Make hidden investment account data visible in investment history (Q Mac) [edited]

Still waiting on this one. Really? How many closed accounts does one have to have before this is really annoying?QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950
Same issue!0
Yes, the flaw is at the developers built the ability to hide accounts but include them in reports, which directionally addresses what people need. Unfortunately, all reporting on investments is not done via Reports, it's done via the Portfolio screen. So they need to build in another level of account hiding, and/or build actual Reports that follow the hiding settings.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
Hello All,
The Community Support team regularly reviews long-standing posts and Ideas for relevancy and current interest. This Idea seems to have stalled and we would like to gauge the current interest in this request.
If you would like to see this idea implemented, please add your vote and a comment explaining how this idea would be beneficial for you. More information, including steps to vote and how to submit your own Ideas for future product features/improvements, is also available here.
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Quicken Community Support Team
-Quicken Anja
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(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)1 -
This is currently one of the most significant shortcomings of the Quicken Mac investment portfolio, in my opinion. Anyone who has changed brokerages or closed accounts cannot see their accurate investment history in the Portfolio data table and graphs if they have closed investment accounts. Further, transactions in closed accounts disappear from the Transaction window when looking back at past transactions.
According to Quicken's own help, "Hide in Lists" is only supposed to remove accounts from the sidebar and pop-up lists -- not make past history disappear. So Quicken doesn't even do what it says it should do.
This is an annoying shortcoming which forces users to either leave long-closed accounts "open" and visible in their sidebar in order to see accurate history, or close the accounts to clean up their sidebar but lose valuable history from view.
I would not want to see this idea disappear. The subject line of this post is misleading -- it sounds like something which has already been implemented -- so it probably doesn't get a lot of votes.
"Add ability to hide old/closed investment accounts in sidebar/account list" is a feature which exists; you can close & hide investment accounts in the sidebar. But reading the original post clarifies that this idea is actually making hidden accounts not disappear from investment history. This confusion is likely why this topic doesn't have a lot of votes, but anyone who values seeing their long term investment history displayed accurately in Quicken should want to see this idea implemented. (Fellow Quicken Mac investors, please add your vote to this topic!)
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19931 -
Jacobs comment is spot on. I think this idea or concept is noted in several other ideas, but Jacobs comments nail the heart of the issue. Quicken Anja, check out my other discussions as I've raised this idea several times over the years.QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950
Hello @jacobs & @Snoopy FC
Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic, although I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration experienced.
I brought this thread up with the Mac team this morning to look into this request a little deeper and during our review, it does appear that closed and/or hidden accounts do retain the investment history.
Could you please provide a little more detail and perhaps screenshots of this request so that we might understand better what is missing?
Thank you,
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I apologize for the delay in my response, but I hope I can make this clear. The issue hinges on the accurate presentation of the historic data in the graphs when the accounts are hidden.
Notice I have several investment accounts in the retirement portfolio that have a balance of $0. Here's what the portfolio looks like graphically with all "retirement" accounts open:
Here's what that same graph looks like when I hide only the current $0 balance Converse and LA accounts:
Notice that while the overall value of the portfolio does not change, the graphic representation of the historic data does not reflect the data that are in the hidden accounts. To keep a true graphic representation of the data, I can never close those old accounts. I'd like to keep those effectively closed accounts hidden, but still see the values of those accounts reflected in the graph. In doing so, I free up the real estate on the sidebar at left, but still can see how the portfolio has truly performed through time. Please contact me directly for followup.
QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19951 -
You'll also find the idea presented in this thread which related to QM2017:
QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950 -
Quicken Sarah said:Hello @jacobs & @Snoopy FC
I brought this thread up with the Mac team this morning to look into this request a little deeper and during our review, it does appear that closed and/or hidden accounts do retain the investment history.
Could you please provide a little more detail and perhaps screenshots of this request so that we might understand better what is missing?
@Quicken Sarah the screen shots from "@Snoopy FC" illustrate the issue. I can provide more if this is not clear enough to the development team.
If I set my portfolio to 12/31/2010, I expect it to show me my holdings and history as of that date. It does not. It should be the same as a Net Worth report for that date -- but it is not.
And it's not just the graph that's wrong; the table below the graph, whether Grouped By Account or Grouped By Security, also excludes the data from accounts which are set to Hide in Lists. That is, if I set my Portfolio date to 12/31/2010 and set the filter to Group by Security, I'd expect to see my security holdings as of that date, but Quicken omits any securities which were held in accounts marked as Hide in Lists. If I set the filter to Group by Account, the accounts I held as of that date which are marked as Hide in Lists are absent.
Hide in Lists is doing much more than what it's defined to do: remove the account from the sidebar and transaction dropdown menus; it is completely hiding the history of those accounts and the securities they held from the Portfolio. This behavior is not expected. I think the overwhelming majority of users would want the Portfolio "as of" date to accurately show their holdings as of that date. (If there is a narrow use case where a user might want to intentionally hide the history of closed accounts — perhaps data was recorded incorrectly and never corrected, so they just want to be able to hide it — there might be a reason to offer an option for the current hidden history behavior. But it should be able to be turned off, and shouldn't even be the default behavior.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Quicken Sarah said:Hello @jacobs & @Snoopy FC
Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic, although I apologize for any inconvenience or frustration experienced.
I brought this thread up with the Mac team this morning to look into this request a little deeper and during our review, it does appear that closed and/or hidden accounts do retain the investment history.
Could you please provide a little more detail and perhaps screenshots of this request so that we might understand better what is missing?
Thank you,
SarahQMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19951 -
It really is a defect. Even the quicken documentation states that data in hidden accounts should appear in reports and charts.0
I agree and it still needs to be fixed.QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950
I encourage people to use Report a Problem to document this, as @Snoopy FC did 6 posts above this. I agree that it should be treated as a bug, not a missing feature. The post from Quicken Sarah about her discussion with the development team makes it clear that they did not understand the problem. I don't know if they do now, but the only way we have to make them aware is to provide text and screen shots which illustrate that hidden/closed accounts are not being shown in the Portfolio when set to a past date when those accounts had value.
See update below.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Addendum: one of the site moderators was able to check with the Mac development team and confirm that they do consider this a bug and have it in their bug database (QMAC-23222). As always, that gives us no information about when they may address it, but it does mean users shouldn't continue to submit Report a Problem reports because it's a known issue. So now, we wait.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
If I could save time in a bottle…. I can see Cookie Monster waiting for cookies.QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950
Thanks for the update. I believe the wait has been going on since 2017, but my memory has processed many other things since then.QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950
> @contact_robert said:
> It really is a defect. Even the quicken documentation states that data in hidden accounts should appear in reports and charts.
My post should say "closed accounts" not "hidden accounts". My apologies, but thank you for the update.0 -
Just posting to register my vote for this bug to be fixed. Jacobs has already described the problem quite cogently, so I won't add to it. But please, Quicken Mac team, prioritize this bug! It's really frustrating having to unhide (and then rehide) old accounts whenever I want to look at my investment history.0
This issue still persists in the latest version - 6.9 as of 8/23/22.QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 19950
Quicken -- can you please fix this?? It has been years literally.0
@Quicken Janean Would it be possible to get an update on this issue? There are two different Idea threads for this same topic: this one and this other one. (I don't know why this thread wasn't merged into that older one when it was originally created, but it would probably make the threads hard to follow if they were merged now.) As you can see in this thread, Quicken Sarah was looking into this, and had active conversations with the Mac team back in 2021 before she left. I later reported that I had been told the Mac team did consider this a bug: QMAC-23222. I know Quicken never pre-announces when new features or fixes will be forthcoming, but it would be helpful to verify that this remains on the developers' active list of issues awaiting addressing. Although we have here and in the other thread two Idea requests, it shouldn't be necessary for user to lobby and try to amass votes for something which has been acknowledged as a bug. Thanks.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
Hi @jacobs, I submitted a ticket for this issue again. I will keep an eye on it and share any feedback when it is provided to me. Thanks! (CTP-5787).
-Quicken JaneanQuicken Janean
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Agree this is a problem, please fix.
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I'm adding here what the previous Quicken Mac product manager said when this issue was brought up in August 2021:
Quite honestly, it's just an oversight on our part. Of course, historical data from closed accounts should appear in a market value overtime chart, and if you go back in time in the portfolio view when clicked on an investment group section such as Investing you should, at least, have the option of seeing your data from a hidden account. We'll investigate. I don't know how easy or hard it is but my guess is that it shouldn't be too difficult.
Apparently this got lost in the cracks, or turned out to be much more difficult to fix than it appeared. (I'm guessing it more the former.)
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
I stumbled upon this thread while searching for a solution to include data from hidden accounts in my investment reports. Rather than restating the desires already expressed above, I hardly endorse the importance of creating this capability in the platform…
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It's important to add your vote at the top of this thread. It seems completely stupid because it's a bug, and was acknowledged as such by the former Quicken Mac product manager — yet the development team has not prioritized fixing this flaw in investment tracking. All we users can do is increase the vote count and keep the fire burning for them to finally fix this shortcoming.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Hello! Just encountered this issue after my employer changed 401k providers. Is this still on the table to be fixed?
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@UDGH556 Quicken hasn't addressed this directly, but due to some changes they made elsewhere, there's now a trick which should work for you.
If you go to Accounts > Hide & Show Accounts, you probably have your old account marked as Hidden (and possibly as Closed). Is that correct? If so, although this seems unintuitive, uncheck the Hidden box for the old account. You should now see the old account in your left sidebar under the Retirement heading, right? (If the account is Closed, it will be in italics, but that doesn't really matter for this.)
Now, at the top of the left sidebar, click the ••• icon and select Sidebar Settings. At the bottom of the Settings page, in the Accounts to Display section, uncheck "Closed". Your old account will now disappear again from the left sidebar… but because it isn't a "hidden" account, it will now show up in your Portfolio view history! I've done this for my closed accounts, and it works exactly the way I'd like it to.
I don't know why the developers somewhere changed their interpretation of "Hide in Lists" to "Hide Completely". I still think it's a bug or behavior they should fix. "Hide in Lists" should mean just that; it shouldn't make the account's investment history disappear entirely from the Portfolio. This method of closing but not hiding an account, and then not showing hidden accounts in the sidebar, achieves the desired result for the Portfolio, but it makes you wade through your old accounts in account selection lists where it would be preferable to have them hidden.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19931