Voucher Check Format (Q Mac)

I began with Quicken with the 1998 Windows version. I migrated to Quicken for Mac and am really frustrated the check stub doesn't support the same 15 lines that was supported on Quicien for Windows. My check stubs are double space so I can only list 7 split categories or 'tags'. It would be SO great if the Quicken for Mac supported full use of the voucher stubs!! Thank you for your consideration.
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just out of curiosity, could I trouble you to create a Test check with more than 15 category splits, save it and print it on blank paper? Next scan the page and attach the image here so that we all, programmers hopefully included, may see the results?As a Quicken for Windows user myself, I use Voucher checks too, and the stubs print properly single spaced. Depending on the selected Font style and Font size, 14 to 16 split lines will fit on a stub.
Does Q Mac allow you to choose the Font style and size for printing on checks?
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Quicken Mac's check printing abilities have not been updated at all since the predecessor Quicken Essentials program from the early 2010's. There are Idea posts and complaints about the inability to correctly position the memo field independently of the payee and payment amount, and the developers have never addressed this.
It appears the code for printing the check just dumps plain, unformatted text into a block of lines; the entire block of text can be shifted up or down, but the individual elements can't be adjusted. Nor can users select the font or point size. (Several years ago, they added a checkbox to allow switching from regular to bold text, in response to complaints the check printing was too light for some users.) I believe the developers have not addressed this because it would require writing an all-new output engine for the checks and a new UI for positioning adjustment. I'm just guessing that there are relatively few Quicken Mac users who actually print checks from Quicken and/or the number of complaints they receive about check printing places it low on their priority list.
So it's fine to submit enhancement requests for refining how checks print, like this one. I'd guess they might eventually re-write this section of code, but that they have lots of other features still not implemented which are higher on the priority list, so this probably won't be addressed anytime soon.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930