Quicken for Mac 2017 v4.2.1 Released



  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    opt said:

    Was hoping that 2017 would be the year for budgets with account selection options. How about it?

    Makes sense. Thanks
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2016
    Robert B said:

    I too am feeling taken advantage of.  Less than a year ago I purchased QM2016, it has never worked totally and now you offer a $10 discount to upgrade.  The term robbery comes to mind?

    I finally found it after googling “Quicken for 2017” and then checking several web sites before I found the pricing with the $10 discount... it wasn’t very obvious.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2016
    Robert B said:

    I too am feeling taken advantage of.  Less than a year ago I purchased QM2016, it has never worked totally and now you offer a $10 discount to upgrade.  The term robbery comes to mind?

    I found it too as @Dave instructed at this url https://www.quicken.com/personal-finance/quicken-mac-2017  I googled Quicken for 2017, clicked on What's New: Quicken 2017 CD/Download | Quicken , at top of page click Products, Quicken for Mac.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    How do we get rid of the orange pencil icon? Help says it is for manual transactions that haven't been matched to downloads, but the accounts the orange pencil is in aren't downloadable accounts for me, like Betterment, or my cash account, so there are no downloads to match.

    I have thousands of these. This is a Quicken 2015 file upgraded to 2017, that was in a Quicken file from 2009-2015 in Windows, and a MS Money file from 1995-2009.
  • Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    edhans said:

    How do we get rid of the orange pencil icon? Help says it is for manual transactions that haven't been matched to downloads, but the accounts the orange pencil is in aren't downloadable accounts for me, like Betterment, or my cash account, so there are no downloads to match.

    I have thousands of these. This is a Quicken 2015 file upgraded to 2017, that was in a Quicken file from 2009-2015 in Windows, and a MS Money file from 1995-2009.

    known bug. Has not been addressed in over 6 months. 

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2017
    Cannot get rid off the orange pencils at present. I believe the folks at Quicken are working on this bug fix
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    Robert B said:

    I too am feeling taken advantage of.  Less than a year ago I purchased QM2016, it has never worked totally and now you offer a $10 discount to upgrade.  The term robbery comes to mind?

    I think it is browser dependent, because Quicken.com uses a cookie to track you on the site. I've gotten both prices, depending which of my two computers and various browsers I try with. I got the discount once in Safari, then launched Chrome right after that, and could not get the discount at either roof the URLs above.

    Hopefully the Quicken folks will give people here a better answer.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    edhans said:

    How do we get rid of the orange pencil icon? Help says it is for manual transactions that haven't been matched to downloads, but the accounts the orange pencil is in aren't downloadable accounts for me, like Betterment, or my cash account, so there are no downloads to match.

    I have thousands of these. This is a Quicken 2015 file upgraded to 2017, that was in a Quicken file from 2009-2015 in Windows, and a MS Money file from 1995-2009.

    Yup, bug that hasn't bee addressed. Do one of two things: learn to ignore the status column (which is what I do), or simply hide the status column (click Columns in the bottom toolbar and select Status to uncheck it) in some or all registers. There, I got rid of the orange pencil for ya!  ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    edhans said:

    How do we get rid of the orange pencil icon? Help says it is for manual transactions that haven't been matched to downloads, but the accounts the orange pencil is in aren't downloadable accounts for me, like Betterment, or my cash account, so there are no downloads to match.

    I have thousands of these. This is a Quicken 2015 file upgraded to 2017, that was in a Quicken file from 2009-2015 in Windows, and a MS Money file from 1995-2009.

    :) Jacob's idea will not only eliminate the orange pencil but the blue envelope as well
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    edhans said:

    How do we get rid of the orange pencil icon? Help says it is for manual transactions that haven't been matched to downloads, but the accounts the orange pencil is in aren't downloadable accounts for me, like Betterment, or my cash account, so there are no downloads to match.

    I have thousands of these. This is a Quicken 2015 file upgraded to 2017, that was in a Quicken file from 2009-2015 in Windows, and a MS Money file from 1995-2009.

    Well, yeah, but he just said he wanted to get rid of the orange pencil, and I did! There was no stipulation that the blue pencil needed to remain! ;)

    Just joking around; again, it is an acknowledged bug, but I guess the developers considered this more a cosmetic issue than operational and decided they had higher priorities to address so far.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    edhans said:

    How do we get rid of the orange pencil icon? Help says it is for manual transactions that haven't been matched to downloads, but the accounts the orange pencil is in aren't downloadable accounts for me, like Betterment, or my cash account, so there are no downloads to match.

    I have thousands of these. This is a Quicken 2015 file upgraded to 2017, that was in a Quicken file from 2009-2015 in Windows, and a MS Money file from 1995-2009.

    I as well with the joking. With your idea one gets to kill 2 birds with one shot :)
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    Thanks for all the questions and suggestions.  Been saving to my iCloud drive for a few months now, and syncing was always pretty fast (just a few minutes for my approx 1.25 GB Q2016 backup).  I installed Sierra on my MBPro a few weeks ago but only noticed this issue earlier this week after installing Q2017, and behavior is the same on my desktop machine, which is still El Capitan.  

    I'm noticing that my Q2016 local backup saves are significantly faster to both my NAS and desktop than the Q2017 backup saves (desktop predictably quicken both cases).  Happy to try these again and put some numbers to them if it would be helpful.

    And it's repeatable every time I try...morning, noon, night.  At work and at home.  Wired connections both places.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Harold-Jr said:

    I have been using Quicken for Windows for 20 years.  I decided I wanted to try QMac 2017. As the windows files were carried into Mac there were some fleeting instructions about what needed to be disabled in Windows, repeating transactions or scheduled transactions.  Where are those instructions posted?  I am hoping it is feasible to run both simultaneously with a few modifications, like auto in one but not in the other, to see if I want to make the move.

    I have to complement Quicken Marcus for keeping up with the comments, help and suggestions. As a long-time QW user, I really like the look and feel of QM2017.  I find it interesting that long-time QM users do not like it.  The readability is much easier than QW2017 on a large monitor. In addition to the look and feel, the ability to open individual functions under the windows tab is helpful, though it took me a while to find it.  And the account status lets one update just one account without dealing with a bunch of drop down menus like in the QW product.  Those are the good points.
    Now for the the short comings, although I may be too new to know where they are if they exist.  In QW, after updating there are flags next to accounts that have new downloaded transactions or a clock if there are transactions due.  In QM, I seem to have to open each individual account to find them.  Also, I cannot reorder the accounts; the have to be in alphabetical order, whereas in QW I can order them in the most used from top to bottom.
    The deal killer for me will be the handling of stock transactions.  I can only find a choice between FIFO and LIFO and that is set in the account's preference.  In QW I can choose not only between averaging, I can also specify lots bought and sold to take advantage of long and short gains and losses.  Unless that is fixed by the end of the year, or within my 60-day trial, I will have to stay with QW2017 and its unreadable font. (Yes, there is an option to enlarge the font, but, the, the font overruns the menu options.)
    Looking forward to comments.  
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    I am new to QM2017 but have been using QW and backing up to a network drive and Dropbox.  When I first installed QM2017, it would not back up to the network drive. Closing, logging out and logging back in cleared the problem.  It seems to back up every bit as fast as QW does.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2016
    opt said:

    Was hoping that 2017 would be the year for budgets with account selection options. How about it?

    I was using categorized transfer to update the budget, this feature stopped working in version 2017
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    Harold-Jr said:

    I have been using Quicken for Windows for 20 years.  I decided I wanted to try QMac 2017. As the windows files were carried into Mac there were some fleeting instructions about what needed to be disabled in Windows, repeating transactions or scheduled transactions.  Where are those instructions posted?  I am hoping it is feasible to run both simultaneously with a few modifications, like auto in one but not in the other, to see if I want to make the move.

    Harold, some of the complaints of the Mac users are that some recent changes are very un-Mac-like in interface design. The overall design of the Mac user interface is pretty good, I think. For those of us who come from the legacy Mac Quicken products, it was originally pretty jarring to give up the traditional 2-line register display, but I think most people have come to really like the register interface because of the ease of fine-tuning columns, column order, column width, ease of scrolling and searching, and the easy-to-use account sidebar on the left. On the flip side, the new blue features bar is decidedly un-Mac-like; that the word Reports and the little triangle next to it do completely different things is unintuitive and not Mac-like. That the way to generate a new report is to click on a little triangle, scroll down to the middle of the pop-up new to select New Report is not good interface design, in my opinion.

    The absence of flags fro downloaded transactions that you mentioned has been an often-stated request that the development team has not yet responded to.

    For account order, I don't know if you can do this (or would want to), but I simply name my accounts with a digit in front of them: 1-Checking, 2-Citi Visa, 3-Cap One Visa, 4-Amex, 5-Cash, 6-Work Reimbursements, etc. I did this eons ago when the Mac product allowed you to set a single key to open each account, and numbering my primary accounts from 1 to 9 and assigning them those command keys made life easy for me, but I still keep the account names this way in Quicken 2017 so they're in the order I want.

    And you're correct that the Mac product only does LIFO and FIFO for investments, which is a crippling shortcoming for some investors. Quicken Mac does keep track of individual lots, so it seems the proper "hooks" exist for them to add the ability to sell specific lots -- but they haven't gotten to this. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this won't be fixed within the next 60 days. Product Manager Marcus has indicated that they have a lot of work to do in the upcoming months to start de-coupling Quicken Mac (and Quicken Windows) from the multiple back-end services provided by former parent Intuit. I expect that they will do some bug fixes and maybe refine a few new features they couldn't finish in time for the 2017 release (like that Reports menu, and adding drill-down capabilities to the new comparison reports), but that substantial new features are not likely to come until well into 2017 while they work on the back-end infrastructure. That's just my partially-educated guess, so I hope I'm wrong and the development team can keep us pleasantly surprised with new features month by month. But I'd guess that improving investment transactions is not at the beginning of the development roadmap, either. 

    So while it's nice to welcome you to the Quicken Mac family, from what you wrote above, I'm afraid you're headed back to Quicken Windows for this year. Maybe we'll see you again in 2018? (grin)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    I tried a few of the workflows suggested above and here are the transfer times (all using the Save a Backup command, clock starts upon clicking "Save", and ending when file is completely sync'd at the other end):

    Machine: Early 2008 Quad 2.8Ghz Mac Pro running El Capitan 10.11.6.  Cable modem via ethernet (no WiFi) 60Mbps Down, 5.75 Mbps up.  QNAP Network Attached Storage.

    Times are in min:sec.hundredths

    QM2016 (1.24GB)
    NAS  3:10.28
    Desktop 23.47
    Dropbox  18:06.72 (Last 200 files took most of the transfer time)
    iCloud Drive 1:44.26

    QM2017 (1.13GB)
    NAS 2:18.39
    Desktop 1:49.11 
    Dropbox 39:32.10
    iCloud Drive  31:38.90 (less than 1MB/second, and saved w/white icon)

    And the Dropbox copy was interesting in that during the 2016 backup, I could see all the embedded files (PDF's etc) by name as they copied.  With the 2017 backup, it only copied as a single file for the duration of the copy and sync.

    So aside from the NAS copy, the backup times for th 2017 version are startlingly longer.   Hopefully this will get some attention because this will be reason for me to stay with QM 2016.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Harold-Jr said:

    I have been using Quicken for Windows for 20 years.  I decided I wanted to try QMac 2017. As the windows files were carried into Mac there were some fleeting instructions about what needed to be disabled in Windows, repeating transactions or scheduled transactions.  Where are those instructions posted?  I am hoping it is feasible to run both simultaneously with a few modifications, like auto in one but not in the other, to see if I want to make the move.

    Appreciate your comments.  BTW, QW has a two line register.  As for columns, I wish there were a default setting so I didn't have to change every account individually.  I do like your comment about numbers on the accounts - as long as update doesn't change them back.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    That's all pretty interesting... and surprising... since I don't think anything about the file format has significantly changed between Quicken 3.5.2 two months ago and this first release of Quicken 2017.

    I'm curious, if you save the backup to your desktop, then drag that backup file to Dropbox or iCloud, is the time to copy to the cloud closer to what you saw saving directly from QM2016 or 2017? If the copy this way goes quickly, maybe you could just do a backup periodically (weekly? I don't know how often you've been saving a backup) and drag it to your preferred cloud service to let it copy in background. One other option to suggest: quit Quicken, in the Finder, Duplicate your data file (how long does that take?) and then drag the copy to a cloud folder. Nope: one more thought: what it in the Finder, you Compress your data file, and then drag that .zip file to your cloud folder? I wonder if the .zip format would copy faster than the Mac "package" file of your data folder.

    Maybe Marcus will see this and take it back to the dev team to look at. I'm not sure whether they officially support direct backups to cloud services.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    And I tried jacobs's suggestion of doing a drag & drop to iCloud of each backup file from my desktop.  Here are the times:

    QM2016:  1:13.09
    QM2017:  28:25.03

    I'll check in later, but something's up. 

    "Because something is happening here but you don't know what it is. Do you, Mister Jones"

    --Bob Dylan, Nobel winner
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    Jacobs, thanks.  I'll try those things later today or tomorrow.  Being able to do fast backups to the Cloud is important for me, as I like to use Quicken on both home desktop and laptop machines and this has been the most efficient way.  But now, I'm gonna have a bit of a weekend.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    Harold-Jr said:

    I have been using Quicken for Windows for 20 years.  I decided I wanted to try QMac 2017. As the windows files were carried into Mac there were some fleeting instructions about what needed to be disabled in Windows, repeating transactions or scheduled transactions.  Where are those instructions posted?  I am hoping it is feasible to run both simultaneously with a few modifications, like auto in one but not in the other, to see if I want to make the move.

    Agree with you about the lightning bolt on update accounts, Nice feature in QW. If investment/reporting is important you will find QM lacking . It all depends on what you need. Only FIFO & LIFO as far as lots in QM.
    Lots of folks here who want the features in QW run QW on the MAC in a VM mode.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited October 2016
    Robert B said:

    I too am feeling taken advantage of.  Less than a year ago I purchased QM2016, it has never worked totally and now you offer a $10 discount to upgrade.  The term robbery comes to mind?

    That sucks I didn't get a discount  I bought 2015 2016 now 2017 I feel like I'm getting screwed here
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    Harold-Jr said:

    I have been using Quicken for Windows for 20 years.  I decided I wanted to try QMac 2017. As the windows files were carried into Mac there were some fleeting instructions about what needed to be disabled in Windows, repeating transactions or scheduled transactions.  Where are those instructions posted?  I am hoping it is feasible to run both simultaneously with a few modifications, like auto in one but not in the other, to see if I want to make the move.

    Harold: Your account names won't be affected by updates (at least mine never have been). I did know (from reading here) that QW has a two-line register; I was just saying that although the one-line approach may seem a little jarring at first, it's pretty likable because of the added flexibility it creates. (The only downside is if you're trying to use QM on a small laptop, and need to scroll horizontally to see everything you want on each line. But I use it some, for testing, on my 13" MacBook Pro, and I can narrow the columns enough to see what I need -- although it's better on my 21" iMac!)

    Making global, or group, register configuration settings is another of those things lots of people have asked for that the development team hasn't (yet) tackled. Probably because it would be a convenience for initial set-up, but not something most users need to repeatedly adjust; I assume they feel other missing features are higher priorities... and I'd have to agree.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    I haven't figured how to access the new Comparison Report. I don't see it as a choice the Reports pull-down.  Didn't find anything on it in the Help either.  A hint please?
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016
    Robert B said:

    I too am feeling taken advantage of.  Less than a year ago I purchased QM2016, it has never worked totally and now you offer a $10 discount to upgrade.  The term robbery comes to mind?

    I don't know if it's worth your time for the $10 discount, but you could contact Quicken Support and tell them you've now read that Quicken 2016 users got offered a $10 discount for Quicken 2017, but you didn't get that discount when you purchased 2017. I'm not certain, but I'd guess they might credit you the $10. But again, if there's a 20-30 minute wait for chat support, and then you have to explain all this, you might decide it's not be worth it.
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016

    I haven't figured how to access the new Comparison Report. I don't see it as a choice the Reports pull-down.  Didn't find anything on it in the Help either.  A hint please?

    Larry, this is one of the things I find very un-Mac-like about the new interface. I don't like it, and as a beta tester, I lobbied for them to change it, but the developers apparently like making the interface closer to Windows. So here's the trick... see that little triangle next to the word Report in the blu feature navigation bar? Click the arrow, not the word. Voila! Here's a menu of your existing reports, with custom reports at the top and the "original" Quicken reports at the bottom. And in the middle is "New Report." Slide down to select that, and now you can select ether a Comparison or Summary report. For a Comparison reports, you first name it (backwards from older reports) and select to subtotal by Category of you want to compare your income and expenses.

    Now for the next surprise. By default, you'll get a yearly comparison for every year going back to the beginning of your data. Could be interesting, but most of the time, you probably want to compare this year to last year, or something like that, so *after* it generates the first report, you click Customize, and then you can change the date range as well as accounts, categories, tags to include in the report. Click OK, and you now have a comparison report that you probably thought you'd get initially.

    The report still stubbornly puts subtotals above the data they total, and uses only an ever-so-slightly bolder font for the subtotals, so I find it hard to read if you have many subcategories. Another surprise is that you can't click on a value and "drill down" to see the transactions which comprise that amount, as you could in Quicken 2007. (I think they plan to add this, but couldn't get it done in time for the release of 2017.) The final surprise is when you go to print it. Aside from defaulting to landscape mode, which may not make sense if you're comparison is just two years, it puts horizontal lines all the way across the page for each main category (instead of putting a rule above a number which is a category subtotal, as you'd expect on most financial reports).

    I'm hoping they'll refine some of this as they move forward! But now you have the secret decoder ring to get in and explore on your own. ;)
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Member ✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Drew said:

    Having a couple issues with 2017 so far:

    1.  As with 2016, I'm backing up my 2017 files (using "Save a Backup) to my iCloud drive.  I'm finding that in contrast to 2016, which would back up and sync in a minute or two (1.2GB file), the 2017 files is taking at least 15 minutes to backup and sync.  I tried one right after the other, and the behavior of the 2017 file is problematic.  I've tried on two different fast internet connections with no change.

    2.  The 2017 file backup has a blank white icon.

    That's it for now.

    Apple has also taken an interest in these numbers; I have a followup call from them scheduled for tomorrow.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016

    I haven't figured how to access the new Comparison Report. I don't see it as a choice the Reports pull-down.  Didn't find anything on it in the Help either.  A hint please?

    The drill down is very pertinent, I benefited from this for years using QW , & Quickbooks
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2016

    Quicken Marcus, are there plans to Automate the Scheduled Transactions (like in QM 2007)?

    In QM 07, once you set up a Scheduled Transaction, it would automatically be downloaded to Direct Connect on, say, the 1st of each month. i.e., rent.
This discussion has been closed.