Fidelity Transactions Not Downloading



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    For me, this issue definitely came about as a result of the request to Reauthorize BofA access. It is likely the same thing with Chase and others requesting a reauthorization. I was able to restore a backup just before performing the Reauthorize of BofA and Fidelity downloads with One Step Update work again. Reauthorize BofA was definitely the issue here. Quicken needs to definitively fix this issue and confirm ASAP.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I'm having the same issue with trying to download my Fidelity transactions into Quicken. I noticed it stopped working sometime towards the end of August or early September. I'm having to manually enter transactions. This option is not realistic as I have hundreds of transactions per month. Please resolve this.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Quicken better figure this out real quick. I have too many Fidelity accounts with too many transactions to enter manually. If they don't put a fix out, there's no point in using Quicken for investments if I need to enter transactions myself.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    .> @qkn1992 said:
    > Quicken better figure this out real quick. I have too many Fidelity accounts with too many transactions to enter manually. If they don't put a fix out, there's no point in using Quicken for investments if I need to enter transactions myself.

    Did you try deactivating all your Fidelity accounts, including deleting account number and customer ID (on each account's general tab).... then using Add Account (not "set up now") all your Fidelity accounts will be pulled in... link them to your existing Quicken accounts. This solution was mentioned in this thread weeks ago.... worked for many folks.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2022
    UPDATE for my situation that is inline with others that have posted: I have 9 Fidelity accounts: 5 use my login id (affected); 2 use my wife's id (not affected); 2 are NetBenefit accts (not affected)

    After trying multiple "fixes" posted in this thread, I still had the issue with the transactions not downloading for those 5 accounts. Since it is 10/1 today, I knew that there would be something to download. I checked all 5 of the affected accounts and only 1 of them had EWC+ "activated" for the online setup so there was no userid listed. The other 4 looked correct. As soon as I Deactivated that 1 bad account, BAM, the other 4 downloaded just fine.

    So now the question is, how do i get that 1 acct setup properly? Because it was only 1 account out of the 5, I added the account and it let it create a "new" account. The reason for creating it as a new account was because as soon as assigned to existing account during the setup, it would inherit EWC+ authentication. So letting Quicken set this up a new account, I verified that is now showing the UserID properly (yay). I then went to the broken account (Online Account services have been de-activated) and moved all the transactions over the new account. This is my fix for now. Let's see how this goes.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    > @murphjo23 said:
    > UPDATE for my situation that is inline with others that have posted: I have 9 Fidelity accounts: 5 use my login id (affected); 2 use my wife's id (not affected); 2 are NetBenefit accts (not affected)
    > After trying multiple "fixes" posted in this thread, I still had the issue with the transactions not downloading for those 5 accounts. Since it is 10/1 today, I knew that there would be something to download. I checked all 5 of the affected accounts and only 1 of them had EWC+ "activated" for the online setup so there was no userid listed. The other 4 looked correct. As soon as I Deactivated that 1 bad account, BAM, the other 4 downloaded just fine.
    > So now the question is, how do i get that 1 acct setup properly?

    I would follow the steps I described in the post prior to yours for the one account you have an issue with. The connection method Quicken uses for my Fidelity accounts is "Direct Connect" not EWC.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Glad that worked for you. All of my accounts are set up as Direct Connect and yet won't download transactions.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    > @winecracker said:
    > Glad that worked for you. All of my accounts are set up as Direct Connect and yet won't download transactions.

    Did you deactivate them all and re-add them?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    For those of you saying that your accounts are set up as "direct connect", please read. The bug is that although all Fidelity accounts may say they are set up for "Direct Connect" in the "Online Services" tab, at least one will not display the "customer ID" under the "General" tab. The user ID is necessary for Fidelity's Direct Connection to work. If you move the cursor over the "?" next to the blank customer ID field, you will get a pop-up telling you there is no ID because the connection method is EWC+.

    If you deactivate the accounts that don't have the user ID, the others will work with Direct Connect.

    Quicken needs to let us know how to clear the EWC+ issue with affected accounts, so we can input the customer ID and reconnect using Direct Connect.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Aha!. You @robert W are correct and thank you for your very clear explanation. In my case, I had to deactivate the Fidelity Cash Management account which links to my Fidelity Checking account. Now that it is deactivated, the other accounts are downloading transactions. Now, on to finding a fix for my "broken" account.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This problem - updates from Fidelity accounts -- is still "LIVE" -- seemed to happen early in September and from what I have observed has NOT been resolved. It is not clear that the gurus at Quicken and/or Fidelity are fully aware of this.

    I have been manually doing entries -- but that is SO old school. Might I bill folks at Quicken for the time that it takes to do what worked in the past??

    Seriously, I'd love to see a comprehensive and comprehending response here.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    robert W said:
    For those of you saying that your accounts are set up as "direct connect", please read. The bug is that although all Fidelity accounts may say they are set up for "Direct Connect" in the "Online Services" tab, at least one will not display the "customer ID" under the "General" tab. The user ID is necessary for Fidelity's Direct Connection to work. If you move the cursor over the "?" next to the blank customer ID field, you will get a pop-up telling you there is no ID because the connection method is EWC+.

    If you deactivate the accounts that don't have the user ID, the others will work with Direct Connect.

    Quicken needs to let us know how to clear the EWC+ issue with affected accounts, so we can input the customer ID and reconnect using Direct Connect.
    One more time.... deactivate the problem account..... if there is anything in the account number and customer ID fields on the general tab... delete both and click OK.... last and most important step.... using Tools - Add Account - type in Fidelity Investments.... when asked, enter your Fidelity user id and password (make sure you check box to save to vault). When the list of your accounts comes back from Fidelity find your problem account and choose link to existing account and choose the corresponding Quicken account. When finished the account number and customer ID fields will be populated automatically on the account's general tab. (One should never manually complete those fields.) This should result in your problem account being reset to the Direct Connect method. 

    Do not use the Set Up Now or Reset Account buttons on the account's online services tab.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    @ThomasRoche - Thank you for the step-by-step instructions. I have done this more than once. At this time, since the account broke, there has been no customer ID to delete. For my broken account, after completing the process, the account number appears, but the customer ID field shows a greyed out "not available" and is inaccessible, and the question mark information popup says that the customer ID is unavailable because the account "uses the Express Web Connect+". Following your instructions does not bring the customer ID into the Quicken record, at least for me.

    At the end of the attempt to re-set up the account, I get a message that says "Downloaded 5236 days of transactions" but no transactions appear in the still broken account.

    At least for me, disconnecting and clearing out all the data that I can in the broken account general and update windows does not eliminate the phantom EWC+ connection. I need information about how to fix that.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    WORKAROUND - I have found a way to allow for Fidelity downloads from accounts that show that they think they are using the EWC+ method of connection (see my earlier posts). This is not for the faint of heart, so make sure you make a backup before you start, but it worked for me - finally.

    Step by step:

    1) Make sure the broken account's online update is deactivated and that the account number is deleted
    2) Create a new brokerage account with a different name from the broken account
    3) With the broken account window open, click the gear icon and select "move transactions".
    4) Select all (there is a button at the bottom of the window), and select the name of the new account from the pulldown menu at the lower right side of the window.
    5) This is the scary step. Push the move button. Quicken will give you a couple of warning and notification messages, move the transactions, and run a file validation. This can take a few minutes.
    6) When this is over, the transactions should be in the new account and the old account should be empty.
    7) At this point, I used the "delete account" button in the general tab of the account details window to delete the old account, though I am not sure this step is necessary here.
    8) Use the "Add Account" tool in the Tools menu to add a Fidelity account. You'll have to use your Fidelity Quicken logon credentials here. After it connects to Fidelity, you should see all your Fidelity accounts listed. The ones that are not broken should appear as "do not add to Quicken" (as they are already added. But the broken account should give you the option to link the new account to the account that was not downloading.
    9) Connect these accounts and be hopeful.

    In my case, when the download was over, Quicken told me it imported 2296 transactions. It actually imported transactions going back to July, but the ones that were already in my account were already matched, and only the ones that had not yet been imported were "new". I accepted all, and the transactions were imported properly. There was no duplication - the "matched" transactions did not import and the "new" transactions did. The account balances at the end were correct. I did a quick comparison of lot history in Quicken against the lot history at Fidelity itself, because I almost always sell lots using specific shares, and the lot histories appear correct. I am going to do more work on this, and will let you know if I find any problems, but at this point, I feel like this has worked for me.
  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭
    @"robert W" this worked! ADMINS PLEASE BUMP THIS TO THE TOP.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I began having a similar issue with my Fidelity Investment accounts about two weeks ago. In my Account Status window after the update I see the following message:
    "Download Error (2003)
    Invalid Account Id
    Last Attempt - Today 11:00 AM
    3 New Transactions downloaded"

    I have Quicken Deluxe, Version 6.9.0 (Build 609.45401.100), macOS 12.4

    I find it strange that transactions are being downloaded, yet I'm getting the error message that the Account Id is invalid. I see the transactions in my Quicken ledger, so that is good. But every account is marked as having connection issues and I get prompted continually to fix them.

    I'll submit a ticket as well, but based on the comments above I'm sure I'll be told to redo all the accounts etc. This isn't the first time this has happened, and it takes a few hours of my time to re-establish the connections and figure out where my accounts don't match Quicken.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    What @ThomasRoche suggested doesn't work for me to fix the broken account. Have tried multiple times following his instructions. Hopefully @robert W will report back in a couple of days to confirm his 'move transactions to a new account' continues to work. I'll wait a few days before trying that; I have thousands of transactions going back many years in the broken account and hate to have a problem moving them to a new account. But, I may not have a better alternative. Thank you @robert W.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This is an incredible thread. Many users reporting same issue with Fidelity not updating. Me too. And all I see from Quicken in this thread is they are working on it, or asking us to submit a Problem Report. BUT QUICKEN HAS REPORTED NOTHING OF USE TO ALL OF US. Really embarrassing for a company like that and FRUSTRATING for all of us
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yes, it's very frustrating, and we're over a month into it now. Three moderators posted stock comments early in the thread. Despite both public and private pleas, however, we have received nothing more. The Quicken phone reps, despite good intentions, are not provided with enough information from development teams to adequately help us. With no idea on how Quicken intends to fix this, the fact that we're forced to find our own workarounds for this issue is utterly ridiculous.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Update for those of you interested in my method from yesterday in which I describe how to create a new brokerage account, move all transactions from the broken Fidelity account, and then connecting the new account to Fidelity using Direct Connect.

    I have gone through the old file and the new file and feel pretty confident that all the transaction data transferred to the new account properly. My tax lots are the same in both files (the most important issue for me, as Quicken is the only place I have a complete set of tax lots), the cash balance is the same, and transfers to other accounts are still there.

    To the best of my knowledge this worked for me. I did not have new transactions to post in an update, so I cannot yet comment on this final aspect. I'll have a transaction today and will let you know if it appears in a Direct Connect update tomorrow or the next day.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    Lack of response by Quicken is unconscionable.  Appreciate robert W troubleshooting.  A big question for those of us who have been able to get downloads to work again (which I did by using an August backup)-- will connecting to Chase or any of the other entities that are apparently using the new connection method again break our connection to Fidelity?  Why can't Quicken provide any guidance on this?  Maybe they don't understand what the problem is or was.  But why can't they at least tell us if it still exists?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @MBK I went the backup route a few weeks and then reauthorized Chase and BofA over this past weekend as Chase was not working and I have lots of Chase transactions. I have Fidelity transfer in process and will know in a day or two if it is working or not. All my Fidelity accounts showed Direct Connection with a CustomerID present after the reauthorization. So I am hopeful Fidelity will download. I will report back in a day or two.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I contacted Quicken Support who also deactivated my Fidelity accounts, removed Fidelity and account number. We then validated and repaired file. Exited Quicken. Reopened Quicken and selected my quicken file. After reactivating my Fidelity accounts, they appear to be working. As I have entered the missing transactions manually, we didn't find anything changed so will know after close of business today when the quotes get updated. At the current time, the quotes match my online Fidelity Accounts.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yeah, seems like @ThomasRoche steps should work...and is logical...but, that approach doesn't work on my one problem account (6 accounts DO work... just 1 doesn't). I have tried multiple times as well. Making sure to clear out any Fidelity reference and/or customer/user/account numbers... exited/re-entered Quicken etc... I was sure to do the "NEW ACCOUNT" and NOT the "Set Up Now". It brought in the new account and allowed me to choose what to link it to, but it is still the EWC+ once it is finished.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @"Thomas Roche" said:
    > .> @qkn1992 said:
    > > Quicken better figure this out real quick. I have too many Fidelity accounts with too many transactions to enter manually. If they don't put a fix out, there's no point in using Quicken for investments if I need to enter transactions myself.
    > Did you try deactivating all your Fidelity accounts, including deleting account number and customer ID (on each account's general tab).... then using Add Account (not "set up now") all your Fidelity accounts will be pulled in... link them to your existing Quicken accounts. This solution was mentioned in this thread weeks ago.... worked for many folks.

    I followed your detailed instructions to the letter. On my first attempt when trying to connect with Quicken after linking all the account, Quicken crashed. You know, when it says to send the error report with your email address optionally?

    I rebooted the computer and loaded Quicken again. I "added" Fidelity and it picked up my accounts as it did previously. I linked the corresponding accounts and nothing. Zilch. My Fidelity user ID does not appear on the online update screen (the other two appear as they always have throughout this mess), no transactions download for my ID, but on the the One-Step Summary page, Quicken proudly tells me that the account associated with my ID have been update but 0 (Zero) new transactions. That's impossible.

    As I said earlier, the high-paid execs at Quicken better get their acts together real quick.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    @mfFrom35k I will wait to see what results you get--if linking to Chase and BOA puts you back where you were, with Fidelity not downloading.  At the moment I am too terrified to link my Chase accounts (and now I also get a message that Discover has moved to the same system as that used by Chase).
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same problem as everyone else. I found the one Fidelity account with EWC+ enabled on it, and deactivated it. All the other accounts then downloaded their transactions for the last month. However, still cannot change the one account to be "non"EWC+. Not really wanting to go thru all the steps of creating a "new" account and moving the transactions, as it has years of data and this should be fixed by Quicken, not me.
    Quicken Folks - It seems you have a lot of people with this problem. Since these people all have multiple accounts with a brokerage company (Fidelity), one can assume these people all have money. They are not happy (neither am I) and will eventually vote with their dollars. Fix it or lose 'em!!!
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Add me to the list -- same problem that I only recognized when trying to reconcile my 4 Fidelity Accounts this month.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I ended up taking my Fidelity statements from Aug and Sep and manually entered all activity in my 7 Fidelity accounts. It took me back to the days when I did this myself before the advent of Internet connections. Maybe that's the way it should be. It is much more secure this way.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @MBK I can confirm I have downloads working from two if my Fidelity accounts that were broken when I first ran the Chase update in late August. They now work after the Chase and BofA updates on 10-1-22. Hopefully, all will work for you as well. But, definitely backup your Quicken file before trying it. Perhaps, Quicken fixed the problem when running the Chase and BofA reauthorizations. However, it would certainly be nice if they acknowledged the problem and published that it should be working now.
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