Costco Citi Visa Bank Card fails to connect to Citi bank account
I haven't been able to download CITI Cost Visa data since 10/07. I received a new replacement card and trouble started right after that.
How can a bank or Quicken not get this issue resolved after almost 3 months. Can someone please provide a quick summary of who is at fault. Last communique I resolved things, all was well and Citi Costco Visa owners were good to go. This has been an on/off issue since at least August. TIA
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Does your new Costco Visa card have a different account number than the previous one? If so, did you deactivate your previous Costco Visa card and then then do Add Account to set up the download connection for your new card?
Which connection method are you set up with or are you trying to get set up with? DC (Direct Connect) or EWC+ (Express Web Connect+)?
Which Add Account financial institution are you trying to use for downloads?
Regarding the issue of "almost 3 months": I don't understand. There have been some Citi download issues (most notably the big one regarding EWC+ connected accounts that lasted for about 2 wks at the end of Sep into early Oct) but I am not aware of any Citi issue that that been ongoing for 3 months. Please provide more information about this so that I and others can better understand. Information that would be helpful:
- Only the Costco Visa card? Or were there other Citi accounts and if so, which ones?
- Have you been getting error codes/messages? If so, what are they?
- If you are trying to set up a new connection, which Add Account financial institution(s) are you trying to get set up with? And what happens when you try to do Add Account or Set Up Now?
As for me and many others, we are not having any issues downloading from our Costco Visa accounts. There are still some who are having issues (following the late-Sep/early-Oct issue) but it seems that there might be multiple causes involved requiring a case-by-case assessment and resolution. Your answers to the questions above may help me or others to determine what might be causing the issue(s) you are experiencing and how to address that.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Spoke too soon. After two days of downloads, it returned a CC-505 error this evening. Hopefully what it says on the website is the cause "Routine maintenance is under way and some credit card information and features aren’t available. Please come back in a few hours." Will check tomorrow.
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FI system maintenance most commonly occurs on weekends and at night. So, getting a CC-505 error code should not be too concerning if it is encountered at any time on a weekend or at night because usually it all returns to normal once the maintenance is done.
FWIW, I did not encounter any OSU issues yesterday morning, nor again, this morning with any of 4 different data files (each with a different Citi FI download connection). I did not try running OSU last night.
Also, when getting a CC-5XX error code, doing Update Now immediately afterward will often (not always) work when OSU did not. Did you try doing that and what was the result?
Have you tried doing OSU this morning?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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As I hoped, OSU worked just fine for the usual nothing to report on Sunday and Mondays.
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Card is Costco Visa. Card is new. I activated card using CITI tech support. Previous card was de-activated by CITI. New card is active and Citi website is reflecting activity.
Using DC for connection. Prior card CITI add account option worked fine. Problems started after activating new card. CITI tech support indicated to me via phone that CITI is experiencing a connection issue with Quicken and no time for problem being solved. (I question that response as many evidently can still communicate with Costco VISA.) I did go through the Sep-Oct) outage. Also had an outage in Aug.
I have tried both add account options for CITI from Quicken dropdown. Cannot get by consent page. system times out on me..
I am getting no errors as some have noted.
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using a empty new quicken file, Citi connect to a Costco Card is still not working. 10/28/2024
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i'm still using Direct Connect and will stay on it till they make me change. I have still not been prompted to change.
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What exactly is not working? If you explain in detail the following it could be helpful.:
- Which Citi financial institution (in Add Account) are you trying to set up with?
- Step-by-step, what are you doing to try to set up the account?
- Are you getting an error message or error code? If so, what is it?
- Is there anything else that you see happening that should not be happening?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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I'm getting a brain freeze reading this stuff, so I called support..
After 30 minutes, the solution was to use Chrome as default browser in Windows 11, close QW and browsers and reopen all. After several attempts to get signed into Citi thru QW, it finally worked.
So, if you're using a browser besides Chrome, make Chrome your default, at least for this.
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I gave up. I talked to "Tech Support", a generous description, from Citi yesterday. To summarize, I was told if their website is allowing me to log in, it was a Quicken issue. I asked to speak to someone in "IT" and was told I would get same reply, "It was a Quicken Issue".
I did call Quicken Support. We went through an add account exercise with no luck. Ultimately, my case was elevated by Quicken. I was also told that the problem started in August after Citi made changes to their website. I was also told Citi is not willing to accept Quicken support in solving their issue.
My solution is to quit using Citi credit card.
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I'm glad that worked for you. When EWC+ first launched a couple of years ago I used to alternate between Firefox, MS Edge and Chrome browsers. Sometimes doing that would result in one browser being successful in getting an EWC+ connection set up but other times it would be a different browser. I came to the conclusion that it was not the browser itself that was the reason for success or failure because it was so inconsistent. Instead I reasoned that it might be more about what the security and privacy settings of the browsers were.
To prove this out, I carefully set each of the browsers up with exact same security and privacy settings, making sure the financial institutions that I needed to have EWC+ connections for added as exceptions to those settings. For instance, I entered to be allowed for cookies, popups and ad blocking.
That sometimes was more successful than previously, regardless of which browser I used, but still far less than 100%. So, I took a look at my browser extensions and found that they were not standardized across a 3 browsers. So, I standardized the browser extensions and the settings I had for them in all 3 browsers. Again, there was some improvement realized but it was still not 100%.
Then I decided to disabled all my browser extensions…which are all security extensions. Once I did that, I was able to set up EWC+ connections 100% of the time regardless of which browser I used. (I enabled those extensions, again, after the EWC+ connection was established.)
Since, then, I've found that deactivating all my browser extensions was over-kill. In my case there were 2 browser extensions that were causing all of my EWC+ setup failures: Malware Bytes and AdBlocker Ultimate. Disabling just these 2 has resulted in the same 100% EWC+ setup success rate for all of my EWC+ financial institutions….every single time….and regardless of which Citi setup link in Add Account that I use for my Costco Visa and Costco Rewards+ MC.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Thank you Boatnmaniac. I had 3 extensions running. I deactivated all extensions, and managed to restore communications with Citi. All is well again. Thanks..
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Thank you for confirming this. When I've posted this solution in the past, most people who replied said it worked for them. There were some who said it didn't and I don't know why that was. My guess is I tend to get a bit verbose in what I post and perhaps they found it difficult to clearly follow and understand the steps to take.
If you don't mind my asking, which 3 browser extensions did you disable?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Sure: Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint the culprit or culprits. I disabled all Extensions as same time.. If I had to guess, Ad Block or Ghostery.
Hopefully, next time I have an issue, I'll remember to disable all extensions.
Ad Block for You Tube.
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Thanks. I think you are right about it probably being Ad Block or Ghostery. I used to use Ghostery in my browsers but ended up removing that extension because it was too aggressive and caused access issues with a number of the websites that I regularly visited. After removing that extension the access issues with those websites went away.
The two extensions that I narrowed it down to (AdBlock Plus and Malware Bytes) are also very aggressive blockers that I've often had to disable for one reason or another. I'm actually thinking of deleting both of them, not just disabling them because they are too aggressive.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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I disabled DuckDuckGO and even though both the browser screen confirmed activation and QUicken showed all three of my Citi Cards were linked successfully, the OSU still failed with 800 error code. the only other extension I have enabled is LastPass. Could that be a problem?????
I also tried to use direct connect, but it did not work either.
I do have one other Citi Card on another login account that is connected via Direct Connect and it is working. Called Citi, they said their last notes form Quicken was to DELETE the accounts and start over. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!
UPDATE - I disabled Last Pass (all extensions disabled in Firefox) and same results. All authorizations and Links are successful, but OSU receives CC-800 error!😨
"No Matter Where You Go, There You Are"Windows 11 Pro, Quicken SubscriptionIntel Core i7-12700, 32GB Ram0 -
I agree: Deleting accounts to resolve an issue like this is not a solution and it will rarely fix anything. Perhaps the Citi person said to deactivate (not delete) the accounts? That would be a logical troubleshooting step to take. In fact, with Citi it is usually necessary to deactivate all Citi accounts that are set up for download and then do Add Account to set them all up, again.
But that recurring CC-800 error code indicates a different possible issue that deactivating does sometimes resolve but that not when the CC-800 errors are recurring.
What you might want to try doing: File > Copy or Backup File > Create a Copy or Template (below Advanced Options) > Next > Save Copy.
This will create a copy of your main data file with "Cpy" added to the end of the data file name. All download connections and online services (including QMobile and QWeb) will be deactivated…..but that is only for this copied file….your main data file will not be impacted. Making a copy like this can also sometimes resolve some data file corruption issues.
This copied file will have a new file ID, will have created a new Cloud Account ID for it and will have created a new runtime.dat file that is unique to it.
Before proceeding: In this copied file, if you have not already done so, enter/save the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount into the Memo field. Do this for every Spending account. I can save you a lot of time later should the dollar amount in the register ever get changed when adding or changing the connection method because you will know that the correct amount will be shown in the Memo field.
Then try setting up all of your accounts connections in this copied file. Start with your Citi accounts first. If the Citi accounts continue to have this issue, then there is no point in trying to set up the other non-Citi accounts.
Please post your results back here.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Thanks for the feedback. No, she said DELETE, I even pressed her on this and that was what she quoted as the last recommended Quicken statement to fix this issue.
I did follow your other post about deleting the runtime.dat file to reinstate all the OSU entries to the Update Summary. This did work, but in order to get the last update date and time to appear on CITI Cards, I did the reset and then my CITI updates started failing, I have done several Resets, deactivates, and even went into citi account to remove Quicken as a valid 3rd part app (as suggested by @Quicken Jasmine). Still getting CC-800 error. I have 3 cards on the problem CITI account (Costco Anywhere, Double Cash and Advantage Platinum Select). I do have one Citi card still working on a seperate CITI Account (CITI Costco Business Visa), this card MUST be on a different account than the other CITI cards. It is still connected with Direct Connect.
Concerning your "COPY" suggestion. How does this effect the runtime.dat file(s), (one in Quicken/Inet/Home and one in Quicken/inet/Common)? How is the new runtime.dat file identified? IF this were to work, then I assume this would Copy file would be my "Master" file? If all else fails I could try this, but I have LOTS of accounts to download (10 groups, one group has 7 accounts (my credit union), CITI has 3 accounts, Fidelity has 3 accounts, Chase has 2 and others are single accounts, total 21 quicken accounts.
"No Matter Where You Go, There You Are"Windows 11 Pro, Quicken SubscriptionIntel Core i7-12700, 32GB Ram0 -
Often when doing the runtime.dat delete process Reset Account will need to be done for all EWC and EWC+ accounts. Sometimes it will not need to be done.
But, also, sometimes (not usually) when I have done the runtime.dat file delete process, it will need to be repeated 2-3 times before the issue is fully resolved for all of the accounts in the data file. I'm not sure why that is.
Making the file copy essentially does the same thing as the runtime.dat file delete but with some additional things, like creating a new Cloud Account ID, and fixing some data file issues.
This copy process creates a new runtime.dat file that will be unique to the copy file. It will be under a folder with the name of the data file. So if the main data file name is "QuickenData", then the copy file name will be "QuickenDataCpy" and the folder the runtime.dat file will be under will be "QuickenDataCpy", as well.
Yes, if the process works for you, then the copied file will become your new main data file. If you wish (and it actually might be a good idea to do): During the setup of making the copy file, you can keep the default name that Quicken will give it or you can give it a new unique name if you prefer. If you do this, it would probably be beneficial to do this before the copy file is actually created because then the runtime.dat folder name and the Cloud Account name with also have that same unique file name.
But rest assured that this process will not affect your current main data file nor your current main runtime.dat file at all. If you find that the copy file isn't working for you, you can always simply open your current main file and everything will be as it was before you made the copy file.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Update: I deactivated all three of my CITI cards, and did an account add, selecting Citi Costco Visa Anywhere Card instead of Citi Cards. Once logged into CITI account, I selected all three CITI Cards and the link processed. OSU is now working for these cards.
"No Matter Where You Go, There You Are"Windows 11 Pro, Quicken SubscriptionIntel Core i7-12700, 32GB Ram1 -
Maybe hope it helps
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I called citi too and it was a useless conversation too, each blaming each other but this is what have now a day, been using the Costco way and it works
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I went to add my New Costco Citi Visa card. I have three others that were deactivated but transactions still appear.
Quicken Classic uses Intuit to connect. Continue. Sign in to Citi Cards Bank got signed in.
Page goes blank. Quicken page has the circle going round and round. Tried this 4 times. Nothing ever happens.
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You might want to try temporarily disabling ALL of your browser extensions. As posted above by me and others, taking this action resolved this type of issue.
Once the the authorization successfully completes you can enable your browser extensions, again.
Did this resolve this issue for you?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Creating a new file 2025 fixed the issues for citi, now a problem exists with my bank not recognising a cd.
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This is an ongoing problem since 2022! I gave up using Quicken with my Citi Visa. All manual! Today I get an email that the problem is resolved. No directions on how to accomplish it. I finally came here and found the steps. Failed, Failed, Failed . . . . one IMPORTANT step left out of the Quicken directions is that if you are on Windows 11 you MUST have Chrome as your default browser (I do not!) I reset the default browser and was able to sign in and Citi displayed my Visa card. I selected it to Allow Access and matched it to my Quicken account. IMMEDIATELY it started "updating transactions" - OVER 700 transactions downloaded into my Quicken from 2022 to yesterday! My account was completely reconciled, so I sat and deleted each one. Then my balance went from -$30.29 to over $4,000 owed! I tried the Validate File and half those deleted transactions returned and had to be deleted again! I started researching and discovered the "Beginning Balance" in my file, from 2022 was "increased" by over $1,970. I spot checked several other months and each balance was off the exact same amount. I edited that entry, accepted the warnings not to, and my balance returned to normal!
This is NOT an easy task!! I can't wait to see what happens the next time I try to update that Visa card with a download.
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one IMPORTANT step left out of the Quicken directions is that if you are on Windows 11 you MUST have Chrome as your default browser (I do not!) I reset the default browser and was able to sign in and Citi displayed my Visa card. I selected it to Allow Access and matched it to my Quicken account.
That step was left out of the Quicken directions because it is not a required step for Win 11 (or any other Win version). Setup/reauthorization of EWC+ connections that are not successfully completed are not a browser issue. Instead, the issue is when the browser's Privacy and Security settings have been customized from their default Standard settings to Strict and/or when some browser extensions (especially security and privacy extensions) have been downloaded and enabled.
I found this out last April when after making sure the browser's Privacy/Security settings were temporarily set to the default Standard position and when temporarily disabling all of my browser extensions only then did the EWC+ setup/reauthorization process complete successfully. It works every single time (unless the financial institution is having a server or website issue) and with all of the 3 major browsers (Firefox, MS Edge, Chrome) is being used….the results are the same.
And since last April there have been many others who posted that following this process resolved their EWC+ setup/reauthorization issues, too.
It should be noted that the EWC+ setup/reauthorization process works fine with many financial institutions without needing to make these changes. However, it seems that higher security settings in browsers and/or enabled browser extensions can cause conflict with some financial institutions' (including Citi's) security protocols causing the EWC+ setup/reauthorisation process to fail.
I strongly suspect that when someone uses a different browser that has not been their default and gets a successful setup/reauthorization connection it is likely because new browser's Privacy/Security settings have not been customized and are likely set to "Standard" and browser extensions have not yet been downloaded and enabled so the new browser then works just fine.
I started researching and discovered the "Beginning Balance" in my file, from 2022 was "increased" by over $1,970. I spot checked several other months and each balance was off the exact same amount. I edited that entry, accepted the warnings not to, and my balance returned to normal!
It is a well documented issue that when changing or adding an account connection the Opening Balance transaction (the 1st one in the register) will sometimes get changed. It is recommended that for every Spending Account (checking, savings, credit card, etc.) to enter and save the dollar amount into the Memo field of that transaction. It is a 1X and done proactive step to take. Then if this issue ever happens again in the future it will be very easy to identify and to correct.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home