Discover Card Bank sign in fails



  • chilemike
    chilemike Unconfirmed ✭✭

    Checking account via DISCOVER BANK in the online setup as Financial Institution still has the "Failed to Connect" advisory as of July 8th…. I really wonder what the story is here!

    And as noted in another's post for the Credit Card connection, you need to select the "Discover Card" as the Financial institution in set up, and it will connect no problem,… or should at least

    Summary: "Discover Bank" as Financial Institution in setup, has the same ongoing problems since May 2023. "Discover Card" as Financial Institution in set up should work fine.

  • Giffola
    Giffola Member ✭✭
  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    How do you install the patches?

  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    How do you revert back? I download the files , double click, and nothing happens. I deleted quicken and tried the patches, still no go.

    If you talk to Quicken customer service they say don't do either and that it's discovers fault.

  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    How do you do this? I went as far to even uninstall quicken and the patches still won't install.

  • remlap
    remlap Member

    Any update to the issue on setting up Discover Bank via direct connect???

  • George Agich
    George Agich Member ✭✭✭

    The patches are here: Scroll down to the May 2023 QW27.1.49.29MPatch

    I kept current Quicken version of quicken. After downloading the patch I double clicked it and it rolled back to the earlier version before the updates broke the connection with Discover Bank.

    Hope this helps.

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod

    Hello @remlap,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Quicken Community with this question.

    Before I can further assist you, I require some more information. Which issue are you discussing? Are you receiving any error codes or messages? What exactly occurs when attempting to add an account with Discover Bank?

    I look forward to your response.

    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    When I double click it does nothing.

  • ruggb
    ruggb Member ✭✭

    Same issue. Same timeout screen. Same Card result-at least that works.

    Same attitude about Quick no technical support.

    It is always someone else's problem.

  • Barry Jablonski
    Barry Jablonski Member ✭✭

    Do you have Quicken installed? If so, have you turned off any anti-virus software you may have installed?

    Have you tried to install the patch as Administrator?

    Reverting to the QW27.1.49.29MPatch allowed me to add my Discover Bank account to Quicken Premier.

    Of course, the next Quicken update will break all Discover Bank updates.


  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    Yes, quicken is installed and i'm installing as an administrator.

  • remlap
    remlap Member

    After installing the latest update to quicken my web connect connection with Discover bank was broken. Per the FAQ's, it said you need to go back into the account and go through the steps of creating a new connection with the bank. When trying to activate one step update for the bank, it says "Sorry, the sign in failed due to time out or a connection error. Select sign in to authenticate via your web browser". When clicking "sign in" again the result is the same error screen, Sorry, the sign in…

  • mcreid1129
    mcreid1129 Unconfirmed, Member

    Just signed up with Quicken and so there goes my $60 because I cannot even get past the start up walk through and add Discover Bank to "accounts" which is my main checking account. So here I sit, with what is supposed to be a top rated financial management program, reading this community thread AFTER the fact… Yeah, I'm more than a little peeved!

  • Salparadise808
    Salparadise808 Member ✭✭

    I have been working off the R49 patch for a few months now and occasionally check in to see if there has been a more permanent fix. Very disappointed to see that at the nearly two-month mark, the best solution to the ongoing Discover download issue is still a patch workaround. Why is this not being prioritized, Quicken?

  • Mark Pedroia
    Mark Pedroia Member ✭✭✭

    Discover Card EWC is working today using OSU. I was surprised, I went back later and confirmed a second time. First time in a long time I've had a successful download. Possibly Quicken has fixed the issue. R50.16, build on Win 10, Q HB&RP

  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    @@Salparadise808 very disappointing indeed. This will be the last and only time I pay quicken for anything.

  • NCRoger
    NCRoger Member ✭✭

    Wat is the current status of this problem?

  • George Agich
    George Agich Member ✭✭✭

    When will this be fixed. It's now 2 months and no action.

  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭

    Whats the status of this item? Even the mods have given up on placating this thread.

  • Hemanthande
    Hemanthande Member ✭✭

    I have 3 account withi Discover bank

    Checking account, Saving account and Credit card with Discover and only the Credit card account is connecting , tried reseting but still having same issue as "Sign into Discover Bank bank Failed. Try again."

  • DR Gilman
    DR Gilman Unconfirmed, Member

    I am recreating my entire Quicken file from scratch. The old file will connect to 1 Discover Card and 2 Discover bank accounts. The new file will only connect to the Discover Card.

    Very frustrating as my main file is too corrupt after 20+ yrs for Quicken to fix it. So if I can't even setup a new file… what's the point?

  • BarryGraham
    BarryGraham Member, Windows Beta Beta

    I am able to add my Discover Card but when I try to add my Discover Savings account it says the sign in failed due to an authentication error

    Barry Graham
    Quicken H&B Subscription
  • jonnyaugust
    jonnyaugust Member ✭✭


  • rdthieme
    rdthieme Member

    My Discover Bank One-step downloads stopped downloading sometime in June. (Same problem as Frank M) I also opened a new CD and now it doesn't show up. Very frustrating. I know I can down load the cvs file but that is just a Band-Aid, not a solution.

  • EJB
    EJB Member ✭✭

    August 3, 2023 - Anyone have a resolution to this? This seems like an issue we should have some update from Quicken about progress and/or at least an indication as to where we are in a potential solution. Please.

  • Matt Herndon
    Matt Herndon Member ✭✭✭

    Having gone through similar situations with two other banks (Schwab Bank and Chase I believe), I can tell you that Quicken support - both on the phone and on here - have very little visibility into the actual progress on these issues. I believe it was only about 2 weeks after Schwab started working again that they finally updated their notice about the issue. It's incredibly frustrating, but we're pretty much just stuck until it (hopefully) suddenly starts working someday.

    At this point, it's just a necessary evil of Quicken for me. You have to be willing to live with things getting broken a couple times a year.

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