Freedom Mortgage

CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
Freedom Mortgage unable to be downloaded into Quicken since they updated their logon procedures. I inquired to the company about this issues ...this their response.

"Thank you for contacting Freedom Mortgage Corporation. We received your inquiry via our website on November 24, 2021 regarding Quicken. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and hope that you find the following information helpful.

We are unable to assist with advising on ho to update Quicken as Freedom Mortgage Corporation does not have an affiliation the the application."

Any solutions?

Best Answers

  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2021 30 Answer ✓
    Intuit continues to have difficulty maintaining the Express Web Connect connection method for Quicken.  If you are not willing to accept the unreliability of the Express Web Connect connection method, I suggest you convert the online loan account to an offline loan account. You may want to review: FAQ: How do I convert a loan account that automatically downloads transactions, to a manual entry/sc  Otherwise, I suggest you report the issue to Quicken Support so they may escalate the issue to Intuit's Express Web Connect scripting team:

    Note:  It is Intuit that should have the relationship with the financial institution.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello @CarlKerc,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    This is a known issue that we have opened an escalation ticket with our service provider for. While the investigation remains ongoing, please, refer to this open Community Alert for any and all updates.

    I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • DOS_Vader
    DOS_Vader Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 12 Answer ✓
    From my interactions with Quicken and Freedom Mortgage the conclusion is the issue resides on Freedom Mortgage's side with no planned resoulution as they say "We are enhancing our website and third party integration is not supported" nor do they intend on putting it back. We need to continue to hammer the point with Freedom Mortgage as a collective then perhaps they will see the error of their ways.


  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited 2021 30 Answer ✓
    Intuit continues to have difficulty maintaining the Express Web Connect connection method for Quicken.  If you are not willing to accept the unreliability of the Express Web Connect connection method, I suggest you convert the online loan account to an offline loan account. You may want to review: FAQ: How do I convert a loan account that automatically downloads transactions, to a manual entry/sc  Otherwise, I suggest you report the issue to Quicken Support so they may escalate the issue to Intuit's Express Web Connect scripting team:

    Note:  It is Intuit that should have the relationship with the financial institution.
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Already converted to manual entry...thanks.
  • DOS_Vader
    DOS_Vader Member ✭✭
    In my opinion Quicken has a Database or Programming issue. Take a look at your OFXLOG logfile and search for "<FID>55224" and you will find the record for Freedom Mortgage. But look under the URL to the next line for their email support and it shows "<EMAIL>" which is NOT correct. There is other areas that don't appear correct there too which makes me think they are sending the incorrect credentials or trying to post it to another vendors site. If anyone has a log that goes back before 18 November 2021 check and see if that is different.
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Freedom Mortgage recently converted to two factor log on ...which has complicated things.
  • Rich Q
    Rich Q Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I’m sorry, but I fail to see the point of having Quicken, if it has to be manually entered all the time for a simple account. At that rate, an Excel spreadsheet is a better value.
  • Quicken Alyssa
    Quicken Alyssa Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod
    Hello all, 

    Thank you all for taking the time to visit the Community to report the issues you are having, though I do apologize that you are experiencing this. 

    As the OP kindly pointed out at the start of this discussion, the issues you are seeing are due to a change on the financial institution's side. That being said, the changes will not reflect in Quicken unless the financial institution has relayed those changes to them. 

    Here is a link that you all can provide to Freedom Mortage, so they can have their information updated in Quicken. I would guess that they have already done this, but given that you all are still seeing issues, it can't hurt to provide it to them. 

    Hope this helps to get you all reconnected sooner rather than later!

    Quicken Alyssa
  • Sherlock
    Sherlock Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Rich Q said:
    I’m sorry, but I fail to see the point of having Quicken, if it has to be manually entered all the time for a simple account. At that rate, an Excel spreadsheet is a better value.
    Using an offline mortgage account does not mean it has to be manually entered all the time for a simple account.. Note: The payment transaction is issued in a payment account regardless of whether the loan account is online or offline and the payment transaction may be entered automatically using the loan reminder.  Offline loan accounts do require us to enter the terms of the loan.
  • DOS_Vader
    DOS_Vader Member ✭✭
    While the Moderator and others are accepting of a change in authentication I do not as the OFXLog file reveals that you have information for MyLoanCare and Freedom Mortgage combined as shown below:
    I tried to bring this up during my 2 overly long calls to so-called Support and all they wanted to do is go down the path that maybe it is my password. In my over 26 years of working in IT have I ever seen such a pathetic Customer Support department. Listen to your customers!!! or lose them forever.

    <INTU.BRANDNAME>Freedom Mortgage
    <INTU.FISHORTNM>Quick Info
    <ORG>Customer Central
    <ADDR1>P.O. Box 8068 <----- Address is for MyLoanCare
    <CITY>Virginia Beach
    <CSPHONE>1-800-274-6600 <------------------ Phone number is for MyLoanCare
    <EMAIL> <----- Rather obvious this is not Freedom Mortgage
    <INTU.FIPROFILEURL>Web Connect Only
    <INTU.FIMKTINDEXFILEURL> <--- Not correct
  • DOS_Vader
    DOS_Vader Member ✭✭
    Interesting that today after changing my login ID on Freedom Mortgage then going back into QUICKEN to re-add this account I receive a new message. The Add-Account screen now shows "LoanCare Servicing Center (Now Freedom Mortgage) Tel: 1-800-274-6600. The phone number is as I previously stated is for LoanCare and not Freedom Mortgage. Still fails to setup online account with the two options. 1. Try again now and 2. I'll enter my transactions manually.
  • Loading...
    Loading... Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am having the same issue, stated the day I changed my Freedom username to email per their new login requirements. I did have the account in Quicken and it was updating fine until the change. Then I tried to disable/enable the online portion in the Quicken account, but once I did I was not able to enable the account for online again. So with that account now manual, I added a new account and sure enough it gives the Freedom URL, but the 800# for MyLoanCare and tells me that my login is incorrect - the same login I take to a browser windows and log right in with.

    Called Freedom just now and after checking they told me "A third party app like Quicken needs to update their side so you can now login with your email instead of the previous requirement of username".

    I do have some entries in my OFXLOG from Nov. 20, 2021 that appeared to work to Freedom Mortgage...hmm.

    Sure seems like it is on Quicken's side - Are these forums monitored? Quicken Support are you there?
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Freedom Mortgage gave me this reply:

    "Thank you for contacting Freedom Mortgage Corporation. We received your inquiry via our website on November 26, 2021 regarding the online multi-factor verification. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and hope that you find the following information helpful.

    Freedom Mortgage Corporation has recently moved to a multi factor verification, the application that you are currently using may only accept single step verification for passwords. The two step verification can be disabled by clicking on do not challenge me on this device."
  • DOS_Vader
    DOS_Vader Member ✭✭
    > @"Loading..." said:
    > I am having the same issue, stated the day I changed my Freedom username to email per their new login requirements. I did have the account in Quicken and it was updating fine until the change. Then I tried to disable/enable the online portion in the Quicken account, but once I did I was not able to enable the account for online again. So with that account now manual, I added a new account and sure enough it gives the Freedom URL, but the 800# for MyLoanCare and tells me that my login is incorrect - the same login I take to a browser windows and log right in with.
    > Called Freedom just now and after checking they told me "A third party app like Quicken needs to update their side so you can now login with your email instead of the previous requirement of username".
    > I do have some entries in my OFXLOG from Nov. 20, 2021 that appeared to work to Freedom Mortgage...hmm.
    > Sure seems like it is on Quicken's side - Are these forums monitored? Quicken Support are you there?

    Login changes to email address is an irrelevant fact as mine has ALWAYS been my email address and hasn't been changed at all. It just quit working on 18 November 2021. My previous post do lend credence to the fault being on Quickens' end. They are just unwilling to investigate spending their time telling you it is your password at fault.
  • jmchenry
    jmchenry Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Freedom Mortgage upgraded their security. I can no longer connect and download transactions. I spent several hours with a Quicken Tech and they could not find an error in what I was doing. They suggested I contact Freedom Mortgage and have them reset my account. I did that. It did not work - still had the same error. I contacted Freedom Mortage techs and their investigation resulted in this message coming to me. I quote in part, "Due to recent security standards and enhancements, these implemented measures may have restricted the compatibility and connectivity of software such as Quicken. There is no workaround available to connect with Quicken software." So I'm left with Quicken saying it's not their problem and Freedom Mortgage saying it's not their problem. Can Quicken treat this as a new bank for connectivity and work with Freedom Mortgage to make the two software systems work together? I've been connected to Freedom Mortgage for years with no problem until they changed their security measures. Don't leave the customers in the middle of this issue, which is obviously a problem between the two companies.
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    The two factor authorization is the problem. Freedom Mortgage requires the special log on code each time you log on to their website whereas before this isn't required. I suspect most of the problem lies with Freedom Mortgage who has no intention of solving this problem and prefers to off load the issue to Quicken.
  • Loading...
    Loading... Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @CarlKerc said:
    > The two factor authorization is the problem. Freedom Mortgage requires the special log on code each time you log on to their website whereas before this isn't required. I suspect most of the problem lies with Freedom Mortgage who has no intention of solving this problem and prefers to off load the issue to Quicken.

    I agree with your assessment, however other banks have added two-factor (Capital One) and like Freedom is the kind where the browser will remember so it's really once per browser - I could connect to Capital One before and can now as well. I recall I had to switch to a different kind of connection in quicken - was several years ago after the switch. Maybe Capital One was big enough for Quicken to do something about it breaking.
  • Jerry M
    Jerry M Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Just retired from 38 years in IT. These are called Bi-Directional Interfaces and require both systems to be programmed accordingly.

    I have purchased Intuit/Quicken for it's capability to interface with "other" systems. It is my expectation that Intuit will manage the changes in Technology to be compatible with the system they Interface.

    Intuit, get off your ****, call Freedom Mortgage and adjust your Authentication Methodology to be compatible.

    PS - The changes made at Freedom Mortgage were to IMPROVE the Security Protocol for Authentication, not an ad-hoc willy-nilly reason.
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Since Web connection to other financial institutions was a central feature of Quicken they need to move on this. They are charging millions of people annual subscriptions. There are plenty of top flight universities like UC San Diego and Stanford that teach computer programming. Open up you pocket books and hire competent IT staff, especially if you have the gall to charge annual subscriptions. Freedom Mortgage is a large mortgage institution. No excuse for lack of connectivity.
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2022 16
    Freedom Mortgage has seemed to stop their two factor authorization for Log On. Quicken still shows that Freedom Mortgage is available for web connect when I attempt to add the account. However, I am still unable to connect despite repeatedly entering the correct Username and password combo. I get the annoying CC 503 message.

    Please fix this Quicken. This is what I pay my annual subscription for. I see you closed the discussion on this....but it's still an ongoing issue.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello @CarlKerc,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community to tell us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    This is a known issue that we have opened an escalation ticket with our service provider for. While the investigation remains ongoing, please, refer to this open Community Alert for any and all updates.

    I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2022 31
    I'm not sure what the investigation is about. [Removed-Disruptive/Speculation]
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Just updated Quicken . Still cannot connect to Freedom Mortgage. CC-503 message.
  • effjayess
    effjayess Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    These issues with being unable to connect to Freedom Mortgage have been going on since November 2021. We are in the 4th month of not being able to use the software as intended, soon to be in the 5th month, and still no ETA.

    Customers aren't getting full value for our paid subscriptions. What compensation is Quicken willing to offer?
  • italianjoe69
    italianjoe69 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited 2022 22
    [Removed - Solicitation]
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Just my 2cents' worth ...
    I would not bother attempting to activate any loan or mortgage account for downloading.  (Not discussing LOC or HELOC accounts here which should be treated like credit card accounts)

    At least in Quicken for Windows, an online-connected loan or mortgage account does NOT have a transaction register. All data shown in the account come from whatever information the bank downloads to you ... if this process works at all.

    As a result of being connected, the scheduled payment transaction reminder cannot transfer the amount of principal paid into the (non existent) account register and must use a category, usually something like Loan:Principal, instead. The category seems to vary with the Loan Type you selected when creating the loan account in Quicken.

    Effective with Quicken Windows 2018+
    you can deactivate an online-connected loan account and regain full control over your transaction register.  However, you should still review the Scheduled Reminder (or Memorized Payee List entry) associated with the monthly loan payments to ensure they now transfer Principal to the loan account register and not to a Category.

    If you're a Q Mac user, you should be able to do something similar about setting up and maintaining an offline mortgage account together with a correctly calculated Scheduled Transaction Reminder for the monthly payments from your checking account.

  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited 2022 26
    Tried again today to logon to Freedom Mortgage. No go. Still getting a CC-503 error. If Quicken is charging a yearly subscription to fix issues such as this they should be on this.
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Still cannot connect to Freedom Mortgage even with the new Quicken update. This has been going on for months now.
  • NotACPA
    NotACPA Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    @CarlKerc Downloading into ANY mortgage account in Q is ill advised.  Doing so will:
    • Hide the account register, and
    • Remove ALL ability that you'd otherwise have to manage the account,
    Only the downloaded transactions will be able to post to the account and you won't be able to correct any errors.  Also, how will you record the principal side of your mortgage payment, since it can't be the customary transfer into the mortgage loan account?
    Instead, use Q's very accurate Mortgage Loan wizard which can even calculate the loan amortization for you.

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • effjayess
    effjayess Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited 2022 16
    Another update today with still no resolution and no ETA. This issue is now in its 5th month.

    [Removed - Duplicate]
  • CarlKerc
    CarlKerc Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken still lists Freedom Mortgage as an "addable" Institution when you click the add account button. If this is not the case they should take Freedom Mortgage off the list and inform users accordingly.
  • effjayess
    effjayess Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Once again, there is an update today with no new information or ETA for resolution.

    My previous question about compensation is also unanswered, but asking again was removed as "duplicate".

    It's difficult to feel like Quicken/Intuit are sensitive to customers on this matter.
This discussion has been closed.