Quicken for Mac v6.6 Released



  • Member ✭✭
    I just updated to 6.6.0 and did an update online accounts. The market value of my investments is now incorrect and a lot lower than what the stock broker shows. This needs to be fixed! The number of shares, and cost is okay, just the market values is much lower for multiple stock brokers.
  • Member ✭✭
    Correction: I just double checked my securities. It appears that only the Schwab accounts were affected. I have multiple Schwab accounts with multiple securities in each. The first security in each of the Schwab accounts is correct, but subsequent securities have half the number of shares. However, the fractional part of the number of shares is correct.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Yep, that was it. It's correct today, but I have a weird price history. On March 10, I had a 100% increase in value followed by a 50% decrease on March 11. Actually a little more as the price went down Friday as well. Thanks.

    MS Money/Quicken Classic since 1991
    Quicken Simplifi since 2021

  • Member ✭✭
    Additional comment: The accounts with the securities with shares in error are only Schwab, but they are all in the investing retirement category.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I just updated to the new 6.6v for Mac and now ALL my transactions are showing as cleared rather than reconciled. I'm talking all the way back to last year. How do I fix this without having to re-reconcile everything?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    Restore from a backup and hopefully the backup file won’t exhibit the same behavior. 
  • Member ✭✭
    Well, hope didn't work in this case. I restored from a previous backup where my retirement investments looked okay, I then did a update of online accounts and my retirement investments got hammered again.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Quicken Mac 6.6.1 no longer connects to Bank of America. This has been going on for 5 days. Here is the screenshot of the error message:

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    I'm having the same issue and started a separate thread the other day. https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7909841/error-trying-to-update-select-accounts

    @Quicken Jasmine please take note. 
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, @Shing! For others to note, I was just able to resolve this on my end by disconnecting my Bank of America account and reconnecting again, although it wouldn't let me connect via Direct Connect... I had to connect via Quicken Connect.
  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    With my brokerage account does 6.6 allow me to track my Cash in a separate account from the Investment account? I'm able to do that in Windows R39.23, but I want to convert to Quicken for Mac and that is the one thing standing in my way.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @nmvphr No, Quicken Mac doesn't do that.
  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    Why the functionality in Windows but not Mac OS?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2022
    @nmvphr They are simply different programs. Quicken Windows has 30+ years of building on its code base. Quicken Mac was about the same age, but in 2006, changes then and forthcoming to the Mac operating system required them to start over in order to replace core code for the database and the graphic interface which could not be updated. So Quicken Mac was re-created from scratch, and it wasn't envisioned to be a mirror of the existing Quicken Mac or Quicken Windows, but a clean sheet reimagining of a modern personal finance program. Then-parent company Intuit made a number of fumbles in the development process over the following 7-8 years, until a small team of programmers completed the first version of the modern Quicken Mac in 2014. Since then, and bolstered by Quicken becoming an independent company, the Quicken Mac development team has been steadily (albeit slowly) adding more and more functionality to the program — and in the process making it more closely align with features in Quicken Windows.

    Quicken is a complex program, and adding features without breaking existing features is fraught with difficulty. And the going has proven to be much slower than users would like and much longer than the managers at Quicken originally expected. There are hundreds of features, large and small, still on the development wishlist, and it will take years to address many of them. In a recent survey from the developers about which investment-related features users wanted to see them work on sooner than later, this issue was among more than two dozen features which all have merit — and which will likely take years to all be built. Which ones will come to fruition soonest, only the developers know. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    I wish I could delete my previous comments. Please ignore them since they're all not totally correct.

    I upgraded to Quicken for Mac 6.6.1 on Mar 11, 2022. I have 3 retirement accounts that contain multiple securities in each. These accounts are not connected for downloading transactions. I enter all transactions manually and use the update all online accounts to update the price per share. I also have 2 brokerage accounts that I also enter transactions manually.
    After updating to 6.6.1, the brokerage accounts are correct. The first securities in the 3 retirement accounts are correct. The subsequent securities in all 3 retirement accounts have the prices doubled and the whole number of shares halved, but the fractional shares are correct.
    When I click on "update all online accounts", the security prices get corrected, but the whole number of shares are still halve of what they should be, so the market share is about 50% of what it should be for those securities. When I look at the security prices prior to the update, the prices for these securities are double what they should be, then drop by 50% after the update.
    I went to a backup file and obtained the same results.
    I just updated to 6.6.2 and obtained the same results, so the problem has not been addressed.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    @Brad Kuhn I'm confused. You enter transactions manually… does that mean you don't have these accounts set up for downloading? I don't understand how the number of shares is changing if these are truly manual accounts. The security prices Quicken downloads can't affect the number of shares in your accounts. So something doesn't make sense. If you click on each account, click on Settings, and click on the Downloads, does each one show "Connect this account if you'd like to download transactions"?
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    I enter my transactions manually, and only have the prices updated, which cannot affect the number of shares. I found the problem today. Quicken is fine and working correctly. It just so happened that Schwab did a whole bunch of share splits on the same day when I updated to Quicken 6.6.1. Once I entered all the splits everything is back to normal.
    Sorry for wasting everyones time.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I update my investment accounts manually also. I discovered that Schwab has an ongoing technical problem in its online accounts. The account history and the account balance pages may not sync properly at the same time. Sometimes, on nights or weekends, especially, the Schwab balance page total may reflect changes that have not yet posted on the history page. For example income from a dividend may be included in the Schwab cash balance total, but the dividend doesn't appear on the Schwab history page until sometime later in the night or in the case of weekends, possibly not until the end of the weekend.
    I'm not sure if this might have had something to do with the problem you were experiencing. If you are reconciling Schwab investment accounts manually, be aware of this problem. I once spent hours trying to figure out why my Quicken cash balance was out of whack with my Schwab cash balance. Only later did I discover that the amount of a dividend had been included in the Schwab cash balance, but the dividend wasn't shown on the Schwab history page.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Just curious- why does this Product Announcement allow comments ? 
    None of the other topics in this Announcement section have this … 
  • Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ps56k2 said:
    Just curious- why does this Product Announcement allow comments ? 
    None of the other topics in this Announcement section have this … 

    ALL threads in this section allow for comments. Are you maybe thinking about the Announcement section (NOT Product Releases and Announcements section here)?

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Ps56k2 said:
    That is correct.  The former Quicken Mac developer manager (@Quicken Marcus) set things up differently, and that has been carried on since he left.

    In the case of Quicken Mac the person announcing the release is in fact the Quicken Mac developer manager not a Moderator.  As such, the intent was to get some feedback on if the release was working right for people.

    In the case of Quicken Windows the release announcements are being done by the Moderators that have no more information and aren't really tasked with getting feedback for the release.  As such, they keep their announcement closed to comments.
    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Yeah - seems like everyone and everything at Quicken is just done as the latest person wants it...
    No wonder the software is a mess when there is no consistency even here in the forum "sections" -
    to say nothing of the basically unusable "support" website with the top banner area frozen for "searching"
    which makes reading and scrolling impossible.
    BTW - thought I saw a user mentioned QMac 6.9 - so where is THAT announcement - which brought me to this thread?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    It's right here, in this very forum.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Got it - as mentioned - I guess then QMac Product Release Announcements AND any "feedback" or problems just get posted right into the "Product Release Announcement" topic... 
    seems counter productive to having "sections" and searchable topic headers.


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