Moving from Windows to Mac, take 2...

My first try did not go as hoped so I last tried Crossover running Windows Quicken on my Macbook. I have a thread on that, but in brief, it was less than the solution I had hoped.

I'm left with VMWare (Parallels too expensive) and do not want to support Windows 11 on my Mac. Or, keep my PC which I might but prefer not. Or "learn to love" Quicken Mac.

I'd like to give that another try…


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    OK, so before I even try to install Quicken Mac again, need to undertand two things:

    1. I was unable to import my Windows .qdf for "the cloud" as instructed (converted in the cloud) and the message several times was conversion failed.

      I did import data from an exported .qif file.

      What is the difference? Must be some things different in the two processes?

      Is convert in the cloud broken? I see it has broken in the past. Should I wait for it to be fixed? I really would like to do this only one more time :)
    2. One thing I noticed and mentioned but did not get a reply in the previous thread was Reminders. I use these a lot with Online Billers.

      a. I do not see where to create a new reminder, and
      b. The reminders that were imported from Windows have two "entries" for each reminder: one as a reminder of bill due and one for the payment, if I recall. Would have to go back to notes, but suffice to say two entries per reminder. Windows does not show that. These even appear in Calendar view in Mac.

      So what are these? Are they because of a Windows import? Or is that how Mac handles reminders? What should I know about those?

    Things like single line register, difficulty getting columns to match across banking types. Credit Score, lack of Online Balance, Current Balance below a register, etc I will accept as that is how it is. I'll keep the questions to what I need to know to get up and running as completely as I can be to do a better evalauation. This would be my best choice if I can make it work for me.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    If you have an eBill set up then it creates a scheduled transaction for that automatically. If the bill involves a transfer between accounts in Quicken (such as a credit card payment) there are some cases where this will show up twice on the Bills & Income tab; I don’t recall the specific circumstances but there doesn’t seem to be anything you can do about it when it happens. But for other bills - utility bills for example - that shouldn’t be an issue.

    It may be that you will end up with two transactions as part of the conversion from WIndows, I don’t know how well it handles things like eBilling. You might need to just delete your bills & set them up from scratch in Quicken Mac.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks. Not sure what you mean as "eBill".

    To be clear, in Windows I set online billers, like a credit card account, to get each month's new bill and pdf if available. That is linked to a reminder I set for 7 days before due, so if the bill does not come in, I go looking for it before it gets past the point I can pay it timely.

    I pay the bills from my Checking Account at my bank with Direct Connect Bill Pay at the bank and have for MANY years.

    Windows has one reminder, one transaction for each Online Bill in Calendar reminder.

    So eBill could mean a lot of things and I do not think Quicken uses that term.

    I won't do anything based on might's, though I appreciate your input. I really would like to be confident of what is happening, why and how I need to proceed to get the best possible results "for me". If it truly is a windows conversions "glitch", I would wipe all billers and start from scratch. If it truly is only some billers in Mac, then why some? If all are that way in Mac, why? What is the prupose of two entries for a single bill? Might be a good thing if I understood it :)

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    eBill, online bill, same thing as far as I’m concerned. And Quicken Mac does use the term “eBill” in multiple places, while I’m not seeing “Online Bill” anywhere. Maybe this is another thing that’s different between Mac & Windows, I wouldn’t know.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hmm, could be. I see just the opposite. A search in help for Windows for eBill shows nothing. That's why I like to be specific.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    There are indeed, eBills in the Mac version:


    Quicken includes the ability to link a payee to an eBill. What are eBills?

    1. With eBills you will get automatic balance due updates. For example, if you've connected your credit card payee to the corresponding eBill, the balance due for your scheduled transaction will be updated every month to match what you owe. This way you don't have to go to the credit card website or wait for your statement to arrive to get this information. You can now just check Quicken. Quicken supports linking over 11,000+ eBill providers to payees.
    2. A number of eBill providers will also include PDF statements for your review.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    @Jon wrote: eBill, online bill, same thing as far as I’m concerned. And Quicken Mac does use the term “eBill” in multiple places, while I’m not seeing “Online Bill” anywhere.

    @Bob. wrote: I see just the opposite. A search in help for Windows for eBill shows nothing. That's why I like to be specific.

    So, the opposite of what @Jon wrote would be that "Online Bill" is a Quicken Mac term, and "eBill" is a Quicken Windows term. (Which is not the case.)

    And then you wrote:

    @Bob. wrote: There are indeed, eBills in the Mac version.

    Yes, exactly what @Jon said.

    So, hopefully you're all cleared away on that nomenclature issue now. 😀

    – – – – –

    Moving on to your other questions:

    @Bob. wrote: I was unable to import my Windows .qdf for "the cloud" as instructed (converted in the cloud) and the message several times was conversion failed. I did import data from an exported .qif file.

    There have been a few reports of people having trouble with the Windows > Mac cloud converter recently, I believe. Having never used Quicken Windows, I don't pay detailed attention to those posts, but you can probably search and find them.

    I'm don't doubt that the import code inside the Quicken Mac app could be a different version than the one on Quicken's clod server. In theory, they would both e running the same code, but it's certainly possible one was updated and the other wasn't, especially wit Quicken Mac's recent addition of business invoicing features. If you want to pursue what might be wrong with the cloud-based converter, you may have to contact Quicken Support and get the representative to screen share with you when you run the converter to demonstrate the problem, and then hope you can convince the rep to open a ticket which would go to the development team to investigate. I would not assume the developers know it is broken and wait for them to fix it. My feeling is that if you can get an import to work cleanly or mostly cleanly, take the win and move on. 🤣

    You wrote that you imported from a .QIF file. I don't know if that was a typo or that's what you actually did; I didn't think Quicken Mac even imported from .QIF. But you definitely don't want to use .QIF to transfer from Windows to Mac. Quicken Mac can import from a .QDF file, and that's what I'd be trying. Note that there is a difference between selecting to convert from a Quicken Windows .QDF file on the "Let's Get Started" page, and selecting "Start from Scratch" on that page, and then going to File > Import > Quicken Windows File.

    @Bob. wrote: I do not see where to create a new reminder

    I'm not sure if this is a Windows/Mac nomenclature issue or not. In Quicken Mac, you create "scheduled transactions"; is this the same as "reminders"? A scheduled transaction is where you enter a future payment (or select an existing payment transaction) and enter a schedule for when it should recur. The only place I think Quicken Mac uses the term "reminders" is the small clock drop down menu in the upper right of any register, where you set how many future "reminders" you want to see above the "today" green line in that register.

    You create schedule transactions either by clicking the Schedule button in the bottom menu bar or selecting from the menu Transactions > New Schedule Transaction or Transactions > Schedule Selected Transaction.

    Setting the visibility of seeing these scheduled transactions (aka reminders) is done with the little clock dropdown, and that setting is unique to each register. (That is, you could want to see the next 60 days of scheduled transactions in your checking account, but only the next instance of schedule transactions in your credit card account.)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    "ou wrote that you imported from a .QIF file. I don't know if that was a typo or that's what you actually did; I didn't think Quicken Mac even imported from .QIF."

    Indeed it did. I wrote that in the previous thread. I have not looked today, but it was NOT qdf after that failed. Fairly sure I Exported and imported a qif. So since you did not kmnow, no definitive difference between Cloud QDF and importing qif. And if you like, I will go confirm that was a qif. (confirmed) But I think those are the only two choices. AND , as I wrote, I followed the driections and QDF failed. So no help there either, Jacobs. I will not attempt again until I know more. Something is not right.

    Reminders are not scheduled transactions. A reminder is just that. Nothing occurs except a reminder. Your further description is nothing like Reminders in Windows which I need to understand in Mac before moving forward.

    So, anyone else with more experience and understanding on both questions? And please, let's not turn this thread into "I think" or "it might". There must be a difference between converting qdf and importing qif. And a reason converting did not work and a solution (other than screen sharing with support right now). And if no remnders in Mac, what replaced it and why? I might ask the same about ALERTS which you had previously said are not there. But not as critical as Reminders for me, which I find incredibly useful.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    When you create a new data file in Quicken Mac, one of the options is to import from a QIF; it's primarily there for people who want to switch to Quicken from a different app. That's the only time I'm aware of when you get the option to import data from a QIF in Quicken Mac.

    @Bob. Based on what you're saying, Quicken Mac does not have reminders.

    I could say more about QDF vs QIF, but not to the degree of precision you are demanding, so I will once again take my leave.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    AND , as I wrote, I followed the driections and QDF failed.

    I described two different ways of starting from a .QDF file, one of which does not use the cloud converter. I'm not sure from your reply if you tried it or not.

    Reminders are not scheduled transactions. A reminder is just that. Nothing occurs except a reminder. Your further description is nothing like Reminders in Windows which I need to understand in Mac before moving forward.

    Is a Quicken Windows, is a reminder a pop-up message which appears, like a calendar notification?

    In any case, telling me a feature in Quicken Mac is "nothing like in Windows" sounds like again trying to pound a square peg through a round hole. Yes, they are different. What is the actual functionality you feel you need? You can see upcoming transactions in registers, in the calendar, on the Bills & Income page. If you're wanting a pop-up message, that doesn't exist in Quicken Mac.

    Since you are again telling me I am not understanding, don't have enough experience, and don't have 100% certain answers to everything you're asking, I will again bow out of the conversation. Best of luck with your conversion going forward.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 13

    OK, I'll throw in a couple final thoughts:

    A QIF is a much more limited set of data than a QDF. A QIF is just a list of accounts and transactions, nothing more - there are no reports, no bills, no attachments, no alerts, etc. And in my experience using a QIF to move data from Banktivity to Quicken back in 2017, there are some things that don't import correctly that you'll have to fix. IIRC, I spent something like 10-15 hours correcting 6 years worth of data - transfers (and especially split transactions involving transfers) were the biggest issue, investment accounts also needed a lot of work. So I would only recommend moving data via QIF as a last resort.

    If you still have your Windows PC and can run Quicken Windows, try exporting a QXF file and importing that into a new Quicken Mac file if you haven't already tried that. When I tried that just now with a small test file it didn't use the Cloud converter.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Jon "I could say more about QDF vs QIF, but not to the degree of precision you are demanding, so I will once again take my leave."

    Sorry to hear that. I don't like following guesses. Willing to do the work to get answers and understand. And trying to make this next attempt everything it can be to give things the most fair test I can. I much rather make this work than any other alternative.

    And yes, the qif was how I populated Quicken Mac last time. it was an option other than qdf. Which I "suspect" might be a better choice, but have no data yet.

    @jacobs I did miss the two ways as I had gone to that page last time. But that was how I imported the qif, if I recall. Was a bit ago now. Could have either been from the opening dialogs I belive as I do not belive I created a new file from scrathc. That may well be worth a try.

    "Is a Quicken Windows, is a reminder a pop-up message which appears, like a calendar notification? "

    No, but maybe because I never let it get that far. It "might" appear under alerts if it got close. But it appears several places. After this reply I wil post a couple of screenshots on reminders.

    What I want is to see upcoming bills, not scheduled payments. There appear to be reminders in Mac as an Online Bill can be linked to a remonder in the dropdown options, but that might be somehow because of converting m,y Win with a qif. I really doubt it.

    Wait for next post. for more.

    What I was telling you is that I prefer I don't know to a guess. You continue to exaggerate what I say. Be that as it may.

    @Jon Yes, will never delete the Windows version. And likely not today to try to import after setting a new file from scratch. But with the previous QIF import, the pdf bill attachments were there. All registers and previous transactions were there. But I would guess you are right there is a difference between QDF and QIF in this case. Which is why I asked in the first place.

    Just as an aside: I was a very successful salesman later becoming a business owner with 12 salesman and later working for Google Answers as a highly rated researcher. I always trained my salespeople, never guess. If you do not know, tell your customer I do not know, but I will find out for you. Same for me in sales, Google Answers. It works. It builds trust. It saves missed expectations.

    That is all I am looking for.

    Back with screenshots….

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Most places you will see reminders:

    Note, not scheduled above…

    I do believe the reminders from these show in the Alerts box on my home page, not a popup.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    So I searched:

    A little confusing coming from Windows and not having it in front of me, but yes, there are reminders and I will see exactly how they work when I get there. My suspicion is I might be better off deleting all the ones imported from Windows and creating new as the differences seem significant.

  • Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just like current QMac, QM2007 does not have reminders either BUT I have continually use scheduled transactions as Reminders. I simply make the transaction $0. No, it is not exactly the same but serves the same purpose in the end. I have dozens of "reminders" this way.

    As for QIF, Quicken officially only supports QIF imports to be used for migrating from Banktivity and MoneyDance. Quicken has officially moved away from any other usage. And yes, as Jon explained, QIF only transfers transactional data, and even that not exactly the way that Quicken handles them.

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, QMac has Bill Reminders, just not general reminders.

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks @smayer97 QIF actually brought in quite a bit and was an Official Option in importing. I won;t use it again an will try the second QDF way. I wish the obvious choice first time would not have been Convert in the Cloud.

    And what is a "general reminder"?

    I also set most of my reminders to $0.00 except for ones that do not change. For those that do, Quicken populates them with current payment when it shows a new Online Bill has arrived.

  • Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, there is an option to import using QIF but it is only officially supported for migrating from Banktivity and MoneyDance, though once it was a general purpose import from any source.

    I would define a general reminder like a To Do item.

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Scheduled transactions == Reminders

    They changed the name to protect the innocent, but other than that nothing has changed.

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  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Ahhh, general reminder like todo. Makes sense.These are more specific in my terms. Like alerts which are specific.

    Thanks Chris. If Scheduled Transacations ar eReminders that would go a long way to understanding. Must say, seems odd of all things to change terminology between versions. Scheduled transactions, eBills. I think more. Of all things for a family of products I would think would remain constant. But…. I shall wade throiugh once more.

    Anyway, just back. Been busy and have not yet reinstalled and imported from QDF. Will let you all know when I do. Might be Sunday.


  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    BTW, to me a scheduled transaction would be one already scheduled to be paid and may or may not be repeating periodic payment. A reminder tells me to take action. So hopefully creating an Online Bill and "scheduling a transaction" will prompt me to take action on as many chosen days before a bill is due as I decide. That's the functionality I am used to and would like to maintain. unless there is a preferred alternate way I have not yet been introduced to.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I think they changed the terminology about the time Intuit bought Mint.

    I don't know how Quicken Mac handles eBills, but in Quicken Windows they took what I would consider "not the ideal" way to implement them.

    The history goes, that eBills were completely separate from reminders to start. More accurately it was "Bill Presentment". It just showed the bill and, in some cases, downloaded a PDF of the statement. Then their bill payment system third-party service (not Direct Connect Bill payment) decided to get out of the business. That is when they went with the third-party service that they were using for "Bill Presentment", for that and the paying of the bills.

    And that is when they decided to "link reminders" to "eBills" (actually called "Online Bills"). You can link a reminder or not. If you link a reminder the online bill will update the amount of the date and amount of the reminder based on what it fetches from the biller (and at the same time they take away the ability to using any of the "forecasting" that the manual bill has.

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  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

     to me a scheduled transaction would be one already scheduled to be paid and may or may not be repeating periodic payment.

    Many people create scheduled transactions with no amount. This serves as a reminder of when a bill is due/payment will happen, without entering erroneous amounts. For instance, I have a monthly scheduled transaction for my electric bill; since the amount is different each month, I have no amount so I'm reminded to enter it each month. You mark the scheduled bill as "Paid", then edit it to enter the amount. You can't set a specific number of days for the scheduled transaction to appear; you can set your account registers and the Bills & Income page to show the next instance or next 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 or more days.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Just getting back. A few things got in the way.

    Thanks for the eBills explanation, Chris. I will tell you that for me in Windows, Reminders get the new bill information if a biller is an Online Biller. Manual Bills do not, of course. And one of my issues is that Reminders will grab the amount, but Online Billers more oftne than not will not update until I either refrsh ormore often. unlink and relink. Then, for 2 credit card companies, the bill is always .01 short. How can that be? But it is. Hopeing Mac hasndles this better.

    Will try to put a little time into this. Then Off Thursday for a bit of vacation and gone until 25th.

    @jacobs Yup. Semantics. I think the chosen terminolgy re: schedule bill/remionder is a tad confusing and might have been simpler. But…

    OK. Will see where it goes. Hopefully first to do a good QDF import after a new blank file.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 17

    @jacobs You wrote:

    "You wrote that you imported from a .QIF file. I don't know if that was a typo or that's what you actually did; I didn't think Quicken Mac even imported from .QIF. But you definitely don't want to use .QIF to transfer from Windows to Mac. Quicken Mac can import from a .QDF file, and that's what I'd be trying. Note that there is a difference between selecting to convert from a Quicken Windows .QDF file on the "Let's Get Started" page, and selecting "Start from Scratch" on that page, and then going to File > Import > Quicken Windows File."

    OK, brand new file. I go to File/Import/Quicken Windows File (qdf). I select the file on my desktop. It tells to confirm using Quicken Cloud to securely import my file and then This version of Quicken, it says, uses Quicken Cloud to import Quicken Windows files.

    Back to square one. I cancelled and came here to post.

  • Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Remember that you can also opt to export from QWin to .QXF then import the .QXF into QMac.

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta

    I don't remember what the problems were with the cloud conversion you did originally (and I definitely can't help with whatever's at fault, but I wanted to note that you do have the option of contacting Quicken Support. If you can document some specific things in Quicken Windows which come across wrong in Quicken Mac, and you you can show that to a Quicken rep in a screen share, they would hopefully see the issue and ask for a sanitized copy of your data file to send to the developers to see what's wrong in the converter. As with most companies, some support representative are great and go the extra mile, and some are, well, less than great and won't. So it's a crapshoot if you'll get help — but I think it's worth a try. I only know that many people have converted successfully in recent years, so I'm guessing something got broken in the converter code which the developers aren't aware of.

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks all. Have not tried the Cloud Converter again - just yet.

    But I have myself confused. Maybve it wasn;t QIF last time after a failed Cloud Converter, but QXF. What is the difference between QDF and QXF? I'll search to see.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 18

    In looking, I may have previously mispoken. I am sure that I did not try QIF, but rather QXF last time.

    So what IS the practical difference beteen importing a QDF in Cloud and a QXF without? And why does importing a QDF into Mac NOT require Cloud as some have claimed when It always does for me?

    Will wait for a reply or two. One more day to try before vacation….

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I don't know the present state, but in the past the export in Quicken Windows (the version the users have) of a QXF file wasn't exactly what was used on the server (the server copy being more complete, as in one that the Mac group had changed for this very purpose).

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