Phantom amount added in one account

Over the last two days, on the Android app, one of my credit card accounts is adding the sum of $9.99 to the balance due. The Windows version shows the correct amount for the account and I have verified all entries on both the Android app and the Windows program. I have reset the cloud to no avail; have turned off syncing with the cloud and reset everything to no avail; and have uninstalled and reinstalled the app to no avail. This amount shows through the entire two years of entries on the app and has just appeared out of nowhere.
Any ideas or suggestions as to how to get rid of it?
Best Answer
I figured it out. I opened a new Quicken file and synced it to the cloud. I then deleted the old Quicken sync file from the cloud. I deleted the new Quicken file and opened the original one. I had to reset all of my accounts, but, after doing that, I set up the syncing and deleted the dummy file from the cloud that I had opened. After syncing, the balances were all correct on the Android phone. Something had gotten corrupted in the cloud file.
Edit: I retract what I just posted. After I checked it again, the error has returned. I expanded the Android app listing to the entire period that the account has been open and it shows that there is a $9.99 balance due when the card was taken out. As it was a new card, there was no balance due and that is accurately shown in the Windows register. The Windows account properly reconciles with the bank and the Online Balance in the Android app shows $9.99 more than the Online Balance in the Windows register and on the US Bank website. I am now totally lost as to how to resolve this.
Hello @schmieg,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. I understand how frustrating this must be.
Could you please check if the discrepancy only appears for this specific credit card account, or if other accounts are affected as well? Additionally, do you have another device (e.g., another smartphone or tablet) on which you can install the Quicken Mobile app to see if you can replicate the issue there? This will help us determine if the problem is isolated to your current device or if it's an issue with the Quicken Cloud.
It would also be helpful if you could provide a screenshot of what you are seeing. If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
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I will install it on my wife's phone to see if it does it there.
It only is on the one account. All other accounts are correct. A screenshot is superfluous. There is $9.99 more in the balance remaining and it is over the two years of records of the account in the app. That $9.99 is not present on the computer or on the bank's website.
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I just installed the app on my wife's phone and the error is present on it as well. This suggests to me that the error is in the cloud transfer. I have reset the cloud through the Windows app several times, but that obviously hasn't solved the problem. If I correct the balance on the phone app, it makes the balance on the Windows app incorrect when it syncs. Something in the syncing is adding $9.99 to the Android app, but it doesn't carry over to the Windows app. Strange.
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I figured it out. I opened a new Quicken file and synced it to the cloud. I then deleted the old Quicken sync file from the cloud. I deleted the new Quicken file and opened the original one. I had to reset all of my accounts, but, after doing that, I set up the syncing and deleted the dummy file from the cloud that I had opened. After syncing, the balances were all correct on the Android phone. Something had gotten corrupted in the cloud file.
Edit: I retract what I just posted. After I checked it again, the error has returned. I expanded the Android app listing to the entire period that the account has been open and it shows that there is a $9.99 balance due when the card was taken out. As it was a new card, there was no balance due and that is accurately shown in the Windows register. The Windows account properly reconciles with the bank and the Online Balance in the Android app shows $9.99 more than the Online Balance in the Windows register and on the US Bank website. I am now totally lost as to how to resolve this.
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Thanks for following up! Can you confirm if the steps you followed are the same as the ones outlined here?
If so, those steps would have been my next suggestion. However, since the issue has returned, If you don't mind, could you please provide a screenshot of the $9.99 balance due you are seeing in the Quicken Mobile app? If needed, please refer to this Community FAQ for instructions on how to attach a screenshot. Alternatively, you can also drag and drop screenshots to your response if you are not given the option to add attachments.
As for the next steps from here, have you tried removing just the account in question from Mobile and Web sync, and then re-adding it? To do so, please follow the instructions provided below. However, please make sure you save a backup of your data file first (just in case).
- Sign out of your Quicken Mobile app
- On your desktop program—navigate to the Mobile & Web tab
- Click on # Accounts synced successfully
- On the following screen, deselect the account in question and click Update Accounts on the bottom right
- Click OK to confirm and wait for the update to finish
- Once that is done, click on # Accounts again, reselect the same account to add it back, and again click Update Accounts and wait for the update to finish
Once the account has been added back, sign back into the Quicken Mobile app and see if the issue persists. If it does continue after trying the above, we will move forward by escalating this further.
Let us know how it goes!
-Quicken Anja
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None of that worked, but I've been in touch with Gabriel at Quicken Support. We did a lot of stuff and I am coming to the conclusion that Quicken is not the problem, but that it's at US Bank which seems to kick this extra $9.99 into the account whenever Quicken Mobile connects to it, but that throws the US Bank balances off. I will contact them tomorrow to see if it can be resolved.
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I finally gave up and restored a backup from the day before all of this started. I had to turn off syncing and reactivate all of the accounts. Quicken Windows is now working fine, but every time I turn on syncing and reset the cloud, it deactivates all of my accounts. Reactivating the accounts again works fine until the system syncs and then they are again deactivated. I am going to create a new dummy file and then delete the old sync file on the cloud and then return to the main account to see if that works. I will report back on that, but I don't have time to do it right now if it happens to go south again. Will let everyone know.
I thought computers were supposed to make life easier. I've been working with them since the mid-80's and I'm still waiting for the easier part.
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Thanks for the update!
Let us know if deleting the cloud account steps you want to try next does not work. Should that fail to resolve your issue, we can try creating a copy of your data file and syncing the copied file to see if it will make a difference.
Whenever you're ready for that, I’ll be happy to provide instructions.
-Quicken Anja
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We had already tried the making a copy of the Quicken account being walked through it by Quicken Support. That is when the problem started with the automatic deactivation whenever it synced with the cloud.
However, the good news is this. I made sure that all banks were turned off in Sync and then turned off Sync. I then created a dummy file with one offline account in it and set it up to sync. After syncing, I returned to the original account (my normal one) and made sure all banks were activated and performed several One Step Updates to make sure they were all working and not deactivating. Next, I set up syncing and turned on the accounts I wanted on the mobile. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the mobile app. The mobile app, at this point, picked up all accounts with the correct data, all balances showing correctly. I tested One Step Update on the desktop and it was working. Everything seems to be back to normal. We'll see if it changes over the next few days, but it appears good now.
This has been an ordeal and I'm still not sure where the original problem was.
Oh, one other thing that I did was to turn off download pending transactions. I'm not sure if that is part of the problem or not.
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Thank you for following up and sharing the steps you have taken so far. I'm glad to hear that it appears to be working now.
If anything changes, please don't hesitate to reach back out! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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