Fidelity Transactions Not Downloading



  • Member ✭✭✭
    Just to add to the thread that I just realized my Fidelity Checking (or cash management account) transactions were not downloading since (it appears) Sept 16. Very frustrating.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    And it two days downloads from Chase will stop for those of us who went with a backup and the pain of adding transactions again. I have many transactions from Chase and Fidelity each month. So this is a real problem for me. Arghh!!!

    Totally ridiculous to not even acknowledge this problem. Horrible customer support.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I have the same issue--Fidelity downloads stopped about a month ago. Fidelity had me open a new Quicken (test) file and add my Fidelity accounts. Transactions downloaded into this test account just fine. I restored a backup from mid-August and transactions successfully downloaded. Now I just have to re-enter a month's worth of other stuff...
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Time to reach out to execs. Can someone please post the email addresses for Q executive team and board of directors?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same Fidelity Transactions download problem. What is strange is I have 2 Fidelity sets of accounts. Those under 1 ID and PW download normally. With OSU those under the other ID and PW do not download since 9/16/22 though QW indicates all is well. Made copy of QW database (from current database... before information above regarding having to use older version), deactivated all Fidelity online accounts, removed QW program, re-downloaded QW program, and re-connected all Fidelity accounts to the new copy. Same problem. The 1 Fidelity set of accounts downloads normally, and the other does not. Some individual accounts are shared between the 2 sets of Fidelity accounts (shared accounts between my wife and I). If I change the password on 1 of those individual accounts from the non-functioning set to the password of the functioning set its transactions will download. Having to use an older version of the database, and manually enter all transactions in between would be an ordeal. Hope fix is on the horizen.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    You can most likely find them on linkedin.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Having the same issues with Fidelity Investments for that past week. 
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello everyone,

    I do apologize that you are being affected by these issues with online banking services. Thank you for alerting us as to these problems here on the Quicken Community.

    First, save a backup by navigating to File > Copy or Backup File... in the upper menu at the top of the screen. Next, try making use of the steps recommend by @drallop3; does this seem to resolve the issue?

    I look forward to hearing more about your results.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken Jared - No, those steps did not work for me.
    There is a longer thread about this issue that has some speculation among participants of what might be the root of the problem, which is related to fidelity accounts being incorrectly linked to Chase or BofA accounts during the update of them to EWC+. See here:
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Everyone, Quicken Jared posted a comment in another thread about this topic ( The comment is not helpful, but it's at least an acknowledgement that the problem exists.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    FOUND A FIX! that worked for me and may be worth trying. I have used Quicken for about 30 years and have had the Fidelity transaction download problem since 9/16/22. In attempting to download my set of Fidelity accounts, they are done with OSU using my Fidelity 1 username and 1 pw. I noticed that when attempting to download my set of Fidelity accounts, there were several extra accounts trying to download that were not part of my active Fidelity accounts. This was indicated by the appearance of the circular arrows adjacent to the extra accounts during the download attempt. These extra accounts were old hidden accounts (and not even Fidelity accounts). In "Edit Account Details" for each of these extra accounts, under the "General Tab", the "Customer ID" mistakenly lists my Fidelity username, which they should not. So I changed the "Customer ID" for these extra mistaken accounts to a bogus username, and then under the "online services" tab I clicked "deactivate" online updates. Once the Fidelity username was removed on the extra accounts (that are not really active Fidelity accounts), and the online services was deactivated for these extra accounts, the OSU worked normally.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I tried Encin2's solution but none of my hidden accounts had my fidelity information in them, so there was nothing to delete there. But I had the idea to deactivate the online update connection to the one Fidelity account I have (out of six) that had been connected to my Chase account during the disastrous conversion of Chase accounts and then, while that account was disconnected, running the update on the other Fidelity accounts. AND THEY UPDATED PROPERLY!

    So for me, now, the issue is not that all of my Fidelity accounts are not updating; it's just one now. When I tried to reconnect that one, the same problem happened: the username was missing because the connection method is the new one that does not required usernames, and this is not correct for Fidelity.

    So Quicken team - how do we stop these accounts from setting the username with the "we don't have a username because this account uses ECW+ now" help message?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2022
    Success!!  Was having the same issue. Tried Encin2's solution. I found 2 old Fidelity account (1 in separate and 1 in hidden, both inactive but had downloads ON). I disabled downloads for those 2 and tried OSU again and my active Fidelity accounts finally updated without issue.  
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I tried messing with this idea as well. I ALSO DID get partial success results. I have a total of 7 Fidelity accounts. 6 of which DO have a "Customer ID" value that is filled in. 1 of which that did NOT (and with the little HELP info about EWC+). I deactivated JUST this one account and left the others activated and with their "Customer ID" filled in.... presto! Those accounts NOW download (the previous month's worth of transactions that I was missing). However, I canNOT get the remaining Fidelity account to work...because if I "Set up Now" again, it will try to do the same thing to the account that it did before that makes ALL the Fidelity accounts not work.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    When downloading my transactions from fidelity - I have multiple accounts there - I notice that the last update date is updated to current date but no new transactions are downloaded.
    This started happening in the last few days.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I just realized I have the same problem as well. Did not notice it until today.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Thank you, Encin2! I have 2/14 Fidelity accounts that were incorrectly changed to EWC+ during the Chase fiasco. While I had reset and deactivated these individually with no success, I had never tried doing a one-step update with both of them deactivated. With both of these EWC+ accounts deactivated, all other Fidelity accounts downloaded successfully for the first time since this began about a month ago.

    Of course, this is not a viable long term solution as the accounts in question can't remain deactivated and need to be able to download properly. It is, however, the clearest indication that we have that the inadvertent conversion to EWC+ is not compatible with Fidelity Investments and prevents not only the affected accounts, but also others, from connecting properly.

    I should mention as well that yesterday I had calls with both Quicken and Fidelity. While the Quicken representative was helpful, in the end she wanted to assign responsibility to Fidelity since I was not receiving any errors (this has been the same as with most that have posted here). During the call with Fidelity, I set up a new Quicken file and loaded my Fidelity accounts. As it was a new file, none of the Fidelity accounts were set up as EWC+. ALL of them connected and downloaded properly.

    MODERATORS - as I understand that the problem with Fidelity has been recognized and escalated by Quicken, hopefully this has already been flagged and is being addressed. While there may be other issues that are contributing as well, can you please pass this info on those that are working to implement a solution? Being able to remove the EWC+ designation from affected accounts would be a great start.

    Thanks again to Encin2 and others that are working to figure this thing out!
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I haven't been able to connect with fidelity over last 48 hours. What's happening!!!!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I started having this same problem with my Fidelity brokerage account today. No downloaded transactions are showing up in the register. I submitted the problem to Quicken.
  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭
    I have multiple Fidelity accounts and they have stopped downloading as of 9/15. I get this message, "Quicken makes a secure connection to Fidelity Investments Mac in order to download your account information. Quicken is having a problem connecting right now."
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I just encountered this problem on Sep.28,2022 with all of my Fidelity accounts. They report as updated but there are no new transactions downloaded.
    I had to do an update of my BofA account access before I noticed this problem. Last successful update was around Sep.12,2022.
    Has anyone found a resolution or a response from Quicken? Mine is on Windows and Quicken Home & Business.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same issue for me. It seems to have started with the Chase authorization patch. None of my Fidelity accounts will download. I have used this Quicken feature for many years. I have tried all the "fixes" and none have worked. Fidelity has shown that all the info is being provided to Quicken, so they are not the problem. If Quicken cannot/will not fix it soon, I will be forced to look at other software for tracking transactions. Very disappointed in Quicken.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2022
    I know this issue is under the Windows category, but I'm experiencing it in the Mac version of Quicken as well. From the Mac discussion threads, this is clearly a Quicken issue.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    I have "solved" this issue by restoring from a backup from August, just before this issue appeared, and then entering by hand a bunch of data that I had lost because I had entered it after the restored backup.  Fidelity downloads seem now to work fine.  But I am being pestered by Quicken to change my chase credit card account to the new download system.  And chase downloads have now stopped working. Based on my own experience, and that of others, converting to the new download system for Chase seems to be what messed up the Fidelity connection (even though that makes little sense).  So I am afraid to again try to connect to Chase.

    Question:  has anyone who solved the problem by restoring from a backup then gone on to reconnect to the new Chase download system?  In other words, is there any reason to believe that Quicken has resolved the apparent underlying problem (that converting to the new Chase system destroys the link(s) to Fidelity?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Nobody has mentioned if that will mess things up again or not. I believe there was a subsequent Quicken UPDATE after they had their first round of CHASE conversion issues (where our problems likely started by it corrupting the Fidelity files), but don't know if that won't corrupt them a second time if you tried the CHASE conversion again.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    One would think that Quicken would know whether this problem has been fixed--whether conversions to the new Chase system will still mess up the connection to fidelity.  At least Quicken could tell us if they think they have resolved this issue.  If they were to say, for example, we don't understand the issue and consequently have not been able to resolve it, that would at least be somewhat helpful.  I and others would  know to hold off on upgrading the Chase connection  But Quicken continues to say absolutely nothing about this major issue.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    ha... well, their next comment will be their first comment on the issue. I was told a week ago from their support (and my ticket into them) that they would update this thread at least with a comment from their side that they are "working on" the problem. But, I haven't seen anything.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Maybe Quicken should move to a subscription model.  That would allow them to hire enough programmers to address these types of issues.  I wonder if they will give consideration to that suggestion?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    It's always about management and product marketing influence. Will they make the right decisions. Right now, a fire storm is brewing that'll result in mistrust in their product. They have a lot of long-time users (myself included) that are questioning are they still up to the task.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    There must be something big going on corporate wise. I've used Quicken for 30+ years and lack of response to these issues for more than a month is just not normal. Quicken/H.I.G. is not allocating adequate resources to these download issues for some reason. Some sort of financial issue? Are they making some sort of directional change with Simplifi vs Quicken?
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