Fifth Third update errors



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Verified Fixed 2/17/23
    Deactivated All Fifth Third accounts within Quicken, 4 Total.
    When Enabling online services for one of the accounts was able to map All Fifth Third accounts to the corresponding Quicken accounts without error.
    Was then able to perform an update to the accounts which functioned correctly. Some of these accounts have Thousands of transactions.
    I'm done with this and hope that it doesn't rear its ugly head again!
    Good luck to all.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member ✭✭
    Ok, I thought I was good now. It appears as if is working, meaning One Step Update for 5/3 shows no errors and appears to have been successful. But nothing gets downloaded. I tried resetting the account but that did not help. I knew that there was one transaction that had occurred which should have downloaded. I then logged into 5/3 and did the manual export/import and what do you know. The transaction I was expecting to see now shows up. So something is still wrong.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @Jack Bonn said:
    > Mine still fails (It's not your fault) at 5:30 AM CT 02/16/2023.

    This problem appears to have been resolved.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    It is not resolved. I have reset my account & Quicken is still not downloading the transactions. I just don't the error.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    I have to agree, this is not resolved. When I turned Bill Pay on, it created a second account connection that looks to be updating successfully, but it's not. The Online balance isn't correct and it's not downloading transactions.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    > @Patrick Bimonte said:
    > I have to agree, this is not resolved. When I turned Bill Pay on, it created a second account connection that looks to be updating successfully, but it's not. The Online balance isn't correct and it's not downloading transactions.

    To clarify, it looks like there is now a connection to download cleared transactions and balances and one to bring payment information up to date. There is no error, but it's clear that something is not working correctly.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I have been able to connect and download all four of my accounts since 2/14/23 with no more issues. I would suggest that you deactivate each account again and then choose an account to setup online services again. After the window pops up showing the accounts found at 5/3, link each account to the corresponding accounts in Quicken. Next, and this is important, edit each account and check the online services tab. Make sure that the checking account is the only one with "bill pay" activated. Every time I have performed this procedure I have discovered that the "bill pay" was activated in my savings account and that prevented Quicken from downloading transactions. Hope this is helpful and that resolves your problem.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Just for the record, this issue seems to be resolved, at least as respects my account(s) with Fifth Third. FJS
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Only my Savings count will download, not my checking. Have tried everything, reactivating, adding new account, etc....Suggestions????
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