odd thing is the graph showing in the same report is the wrong amount. So I then looked at the Portfolio Value and Cash Basis report, pulled into Excel and it's clear now what's wrong. The Accounts Balance and Net Worth reports (and the Portfolio Value and Cash Basis report) is including values for options (Calls and Puts) that are long closed (dating back to 2020) in the balances. If I total up the amount of these closed options it is the difference I see between the two reports. Now Quicken needs to review and explain why this suddenly changed.
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Anyone from Quicken looking into this? I've already done the hard part and found out the root cause. Now need a developer to correct the code. I could do that if necessary :)
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This is primarily a user to user forum. Forum Moderators (users whose names begin with "Quicken") sometimes review issues discussed here and refer them to Development, but if you want Quicken to work on a problem, you should contact Support via phone. Be sure the support agent understands the problem and gives you a ticket number for future reference. Please post the ticket number here. Development only works on problems that have been referred by a Moderator or confirmed by a Support contact.
You should also use the Help > Report a Problem menu in Quicken to submit the issue online. In your submission, be as clear and thorough as possible. Reference the ticket number and provide a link to this discussion. Provide step by step instructions to reproduce the problem and note any error messages you receive. They will not pay much attention to a problem unless they can replicate it in house or see it in a support session.
You will not get a response to an electronic submission, but apparently they review and prioritize the submissions and use the data to help resolve problems they decide to work on. The more reports they receive the better.
QWin Premier subscription0 -
Hello @bobandsherry82,
We will be forwarding this to have it further investigated. I can see you have already submitted a problem report with logs and a sanitized file attached— thank you for that.
Could you please also provide screenshots so we can include those in our escalation? If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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Hi, thanks for the reply. I had sent a screen shot with markup originally when I reported the problem through Quicken program. I had to do it that way as Quicken kept dumping out with too many attachments error. I followed up later with the details. Let me know if I need to provide screen shot again.
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Hello again,
Thank you, I was able to find the screenshot, and went ahead and forwarded this issue for further investigation. However, we do not have an ETA on when a resolution will become available. Once a solution has been created, it will likely be released as part of a future update release.
Thank you!
(CTP-11685/QWIN-24438)-Quicken Anja
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Thank you for the update. Hopefully resolution will be quick, but understand it's out of your control.
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You’re welcome!
-Quicken Anja
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I have the same problem. I was doing an update, and Quicken closed. One account had some problems. I did a super validate. All in my file is OK now, however, the 1 account which is correct in the Investment tab has an incorrect net worth balance report.
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Hello @mitch.trumpetwin,
Thank you for adding to this discussion, though I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing this too.
I can go ahead and get you added to the escalation ticket, however, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem within your Quicken program and submit a problem report with log files and screenshots attached in order to contribute to the investigation.
It would also aid the investigation to include a sanitized file when submitting the problem report. A sanitized file is a data file that removes personally identifiable information so you can comfortably share this file with the Quicken team.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue.
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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Another hint is that the Portfolio Value report is wrong as well. Here, the individual stocks have a correct gain/loss but the total gain/loss is not correct.
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And… If I specify just the current stocks in the portfolio, then the report is correct. When I specify all stocks, the report is wrong. Strange.
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I have a work around or a solution. During an update, Quicken closed… It seems that there was some corruption. So…. Run the account balances report just for the account in question. Then remove securities (I did that 20 at a time) and see if the balances start to work. If so, Add the securities slowly back and find the one creating the problem (in my case it was 2). I found the transaction and deleted it. In my case, I did not care about the security, so I did not add it back but had to fix a cash position. My report is OK. This is a data corruption issue.
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You may want to create your own disccussion and also report within Quicken as Anja suggested as you have a completely different issue. I have already troubleshot the issue for my reporting difference. It is not due to any security but due to values of expired options (which should have no value and for which I have no shares) being included. The portfolio value, excluding the value of expired options ties out to the penny to my other security values. Creating a sepearate disucsion may help to escalate your specific issue. Have a great one.
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I am also unable to pull an accurate investment report. The investment reports are essentially useless, and selecting only current holdings for each report is not a good option, besides being extraordinarily tedious.
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12/31/2024 account closing. Account balances report and the Portfolio value report does not agree with the 'Holdings' in the investment account. Same for y/e 2023. Have tracked this down to one particular investment for which a non-existent 'loss' is shown. Cannot see where the system has pulled this from. Can't correct it. Unfortunately am faced with having to produce the Portfolio value report (numerous holdings therefore a lengthy job) and the Account balances report manually.
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As the Account Balances report had worked for me for nearly a decade (since I started using Quicken), it's odd it's taking so long for Quicken to fix what they broke recently. In the meantime for the investment accounts with whacked out reported values in the Account Balances report, I download my report into Excel and then go back and pull the "Holdings" value as of the month-end for those investment accounts and manually type the value in.
And even more odd is that it's taking so long to fix the Account Balances report since the "Holdings" shows the correct value. I really can't understand how they can't get this fixed since it's obviously a reported value within the system.
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MyQuser4321. I discovered this problem and already decided to turn my investments over to a Financial Advisor because I cannot get accurate Net Worth with Quicken. 2 Vanguard accounts show differences 24% and 2.6%. 1 Fidelity account is different by 1.1%.
Will I get some notice when this is corrected?
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I have discovered another subtle issue that may be related to this problem. I will report as a bug, but to briefly explain:
I keep a saved version of the Account Balances report with a "custom selection" of certain bank accounts, credit cards, asset accounts, liabilities, and brokerage accounts (essentially everything except my real estate properties). I display this report using either Month or Week intervals, with or without the graph, to observe trends in my liquid Net Worth. In general, all the account balances are accurate (at least as of the display date, i.e., the last column), but there is one glitch that I observe.
When I launch this saved report AFTER I have recently added one or more NEW securities to an account (previously un-owned stock, bond, option, etc.), upon opening the report displays a pop-up window that essentially asks, "Do you want to modify the report to include newly added securities or just use your previous configuration?".
I select the Edit option and then do a "Select All" on the Securities tab (to ensure all securities are included). However, when you click OK and return to the report, the balance on the account does NOT contain the value of the newly added securities. If you return to the report configuration, it will show all securities have been selected, but when you return to the report the new securities remain excluded from the related account value.
BUT, if you now close the report, it asks "do you want to save changes?" to which I respond YES. AND when I now re-launch the report (selecting from my Saved Reports list), the account balances are now correct! In other words, the report must be saved AND CLOSED, then re-launched before the newly added securities (their values) are actually picked up into the relevant account balance.
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I think you may be using the "early access" to new report features? I say that because what used to happen in the older version is that selecting the option to edit changes for new securities would filter down to just those new securities, allowing you to choose or not choose the additions. You can turn off the early access at the very bottom of the Preferences list, and hopefully you will get what I believe you were expecting?
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro
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The Portfolio Value report can't add correctly. This snip of the PV report for a small account mysteriously adds $10,000 to the Gain/Loss column. If you add the numbers correct total is $4,481.62. This error then carries over the the account Balance, resulting in incorrect report. Everything else in the report is correct.
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@BobL, I indeed had one of the "early access" options selected. I have de-selected this and will look to see if this fixes the observed problem. You are correct in, when this happens (a new security is detected), the security selection panel is filtered — it displays ONLY the new securities with check boxes. There is still a "Select All" button (which I always use to make the selections). In any event, that filtered securities list obviously uses a special branch in the programming to create, so maybe a bit buggy still!
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Despite three updates to Quicken since I initially reported this issue, the problem remains unresolved. This report function worked flawlessly for decades until a recent change introduced these inaccuracies. It’s unclear why Quicken has yet to address and correct what was broken. It’s frustrating to see such a longstanding feature disrupted without a timely fix. I hope Quicken prioritizes resolving this soon.
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Could this be related?
Deluxe R60.20, Windows 11 Pro
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No, I've already outlined what is issue related to my problem. It's due to inclusion of option trades that are long closed out being included, which really doesn't make sense as it should have no value. But here we are. And still waiting months for Quicken (ironic name considering how long this big has remained unresolved) to fix what they broke.
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I had to change all reminders for investment accounts to $0 value because they are added to the account balances.
Even with that, all investment accounts match the Current Account balance in the Account Bar with the Networth and Account Balances reports except for one, which has no hidden placeholders. The Networth and Account Balances reports are higher $46.46 for that Fidelity account. They Fidelity website matches the Account Bar current balance for that account.
Comparing the Account Bar to the Portfolio Value report, I located the discrepancy to 2 holdings in the investment account for which the Net Worth And Account Balances reports were not updating to the latest values.
Deluxe R60.20, Windows 11 Pro