Fidelity Transactions Not Downloading
I finally created new accounts for the two Fidelity accounts that had problems. Of course, they were my most active accounts, brokerage and a CMA. The brokerage account transaction move went easily enough, but for the CMA, I could not move transactions out of the cash portion of the account, so I had to turn off the option to show cash in a separate account, at which point I was able to move them over. I then turned the option back on. I seem to have a bunch of uncleared transactions now, but at least downloads are working again.
So disappointed that Quicken has allowed this to drag on for over two months without anyone taking ownership of it. This whole ECW+ thing has been such a major disaster, with this apparently being collateral damage.0 -
I am having the same problem with Fidelity accounts described above. I have been using quicken with Fidelity for over 20 years. I and my wife now have 7 Fidelity accounts…down from 10 accounts. The transactions registers all stopped as of 8/31/2022. (All 7 accounts?). I repeat the downloads and it acts as though irt\ts downloading normally.
Dopes this have something to do with the update? Further, it may be connected to revalidating the accounts? Fidelity was never a bank that only updated after the close of a statement period. There are too many mid month transactions that need review. ???
I can login online and see different balances of securities. This is not security price update issues…the transactions are not downloading!!!!
As noted above, I cannot do this manually to correct. I suppose i can try to export from each Fidelity account then try to import …but that would take hours for 7 accounts !!!!
This is a SERIOUS issues for me and needs resolution ???0 -
It's not a Fidelity issue. Quicken evidently thinks their code is working correctly because after a (supposed) download it returns an "all good" and indicates transactions downloaded successfully. They must have lost all of their good software engineers and the executives don't seem to "get it."0
The issue seems to be a few accounts that were changed in error from direct connect to EWC+ during an update late August update for security upgrades for Chase and other institutions. It seems like a simple fix for quicken to give us an option to switch these Fidelity accounts back to direct connect from EWC+.
What is the big problem to do this?1 -
Oct. 30, 2022: I have the same problem. I have four Fidelity Investment accounts that all download with the same logon credentials and will no longer download. All other accounts are downloading correctly. The last successful download for the Fidelity accounts was Sept. 3, 2022. I have reset/deactivated/reactivated the accounts multiple times but they still will not download. I get no error messages. The downloads appear to work but too fast, so you know it didn't really work. The download summary shows success on the current date but shows the same number of transactions that it downloaded on 9/3. When you open the link for more info you see that it really last downloaded on 9/3. I have worked on this with both Fidelity and with Quicken. In both instances, they had me successfully create a test file and download SUCCESSFULLY all four Fidelity accounts.
Still, Quicken told me that their "next report"/supervisor informed them that there was nothing further to be done and to manually download my transactions.
Note that I do have a Chase credit card. I had problems with the switchover in download methods for the Chase account. I would follow the instructions with success indicated on the web page but would continue to get the Chase messages that I needed to go through the change. Eventually, the Chase account straightened out. In troubleshooting my problems with the Fidelity accounts id did notice one significant thing. In one of the Fidelity accounts (the first on the list of four) the financial institution on the general tab of account details, showed "Chase" rather than "Fidelity." I believe this problem is related to the Chase changeover and my file is messed up somehow. This is a real mess! Note that I am running the most recent Quicken Home & Business update. There have been multiple updates since the Fidelity problem began.1 -
DGA (9:43 AM Oct.30, 2022) is correct. The issue is that an account has been changed in error from Direct Connect to EWC+. Even though it says it is direct connect, the Customer ID is missing and grayed out on the Account Details General tab. When I deactivated the Fidelity account that was causing the problem (the one that had shown Chase for the financial institution), the other three accounts downloaded correctly.
Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to get the problem account set back up with Direct Connect. This link:
seems to indicate that you can control the connection method but, so far, I've not been able to get it to set up correctly.0 -
Is anyone able to manually download transactions from Fidelity into Quicken? If so, how are you able to do it? I see only an Excel format for downloading. Thanks.0
No, my Customer ID field is not greyed out.0
Okay, I gave up on waiting to Quicken to fix the issue. My Fidelity transactions stopped around 9/13/22 so I backed up my current data, and the followed the advice of a user and restored the automatic backup last made prior to 9/13. When I ran update, all of my transactions started to come through. Everything seems to be working now.0
I restored a backup from a date prior to when my transactions stopped downloading. After a lengthy update, all transactions are now coming through.2
> @db55320 said:
> Okay, I gave up on waiting to Quicken to fix the issue. My Fidelity transactions stopped around 9/13/22 so I backed up my current data, and the followed the advice of a user and restored the automatic backup last made prior to 9/13. When I ran update, all of my transactions started to come through. Everything seems to be working now.
But don't you have to reenter all your other transactions tho?0 -
I am having problem downloading Fidelity transactions. The summary says they are downloaded but nothing appears in the register. I did find a new preference for automatically adding Investment transactions set to off. I did not set it. I reset it to add in the preference but did not make a difference.0
Checking back 3 weeks after the last post on this topic. Did Quicken provide a solution while I was away? I talked to Fidelity this morning, set up the test file that others reported, and yes, the transactions did appear in the test file. So problem is not on Fidelity's end. I don't want to rattle Quicken's chain on social media if they have provided a successful fix and I just haven't seen it.0
I'm hoping that your post was perhaps a bit tongue in cheek and representative of a good sense of humor. To my knowledge at least, there still has not been a solution or even a mention of providing one. Blame shifting, not accepting responsibility, support techniques that are not applicable, and mods that pop in here but offer no follow through are still in vogue, though.
Rattle away! I did the same on FB tonight and sent another message to the 'Office of the President'at the bottom of this page...
The response I received the first time was not surprisingly very typical and in no way helpful, although it did at least mention that they know that there are issues with Fidelity. I would encourage others to do the same and reference this thread. Our calls don't seem to be making a difference, and this is at least a way to communicate in writing.
After more than two months, Quicken's lack of not only a solution but even appropriate communication has gone from being frustrating to downright appalling.1 -
mr rahs: you might not be surprised that when I went to the link you provided, this is what I found in the box where I was invited to leave my message: sent an invalid response. And thus I was not able to leave my message. They really need to work on their transparency. Please, Quicken, just tell me something substantive, not just pap.0
For what it's worth. I also have a MAC. Never liked the quicken interface but I thought I'd try it since the windows version is not downloading Fidelity transactions. The MAC version works perfectly. Not a Fidelity issue, Quicken windows issue.0
mr rahs said:
The response I received the first time was not surprisingly very typical and in no way helpful, although it did at least mention that they know that there are issues with Fidelity. I would encourage others to do the same and reference this thread. Our calls don't seem to be making a difference, and this is at least a way to communicate in writing.
After more than two months, Quicken's lack of not only a solution but even appropriate communication has gone from being frustrating to downright appalling.I recommend you follow up because there is a known issue with Fidelity giving an specific error message. When I had contacted Quicken they at first thought I was talking about that.
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Yeah, that's not all that surprising. What did surprise me, however, is that I received a phone call after submitting my recent message. Not sure from what group. I unfortunately wasn't able to take it, but indicated that I'd be happy to speak with someone that is already versed in the issue if it will help move us closer to a solution. Quite frankly, though, as I also indicated, there really shouldn't be any need for a call as this issue has been fully documented both here and by the countless number of folks that have already called Quicken support. Given that someone did reach out, though, I would encourage others to try it too and include the link to this thread. As the typical channels have proven fruitless, anything we can do to continue to raise awareness is positive.0 -
I emailed the president on the webpage and also got a call. I have scheduled a return call for tomorrow. We'll see what this rep has to say. Like Mr. Rahs says, I am not certain why I am getting to call to explain what is happening. At this point, it should be clear.2
Quicken just doesn't like to do email support for some reason, they want to do everything through calls. They may ask to share your screen with them. If you go through with that please show them in account settings the tool tip with the EWC+ message. If they insist it's a known issue kindly ask them for the specifics of that issue and if your experience does not match exactly please insist they open a ticket for your specific issue.I have it on good authority there are less than 5 tickets for Fidelity issues, therefore if we want this resolved we need to bump up that count so this gets the attention it deserves.> this issue has been fully documentedProblem is it's hard to reproduce this issue in a lab. For that you would need to have Chase direct connect accounts and Fidelity accounts in a Quicken file, likely on a specific Quicken release, and then be able to reproduce the exact sequence of events that originated the incorrect flag on Fidelity accounts when performing the Chase EWC+ conversion. Chase may have shut down their Direct Connect OFX endpoint making it even harder to reproduce.Likely they will need someone to supply two data files -- one being a backup before the incorrect flag was set. Then they could release a patch that will make sure the account has the correct connection type flag when re-linking online services.
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Wow. Sent a message thru the web page to the office of the president, with reference to the issue and this thread and received a response back initialing referring to an old issue with Fidelity downloads and an associated error message. I responded that this was not the same issue and went into more detail on the issue. They responded that "This issue has nothing to do with EWC+". I just pray that the person responding is not the engineer that is supposed to fix this problem! After 20+ years on Quicken, it may be time to give up. Are there any viable options?3
The issue seems to be a few accounts that were changed in error from direct connect to EWC+ during an update late August update for security upgrades for Chase and other institutions. It seems like a simple fix for quicken to give us an option to switch these Fidelity accounts back to direct connect from EWC+.
What is the big problem to do this?2 -
I used my wife's login to download from fidelity and received no error, then while on support for my account I received the Error on my wife's then today no error on hers but still on mine. She also connects to Fidelity Net Benefits ok. Looking into the connection log files I see "Invalid Account Id" in the Fidelity paragraph. The support person said it would be fixed tomorrow. (No such Luck)1
I also tried using my wife's login (as opposed to mine) to resolve the issue with the Fidelity account but it made no difference. She continues to use her login to access Fidelity Net Benefits with no problem and all the other Fidelity accounts continue to work with my login as long as I've deactivated the one problem account. Again, this is the one the show it's connection to be Direct Connect but it seems to actually be trying to do EWC+ (account id grayed out and blank). That's also the one that I found to have "Chase" for the financial institution when it started failing to download after all the Chase download method change.0
Hoping this had been fixed, but I am still not getting any transactions downloaded. My accounts all show the correct account information and Direct Connect is the method, so the Robert W solution isn't my problem.0
I just remembered that Citibank transactions haven't been downloading for a while either. I found a step-by-step in a community discussion, but it must not be for the web version of Quicken (Windows) because none of the buttons correspond. Anyway, at this point, out of 5 institutions, only 3 are downloading transactions at this point. Disappointing to say the least.0
I am jumping back into this thread. I want to report that @RobertW proposed fix worked for me perfectly. I had two offending accounts and I deactivated these. And finally for the first time since August 26, I picked up 186 new transactions for my other accounts at Fidelity. I owe Robert a huge amount of thanks because I've put a lot of time into this as I'm sure a lot of you have as well.
I have had two extended it calls with Quicken tech-support, each an hour and a half long. At one point they insisted the probem was Fidelity's and there's nothing else Quicken could do. However, I got Fidelity tech-support on the line with the Quicken tech-support agent together and after discussing it, the Quicken tech-support person agreed it was not Fidelity's problem. He said he added my email to a list of people to notify once Quicken has resolved this problem. To date, I have not received any such notifications. Nor do I think I ever will. In fact I think this just may be a ruse to get me off their back.
As another test, I created a brand new virgin Quicken file. And linked it to Fidelity. And all my transactions were downloaded perfectly. This confirmed that in fact Quicken can get all transactions from Fidelity.
Today, I was about to start entering these transactions into my master Quicken file manually one by one. I thought I'd check this thread one more time and I'm glad I did because Roberts fix worked perfectly for me and it save me countless more hours trying to get off work around manually.0 -
In addition to my last comment above, one thing that seems very mysterious is that everyone seems to have had this issue start on August 26 or seventh. What happened on that date?0
Evidently there is a "gatekeeper" at Quicken who is preventing this issue from being taken as the serious flaw it is in Quicken's code. This recalcitrant doesn't understand the issue. So, he/she believes it must be a customer user error -- or Fidelity issue. Problem will be fixed only when someone (who's authority exceeds this moron's) "gets" the problem. This whole issue also illuminates the fact that zero senior Quicken executives ever look at this discussion board.1
This discussion has been closed.