Quicken for Mac 2018 v5.3.x Released



  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2017

    Using latest QM 5.3.2 after upgrading from Windows Q Deluxe 2016.  A few issues...

    - when opening my file with a password, you put up a modal that goes over EVERY app while the file is loading.  This should be constrained to Quicken.  My app is painfully slow in loading even on a MBP with 16gb of memory.  Far slower than windows.  Why put up a modal over every app.  Same with backing up a file.  If you can't operate faster, don't stop me from doing work in other apps.

    - When updating online accounts, again, I can't do anything else.  Why not support multi-threading?  It's 2018 and you're now expecting me to pay you annually for updates.

    - For some reason, when I downloaded stock quotes, both Amazon and Google were missing quotes in the download.  I ended up going to Nasdaq.com and downloading 10 years of quotes from them to get accurate portfolio and NW views.  Why are quotes not more reliable?  They seemed to be on Windows.

    - Quite a few transfers between two Chase accounts were entered twice in the migration.  So I had a much higher balance in my checking account Mac than was actually there.  I ran Q Win and Q Mac side by side and was surprised there was not more balance consistency.  

    - I'd like to see more flexibility on net worth and investment reporting.  Right now there are no custom reports for investments.  For example, find all transactions in a security between two dates and generate a PDF or printout.  Or show a subset of accounts in a net worth report.

    - I'd like to see you reinstate the option to have an account visible in the sidebar but NOT add to Net Worth.  I manage my daughters accounts in Quicken but want them to be kept separate.  Windows supports this feature. 

    Glad to see more attention being paid to the Mac version, but after moving from Windows, I realize there are still significant gaps.

    Thanks - 

    Neil C, i support all of your comments on mac 2018 version. I had very similar experiences but still so glad to stop using windows on my mac. Patience i hope will upgrade the quicken for mac over time i am hoping.
  • krm11
    krm11 Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017

    Using latest QM 5.3.2 after upgrading from Windows Q Deluxe 2016.  A few issues...

    - when opening my file with a password, you put up a modal that goes over EVERY app while the file is loading.  This should be constrained to Quicken.  My app is painfully slow in loading even on a MBP with 16gb of memory.  Far slower than windows.  Why put up a modal over every app.  Same with backing up a file.  If you can't operate faster, don't stop me from doing work in other apps.

    - When updating online accounts, again, I can't do anything else.  Why not support multi-threading?  It's 2018 and you're now expecting me to pay you annually for updates.

    - For some reason, when I downloaded stock quotes, both Amazon and Google were missing quotes in the download.  I ended up going to Nasdaq.com and downloading 10 years of quotes from them to get accurate portfolio and NW views.  Why are quotes not more reliable?  They seemed to be on Windows.

    - Quite a few transfers between two Chase accounts were entered twice in the migration.  So I had a much higher balance in my checking account Mac than was actually there.  I ran Q Win and Q Mac side by side and was surprised there was not more balance consistency.  

    - I'd like to see more flexibility on net worth and investment reporting.  Right now there are no custom reports for investments.  For example, find all transactions in a security between two dates and generate a PDF or printout.  Or show a subset of accounts in a net worth report.

    - I'd like to see you reinstate the option to have an account visible in the sidebar but NOT add to Net Worth.  I manage my daughters accounts in Quicken but want them to be kept separate.  Windows supports this feature. 

    Glad to see more attention being paid to the Mac version, but after moving from Windows, I realize there are still significant gaps.

    Thanks - 

    I like this idea for QM:  "- ... option to have an account visible in the sidebar but NOT add to Net Worth.  I manage my daughters accounts in Quicken but want them to be kept separate."  I didn't realize that it was supported in QW.
  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2017

    Here's a thread you will probably want to take a look at:


    Users (myself included) are reporting no added value to the e-bills feature. Amounts due are not being filled to the transactions, even for major billers like Citi and Chase credit cards.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017

    Using latest QM 5.3.2 after upgrading from Windows Q Deluxe 2016.  A few issues...

    - when opening my file with a password, you put up a modal that goes over EVERY app while the file is loading.  This should be constrained to Quicken.  My app is painfully slow in loading even on a MBP with 16gb of memory.  Far slower than windows.  Why put up a modal over every app.  Same with backing up a file.  If you can't operate faster, don't stop me from doing work in other apps.

    - When updating online accounts, again, I can't do anything else.  Why not support multi-threading?  It's 2018 and you're now expecting me to pay you annually for updates.

    - For some reason, when I downloaded stock quotes, both Amazon and Google were missing quotes in the download.  I ended up going to Nasdaq.com and downloading 10 years of quotes from them to get accurate portfolio and NW views.  Why are quotes not more reliable?  They seemed to be on Windows.

    - Quite a few transfers between two Chase accounts were entered twice in the migration.  So I had a much higher balance in my checking account Mac than was actually there.  I ran Q Win and Q Mac side by side and was surprised there was not more balance consistency.  

    - I'd like to see more flexibility on net worth and investment reporting.  Right now there are no custom reports for investments.  For example, find all transactions in a security between two dates and generate a PDF or printout.  Or show a subset of accounts in a net worth report.

    - I'd like to see you reinstate the option to have an account visible in the sidebar but NOT add to Net Worth.  I manage my daughters accounts in Quicken but want them to be kept separate.  Windows supports this feature. 

    Glad to see more attention being paid to the Mac version, but after moving from Windows, I realize there are still significant gaps.

    Thanks - 

    You can add your VOTE to Exclude an account's balance on side bar while still having it remain in sidebar.

    First, click on the underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers by seeking to have the features you need or desire end up in the latest version.

    While you are at it, you may want to add your VOTE to related IDEAS found on the List of Requests for User Interface Options and Features. Click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas. Your VOTES matter!

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Snoopy FC said:

    Quicken is crashing when I try to import a bank .qfx file.  Really?  This should be the simplest task of all.  

    The bank is listed in the account setup dialog as a Web Connect account.  It's been setup this way for awhile and I'd had no issues before this month when I tried adding the transactions for 45 days and 30 days to the register.  I've already submitted a report via the help menu.  What's the next step?
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2017
    Snoopy FC said:

    Quicken is crashing when I try to import a bank .qfx file.  Really?  This should be the simplest task of all.  

    Next step would be to contact Quicken Support. (You won't necessarily get a response from a Quicken employee here.)
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • Dave316
    Dave316 Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Dave said:

    Upgraded from Qmac2017 to Qmac2018 v5.3.2 over the weekend.  Been running it for two days now and every time (yes, every time) I try to import a Web Connect file from my bank into my primary checking account, the application crashes.  I was able to import two other Web Connect files before the behavior started occurring and I haven't tried a different account yet.  Going to try that tomorrow, but would be good to know if anyone else if experiencing this issue as well.

    Now that I've got the update you provided working again regarding import of my checking account items, the desktop software is working as expected.  However, I am having an issue where the checking account that had problems won't sync to the cloud for use in the mobile app.  I've tried deactivating and reactivating the mobile sync feature, along with reset off the cloud data but nothing seems to work.  All my other accounts are working fine, just not the checking that had issues.  Any ideas?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2017
    Dave said:

    Upgraded from Qmac2017 to Qmac2018 v5.3.2 over the weekend.  Been running it for two days now and every time (yes, every time) I try to import a Web Connect file from my bank into my primary checking account, the application crashes.  I was able to import two other Web Connect files before the behavior started occurring and I haven't tried a different account yet.  Going to try that tomorrow, but would be good to know if anyone else if experiencing this issue as well.

    On mobile app go to the account and makw a new online sign in using your current logid and password. Should fix the mobile problem. Has something to do with banks shaking hands with your device correctly. They might even present you a screen asking to remember device. Should wirk
  • Dave316
    Dave316 Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Dave said:

    Upgraded from Qmac2017 to Qmac2018 v5.3.2 over the weekend.  Been running it for two days now and every time (yes, every time) I try to import a Web Connect file from my bank into my primary checking account, the application crashes.  I was able to import two other Web Connect files before the behavior started occurring and I haven't tried a different account yet.  Going to try that tomorrow, but would be good to know if anyone else if experiencing this issue as well.

    Hey Sandy, I'm not sure I'm following what you say above.  The account I'm asking about is a "web connect" type account within the Quicken app that I'm trying to sync to the mobile app.  All the other accounts work fine...it's just this pesky one.  I'm almost tempted to create a new account, and I would if there were a dirt simple method to copy transactions from one account to another, or to move transactions like we could in the Quicken Windows versions.
  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2017
    Dave said:

    Upgraded from Qmac2017 to Qmac2018 v5.3.2 over the weekend.  Been running it for two days now and every time (yes, every time) I try to import a Web Connect file from my bank into my primary checking account, the application crashes.  I was able to import two other Web Connect files before the behavior started occurring and I haven't tried a different account yet.  Going to try that tomorrow, but would be good to know if anyone else if experiencing this issue as well.

    Dave, It is "dirt simple" to move transactions from one banking account to another. Just select the transactions in the register and drag and drop them onto the other account in the sidebar.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • Dave316
    Dave316 Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Dave said:

    Upgraded from Qmac2017 to Qmac2018 v5.3.2 over the weekend.  Been running it for two days now and every time (yes, every time) I try to import a Web Connect file from my bank into my primary checking account, the application crashes.  I was able to import two other Web Connect files before the behavior started occurring and I haven't tried a different account yet.  Going to try that tomorrow, but would be good to know if anyone else if experiencing this issue as well.

    RickO, is there a limit to how many I can move?  I have over 6k transactions I'd like to move to the new account and out of the old one.
  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2017
    Dave said:

    Upgraded from Qmac2017 to Qmac2018 v5.3.2 over the weekend.  Been running it for two days now and every time (yes, every time) I try to import a Web Connect file from my bank into my primary checking account, the application crashes.  I was able to import two other Web Connect files before the behavior started occurring and I haven't tried a different account yet.  Going to try that tomorrow, but would be good to know if anyone else if experiencing this issue as well.

    I don't know of a limit, but you will probably want to do it in batches. Also, make sure you have a backup before you start in case you need to revert.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • lthaddix
    lthaddix Member ✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Marcus...I hope this is the appropriate place to list a possible issue I found in Version 5.3.2:

    I have a "brokerage" account as well as "retirement" accounts. In the Portfolio view, when I display information by Performance-Group by Security-All Investing Accounts, the security I have in my brokerage account does not display. However, it will show up under the Performance-Group by Security-All Brokerage Accounts display. The same problem exists when displaying performance information by the Group by Type and Group by Asset Class parameters. My security in the brokerage account will not display. That said, the security will show up if I use the Group by Account parameter. In summary, the issue for me is that securities in brokerage accounts do not display under All Investing Accounts in the Performance view.
  • Bobalaska
    Bobalaska Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    I just subscribed, upgrading from Quicken Mac 2015.  So far so good.

    I have 2 minor irritants continuing from 2015, the first of which was reported to Intuit but never resolved.
    1.  Brokerage issue involving duplicate downloads (RBC Wealth Management): Using Direct Connect, I often get the same transactions downloaded when I next connect.  This can happen once, or more than once.  I resolve by deleting them manually, but it would be nice if this would not happen in the first place.

    2.  Incorrect payee:  In a Wells Fargo checking account, I use Web Connect to download transactions.  It works well, with one exception.  When I transfer $$ to someone whose name ends in stein and first name begins with m,  invariably Quicken will record the payee as  Stein Mart.  Stein Mart is not on my list of payees, and the correct payee is in my WF account. 

    Any suggestions??
  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2017
    Bobalaska said:

    I just subscribed, upgrading from Quicken Mac 2015.  So far so good.

    I have 2 minor irritants continuing from 2015, the first of which was reported to Intuit but never resolved.
    1.  Brokerage issue involving duplicate downloads (RBC Wealth Management): Using Direct Connect, I often get the same transactions downloaded when I next connect.  This can happen once, or more than once.  I resolve by deleting them manually, but it would be nice if this would not happen in the first place.

    2.  Incorrect payee:  In a Wells Fargo checking account, I use Web Connect to download transactions.  It works well, with one exception.  When I transfer $$ to someone whose name ends in stein and first name begins with m,  invariably Quicken will record the payee as  Stein Mart.  Stein Mart is not on my list of payees, and the correct payee is in my WF account. 

    Any suggestions??

    1. You should take this up with RBC because with Direct Connect, the problem is likely on their end.

    2. Select the transaction then menu View > Show Inspector. See what the FI Payee says. If it says Stein Mart, then that means that it's coming from the bank that way. You can also open the QFX file in a text editor and see what it says in there.

    If the FI Payee is correct, then you can right click the transaction and choose Revert to Downloaded Payee Name. Quicken should learn from this and correct in the future.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • Lakedaisy
    Lakedaisy Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Lakedaisy said:

    Not related to an update, but the program itself.  Been trying to report this problem since QM2015, but there isn't a way to contact an employee or send an email.  Chat didn't help and the community is aware of the problem, but there aren't any employees there.  So here's the link to the community.  Will this error in the QM program ever be addressed?  Thank you. 


    I had explained in my post how to manually enter the transactions.  The problem is the program has errors which still hasn't been corrected (or even been commented on by the developers) since I last tried in 2015. 
    Quicken user since 1986
  • Brendan
    Brendan Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Just received an update notice for 5.3.2 for Q2017- Is this correct?  The update fails.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited December 2017
    Brendan said:

    Just received an update notice for 5.3.2 for Q2017- Is this correct?  The update fails.


    Me too.  This is NOT an update for Quicken 2017.  It is for Quicken 2018.  

    Mine fails too.

    Something is amiss with the Quicken Mac 2017 updater.  

    Someone needs to correct this ASAP.image
  • Brendan
    Brendan Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Brendan said:

    Just received an update notice for 5.3.2 for Q2017- Is this correct?  The update fails.


    It's fixed this morning.  No longer getting prompted
This discussion has been closed.