Moving from Windows to Mac, take 2...
Thanks. Agree on all. The Wells Bill Pay is going to be tricky I am sure, but a must. Everything else coming along. Still lots to do. Its really a multi day job making the move - even when all is going well.
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Good morning. Making progress. Finding things I would prefer differently such as how the Watchlist is diplayed. Not as easy to use as Windows. But, just noting and continuing on.
New small handful of questions. I think best if I put each in its own post so easier for you all to reply. Here we go…
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Just got this this morning in Windows. Did not get anything in Mac. Are these there?
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This thread is long and confusing but I can offer you this. I converted from Windows to the Mac, I was a Mac user anyways, and have never looked back!
Now, I did the conversion with the QDF file and looked at it. It worked but I have a rental business and another LLC, so 2 businesses. Mac kind of sort of supports more than one business, but not as good as Windows but I'm making it work.
As for the conversion, I decided to start fresh for 2025, but I created a new file. Then I connected all my accounts, savings, checking, credit cards, etc. and had it import all my transactions available, which seems to be about 18 months of data that came in. It goes back for an account, starts with an ending balance and then brings in the transactions.
I took the time during the conversion, I wanted to tie out last year for all my tax schedules. I did have to go through and make changes to the categories, but I'm must anal.
if you want to get started clean, try this process, I was impressed but really all your transactions come from your accounts that you connect up.
Good luck!
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There are several issues here and I hope I can explain them clearly enough.
I only have a few manual bills, however some in Mac shows as a "Bill Pay" bill. How can I convert that to a "manual" bill (I do not use Bill Pay unless that is somehow getting confused with Wells Fargos bill pay. though my other Wells Paid bills have eBills, so maybe this is why this is different? And, my other maniual bills are OK, but not paid with Wells. I doubt it needs an image, but let me know.
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Quicken Mac doesn't have "Alerts" like Quicken Windows has. Personally, I have never liked Quicken Windows Alerts.
This is my website: -
There is quite a bit of confusion in my Bills and Income. With the excdptions in these questions, all my Bills are good. But here are also a lot of not really duplicates but let's say additional entries. They beg several questions and I am sure some of this is from importing the QDF from Windows. But need to get them straight.
Here is an example:
Note these are all the same account. The bottom is a NEW in Mac entry. Note the top two are Bill Pay and have "Transfer" which I have never seen before. How do I get rid of the top two, with luck have the history for the NEW last one?
IF the answer is to delete all that are Bill Pay, then deleting ALL Bill Pay bills will clean up my Bills and Income but lose all the historical payments. If I coyuld merge them? Reclassify? Might be helpful.
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In Windows, my Brokerage Account on the Investing tab constantly updates most holdings in real time - or at least, every One Step Update. This updates the Sidebar Brokerage total as well as the TOTAL value of all accounts at the bottom sidebar.
This does not happen in Mac. For one, it puts Mac and Windows out of sync until mid vening when ALL holdings are finalized for the day.
Clear explanation? How can I fix this? Let me know if you need more info…
All for this morning. Would be nice to fix these 4, then call Quicken and Wells later today for that ShowStopper….
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Thanks Chip. I had considered, but I do not want to start over. Even more work than I go through now. And I want to run Windows AND Mac in parallel until I make a final decision on my go forward. So having both as consistent as possible is a requirement. Right now, aside from the above, they are. But I appreciate your thoughts.
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So, the information in the "alert" is never displayed anywhere in Mac, Chris? I can understand the dislike for Alerts, but upon occasion they have been valuable to me.
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@Bob. When you update all accounts, it downloads current security prices; it does not wait until one time a day in the evening to do this. Of course, mutual fund prices don’t change through the day, so you’ll only see mutual fund prices change once a day in the early evening. But other security prices update in near-real-time. (The price provider Quicken uses is on a short delay, perhaps 10 or 15 minutes. But I believe it’s the same provider for Mac and Windows, although I've seen one post which says Windows is in real-time while Mac is time-delayed; there is an Idea thread requesting real-time quote service for Quicken Mac, which you can add your vote for here if this is of interest to you.)
Regarding you Wells Fargo issue, I’d suggest posting a new thread about that, with Wells Fargo in the title. This thread has gotten long and moved through a lot of topics, so most Quicken Mac Wells Fargo customers won’t ever see it. You should just post a straightforward question about whether/how Wells Fargo supports Direct Connect and bill pay.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
@Bob. Regarding security prices: there is also an option to have security prices updated once an hour automatically, without doing any update. I forget about this, because I have it turned off; I don't need price updates throughout the day, and on the rare instances when I do, I just click in my Portfolio or Watchlist to have it do an update on demand. You can turn on the automatic price updates in the Settings > Connected Service screen.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I understood previously, no "pop-ups" but was asking if the information appeared anywhere in Mac. It is not critical, but since i got one today, asked to be sure.
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Not seeing this in mac. Agree with your description, but security pricing DOES change in WIndows and not for me in Mac. Now that you agree they should, what can I check / fix?
UPDATE: Seems to be working now?? I wil have to watch this. Maybe in Mac it does not start until the market opens? I know Windows sees futures. Is there a setting for that?
Agree on Wells thread. After all else done.
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OK, could use help with the other two: Bill Pay and changing to manual on one bill.
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@Bob. If you want to delete a bill, click on the little circle with three dots icon on the right, there should be a "Delete Series…" option on the popup menu. If the bill is an eBill there should also be an "Unlink eBill" option, I would do that first before deleting the bill just to be on the safe side. "Unlink eBill" would also be the way to convert an eBill to a manual bill.
I don't know of a way to merge or combine bills.
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It may be showing the transfer transaction twice because there is a transfer out of one account and transfer into another account; I don't really use the Bills & Income screen, but I believe I've seen other users report this behavior. Just a personal choice, but I look in the individual account registers to see the transactions which have occurred and which are coming up, and I edit scheduled payments from the registers.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
@Bob. As for this:
Those top two transactions with the "Transfer" button is what a manual credit card bill looks like. You have one line for the checking account transaction that pays the credit card bill, and one line for the payment being received by the credit card account. The two are linked and if you delete one it will delete the other as well.
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Thanks Jon, but not quite. The BILL PAY bill is not linked to an eBill. So cannot unlink. I think the difference in my manual bills in Mac is that if they are an EFT to a credit card, they show as manual. But if they have no online bill and are paid through my checking account, they are then a Bill Pay bill. Not a biggie.
I noticed all the accounts with "Transfer" had a different name and were from the Windows Import. I deleted them all. My "new" online bills look good. I will have to follow this for a month or so to be sure. All that bad info seems gone.
AND - I fixed Wells. VERY odd way they needed to "once again" confirm I am me. I have Bill Pay enabled now. I can do a REAL test.
Still the same issue I have in Windows where when on Direct Connect, Quicken will NOT get a credit card bill at Wells. But I MUST be on Direct Connect for Bill Pay and either Quicken or Wells will not allow two different types of connections at the same financial institution. If you have a fix for that you would be a huge hero :)
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Nice to feel like this is working. I do have a ton (well, maybe a few pounds) or transactions under Bills and Income Activity that may not be real. Next to edit those. And ALL columns in every place on the app.
Will post as and if I find more. Thanks again.
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@Bob. I said IF the bill is an eBill there would be an unlink option. if the bill is not set up as an eBill then there would instead be a "Link eBill" option to convert it from a manual bill to an eBill.
I haven't had an account that would work with Bill Pay in a couple decades, so can't offer any advice on that.
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Now that you have a Quicken Mac file you're relatively happy with, this would be a good time to make a copy of your file & put it somewhere safe - if something turns out badly when making future cleanups you can restore things to the way they are now & not have to start all over again.
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Well, I don't use Bill Pay either which is why I was trying to convert to manual. But, you see my hypothetical explanation above.
And yup. Been making a copy at every major change. Just noticed that going to Direct Connect duplicated 45 transactions in checking that were Paid through Wells Bill Pay. Need to decide which to keep and which to delete. Then verify balance. So a little more unexpected foo.
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Took about 4 hours to choose, arrange and size all columns on all accounts and screens. Lot of work, actually. Everything seems to be up and running and agrees with my Windows version.
I find I miss an Investing tab. And even the way and amount of data displayed for investements. Took a while to find something workable, but more data is more easily available in Windows. Morning Star ratings one example.
Might be nice to hide tabs not used - like Budget.
Just realized as typing this, there is no ENTER on Bills and Income. this is how I would pay them from Checking Bill Pay. I am assuming Pay with Bank BIll Pay is the proper selection, but a little less obvious and harder to get to.
To be honest, some screens present better than Windows. And some do not. There is some muscle memory looking for functions I use often. Will see how I adjust. But a much better beginning that the last time I tried.
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I find I miss an Investing tab.
While there's no Investing "tab", clicking on Investing (or one of the sub-groups, or individual accounts) in the left sidebar gives you access to the investing Dashboard, Portfolio, Transactions and Watchlist — from which you can get a lot of information about your investments and their performance.
Yes, Morningstar ratings don't exist in Quicken Mac. I'm not sure if there's an existing Idea thread for that, but you could create one if you want.
It's best to spell out specific functionality you want to see in Quicken Mac, rather than just saying "I miss the Investment tab". For those of use who only use Quicken Mac, we don't know what you're missing. More importantly, to translate that feeling into concrete feature requests the developers might act on, it's really necessary to identify specific features you want to see in Quicken Mac as separate Idea topics, if one doesn't already exist. (And of course there are lots of existing feature requests in the Product Ideas > Ideas for Mac Classic > Investing area already.)
Big picture, though, I'm glad you're having a bit more success now, and slowly working your way up the earning curve. It takes time to retrain years and years of muscle memory when switching to a new generation of program!
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
@jacobs How DO you do those quote bars??? :)
I understand clicking investements gets me to investment places. Counter intuitive for me. And I do like Windows with portfolios and watchlists on the same screen with much better watchlist presentation. Just commenting. As a matter of fact, more columns of data can be shown and some unique to windows (52 week high and low) as well as the aforementioned Morningstar ratings. I find like going to a tab for online bills, I reach for a tab for investing.
Off for vacation tomorrow early. Will be a week before I am back in serious testing.
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@jacobs How DO you do those quote bars??? :)
Copy and paste the text you want to quote. Then look to the left where there is a paragraph formatting icon:
Click on the paragraph icon and a menu will drop down:
Select the quote icon (second from right), and then select "Quote" from the second drop-down, and it will change the paragraph to the quoted format: indented with the vertical gray bar on the left side. (The other options here let you created bulleted and numbered lists, and create larger headlines.) Keep in mind these options can only be applied to one paragraph at a time, but if you're entering text, it will remain in these modes until you select another one or enter a blank line, which will switch back to regular text paragraph style.
I understand clicking investements gets me to investment places. Counter intuitive for me... I find like going to a tab for online bills, I reach for a tab for investing.
I get it, and that approach makes sense to me. But I don't find the Quicken Mac UI confusing or problematic in this regard, either. In your case, at least for now it's more that's it's different than what you've been used to for a long time, so it feels awkward/unnatural/inferior. As I've advised before, you need to give yourself time to develop new muscle memory; once this feels like second nature, you may or may not miss the Windows way. 😉
And I do like Windows with… more columns of data can be shown and some unique to Windows (52 week high and low)
That would be a good Idea post to request the addition of those columns, since Quicken Mac has the data but doesn't use it anywhere.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I find accepting new entries (have not yet had a matched entry) to be very different. Perhaps its my workflow?
Windows. An entry comes in below the line of the register and I have to do something. Accept usually, or agree to a it being a match. Then I am done, unless I choose to change something like the Category or Memo.
Mac, blue "review" dot. Do I have to click each one to accept? (I shall assume for now Match will alert me it matches an entry). Or is there another way to edit and accept. I find it is using new categories rather than the ones i have used historically. ,I have auto:fuel and Mac has a different category for fuel it enters automatically. Would like to be consistent. What do you think best way?
So, what is the quick, complete and preferred method to accept, match and edit new entries for accounts?
Again, away from Quicken until mid week next week. See ya then.