Quicken for Mac v6.6 Released

Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
We just released version 6.6 and it has a number of small feature updates throughout the product. One of the most popular is support for Touch ID and Apple Watch.

Touch ID and Apple Watch Support

If you have a Mac with Touch ID or if you own an Apple Watch you can now use either one of these to open up your password-protected file instead of typing in the password. 

New Column Headers

We continue to get customer care calls regarding missing data because customers don't realize their register is filtered or their transactions are not sorted by the transaction date.  We added a green button to indicate when the register is filtered to help with this issue.  In this release, we're adding an updated look for the headers that will include blue text and a blue line above the column to bring attention to the sorted column. In Quicken Mac, you can sort the register by simply clicking on the header so it's relatively easy to accidentally change the sort order.

Improved Report Toolbar

We've added Export and Duplicate Report to the Report toolbar so you can export and duplicate reports without being forced to open the report first.  We've also moved the New Report button from the side to the same toolbar to hopefully make it easier to find.  Of course, these capabilities are also available on the report contextual menu.

Investment Dashboard Enhancements

In 6.5, when you grew the Quicken window wider, the investment dashboard cards also grew wider but they didn't take advantage of the extra space. In 6.6, we made this better by adding relevant columns so you can see more information if you have more room.

We've also changed the way the Top Movers are sorted so that all the gains and losses are grouped together. Basically, the sort order goes from the highest gain to the biggest loss. This is based on a lot of feedback from the community.

Edit Price Per Share

Quicken has always defaulted to calculating the price per share based on customer entered values for the total cost and number of shares for the transaction. This is because brokerages will round up or down to a certain number of decimal places to make things easier to read even though the actual transaction has a different number for the price per share. Allowing customers to enter in the price per share can result in the wrong total cost impacting tax reporting.  However, we heard a number of customers wanted to be able to enter in the price per share.  In fact, it was a top 10 requested feature by customers.  In v6.6, you'll be able to override this default behavior and instead enter in the price per share and number of shares and Quicken will calculate the total cost.

As always, please add any issues or feedback in this post. The Quicken Mac Dev team will be monitoring this post directly.


2/25 - Started rolling out the v6.6 release to early access customers and to a small percentage of customers. If you want to get the release now, just go to Check for Updates to download v6.6.


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  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    Thanks for the FYI posted to topic 

    Quicken for Mac v6.6 Released

  • Member ✭✭✭
    Experiencing download issues with Fidelity company 401K and retirement plans accounts, anyone else seeing this problem?  
  • Quicken Canada Subscription Member ✭✭
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    This issue still persists in 6.6: https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7866385/make-hidden-investment-account-data-visible-in-investment-history-q-mac-edited#latest.  It was noted as an oversight in version 6.3 per Marcus' comments here: 

    Look forward to seeing this issue resolved once and for all.  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    I'm absolutely love the unlock with Touch ID/Apple Watch feature. My Mac doesn't actually have Touch ID, so I'm super glad Apple Watch unlock was included as well. So convenient!
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I recently noted on the 6.5 announcement ticket out here the following:

    I have brokerage and Retirement accounts setup (multiple). When I adjust columns (width and order) in the Portfolio View it is adjusting everywhere, using the Retirement or Brokerage to view the accounts within, or selecting the individual account within. Any changes made to the dashboard are propagated to all accounts portfolio view.

    Is this by design? Is it a bug?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    The last few versions of Quicken for Mac introduced a new human interface issue on the Mac. The issue persists in v6.6. The problems is that if the user clicks WITHOUT holding the command key, but presses the command key AFTER the click, the software incorrectly behaves as if command-click was issued by the user.

    For example, I like to exit quicken with my checking account displayed. So, I click Checking and then command-Q. Rather than just switching to the checking account in the main window, the software also opens a new window with the checking account (as if I had done a command-click) and then exits. This is just one example for this behavior that exists throughout the software.

    It is a clear violation of user interface standards for the keyboard state AFTER a command is issued to affect the interpretation of the command.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Unlock with Apple Watch feature.....best feature ever!!!! Touch ID would not work for me because I keep my MacBook in a vertical dock so it is always closed. This is super convenient!
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    zzz.pane said:
    For example, I like to exit quicken with my checking account displayed. So, I click Checking and then command-Q. Rather than just switching to the checking account in the main window, the software also opens a new window with the checking account (as if I had done a command-click) and then exits. 
    I can duplicate this behavior, but I have to be really quick on the Command key to get it to happen. And I have to hit the Command key after releasing the mouse button, not before, so if I hit it too quick or too slow it doesn't happen.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    Ever since I upgraded to v6.6.0 (MAC premier) My Bond balances are overstated by 4 digits
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Love the Apple Watch/Touch ID unlock!

    Not so in love with OFX/QFX Apple Card transaction imports failing.

    Does anyone know of a work-around for this?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member
    > @dhammabob said:
    > Experiencing download issues with Fidelity company 401K and retirement plans accounts, anyone else seeing this problem?  

    Also here. Trying to import the QFX File and I get the following message: "Download Unavailable. Quicken is unable to update this account because Web Connect support for your financial institution has been either temporarily, or permanently discontinued [CC-885]."
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue as PRouleau. You have to download a QFX to reconcile the Apple card and starting with this update, doesn't work resulting with the dreaded CC-885.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue with the apple card and importing transactions. Tried the "reset connection" on the account but Apple Card is no longer shows in the list of banks.
  • Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    I run Quicken Mac v6.6 on a M1 iMac running macOS 12.2.1 ; I downloaded the Apple Card transactions for February as a .QFX file onto my iMac. When I use Quicken to Import those transactions, I see a message saying there are 44 transactions and then an alert "Download unavailable! The FI is inactive, we cannot connect." Of course I have never had a connection for the Apple Card - each month have in the past successfully imported the preceding month's .QFX file exported by Apple Card app on my iPhone. I tested exporting a .csv file and it's contents look fine.

    I think Quicken Mac 6.6 has a problem.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    My account list has it named Apple Card (OBSOLETE)
  • Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭✭
    Just talked to Quicken support. They said everyone trying to import Apple Card .QFX file is having the problem. Apple Card was removed from the list of financial institutions and Quicken development is looking into why that was done. I asked that they post a notice once they have repaired the import. Suggest everyone contact support to log the problem.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I updated today to the latest Quicken on my old Macbook Pro 13 (Catalina) and at the end of the installation, Quicken crashes. Shows installed, but anytime I try to start Quicken, it crashes. I have reinstalled multiple times, restarted the Mac multiple times, added a new user to my mac to install Quicken (this per Quicken online help advisor) and still no success. Anyone know if the new Quicken requires an OS later than Catalina? My Mac is old enough that I cannot upgrade beyond Catalina (I temporarily did an install on my work machine that is running Monterey and that install was successful and Quicken started without issue.) Trying to understand if this is a bug in Quicken or a known limitation.
  • Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken support says the problem with Apple Card .QXF imports is fixed. I was successful with v6.6 importing my .QXF file that failed earlier today.

    RESOLVED 3/2/22

    This issue has been marked as resolved. However, this Alert will remain available for anyone who may still be experiencing this.

    Thank you!
    Quicken Jasmine :)
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    I am experiencing an issue with Chase.  

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    Thursday March 3 - Not having any issue with a Chase Visa card at the moment.

  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    > @stuffaz394 said:
    > Ever since I upgraded to v6.6.0 (MAC premier) My Bond balances are overstated by 4 digits

    Me too! All my bond values appear as millions, not thousands. This needs to be corrected! And it says that Merrill Lynch can only show simple view, no transactions.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    I like the addition of Touch ID support in principle, but in reviewing the Security tab in preferences, I realized that my Quicken file isn't even password protected. But then I got to thinking, I have Filevault2 enabled on my hard drive. My backups are similarly encrypted. I don't move or share my Quicken file elsewhere, and I generally don't allow others to use this computer. If I did, I would make sure they use their own Mac login account (or the Guest account).

    So, am I losing anything by not having the file password-protected? :grey_question:

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    FileVault encrypts your drive contents so someone couldn't remove the drive & try to read it on another computer. But it doesn't stop another app from reading the file while your computer is booted up & you're logged in (though other security features of Mac OS might). Having the file itself encrypted by Quicken means the contents can't be read by anyone when Quicken isn't running. 

    So there's some overlap between the two, but they aren't 100% redundant.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    I had posted the message below, but apparently the issue resolved itself, because my investments just started updating again.  In other words, never mind...

    I have to run Mac Sierra (10.12.6) on my iMac due to some business software that cannot run on newer systems.  As of yesterday, my investments cannot up update and Quicken tells me I have to update my operating system to High Sierra or newer.  I can't (due to that business software), so this is super disappointing to me.  Basically, I am screwed.  Please change the Quicken "connected services" to work with older operating systems.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @patrick The developers announced back in 2020 that they would be ending support for Sierra. In November 2020, that became official when Quicken 6.0 was released; it (and every version since) requires High Sierra or later. I assume you're using an older version of Quicken Mac (5.18.x)? 

    Recently, Quicken has been migrating users to a new back-end server system for financial institution connectivity, and the code for that new system is only in the current version of Quicken Mac. So it's likely your days of being able to download while using an old version of Quicken Mac are quite numbered. I'm not sure how you got switched back on, but don't be surprised if yo see that message again.

    Their policy is to support the current macOS and the two prior versions — so Monterey, Big Sur, and Catalina. In practice, the current version continues to run fine on High Sierra and Mojave as well, but they don't guarantee that something won't break on those older operating systems. 

    Many of us have had to deal with the major fork in macOS for Catalina and beyond to only run 64-bit programs. I still have one of my computers running Mojave so I can continue to run several older programs which are not 64-bit. And Quicken runs fine on that computer, at least for now. I know my Mojave days are numbered, and I will either need to give up these old programs or license new versions. 

    In terms of your business software, are you certain it can't run on High Sierra? High Sierra was a modest OS update which didn't break very many programs; almost everything that ran on Sierra ran okay on High Sierra. But if it doesn't run on High Sierra, you have to accept that you're on borrowed time with a 5-and-a-half year-old operating system. Quicken is hardly unique among software vendors in requiring a more modern operating system. One thing you can be certain of: they will not heed your wish to continue to fix Quicken Mac to run on Sierra. So you should develop a plan to either update your business software or to run your old Mac and a newer Mac for software which requires a newer OS. (If a new Mac isn't in your budget, you could consider buying a used Mac for half or less than a new one; it won't last as far into the future, but could buy you several years.)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    > @Robert Lynch said:
    > I recently noted on the 6.5 announcement ticket out here the following:
    > I have brokerage and Retirement accounts setup (multiple). When I adjust columns (width and order) in the Portfolio View it is adjusting everywhere, using the Retirement or Brokerage to view the accounts within, or selecting the individual account within. Any changes made to the dashboard are propagated to all accounts portfolio view.
    > Is this by design? Is it a bug?

    Quicken - I left this above but did not see a response. Any update?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2022
    My Schwab Roth IRA is now showing at exactly double its value. The price that is downloaded is double what it really is (Is this some ETF thing?) To get the value right I have to either remove half the shares or change the price. The number of shares is correct. I changed the price but it will update soon to the wrong price. What happened? I looked at the price history and this is been so for a long time.

    I found that there is a 2-1 stock split effective today on my EFT, so maybe that's the problem. Maybe the price will work itself out. I hope.

    MS Money/Quicken Classic since 1991
    Quicken Simplifi since 2021

  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2022
    @SRC1954  It's probably because at 6am the market hadn't opened yet, so you were still getting yesterday's prices. Also, mutual fund prices only get updated once per day after the market closes, but I'm not sure that applies to ETFs. At any rate, if the problem hasn't already fixed itself, sometime this evening the price should be updated and then your IRA value will be correct again.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Jon said:
    @SRC1954  It's probably because at 6am the market hadn't opened yet, so you were still getting yesterday's prices. Also, mutual fund prices only get updated once per day after the market closes, but I'm not sure that applies to ETFs. At any rate, if the problem hasn't already fixed itself, sometime this evening the price should be updated and then your IRA value will be correct again.
    ETFs update throughout the day just like stocks.  It is one of the main differences between them and mutual funds.

    SRC1954 said:
    My Schwab Roth IRA is now showing at exactly double its value. The price that is downloaded is double what it really is (Is this some ETF thing?) To get the value right I have to either remove half the shares or change the price. The number of shares is correct. I changed the price but it will update soon to the wrong price. What happened? I looked at the price history and this is been so for a long time.

    I found that there is a 2-1 stock split effective today on my EFT, so maybe that's the problem. Maybe the price will work itself out. I hope.
    Given the 2 for 1 split it seems reasonable to assume that the price and recording of that split is out of sync at the moment.
    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/


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