Budget Disappeared.



  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Glad to hear YT.  Do you enter the budget screen through the upper Planning command list above the toolbar or through the Planning tab below the toolbar?  Thanks.

    By the way, Joesph Hanna shared the Dummy File procedure using 4-steps in late October from which I suggested a simplified 2-step version after his discovery.  Also very grateful for his sharing with the community.  Was really hoping the development team would have used his discovery to develop a software fix by now.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • This content has been removed.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I sent a message on Linkedin.com and an email to Eric Dunn, the CEO at Quicken about this issue. He was not aware of the issue. He will be forwarding my email to the Quicken product manager. He thanked me for making him aware of it and agreed that this deserves prompt attention. I expect to here more soon and I will keep all of you posted.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    hjfcfonew said:
    I sent a message on Linkedin.com and an email to Eric Dunn, the CEO at Quicken about this issue. He was not aware of the issue. He will be forwarding my email to the Quicken product manager. He thanked me for making him aware of it and agreed that this deserves prompt attention. I expect to here more soon and I will keep all of you posted.
    Unfortunately the Quicken product manager and software assurance team are fully and well aware of the problem. But hope your communication and his will put this on the front front burner for fixing. Thanks for sending and posting.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    hjfcfonew said:
    I just sent Eric Dunn, CEO at Quicken this message on Linkedin.com:

    Hi Eric,
    Sorry to have to bother you with this issue. Are you aware that a number of long time users of Quicken software have been experiencing an unexplained and repeated loss of access to budget data in Quicken for Windows? It's a very hot issue on communuty.quicken.discussion called "Budget Disappeared." When any of us contact support regarding this issue, there seems to be no awareness whatsoever that there is even an issue. Here is one of many support tickets on this issue: ticket#9561337. This has been apparently going on for the last 6 months or more with no resolution in sight. I'm a Quicken user for over 20 years and this has been most frustrating for me as it just isn't worth creating budgets and not being able to use them! A number of other long time users have expressed readiness to give up using Quicken altogether. I would think that Quicken might want to prioritize addressing this defect to avoid such an exodus. Anything you can do to raise the priority of this being fixed would be most appreciated.
    Many thanks.
    20+ year Quicken user

    Here is the URL of his profile on linkedin.com: linkedin.com/in/ericdunn1

    Maybe if more of us message him, we can get their attention to address this issue.
    This has been going on for years.   I have no budget data for anytime before 2018 even though I started using budgeting at least 10 years before then.  This is because of the disappearing budget issue (particularly at first use at start of new year).   I call support who typically acts as if this is an unknown issue and I must have done something wrong.  Only suggestion is to go to most recent backup.  Something that I now have religiously.  

    I will admit (hopefully this won't jinx me) that I haven't lost a budget in several months.   Don't know why, but I am using the dummy file startup, frequent backups, created a new file from the "copy file" function, and no longer use the "Bills and Income" tab (and everything within it has been deleted).   I noticed that as I used "Bills and Income" more, budgets disappeared more and frequent crashes happened when switching tabs.   I also have a new laptop which is faster and has 32gb of main memory (using Windows 10).   I do update Quicken usually about 2 weeks after an update is released (so someone else will be Quicken's beta user) or when Quicken forces an update on me.....

    Now, it seems much more stable.......(and I'm praying that I didn't just end my streak of good luck).

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023

    Hey hjfcfonew,

    Thank you for taking the initiative to contact Eric Dunn directly.  Hopefully Eric will light a fire with the development team.  Amazing how an such a long standing issue and top trending discussion can be left unattended and unresolved for so long.  Perhaps the Product Manager will be more responsive to the CEO vs us users.

    Hopefully will lead to a breakthrough!

    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    Some folks may be hearing about testing a fix. Don't know more than that.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @CMRater I enter the budget screen through the upper Planning command list above the toolbar. I never use the Planning tab below the toolbar. That will make my budget disappear. Not quite sure why.

    To make things worse, I use Quicken for Windows on my Macbook pro using Parallel software.

    Joesph Hanna: thank you for coming up for the temporary solution. Really do appreciate for sharing your thoughts..
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Funny, seems to work oppositely for me when I use the Dummy File process.  Perhaps the parallel software makes a difference.  Thanks for sharing.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Not exactly quite sure why. But I seem to have a stable database over the last 1 1/2 months. Keep my fingers crossed.

    I also sent an email to the CEO of Quicken on LinkedIn. Let's see what happens next.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I reached out to Eric Dunn - CEO of Quicken, today. I was amazed at how quickly he responded. Please find his response below. This is excellent news.

    Yohannes: The Quicken for Windows team is aware of this problem and has told me that they have a fix for our upcoming R47 (we are just now deploying R46) around the end of January. I will forward your message to the product manager, who may wish to contact you. Eric Dunn CEO

    @hjfcfonew: thank you for coming up with the idea to reach out to the CEO.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription admin
    Hi All,
    As all of you know, we've been working to fix this for a while; we thought we'd fixed every situation this would apply to in a prior release, but obviously, that wasn't the case!  It's proven to be complex, but, we do believe we have a fix ready for our next release--thank you all for posting your experience here so we could narrow down the issue--we hope to have a (final) update for this soon--

    Quicken Kathryn
    Community Administrator
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    Interesting to hear that they had rolled a fix into a recent release. Might be why I haven't lost budget instead of reason being switch to new computer. They used two of my data files to help find at least one cause of budget loss so if that's what was fixed no wonder I've been good for a while.

    Someone mentioned using Parallels, is that person running Quicken for Windows on a Mac?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @mtn_living yes, I am using Quicken for Windows on an Apple Macbook Pro.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 2023
    I have been creating budgets, save them, and after a few closings and reopenings through normal use, they disappear. Has this been reported as a problem?
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    What version … Help —> About Quicken 
    [edit] I also updated the topic title which was entered as just your user name 
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Any updates to this? I lost my freshly created budget for 2023. Really frustrating when you spend 2 hours getting all finalized and gone with no way to restore it. Please fix the problem.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @Ps56k2 said:
    > What version … Help —> About Quicken 
    > [edit] I also updated the topic title which was entered as just your user name 

    Thanks for making corrections.
    Version R45.212, build, OS: Windows 11 Enterprise
  • Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you for reporting this issue here in the Community, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    While this is a known issue that our teams have been working on, we also went ahead and posted a Community Alert for this issue which you can follow for any and all available updates here. The Alert also contains some troubleshooting instructions that may help resolve the issue for some. However, please note that as of now, it is still considered an ongoing issue and a fix is being worked on to be released in a future update.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    mezzomix said:
    Any updates to this? I lost my freshly created budget for 2023. Really frustrating when you spend 2 hours getting all finalized and gone with no way to restore it. Please fix the problem.

    talk bout timing, see Quicken Anja post.

    there is a way to recover, if you have this issue make incredibly frequent back and utilities the time stamp option in backup naming. like when working on budget or really anything until this is fixed, backup every few steps and check through planning/budget if you budget is still there. if you lose the budget, exit Quicken, restart it and restore from backup. If that fails the first time then try exiting Quicken and restart your machine. People have found that often let’s them restore successfully.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the update Quicken Anja.

    One question on the update post - My Help/About shows "Securities Max/ref". Is that the correct one? (Quicken Windows R45)
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same issue as the rest. Simply documenting it here since I have been on hold with Quicken technical support for 20 mins. User since 1989, not clear how much longer I can stick with Quicken.

    I thought the split out from Intuit would help and that the dramatically increased revenue from annual subscriptions would help fund and resolve technical issues. Doesn't seem to be happening, which is a true pity.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Will be interested to hear if quicken support acknowledges awareness of the ongoing problem.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Moderator mod
    Thanks for the update Quicken Anja.

    One question on the update post - My Help/About shows "Securities Max/ref". Is that the correct one? (Quicken Windows R45)
    Yes, that is correct.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    As I think I posted on December 7, 2022 (Or should have) if calling support on this - and that isn't going to do anything more than reading this thread - refer to QWIN-20936.  Frontline support was supposed to have been informed of this bug by Tier 2 support team.

    Side note: not sure sniping and griping is going to make what seems like a very tough technical problem to solve get fixed any faster. It's software, sometimes it has bugs, sometimes they only manifest after certain thresholds or mix of hardware/software/etc. are reached.  If they could have solved it more easily they would have as they've been working on it for months and thought they had it fixed. Making a bunch of empty threats of "I'm looking to move to alternatives" isn't going to move the ball forward at all.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    per the comment above from Eric Dunn, CEO, this issue is to be resolved in R47 near the end of January .

    YTilahun Member ✭✭
    I reached out to Eric Dunn - CEO of Quicken, today. I was amazed at how quickly he responded. Please find his response below. This is excellent news.

    Yohannes: The Quicken for Windows team is aware of this problem and has told me that they have a fix for our upcoming R47 (we are just now deploying R46) around the end of January. I will forward your message to the product manager, who may wish to contact you. Eric Dunn CEO
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    That's very encouraging YT.  We know that he has many other responsibilities, but its great to see his level of responsiveness!  Hopefully the Quicken Team that should be caring for and communicating with us over that last several years will follow Eric's example in the future.
    I would also be happy to assist in any beta testing should the product manager need more testers :)
    Quicken User Since - 1991
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I followed Quicken Anja's suggestion, and that reference test is not driving the budget loss problem for me.
    Quicken User Since - 1991
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