Target - "Quicken couldn't find any accounts to add" (QMAC)

I went through the process of reconnecting my Target account after their recent upgrade. My credentials are accepted with no problem, but it cannot find my account. I am able to login via Target's web site, no problems.
Following, as I'm having the same issue.
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I am having the same problem with Quicken for Mac. It asks for my password (user ID is correct), then sends a validation code which I enter. I submit but it will not connect. Hopefully they resolve the problem soon. Quicken has had this same type of issue with the Nordstrom credit card. It has been 4 months and the problem is still not resolved.
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Also annoyed by this. Looking at the FAQ on Target's website:
"Due to recent changes, your Target Circle Card information won't update automatically in third party financial planning tools. You'll need to refresh the information manually…"
I read that as Target will no longer allow the one-step updates into Quicken. Now we'll have to visit the site, find and then download transactions, then import into Quicken. Hopefully I'm wrong about the impact but reverting to that method of updates is a poor decision by Target.
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Perhaps this helpful? I received an email from Target stating their card account access wouldn't be available between March 11 and 18 so downloads couldn't happen. Just tried again and got reconnect message in Quicken which I tried several times with no luck. Was able to login to my Target card account but can't link it. Assume it's an issue with their new system?
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This is what I am seeing this morning.
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Hello All,
We appreciate you all reaching out to let us know about these issues with Target.
Target had some website maintenance being done between 3/12/25 and 3/18/25 which affected any Target online connection in Quicken. You can review the details in this Community Alert. While the website maintenance is now resolved on Target's end, the alert pertains to the issue within Quicken that is still considered open and ongoing.
However, please note that the error reported in the Alert has also likely changed as we are seeing a different error internally now (FDP-185) for which we request that you please submit a Problem Report via Help > Report a Problem and attach log files and screenshots of what you see on your end so we can forward this along to the proper channels.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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Same issue here. No accounts could be found. I submitted an ERROR/PROBLEM report to Quicken.
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I had Quicken connected to my Target Red Card account and everything was working fine. But the Red Card site was down for a few days for updates, and since it came back about 2 days ago, Quicken cannot find my account. I can log in okay (even getting the 2FA code from Target) but then Quicken says it cannot find any accounts. Logging in to Target's web site shows all the information. Anyone else have this problem?
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Hello again,
Our teams have informed us that the issue with Target National Bank should now be resolved.
We’d appreciate it if you could try connecting again and let us know whether the issue is resolved on your end or if you’re still experiencing any problems. If the issue persists, please provide details on what you’re encountering, such as error codes/messages or whether transactions are not downloading.
Thank you all for your patience, and we appreciate your updates!
-Quicken Anja
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I'm getting the same issue shown by @Lazarus Long above. "Quicken could not find any accounts to add"
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I still see the issue that I've had since Target's site came back up from their scheduled maintenance. I do get the 2FA code and am able to enter it. However, I get an error that says "Quicken couldn't find any accounts to add."
This is still occurring after the last update from Quicken Anja. I'm running the Mac version of Quicken. Here's a couple screenshots and I've submitted the logs to the Quicken team.
When I've tried to use the Try Again button in the first dialog or the Set Up button in the second, it always allows me to log in and then I get the same error.
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Thanks to all who confirmed it is still ongoing!
For everyone still experiencing this issue, our teams are continuing to investigate. If you haven’t already, please submit a Problem Report via Help > Report a Problem and attach log files along with screenshots of what you’re seeing. This will aid the investigation with the appropriate teams.
We appreciate your patience! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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Same issue here as of 11:05 pst, 3/20
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Still have the same issue. Exactly as reported by KGB earlier.
Quicken Mac user since 1993
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Hello All,
Thank you for joining this thread and sharing. This issue has been reported and is currently being investigated.
We appreciate your continued updates, patience, and support.
-Quicken Jasmine
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I continue to have the same problem adding my Target account to quicken. (as of 9:48 PM, March 20, 2025).
Quicken "cannot find the account" with my Target login credentials,
Very frustrating.
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It's the same problem for me. I'm getting to the point where it says we cannot find any accounts to add.
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After the recent Target updates Quicken could not access/update my accounts. I decided to delete the Target Credit Card and re-add. Unfortunately, when I attempt to add I get a "Quicken couldn't find any account to add" error message. When I access my Target account directly online I have no issues. The account exists and I use the same login and password.
Help please…how can I resolve. Picture of error message below:
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I have this problem too. Also, downloading a QFX file and trying to Importing to QMAC doesn't work either and gives error code [CC-885], screen cap below. Separately, I used to be able to download transactions reliably however I have never been able to setup my red card successfully with QMAC Bills and Income. Target's arrangement for their store discount card (Circle Card) and credit card (Red Card) is very confused.
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I'm having the same problem as described above.
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When you log into the new Target Circle Card account website you should check out their FAQ. It indicates that 3rd party financial software have been cutoff from accessing transactions. Impossible to know their thinking but I’m hoping enough customers complain that they reinstate access.
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@jxwinks and @nedguy , appreciate the response. Yup, I checked and it does state support of 3rd parties have ceased. Very disappointing. I've sent a message as you advised asking if this is a permanent decision or still under evaluation. Hopefully with enough Quicken users complaining they will reverse their decision….not holding my breath.
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Very disappointing that Target did this. What's even more disappointing is that manually importing the .qfx file doesn't work either. It gives the same error that Web Connect support has been discontinued. I've never seen this before since I'm not trying to connect on line and the file does contain the correct transactions. In any event, I'll let Target know I'm stopping use of the card and therefore reducing my shopping since I won't be getting the Red Card discount any longer.
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I am having all the same issues as others have already mentioned. If this is Target's plan going forward, it is very frustrating, and I have expressed this frustration to Target in a secure message.
However, I suspect the error when trying to import a QFX file downloaded from Target's site (shown below) might be a problem on Quicken's side:
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I suspect the error when trying to import a QFX file downloaded from Target's site (shown below) might be a problem on Quicken's side
It's almost certainly not a Quicken problem, although it might be with Intuit, the provider of Quicken's connectivity services. Even for QFX imports into Quicken, financial institutions need to have a signed agreement with Intuit. There's no cost to them, but they must agree to basic terms of service with Intuit, such as providing contact information in the event of technical problems. If the financial institution cuts off Intuit, then imports into Quicken don't work; the first thing that happens when Quicken starts to import a QFX file is for it to validate the financial institution ID to see if it is a current participant. Seeing this message that the financial institution (FI) is inactive tells us that the issue is with that FI not having a current agreement with Intuit to allow imports.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19932 -
I just talked with Target's card support (after a half-hour wait), and here's what I learned.
The agent I talked with didn't even know what Quicken is, but she did check with others, and said that they are aware of the issue with loading QFX files to Quicken, and are working to correct it within a few days.
She also said that they will be working toward restoring the automatic download functionality with Quicken that they had with their old site. However, I wasn't extremely confident (given her initial lack of awareness about Quicken) that she fully understood this question. But she did say this after checking with others who do know the issue, so we can hope…
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I'm seeing this too. I submitted a report to Quicken, and will contact Target too. Hopefully this gets resolved quickly.
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Issue is still ongoing with error message "Quicken couldn't find any accounts to add"
Quicken Mac user since 1993