Quicken for Mac 2016 Release 3.5.1 Discussion



  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    Thanks for your reply Jeff,

    Can you please send me your email address so I can send you the screenshots....my Mastercard balance per the register agrees to the bank account however there are 4 transactions entered since the update that all add up to the difference that shows when I hit reconcile....I use the statement balance method.

    In the large area underneath the words "mark all as cleared...." where the unreconciled transactions usually appear, there are no transactions listed yet I have 4 unreconciled transactions in the register. If they appeared, I would be able to tick them all and it would be fully reconciled.

    So, the problem is not they my accounts dont balance with the statement as I can see clearly that they do its just that the unreconciled transactions are not appearing in the list to reconcile

    HELP PLEASE !!!!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    Thanks for your reply Jeff,

    Can you please send me your email address so I can send you the screenshots....my Mastercard balance per the register agrees to the bank account however there are 4 transactions entered since the update that all add up to the difference that shows when I hit reconcile....I use the statement balance method.

    In the large area underneath the words "mark all as cleared...." where the unreconciled transactions usually appear, there are no transactions listed yet I have 4 unreconciled transactions in the register. If they appeared, I would be able to tick them all and it would be fully reconciled.

    So, the problem is not they my accounts dont balance with the statement as I can see clearly that they do its just that the unreconciled transactions are not appearing in the list to reconcile

    HELP PLEASE !!!!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    and BTW the 4 unreconciled transactions add up to $108.34 which is the "difference" in the statement balances which to 'reconcile" I would have to force an adjustment but I know this is wrong as I can see the balances agree,....the problem is that the 4 transactions don't appear in the unreconciled list
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    and this is happening with all my Westpac accounts...the only one that works perfectly in AMEX !!!!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    I understand what everyone is talking about!!! I'm not having any of these problems, what is driving me nuts is the BUGET, its not picking up everything. HELP

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    anyone know an email address for Quicken support I can send screenshots trhough to so they can clearly see the issue ??
  • Martin
    Martin Member ✭✭
    edited February 2017
    I too have found vexing problem with updating my accounts and using bill pay in the latest since I installed the latest version of Quicken Mac 2016.  The problem is this:  If I enter a few payments in Quicken, they will not transmit to my bank (B of A) when I update the account.  And, the Quicken account will not update.  However, if I enter a single payment in Quicken and transmit that one payment to my bank, that will work.  It seems that this is a new glitch introduced in v 3.5.1.  Can t his be fixed?  Thanks
  • dave8361
    dave8361 Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    dave8361 said:

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Quicken 2016 Mac update 3.5.1 would not open my data file, but I think I learned ....

    Updated in Quicken 2016 Mac to Aug. 2, 2016 version 3.5.1, but it wouldn't open my data file, opened the New Get Started With Quicken window, which was hung, had to Force Quit from several tries.
    BUT think I found the answer after hours of searching:
    This for Windows version but it is likely the same for Mac, from: https://www.quicken.com/support/what-if-quicken-cant-open-my-data-file-when-converting-my-data-previ...
    "Make sure that your most recent data file is in the Quicken folder. If

    your most recent data file is someplace else (for example, in the

    Quicken/BACKUP folder), Quicken may display the Get Started with Quicken

    so you can identify the data file you want to use. To keep the

    Get Started with Quicken dialog from appearing again, copy your most recent data file into the Quicken folder and open it from there."
    All my data files, even pictures, etc., for safety are on a big external RAID drive- I don't even have a Documents folder on my startup drive. I am not at home where that computer is, but I'll bet when I make a folder named Quicken holding my Quicken 2016 application, and copy my data file to it, it will open!! If not I'll try putting the data file in an Application Support folder.
    I'm pretty sure once I get it going that way, I can again move and use the data file on my external RAID.
    Hope this suggestion helps some of you with same problem.

    M C Crockett-
    THANK YOU for specifying where QM2016 expects to find our Quicken data:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Quicken 2016/Documents/<file>.quicken2016

    I presume you would also specify our backups should be at location:

    ~/Library/Application Support/Quicken 2016/Backups/<file>.quicken2016backup

    My Quicken 2016 folder was in my Applications folder beside the Quicken 2016.app-- as far as know, it was installed there as part of my upgrade to Quicken 2016 last January. There was no Quicken 2016 folder in my Library/Application Support folder.

    I have moved to ~/Library/Application Support/   my Quicken 2016 folder with in it:
       Documents/<file>.quicken2016       (my data file)
       Backups/<file>.quicken2016backup   (my backup file)

    Update to 3.5.1 could not complete, hung Quicken 2016 app, I had to Force Quit, because, before updating my data file, it had to make a backup of it, and it could not find my Backups folder.

    Presumably now it will be able to find my Backups folder in ~/Library/Application Support.

    I will not however upgrade to 3.5.1 until probably 3.5.2 or a later version comes out. There seem to be very many problems with 3.5.1 especially in Reconciling.
  • dave8361
    dave8361 Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    In case all haven't seen it, I went back to 3.4.1 and all seems the same as before 3.5.1.

    A Quicken support told me when we update to 3.5.1, app prev version 3.4.1 is simply moved to Trash, we can rename app 3.5.1 so it won't be called, move previous version 3.4.1 back into Applications, probably drop our data file onto it, and we're good to go as we have been on 3.4.1.

    Also not knowing this, I'd found the download for v. 3.3.1, moved it into Application in place of 3.5.1, and it worked fine for me. 

    Also an additional issue, learned that our "Quicken 2016" folder needs to be in ~/Library/Application Support, for Quicken to work right.

    However, my bank doesn't work with Quicken digitally so I've never reconciled using the online hookup to the bank. So I can't say that going back to 3.4.1 or 3.3.1 is a fix for reconciling or Bill Pay.
  • Quicken Jeff
    Quicken Jeff Member, Employee admin
    edited November 2016
    Martin said:

    I too have found vexing problem with updating my accounts and using bill pay in the latest since I installed the latest version of Quicken Mac 2016.  The problem is this:  If I enter a few payments in Quicken, they will not transmit to my bank (B of A) when I update the account.  And, the Quicken account will not update.  However, if I enter a single payment in Quicken and transmit that one payment to my bank, that will work.  It seems that this is a new glitch introduced in v 3.5.1.  Can t his be fixed?  Thanks

    Martin, there is a know issue where selecting "Update Selected Online Account" will fail to send bill payments. We have a fix that will be included in the next release.

    Could this be what you are seeing? 

    If you do an Update All Accounts will the bill payments be transmitted properly?

    Sorry for the inconvenience,
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    I also am also unable to reconcile my accounts and have them zero out since upgrading to MAC 3.5.1. 
  • Martin
    Martin Member ✭✭
    edited August 2016
    Martin said:

    I too have found vexing problem with updating my accounts and using bill pay in the latest since I installed the latest version of Quicken Mac 2016.  The problem is this:  If I enter a few payments in Quicken, they will not transmit to my bank (B of A) when I update the account.  And, the Quicken account will not update.  However, if I enter a single payment in Quicken and transmit that one payment to my bank, that will work.  It seems that this is a new glitch introduced in v 3.5.1.  Can t his be fixed?  Thanks

    Thank you, Jeff.  Yes, I just entered a bill pay transaction in Quicken and did an Update All Accounts.  It worked.  Thank you for this suggestion and for responding so quickly.  
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled New Quicken 3.5.x Reconciliation Never Matches, Old Version Fine..

    I updated to the new Quicken for Mac 3.5.1 from 3.4.1 today and then went about doing my monthly finances. I couldn't get one single account to reconcile without offering an adjustment, regardless of whether I did it the "online" way or the "statement balance" way.
    I reverted to the backup it made prior to the upgrade and ran 3.4.1 again, no problems. Every reconciliation worked perfectly.

    This is the exact same data, both in the Quicken file, from the bank download and from the paper statements.

    What's wrong with the new version that it won't reconcile properly, or what am I doing wrong? Thanks!

    Thanks, M C. I'm working separately with Quicken Jeff on this, but figured I'd share my experience thus far (before Jeff got involved). When I go to reconcile in QM3.5.1 it doesn't show me any older/unexpected transactions at the bottom of the list. The logic you provide makes sense, but I would expect to see *something* there that would account for the seemingly-random discrepancy that's being created. Hopefully Jeff and I can sort it out. If anything of public value comes out of that, we'll be sure to update here.
  • M C Crockett
    M C Crockett Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    @duenas45:  I understand your frustration with the Budget feature in QM2016.  The problems with the Budget feature and, essentially, all reports currently generated by QM2016 are the results of fundamental logic flaws related to the handling of cash flows and how some accounts are treated.

    One of the most significant changes to QM2016 is the addition of a separate Transfer field that eliminates the need to overload the usage of the Category field.  With this change, the user no longer needs to create a split transaction in the destination account to assign a category to the transferred funds as the category can, now, be assigned in the Category field and the destination account be defined in the Transfer field.

    However, QM2016 continues to use logic from the older Mac and current Windows products that assumes that all transactions with an account specified in the Transfer field have "Transfer" in the Category field and that there is a split transaction in the destination account to identify the category of the funds transferred.

    Another part of this issue is that QM2016 treats retirement accounts as if they were personal brokerage accounts.  You do not personally "own" a retirement account.  You are the "beneficial owner" of the account.  The "owner" of the retirement account is the trustee or third-party that manages the account for your benefit.  From a personal finance perspective, the only items that QM2016 should be reporting are your contributions to the account as an expense, your distributions from the account as income, and the current market value of the account as part of your Net Worth.  All capital gains/losses, expenses, and income earned or incurred in the retirement account should not be included in reports of your personal finances.

    The final part of the problem is the selection logic used to determine the categories to include in the Budget.  Basically, QM2016 looks at all your accounts and categories but only includes those categories where the net value of the category is not $0.00.  As a result, if you use the capability now available in QM2016 to assign an expense or income category to funds transferred between accounts, the income or expenses will not be included, by default, in the Budget because their net value is $0.00.

    Okay, you can edit the Budget and select the category to be included and set the periodic value to budget for the expense or income category.  Unfortunately, none of the actual income and expense transactions will appear in the resulting budget as the net value of each transaction is $0.00.

    I discovered this when attempting to simulate the way Quicken Premier handles distributions from retirement accounts.  I defined a tax-related income category, IRA Distribution, linked to Form 1099-R.  My IRA Distribution category represents roughly 55% of my annual income.  This income is never included in the Budget although any Federal or State taxes that I have withheld from the IRA Distribution are included.  It makes the Budget, essentially, a useless feature.

    I have an "Int Inc" category imported from Quicken Premier used to report dividends earned by savings and other accounts held at banks or credit unions.  This is included in the Budget.  If I click on the Int Inc entry for a given month and click on the view transactions in the pop-up window, the Detail Report window displays "Int Inc" transactions in my retirement accounts that I can't access or use to pay any of the expenses in the Budget.  They appear here due to how the OFX Specification requires financial institution to report interest when you have a "sweep account" associated with your retirement account.  The specification requires them to be reported as banking rather than investment transactions.  They get included in the budget because the category selection logic does not exclude retirement accounts.

    The QM2016 logic flaws don't just impact the Budget tool.  They impact the QM2016 Category Summary, Last Month, and This Month reports as well.  The Category Summary does not report include income from an IRA Distribution in the "Money In" section of the report.  The Last Month and This Month reports erroneously include income and expense transactions from retirement accounts as if they were personal financial transactions.

    I am retired and can no longer contribute to my retirement accounts; however, I can imagine that those currently employed that track their retirement account(s) in QM2016 have similar problems if they have "memorized" paychecks defined that identify their 401(k) contributions.  They will not show up in the Budget as a transfer is used to move the contributions from the checking or savings account where the paycheck was deposited to the 401(k) retirement account.

    I have no outstanding loans but I suspect that those that have loans encounter a similar problem should they attempt to track principal and interest payments and use transfers from a checking or savings account to make the monthly loan payments.

    A simple solution to the problem would be for QM2016 to, by default, exclude retirement accounts from their transaction selection logic.  This would eliminate the current problem of retirement account contributions and distributions being detected in both a taxable account and a non-taxable retirement account that result in a net value of $0.00.  This same approach could possibly be used with loan accounts as the loan is actually the property of a third party.

    I apologize for my long-winded rant but I am frustrated with the QM2016 product.  It is great for recording the transactions that impact your financial life.  It is pure crap when it comes to generating reports about the state of your financial affairs. 
  • M C Crockett
    M C Crockett Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled New Quicken 3.5.x Reconciliation Never Matches, Old Version Fine..

    I updated to the new Quicken for Mac 3.5.1 from 3.4.1 today and then went about doing my monthly finances. I couldn't get one single account to reconcile without offering an adjustment, regardless of whether I did it the "online" way or the "statement balance" way.
    I reverted to the backup it made prior to the upgrade and ran 3.4.1 again, no problems. Every reconciliation worked perfectly.

    This is the exact same data, both in the Quicken file, from the bank download and from the paper statements.

    What's wrong with the new version that it won't reconcile properly, or what am I doing wrong? Thanks!

    @Dave Hamilton:  Thanks for the update.

    I did participate in the Beta test of the new Reconcile logic and had created a Problem Report regarding transactions that had not been reconciled not appearing in the list of transactions to be reconciled.  I was unable to reproduce the problem in the build that became the QM2016 3.5.1 production release.

    With Quicken Jeff involved, I'm fairly certain that the trigger event that caused transactions not to be included will be identified and a solution for the problem will found.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    M.Corcket, Do you work for Quicken???? If you you have given me a lot to get my head around, So if you can setup a time to connect, that would be great. Ill give you my email address so you can contact me duenas55@me.com. I look forward to hearing back from you...

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled New Quicken 3.5.x Reconciliation Never Matches, Old Version Fine..

    I updated to the new Quicken for Mac 3.5.1 from 3.4.1 today and then went about doing my monthly finances. I couldn't get one single account to reconcile without offering an adjustment, regardless of whether I did it the "online" way or the "statement balance" way.
    I reverted to the backup it made prior to the upgrade and ran 3.4.1 again, no problems. Every reconciliation worked perfectly.

    This is the exact same data, both in the Quicken file, from the bank download and from the paper statements.

    What's wrong with the new version that it won't reconcile properly, or what am I doing wrong? Thanks!

    why can't i work with someone at quicken, i have spent hours to to find a way to get the budget to work.
  • M C Crockett
    M C Crockett Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    @duenas45:  I am not and have never been employed by Quicken or Intuit.  My comments are based solely on the observed behavior of their software and on 38 years of experience as a software and network architect, designer, and developer along with being a cyber-security and forensics investigator.

    Also, I have this weird tendency to read the specifications and documentation for the hardware and software products that I use.  Undoubtedly this is the result, in large part, from needing to implement the Ethernet and TCP/IP protocols from scratch in the early part of my career.  I do wish that Quicken provided better documentation for QM2016 and included some justification for the choices they made when implementing the product.  However, I do recommend that you read the QM2016 documentation as it may answer the questions that you might have with some of its features.

    There is the possibility albeit unlikely that my observations are incorrect.  As this is software that has been publicly released by Quicken, you need to initiate a call or chat with Quicken's Help Desk to resolve any problems that you may be having.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    Thank you very much for your help. I have spend maybe 4 to 5 hours trying to get this resolved. Still don't know what I am doing. 
    Thank you very much,
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016
    I'm not sure of the purpose of the Bill Reminder Chart. It takes up half the screen. I would like to have an option that we can remove it.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016
    During reconciliation, I would like to be able to sort the transactions by each column. It makes it difficult to reconcile when you can't select checks, deposits, etc.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I downloaded and installed Quicken for Mac  v 3.5.1.  Then I began to reconcile my checking account,   The process using prior versions was quite straight forward. I have being using Quicken/Intuit  for nearly twenty years and have had no difficulty reconciling my accounts.  I did so on July 1, 2016.  Using the current version on August 3, 2016, Quicken shows a discrepancy of $ 2271.95.  It also shows the my Quicken balance is nearly $400 higher  than the  checking account shows it to be.  

    If nothing else works, I will go into TimeMachine and reinstall the last version, and pray that I will never need to install any newer version.  Obviously I need help.  I would like to point out that I am very comfortable with mathematics, having earned three degrees in that field. 

     Two  questions.  Did any of the software developers actually use the software?  Has anyone there heard of the saying "If it ain't busted, don't fix it"?

    George B. Shirk
    [Edited Personal Info]

    I hate the reconciling feature - is something going to be done to fix it?  What are our options?  I never had this problem till the new reconciling feature.  itsmaryellenz@yahoo.com
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I downloaded and installed Quicken for Mac  v 3.5.1.  Then I began to reconcile my checking account,   The process using prior versions was quite straight forward. I have being using Quicken/Intuit  for nearly twenty years and have had no difficulty reconciling my accounts.  I did so on July 1, 2016.  Using the current version on August 3, 2016, Quicken shows a discrepancy of $ 2271.95.  It also shows the my Quicken balance is nearly $400 higher  than the  checking account shows it to be.  

    If nothing else works, I will go into TimeMachine and reinstall the last version, and pray that I will never need to install any newer version.  Obviously I need help.  I would like to point out that I am very comfortable with mathematics, having earned three degrees in that field. 

     Two  questions.  Did any of the software developers actually use the software?  Has anyone there heard of the saying "If it ain't busted, don't fix it"?

    George B. Shirk
    [Edited Personal Info]

    Ditto here...How do I go back to the previous version of Quicken???
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I installed the Mac 3.5.1 update this morning. Now I can't pay a credit card bill with Direct Connect. This worked fine before: I would select the correct payee and then set the transaction up as a transfer. It would pay the bill via Direct Connect, and enter it in my Quicken registers as a transfer from the Direct Connect checking account to the credit card account. Since the update, Quicken tells me it can't do a transfer because the credit card and checking accounts are not with the same institution (they're not). It does this even if I leave the Transfer field blank in the transaction.
    Edit: Of course I am using the Online Payment tab.
    Edit2: When I look at previous Direct Connect bill payments from these registers, the Transfer To field contains both the payee name and the transfer account name, one printed over the other (unreadable).
    Edit3: What I called the Transfer To field in Edit2 is not labeled as such in those old transactions, as it is when I attempt a new one. Quicken seems to be combining the Payee and Transfer (To/From) fields in those past transactions since the update.
    Edit4: Ah! When I looked at the checking account's settings, it said "Bill Pay: Not Available" (Intra-bank Funds Transfer was On). I clicked (I think) "Check for Bill Pay," and the dot next to Bill Pay changed from red to green. Seems to work now. The overprinting of payee and transfer account in older transactions also has gone away. You might want to investigate why the update disabled Direct Connect Bill Pay. Also, the Save button was greyed out when I edited the checking account's settings, so I had no choice other than Cancel, but luckily the change took effect anyway.

    I have the same issue, but when I click check for bill pay, I get a message saying An error occurred during your online banking update. It also gives me Error: OFX error #-1. 

    Any suggestions?  I'm completely dead in the water trying to pay bills, and I hate to go back to writing checks!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I downloaded and installed Quicken for Mac  v 3.5.1.  Then I began to reconcile my checking account,   The process using prior versions was quite straight forward. I have being using Quicken/Intuit  for nearly twenty years and have had no difficulty reconciling my accounts.  I did so on July 1, 2016.  Using the current version on August 3, 2016, Quicken shows a discrepancy of $ 2271.95.  It also shows the my Quicken balance is nearly $400 higher  than the  checking account shows it to be.  

    If nothing else works, I will go into TimeMachine and reinstall the last version, and pray that I will never need to install any newer version.  Obviously I need help.  I would like to point out that I am very comfortable with mathematics, having earned three degrees in that field. 

     Two  questions.  Did any of the software developers actually use the software?  Has anyone there heard of the saying "If it ain't busted, don't fix it"?

    George B. Shirk
    [Edited Personal Info]

    I have had exactly the same problem, and after 3 hours with support, gave up.  I'm looking for a new financial program...They have no idea when, or if, it will be fixed.
  • Doug Blakeley
    Doug Blakeley Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2016

    I installed the Mac 3.5.1 update this morning. Now I can't pay a credit card bill with Direct Connect. This worked fine before: I would select the correct payee and then set the transaction up as a transfer. It would pay the bill via Direct Connect, and enter it in my Quicken registers as a transfer from the Direct Connect checking account to the credit card account. Since the update, Quicken tells me it can't do a transfer because the credit card and checking accounts are not with the same institution (they're not). It does this even if I leave the Transfer field blank in the transaction.
    Edit: Of course I am using the Online Payment tab.
    Edit2: When I look at previous Direct Connect bill payments from these registers, the Transfer To field contains both the payee name and the transfer account name, one printed over the other (unreadable).
    Edit3: What I called the Transfer To field in Edit2 is not labeled as such in those old transactions, as it is when I attempt a new one. Quicken seems to be combining the Payee and Transfer (To/From) fields in those past transactions since the update.
    Edit4: Ah! When I looked at the checking account's settings, it said "Bill Pay: Not Available" (Intra-bank Funds Transfer was On). I clicked (I think) "Check for Bill Pay," and the dot next to Bill Pay changed from red to green. Seems to work now. The overprinting of payee and transfer account in older transactions also has gone away. You might want to investigate why the update disabled Direct Connect Bill Pay. Also, the Save button was greyed out when I edited the checking account's settings, so I had no choice other than Cancel, but luckily the change took effect anyway.

    I would contact your bank directly to troubleshoot.  I had a similar problem a couple of updates ago and contacted my bank (PNC) to help with troubleshooting.  If you have a connectivity issue then they can walk you through correcting.  If a database issue you would need to contact Quicken support.
  • Doug Blakeley
    Doug Blakeley Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2016

    I'm getting an Error 324 Account marked as "DEAD".  How do I troubleshoot this?  My Quicken is not updating

    A comment back to @dave8381.  You stated:

    "Also an additional issue, learned that our "Quicken 2016" folder needs to be in ~/Library/Application Support, for Quicken to work right."

    I have found this is not true.  I first copied my Quicken folder to my Dropbox account. Next time I opened Quicken, I opened the Dropbox copy by going to File/Open.  Once Quicken is closed this is now you new default.  

    There is a huge benefit to doing this in that Dropbox keeps a copy of your database file each time you close Quicken.  So, if you make a mistake on an account, you can close Quicken, go to the Dropbox webpage, restore the previous "data" file (right click on "data" and select "previous versions", wait for it to copy back to you Mac, and you are back in business.

    I have also used this trick to recover from direct connect issues with my bank when they told me that my database must be corrupted.
  • Doug Blakeley
    Doug Blakeley Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2016
    Lizzy Lou said:

    I absolutely LOVE what you've done with the Budget function.  SO much easier and intuitive, it finally makes sense for me to invest the time to do some real budgeting!  One issue I've come up with, though, is how to exclude an account from the Actuals.  I have an HSA (Health Savings Account) that I wanted to exclude from the Budget Actuals, and I finally figured out that if I go to the account settings and check the box to "hide" it from reports, it removed this account from the Budget Actuals as well as other reports - easy!  However, when I try to exclude my Mortgage (Loan) account in this same manner, it does remove the Mortgage account from other reports, but it still shows up in my Budget Actuals.  How do I remove my Mortgage account from the Budget Actuals?  (It's really annoying, because it shows all my mortgage actuals to be zero (0), because the debit from my checking account is cancelled out by the credit on my mortgage account.)  Thanks!

    Maybe I am the odd one here as I have found the functionality of QM2016 to be pretty darn good ...

    When I first switched from QM20017 to QM2016 I found that I had a lot of functionality which had not previously existed in the Mac version.  I quickly found that I had a much better view of my financial picture.  Bank accounts, credit cards, investments, and loans are now tracked.  Most are through automatic download but a couple I have to do manually as the financial institutions are not supported by Quicken (Mac or Windows).

    I then spent time setting up Categories and subCategories that worked for me. I make sure that each transaction whether from my checking account or on a credit card is matched to these categories.

    Then I moved to the Budget function.  The addition of a 12-month budget (with version 3.4?) was a huge help.  I was then able to come up with a budget that also worked using these above categories.

    I now find that I have a very good day to day view of things like my investments as well as a budget overview that has been a great help in managing the monthly cash flow.  I review the budget categories and expenditures monthly or so and in some cases I find that I over budgeted and others which have been under budgeted.  Remember that we have only have had this functionality for a few months so minor adjustments do not seem out of line to me.

    The only "issue" I have remaining is that as I have categorized all expenditures I wish I could exclude "Credit Card" spending from the Overview graph. Although pie chart slice reflects the credit card payment it is a double reporting of this expense.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I downloaded and installed Quicken for Mac  v 3.5.1.  Then I began to reconcile my checking account,   The process using prior versions was quite straight forward. I have being using Quicken/Intuit  for nearly twenty years and have had no difficulty reconciling my accounts.  I did so on July 1, 2016.  Using the current version on August 3, 2016, Quicken shows a discrepancy of $ 2271.95.  It also shows the my Quicken balance is nearly $400 higher  than the  checking account shows it to be.  

    If nothing else works, I will go into TimeMachine and reinstall the last version, and pray that I will never need to install any newer version.  Obviously I need help.  I would like to point out that I am very comfortable with mathematics, having earned three degrees in that field. 

     Two  questions.  Did any of the software developers actually use the software?  Has anyone there heard of the saying "If it ain't busted, don't fix it"?

    George B. Shirk
    [Edited Personal Info]

    Same problem.  Accounts reconciled in July with out a problem.. I installed 3.5.1 update and now the auto fill July reconciled amounts are wrong.  When I correct the amount in the reconcile window an erroneous autofill forced balance amount is applied to the account.  It is amazing how many problems I have had with the reconcile feature in the Quickent 2016 product.  This is a basic accounting function and should not be difficult to program correctly.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2016

    I downloaded and installed Quicken for Mac  v 3.5.1.  Then I began to reconcile my checking account,   The process using prior versions was quite straight forward. I have being using Quicken/Intuit  for nearly twenty years and have had no difficulty reconciling my accounts.  I did so on July 1, 2016.  Using the current version on August 3, 2016, Quicken shows a discrepancy of $ 2271.95.  It also shows the my Quicken balance is nearly $400 higher  than the  checking account shows it to be.  

    If nothing else works, I will go into TimeMachine and reinstall the last version, and pray that I will never need to install any newer version.  Obviously I need help.  I would like to point out that I am very comfortable with mathematics, having earned three degrees in that field. 

     Two  questions.  Did any of the software developers actually use the software?  Has anyone there heard of the saying "If it ain't busted, don't fix it"?

    George B. Shirk
    [Edited Personal Info]

    Same problem here.  Every account I tried to reconcile since the 3.5.1 update has wild balance errors.  I'm not holding my breath if thins will correct after one month's adjustments.  I have ***NEVER*** has my accounts out of balance.  The amounts I am off are staggering.  When will a fix be offered?  This is unacceptable.
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