Quicken hangs during One Step Update/Errors CC-501/CC-503 [Edited]
12/29 Issue is still not resolved. Quicken please provide some insight into issue and when it will be resolved!
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Saw in another thread that the problem had been resolved on 12/28/23, but it has not for me. I continue to have issues with the one-step update. It will run for a long time, then closes the one-step update window, but does not download any transactions.
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Same issue - my one step update is now over 20 minutes with no account updates. Why is this being ignored?
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Me too. OSU stopped working for me yesterday, and still is not working today, despite claims that the issue has been resolved.
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Same issue. OSU has been extremely slow on Wednesday, Thursday and today (Friday). For me it takes 20 minutes+ but eventually finishes with most accounts updated. These issues happen way too often. My renewal is on January 1 and I am having second thoughts about continuing for another year.
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For the folks having issues and who are not happy, unfortunately the Quicken Community folks here are not Quicken Employees (AFAIK). The only real way, IMO, to express your displeasure is to call customer service or email them. Perhaps if enough people do this Quicken may do something about the subscription fee/etc. (although I doubt it). [Removed - Speculation/Inaccurate]
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Trying to do my daily account update and the program just hangs and spins endlessly.
[Removed - Rant/Speculation]
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After 25 minutes, CC-501 errors for Bank of America and Charles Schwab, though Schwab transactions WERE downloaded…
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Same issue here. it does a few of my accounts (Vanguard, Fidelity, Prudential, Suncoast credit union) just fine, then the rest are stuck on "Updating Account" and sit there forever. Last time I tried it was 35 minutes before I force closed Quicken. This happened they other day (before I knew it was a wide scale outage) and trying right after the force close worked, but not so much this time.
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One Step Update starts up normal but, OFX updates appear to hang and One Step stops responding (see screen shot). On couple of occasions hang up does not resolve and forced to use Win10 task manager to end quicken app. Re-booted Win10 OS and re-started Quicken and One Step Update failed to complete task again. On 3rd attempt same issue occurred however, this time I waited for at least 5 min and Quicken One Step Update window suddenly came to life completed the task.
Note: Merrill Lynch connection is Direct Connect and others are Express Web Connect.
Issue started couple weeks ago with minor hang time but, hang time has been getting progressively longer with each event.
Windows 10 Home, Ver: 22H2, OS Build: 1945.3803
Quicken Classic Deluxe, Ver: R53.32, Build: -
Windows 11 Quicken Premier V R53.32
Problem started 3 days ago and has not been fixed contrary to posts. It appears each individual account can be update one at a time.
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I have been seeing the same problem for several days there was a notice a day or two ago that Quicken was having a problem with its partner that impacted downloads of account transaction. Maybe this has not been fully resolved. I did find that it works better after the end of the business day.
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(Edited 12/30/2023: Correction/update is in bold italics.)
This issue affects EWC and EWC+ accounts, not DC accounts.
I read something somewhere that it is Quicken's service provider (Intuit) that is having some sort of system issues.Quicken's CEO has confirmed this issue was caused by some Quicken server issues (not Intuit) and that at least part of the corrections taken was to add server capacity. That would then make sense since OSU for these connections involves Quicken's (as well as Intuit's) servers whereas DC are direct connections to the financial institutions and are not run from Intuit's servers.Per the Alert update posted yesterday afternoon that the issue appears to have been resolved (it most definitely was for me yesterday afternoon and evening) the problem has resurfaced today. The Alert was updated this morning to reflect this (click on the "Dec 28, 2023" date to see the entire Alert thread).:
For me, today OSU does eventually complete but it takes about 25-30 minutes.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Now OSU proceeded quickly but still CC501 errors for Bank of America and Schwab "unable to update these accounts because of an error on the Quicken server", again despite downloading a new Schwab transaction.
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@djchait -
Problem started 3 days ago and has not been fixed contrary to posts.
It has been an on-again/off-again issue the last 3 days. Depending on what time of day you have been trying to run OSU you might not have experienced the times when the issue definitely appeared to have been resolved. Like just now I ran OSU and it took only 2.5 minutes to complete. Am I willing to call it fixed? Not yet….need to see this repeated this evening and all day tomorrow before I'll acknowledge that.
It appears each individual account can be update one at a time.
Thanks for posting this. Others have said the same thing. So for those who do not wish to let OSU complete (which this morning was taking me 25-30 minutes) at least they know that updating accounts individually might be a good option for them.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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[Removed - Rant/Speculation]
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Before I realized it was a system-wide issue I deactivated my checking and one Chase CC from OSU in an attempt to fix the issue. I now get the CC501 error for Fulton Bank and Quicken can't connect to Chase. I can update all my other accounts when I do them one at a time. I wish I would have figured that out sooner.
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This has not proved to be accurate in my experience. Whether I use OSU or update accounts individually the error state is reported and no updates are downloaded.
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I've been experiencing CC 501 errors and cannot download banking transactions nor sync with the Quicken Mobile/Web. I have called the customer support team twice. In both cases, I was told the "Quicken servers are down" and that I need to wait anywhere from "24 hours to few days" and then call back if I'm still experiencing issues.
I'm just shocked at the response. [Removed - Speculation] I'm told that my inquiry has been logged but not given any confirmation (like an email) letting me know that someone has truly received it. In addition, the support team does not suggest any work arounds like downloading and mapping the transactions manually. Is anyone else experiencing the same level of frustration and can provide insights?
Thank you.
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Still no joy here despite the latest notice that downloads are not as slow. This happened last year or so and took a week to resolve. Is there any relation to the past issue which happened shortly after the download process had changed?
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Ran it 4:53 CST updated 11 accounts no problem
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Yesterday my Citi direct connect account updated immediately but the rest of my accounts (Express Web) took 15 minutes. (I was going to force close the program but decided to wait.) Today all accounts updated like normal with no delays.
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(EDITED) I've seen the same slow issues - most financial institutions are returning the 501 error, sometimes it also appears to have downloaded information despite also reporting is was unable to connect (501).
Now I am also seeing 2 other problems/changes:
#1: One of my retirement accounts (Chase) is now showing $0, although 4 other retirement accounts with Chase report the correct balance. It looks like an entry for 'shares removed' was added yesterday during the OSU, accounting for the 0 balance. Seriously makes me worry other account balances may also be impacted, so I'll verify everything with bank balances.
#2: Two brokerage accounts and 1 IRA (all Chase) have switched their displays to be four summary boxes instead of the register-level details. Thanks to the help from @NotACPA , figured out that it was changed from 'complete' to 'simple' during the last OSU (Dec 29). Unnerving that things are changing like this.
// Q user since 1993
// Currently running Windows 10 Enterprise subscription, Classic Premier;
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I thought maybe it was fixed but 2 minutes into the OSU it looked to be finished but then Quicken totally shut down. That's the first time I've seen that.
My Direct Connects complete in about 40 seconds, see bottom of the list as Complete, it's those Express Web connects that are the problem. Always have been slow. The first 5 on my list below.
----Quicken User since 1998 ----
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I, just now, had the same experience as @Philip107.
My DC accounts updated quickly. My EWC & EWC+ accounts took about 2 minutes … and then Q shut down.
The shut down isn't supposed to happen.
Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP0 -
I just ran OSU and it completed within a normal time frame….2-1/2 minutes for both DC and EWC/EWC+. Q did not shut down.
This is what it was like for me yesterday afternoon and evening. And everything went south, again, this morning. I think tomorrow morning will be more telling about whether or not the issue is actually fixed.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.16 on Windows 11 Home
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Just tried updating just my checking account now. Getting a screen I've seen once before but it's back. It is garbled but appears to be something that would have allowed me to "Enable Sync."
Next I need to check to see if my accounts match the scenario mentioned above about the connection types.
P.s. Why do I have to end the task twice in task manager?
P.p.s. The theory about DC vs, EWC vs. EWC+ is a good one. I updated one of my DC accounts and it completed quickly. The EWC and EWC+ accounts are the ones freezing.
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I've been noticing something else weird. If I restart Quicken while Task Manager is running, Quick doesn't even appear in TM when it crashes again. I didn't notice if was there before the crash.
Normally TM is always updating for running processes.