USAA OL 220-A/294 Error



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Personally I don't know if I should consider USAA taking their servers down so much a good sign or a bad sign or it has nothing to do with Quicken sign.  They could be taking them down to work on such problems, or then may not, just don't even know/care that they are affecting Quicken, or this has nothing to do with Quicken and more about their rollout of their new login/security for their website.

    It is up for me at the moment, and has been for the couple of times I have tried it today.

    But all the associated problems like sending the pending transactions and sending them with a transfer type instead of the proper deposit/withdraw types, ... are still there.
    This is my website:
  • Member ✭✭
    :( The issues with Quicken downloads have spread from USAA to Chase. I got a mass of wacky downloads and transactions when I followed the USAA (new) instructions. I have several accounts with USAA and I still have one to sort out. Now, I have duplicate downloads on both USAA accounts and Chase/Amazon Prime. Has anything been fixed?
    I use the Mac Time Machine. Would I do better to take time machine back to a point just before the USAA/Quicken disaster and try again?
  • Member ✭✭
    USAA is posting my Social Securtity deposits as payments
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Opened the ticket w/ USAA and is fixed today.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    See this thread on the first page: Is the effort still ongoing with USAA FSB?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    See this thread on the first page: Is the effort still ongoing with USAA FSB?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am also seeing duplicate downloads on my USAA account.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I still cannot connect to USAA to download accounts to Quicken. I enter my new Access ID and Access Pin, but I then get taken to a screen that says, "USAA requires a PIN or 0000 if not required." I have entered every possible combination of numbers ... no luck. I will not renew Quicken if that cannot be resolved soon.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Good morning Community.  I got a OL-304 error early this morning.  I did nothing, such as deactivate/activate.  I just let it go which has seemed to work over the past couple of weeks. I tried again a little later and I got a good (Direct Connect) update with my only USAA spending account, a VISA Credit Card.  
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same issues with USAA -- 1) pending transactions are downloaded into Quicken and then downloaded again when they post and 2) credits show up as debits.

    Basically a MESS!!!!
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue for me. Also posted the Senior SSA distribution as a payment.
  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have the same problems discussed in the previous posts. When is this issue going to be fixed?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Still can't connect with direct connect. Message always says "Sorry, we encountered an error. (Its not your fault.) Frustrating, to say the least!
  • Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    I had the same issues--several deposits downloaded as payments. Also, some of the payments downloaded are duplicates of payments already downloaded and cleared.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I followed the "New" Institution set up with the special ID and password given to me and downloads have been working for over a week. My only complication is that now I am getting duplicate transactions for the last three or so days. For those that have set up the new institution and the special ID, are you getting duplicate transactions? PS: I have been using USAA and Quicken for almost 30 years and love them both... technical glitches will be discovered along the way.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I followed the "New" Institution set up with the special ID and password given to me and downloads have been working for over a week. My only complication is that now I am getting duplicate transactions for the last three or so days. For those that have set up the new institution and the special ID, are you getting duplicate transactions? PS: I have been using USAA and Quicken for almost 30 years and love them both... technical glitches will be discovered along the way.
    See this "parallel thread":
    This is my website:
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @Chris_QPW said:
    > See this "parallel thread":

    Thank you Chris. I will follow the parallel thread.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    For those of you still struggling as I have for weeks, I have some encouraging news. I have finally succeeded in connecting to "Direct Connect". See if this works for you...
    1. Proceed as instructed in the original messages (deactivate account, remove institution, etc.
    2. I also removed my account numbers listed in each account window listing the institution.
    3. Continue to follow instructions until you get to the window asking for Access ID and Access Pin. Fill in that info. Underneath that it also asks to save in vault. Check that box.
    4. Next screen, fill in your Quicken password to access the vault.

    Continue to follow the prompts...that's what I did and voila I have all my transactions from all my accounts from day 1. It seems that little check box "save to vault" did something????
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2021
    I successfully disconnected my USAA accounts and then connected to USAA NEW with no issues. The problem I have now is deposit downloading as PAYMENT, and the next day the same one downloads as DEPOSIT. I must then DELETE the one from day before that came in as PAYMENT or the balance will be zero for that one item.
    I can handle this flaw but am hoping it is resolved soon.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I successfully disconnected my USAA accounts and then connected to USAA NEW with no issues. The problem I have now is deposit downloading as PAYMENT, and the next day the same one downloads as DEPOSIT. I must then DELETE the one from day before that came in as PAYMENT or the balance will be zero for that one item.
    I can handle this flaw but am hoping it is resolved soon.
    Yes, this one of the known problems, here is a thread on it.  Hopefully USAA will fix it soon:
    This is my website:
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    USAA Direct Connect (new) continues to download some reconciled transactions as new transactions.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I still have problems downloading transactions from USAA. OL-332-A error continues to present when doing the One Step Update. This has been happening for several days now. When is Quicken and USAA going to get their act together? I have already talked to USAA technical support several times and they keep saying they're working on it. However I am paying for Quicken as a subscriber and I expect them to work with USAA to get this thing working right. This has shutdown my financial tracking.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    For those of you still struggling as I have for weeks, I have some encouraging news. I have finally succeeded in downloading USAA transactions to Quicken via the "Direct Connect" method. See if this works for you...

    Open the Account List: Tools > Account List.
    In the Account Details window click on the Online Services tab, then click the Deactivate button.

    • If you have more than one account with USAA (checking, savings, etc.) Deactivate all your accounts before attempting to reconnect.
    Next, switch to the General tab in the same window.

    • Delete the name in the Financial Institutions field and your account numbers for each account below it. If you have more than one account with USAA (checking, savings, etc.), do this for all your accounts before attempting to reconnect.

    Once al accounts are cleared, return to the Online Services tab and click the Set up Now… button.

    On the search window, search for (type) this name exactly: “USAA Federal Savings Bank – NEW”

    Next, select “USAA Federal Savings Bank – NEW” and then “Next”.

    Assuming you have already obtained your Access ID and Access Pin from USAA, fill in that information on the screen. Click Next

    Fill in your Quicken vault password (your sign-on for your online Quicken account). ALSO, check the box, “save to password vault”. Click “Connect”

    On the “We found the following accounts” screen, go to the “Action” column. Click on the drop-down arrow and select “Link to existing account”, then select the corresponding account. Do this for all accounts listed.

    Follow the prompts for the following screens and you should see your updated accounts. After “accepting all”, for each account, go to your accounts list again. You should see that you are now using the “Direct Connect” process for your “One Step Updates”!

    Hope this works for you as it did for me. Let me know…Jim
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This answer works. Just did it now. USAA has been very difficult to deal with since they dumped the Investment business. You do NOT have to setup a new Quicken file. USAA appears to be forcing for security reasons re setting up accounts EACH time you sync accounts with Quicken. They are not keeping current with Quicken technology and from being a 30 year banker, these are tell tail signs they may dump the banking business too. Going in for the 3rd time I still get that OL 220 error to fix. Its USAA. THIS IS WHAT I DID TO FIX IT. USAA is forcing me to do this the last 3x I went in. I did not record a video of what I did, but remember the basic steps. 1. First you need to turn off your existing Direct Connect that doesn't work. Since Quicken won't let you do that with out re-connecting to USAA, you have to fool Quicken to erase the Direct Connect. To do this tell Quicken you want to CHANGE your connection type to Web Connect by doing this it will remove all your Direct Connect info from Quicken, but NOT erase your accounts. 2. Now setup Direct Connect for USAA accounts. 3. You will be brought to a logon for USAA. 3. USAA on their website WRONGLY tells you to input your USAA # here. Instead input your web logon id, for me it is an alpha numeric ID I created. 4. Next they ask for PIN, This is Not where you put your PIN, instead input your USAA logon password associated with your USAA logon ID. 5. The screen will refresh at this point and they will ask again for a PIN. YES this is the time you input your USAA PIN, not the debit card PIN, but your web PIN. 6. WAIT you will be presented with your accounts at USAA. 7. From here for each account shown, select the correct account types, then go to far right drop downs and select link to existing account, and pick the one you want it to link to. (that's right USAA directions WRONG AGAIN -- they tell you, you are forced to create a new file.. BS, no you don't). 8. That is it, your transactions will download..... Your welcome from a former Bank Product Manager who actually uses online banking. It appears USAA is requiring us to go through this process each time to download. So want to stay with USAA but they are making is more and more difficult to do business with them.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I'm still getting the OL-220-A error when trying to connect to USAA direct connect using the new login credentials. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've made sure to deactivate automatic downloads from all of my USAA accounts and I have removed my USAA online billers.
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