Fidelity Transactions Not Downloading



  • MaryEason
    MaryEason Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    @acorn6666 Even though you wasted a good hour of your time, I for one really appreciate you posting the results of that conversation, as frustrating as it must have been to endure. At least now the rest of us frustrated-beyond-belief Quicken users have a little bit of hope that Quicken might address this obnoxious problem.... thanks again for that hour you gave to us!
  • rfort
    rfort Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Many seem to have this problem, me included. I just fixed mine by taking a shot in the dark. I haven't read every single post, so maybe someone already posted this. Still, it might help someone; I can't be the only one to skip to the last page after reading the first couple.

    What worked:
    1) Deactivated the Online Setup of the problematic account.
    2) Renamed account to FidelFoop, and renamed Institution to Foop
    3) I did not change the account number.
    4) In the register, select gear, select "Set up download."
    5) Entered Fidelity Investments for the institution, my name and password (saving password to vault)
    6) It found all my accounts, about 10, including the problematic one showing it wasn't linked to anything. Terrifyingly, it said the "nickname" of the account online was the nickname of one of my Chase accounts!
    .....But it let me link it to the correct, FidelFoop offline account.
    .....And it worked perfectly.
    .....Haven't decided if I'll abandon the FidelFoop name. Seems kinda fitting until this gets better.

    I'm going to speculate that all the people who have this specific problem (not just one that looks like it), also have at least one Chase account. And that there was a horrible bug during the Chase transition that hit some of us. And that's why Quicken can't reproduce it or figure it out.

  • BT76
    BT76 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    "rfort" I think you are correct. I have been having this issue since September. I followed your steps; however, they did not work for me. Even though the account says "Direct Connect" under connection type, when I go to one step update, my Fidelity account still shows EWC+ connection type and will not let me put in a password and will not update transactions (even though there is no error code). This all started with the Chase update, which somehow corrupted my fidelity accounts, and I still cannot get rid of the bug after multiple account resets.
  • BOB139
    BOB139 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @acorn6666 The have not owned up to the problem. In fact I did another screen share last week with a member of the Quicken QA team because they are still looking to track down the source of the issue.

    There's a problem on Quicken's end with downloading from Fidelity Credit Card, which has nothing to do with Fidelity Investments. The reason is Fidelity Credit Card website was recently re-designed. This is probably what customer service mentioned to you.

  • E
    E Member ✭✭
    This is really disgraceful of Quicken. This issue has been unresolved for months. It's a clear Quicken coding error that occured due to the Chase "express web connect +" change. It changed a Fidelity account to Chase and now that account thinks it's express web connect (i.e. doesn't show "customer id" in "account details" , "general" tab and therefore can't download transactions). The real disgraceful part is that the "one step update" showed that every account with fidelity was downloaded fine, when non in fact were downloading because of this. QUICKEN IS A HORRIBLE PRODUCT.

    SOLUTION 1: File> Copy or Backup> create year end archive (you can use today's date). Open the archive file and then re-setup all automatic downloads from every financial institutions (use the "+" icon on the top left, you may also need to delete account numbers in each individual account to avoid errors).
    SOLUTION 2: create a new account for the impacted account and copy and paste transactions. I have not tried this as it seems every report would then need to be updated.
  • brantleyhill
    brantleyhill Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I agree 200%. I cannot believe after using Quicken for over 20 years they cannot fix such a critical error and connectivity error.
  • khrandolph
    khrandolph Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Installed R45.21 (HF3) (Dec. 2022). It said that my issue was fixed. And it seems to have been:

    * Downloaded investment transactions for options trading with active puts and calls (short sale/cover short) did not include information such as shares (units) and price.

    * Synchronizing split transactions first created on mobile/web with Quicken desktop could result in losing the split categories
  • BOB140
    BOB140 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I had to make a new account because my old one is shadowbanned. When I make a post I can see it but nobody else can. Shocking! I do not expect they will tolerate me much longer on here so I will not hold back and provide the fix for the FIdelity issue.

    We have made a fix and we were able to verify that it worked in the sanitized data file you shared with us. This fix will remove the incorrect flag which has been set on your Fidelity account making it behave like an EWC+ account.

    I am sharing this build for you to test and see if you’re able to download transactions in all your Fidelity accounts. Here is what I want you to try -

    1. Click on the link below to download the R46.2 intermediate build on your local system.
    2. Open your current version of Quicken and take a backup of your file then close Quicken.
    3. Now Run the exe file provided in the download link below to install Quicken version with the fix.
    4. Open your current data file which has the problem(Please ensure all your Fidelity accounts are activated/enabled with Direct Connect).
    5. Now Run One Step Update to check if you are getting new transactions or not?
    6. Also, goto “Edit Account Details” window of Fidelity account and check under “General” Tab if it’s shows “EWC+” message on customer Id field?
    7. If everything looks good, then you can uninstall this and reinstall your previous Quicken version using this link (This is 27.145.11 but during installation it will take latest –

    Once confirmed that everything is good then please do revert ASAP so I can get this rolled out with R46 release.

    Here is the link to download fix version -
  • mr rahs
    mr rahs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @khrandolph said:
    > Installed R45.21 (HF3) (Dec. 2022). It said that my issue was fixed. And it seems to have been:
    > * Downloaded investment transactions for options trading with active puts and calls (short sale/cover short) did not include information such as shares (units) and price.
    > * Synchronizing split transactions first created on mobile/web with Quicken desktop could result in losing the split categories

    Glad this update worked for you, but that's not the issue that's been discussed here. On 12/1, I received an email saying that the fix would be included in the latest update. Apparently it was not, and we're still left with an undefined ETA and more 'apologies for the inconvenience.'

    @BOB140 - no idea if the link in your post is legit, and if so most likely beta at best? Definitely not downloading, but are you in touch with the responsible teams? If so, thanks for helping move this forward.
  • BOB140
    BOB140 Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Yes, I believe this is a beta build. Per the instructions you should only use it to repair your Quicken file and then revert back to the current release version. The installer is digitally signed by Quicken.
  • mr rahs
    mr rahs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @BOB140 said:
    > Yes, I believe this is a beta build. Per the instructions you should only use it to repair your Quicken file and then revert back to the current release version. The installer is digitally signed by Quicken.

    Thanks a lot. Given the way this problem is manifested, the fix would definitely need to require more steps than a typical update. Have you received any confirmation that they're close to being able to release it?
  • lost without data
    lost without data Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I've felt everyone's pain and I really used to like Quicken. But many things don't work now, it is slow, and it has screwed up balances on many of my accounts. And now I have to pay $130 for the privilege of all of the errors. I found out that Fidelity has a free service (at least if you have Fidelity accounts) that is robust, and the data is just "there". Reporting may not be as powerful as Quicken, but with the exception of Discover, all of my other automated accounts come in without issues. Several of these do not work on Quicken anymore and I'm sick of manually working around what doesn't work in Quicken. I've already removed my credit card # from quicken and will no longer renew this error prone software....
  • wassonsubs
    wassonsubs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I've had Quicken for over 20 years and I about to give in. We have several Fidelity accounts and at first it was downloading transactions to the wrong account (same 401k but different members and log ins). I could get round that by moving them, but now it isn't even downloading them. The account not updating just says 1 account updated, holdings information updated as of 7/28/2022 and 7 new transactions but that is incorrect (last ones should be December).
    Also a Schwab dividend reinvestment did not download back on 10/31/22.. It's like it just doesn't want to work right anymore, totally random. I can do better just entering manually and occasionally just updating stock quotes.. why pay for something I have to monitor constantly? I tried chatting online and got no where.. Quicken really doesn't appear to care, so I will not be continuing to renew if they don't fix things soon. I only download investments as I prefer to enter banking manually, so I just won't bother! (So any Chase issues did not affect me and could not have caused my issues)
  • colowizard
    colowizard Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @wassonsubs said:
    > I've had Quicken for over 20 years and I about to give in. We have several Fidelity accounts and at first it was downloading transactions to the wrong account (same 401k but different members and log ins). I could get round that by moving them, but now it isn't even downloading them. The account not updating just says 1 account updated, holdings information updated as of 7/28/2022 and 7 new transactions but that is incorrect (last ones should be December).
    > Also a Schwab dividend reinvestment did not download back on 10/31/22.. It's like it just doesn't want to work right anymore, totally random. I can do better just entering manually and occasionally just updating stock quotes.. why pay for something I have to monitor constantly? I tried chatting online and got no where.. Quicken really doesn't appear to care, so I will not be continuing to renew if they don't fix things soon. I only download investments as I prefer to enter banking manually, so I just won't bother! (So any Chase issues did not affect me and could not have caused my issues)

    ******* My downloads have been restored when I performed a "year end archive". I was only intending to archive some old data, but the consequence was downloads of investment transactions for Fidelity and Etrade resumed. Incidentally, all the transactions from the beginning of the problem in late August were downloaded. For me that was several hundred transactions. Matches for transactions I had entered manually and new for recent ones I had not yet entered. You create an archive at File ; Copy or Back up file ; Create a year end archive. If you do not want to remove any ancient data, you can make that choice.
    You have the choice of keeping the current file unchanged or to cutoff old data. I cut off data that was before 2014. I did not try to keep the current file unchanged, because I intended to shrink the size of my data file. But I think you can set the cut off date before you created your first entries in Quicken. I recommend creating the archive up to a date before this problem started, such as 8/1/2022. If you use today's date, you will have to enter all the missing transactions manually. After you do the archive, you use the new file, not the archive file. It was serendipitous that the new file I created restored the downloads for Fidelity and Etrade.
    I hope it works for you.
  • MaryEason
    MaryEason Member ✭✭✭
    @colowizard  I tried this archive file technique to try to get my Fidelity accounts back to downloading and keeping accurate records... I have six Fidelity accounts, one of which was evidently not using EWC due to the "bug", so I deactivated it just to make sure it didn't screw things up.  I set the date to 8/1/2022 as you suggested. I left the room so I wouldn't jinx the process.  Lo and behold, the other five Fidelity accounts actually downloaded transactions! I decided to wait until today with fresh brain to actually match/accept the transactions.  Some of the accounts were exactly the same as the Fidelity website positions reflected; some were not.  Those that were not matching were missing Q4 (mainly December) dividends.  So I manually added those to those accounts.  Now, at least for today, all my Fidelity accounts are matching the Fidelity website positions! Except the one that is screwed up - I tried to add it back in using Add Account, not linking it to the old one, but I get stuck at "Simple or Complete"; the OKAY button does not work, nothing happens. I can live with that for now I suppose... I'm Validating my current QDF right now, hoping for an error somewhere that will be repaired, allowing me to add that final Fidelity account again.  Thanks for the Archive suggestion (which others mentioned as well, so thank you all too).  I feel a little better now... Now, if I can get TIAA to work again, I might have to throw a party to celebrate!  

    Thanks to everyone who is keeping this subject alive for the rest of the Fidelity Quicken users... please, Quicken Support, try to fix these investment accounts so Quicken is worth paying for again.
  • ajmgrm
    ajmgrm Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Today my Cash account updated, but not individual transactions, it grouped them into one transaction on the register. This is not helpful, what happened to the individual transactions? I about ready to throw in the towel and figure Quicken doesn't plan on fixing this. I've had this issue for at least 3 years. Very frustrating.
    I just canceled my renewal, since I have to enter manually in Quicken due to no fix, I may as well just use a spreadsheet that's free.
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  • qkn1992
    qkn1992 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Without warning all transactions from all Fidelity accounts downloaded. I am not sure when the Quicken error was corrected. It was dumb luck that I discovered it. I inadvertently hit "download" rather than "enter transaction" from the drop down. Bam, the transactions were there. It still gives me pause about using Quicken solely as a financial program.
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  • mr rahs
    mr rahs Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Wondering if this thread has really been silent for a month or maybe I'm just blocked. None of the recent updates have corrected the problem for me, even with full reinstalls, having affected accounts both activated and deactivated. Also have received conflicting messages from Quicken, even on the same day, as to whether the issue has been fixed. Unfortunately, the employee that had been sending emails has gone dark - happened after I asked for a credit to my account.

    Also sent a PM to @Quicken Anja asking for an update in

    Has anyone been able to have the EWC+ tag removed from affected accounts? If so, any info would be appreciated.
  • ajmgrm
    ajmgrm Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited February 2023
    I canceled Quicken due to the lack of response. Having issues for a few years with no solution is very frustrating. I contacted the BBB and I did receive a refund.
  • taylors8
    taylors8 Member ✭✭
    > @ajmgrm said:
    > I canceled Quicken due to the lack of response. Having issues for a few years with no solution is very frustrating. I contacted the BBB and I did receive a refund.

    Good call, I have cancelled my subscription as well. When it takes months or close to a year to solve a connection issue, it's beyond reasonable since we all are paying a great deal of money each month for service that Quicken won't reliably provide. Now that you can no longer connect to Fifth Third either:

    I'm looking at other products.

    It's amazing how poor their service has become and how long it takes them to fix their issues.
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