CC-800 with multiple accounts

System Member admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: One step update error CC-800.


  • mjonis
    mjonis Member ✭✭✭✭
    I've been getting the same thing, but it's totally random. One day it starts throwing a CC-800 with one account. Keep doing the "fix it" (re-add) and it says it did it and keeps throwing the error. Then a week later, a different account throws the error. Fixit doesn't fix it. Now it's doing it on Citibank. The only "fix" to fix the broken accounts is to deactivate them and then reactivate. Now as to why Quicken keeps thinking that accounts have been deleted it beyond me. So far it's done it with my local credit union - SEFCU, my local bank - TrustCo, and now Citibank.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    mjonis said:
    I've been getting the same thing, but it's totally random. One day it starts throwing a CC-800 with one account. Keep doing the "fix it" (re-add) and it says it did it and keeps throwing the error. Then a week later, a different account throws the error. Fixit doesn't fix it. Now it's doing it on Citibank. The only "fix" to fix the broken accounts is to deactivate them and then reactivate. Now as to why Quicken keeps thinking that accounts have been deleted it beyond me. So far it's done it with my local credit union - SEFCU, my local bank - TrustCo, and now Citibank.
    Hello @mjonis,   

    We apologize about these issues with online banking services and multiple CC-800 error messages. Thank you for alerting us to this here on the Quicken Community.

    First, save a backup by navigating to File > Copy or Backup File... in the upper menu at the top of the screen. Have you already followed the steps in this Support Article with regards to the CitiBank error messages you are now receiving? 

    Let us know how this affected the situation, if you get the chance to check back in with us.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • mjonis
    mjonis Member ✭✭✭✭
    Yes, followed the steps, repeatedly. The error has come back again for Citibank, although it does appear it actually downloads transactions. Given that other users ALSO have this situation I can only conclude it's a bug with Quicken.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    mjonis said:
    Yes, followed the steps, repeatedly. The error has come back again for Citibank, although it does appear it actually downloads transactions. Given that other users ALSO have this situation I can only conclude it's a bug with Quicken.
    Hello @mjonis,   

    Thanks for getting back to me with your results. We are sorry that this problem remains ongoing, even after deactivating your account's online banking services and then reactivating them. 

    If you have already deactivated and reactivate the account featuring the exact steps listed in the previously-linked Support Article, and the issue is continuing, then I recommend that you reach out to Quicken Support. You can do this with the information provided in this link. They will need to document and troubleshoot this issue in greater details with the resources and tools uniquely available to them. I wish that I could provide a resolution from the Quicken Community, but this represents the next necessary step in addressing this issue.

    I hope that this is helpful, and feel free to reach out with any further questions or concerns.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • binary512
    binary512 Member ✭✭✭
    Just spent two hours with Quicken support. Finally fixed after Deactivating the Ally accounts, Deleting the Bank Name and Account Number, doing a Super Validation on the file (probably not necessary), Logging Off (for AT LEAST 3 minutes before Logging on again), Logging On, Reactivating the Ally accounts.
    Make sure to stay logged off for AT LEAST 3 minutes. Longer if you can wait. I was told this gives the back-end processors at the bank time to process the Deactivated accounts. When I did not stay logged off long enough, the problem persisted. So stay logged off for a few minutes and hopefully it will fix it.
    I ran an Update after this and it was fixed.
  • M B
    M B Member ✭✭✭
    I have had similar issues.  Received error code 800 (account deleted/not found) on various accounts over several days.  However, when I attempted to reset or deactivate/reactivate I received a subsequent error code 503 (incorrect login credentials).  This issue has been persisting for several days.  Spent multiple hours with Support and could not resolve the issue, including doing the suggested fix shown above.  I can't even add these accounts in a new "Test" file as I keep getting the 503 error.  I have reported the issue multiple times via Report an Issue, and Support has escalated this issue for resolution but it's been days and no one has contacted me with a resolution or a status update.  This is affecting my Fidelity Rewards card (tried using both Elan and Fidelity Rewards links), Barclay cc, Ally Bank, and US Bank cc's.  My other accounts seem to be updating via OSU, but my Pen Fed accounts keep downloading already cleared transactions which I keep deleting.  No errors or issues are showing in the Validate/Super Validate results.  Quicken needs to fix this issue as there are apparently multiple users seeing this issue.
  • Kevin Miller
    Kevin Miller Member ✭✭✭
    Had the same problem with M&T Bank for weeks. Tried all suggestions above except for calling support. I changed to Direct Connect and problem was resolved. 
  • spratleywa
    spratleywa Member ✭✭✭
    I have had the same issue for Keesler Federal Credit Union and Goldman Sachs Marcus accounts for the past few weeks. Finally broke down and spent the weekend starting with the last good backup. As of COB yesterday it was working great. One Step Update was quick. As of this morning, the CC-800 errors for those accounts returned, and one step update has bogged down again.

    It is my theory that OSU doesn't like files on cloud drives (mine is on OneDrive).
  • spratleywa
    spratleywa Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Nope. I restored a backup from yesterday that was working great to a local "C" drive folder. It looked good. I ran OSU, and it took about 15 minutes to crash with that notorious dump file error message. So, I cleared that file from my online account. Restored it. I reran OSU. The KFCU and Marcu CC-800s have returned and that "Quicken cannot process the selected date range..." error message has returned. Update: This error message was followed by the error message "Quicken encountered an error while communicating with our servers [HTTP-306]. Try again later. If the error persists, contact Quicken Support."

    So, three different errors on good versions of the same dataset file with the last indicating the problem is with Quicken's servers.

  • jljeeper
    jljeeper Member ✭✭✭
    Mine has been working fine since I disabled cloud sync. By the way I also use one drive and have been for several years without issue. Cloud sync seems to have a problem with large quicken files in my opinion. Long back up times and crashes
  • Andrew02467
    Andrew02467 Member ✭✭
    Sunday I have this problem with our Bank of America accounts, under my login fonly two credit card accounts but not two other banking accounts, and under my wife's credit card account. I did deactiveate/activate hers and the problem went away. When I then asked Quicken ONLY to update my checking account, it not only did that successfully but then also updated the two credit card accounts )under the same login) which had had the CC-800 error! This morning, everything was my own two accounts which had reported CC-800 errors were somehow resolved entirely without my doing anything.
  • Fred Farquar
    Fred Farquar Member ✭✭
    Happening with me as well. Random accounts, including Bank of America, and Chase Credit cards. Restore from backup, and try again. I am seeing this more after the latest R47.15 update. Currently on build Happens with different accounts, at different times. Other accounts with same bank continue to work. Very frustrating. Mostly here to vent, and let others know this is real problem with the software, and not a user problem.
  • It's been happening to me for about the last week or 10 days. Contacted support this morning about another issue (Citi card opening balance changing) and mentioned this one, too.
  • Charlie236
    Charlie236 Member ✭✭✭
    Does any back at Quicken Home realize this isn't a User error/mistake?
    I have recently been getting these errors without a Backup/restore occurring. Today, five accounts stated there were deletions when none took place.
    What have you done to our age-old mostly dependable product? Every month there are new issues; I dread every new update. We are not Beta Testers.
    Please this FIXIT that doesn't fix-it isn't the issue.
    How many users have lost time chasing their tail Fixit-Deactivate-Activate.

    Please we need help to resolve this issues from happening.

    Add to these errors are lost Check-Pay checks. I pay early & they don't arrive.
    I'm a Quicken user since 1990.
  • AdamKFarmer
    AdamKFarmer Member ✭✭

    I also have this exact error, I had to remove all my data since 2009 and start fresh and it's still happening. I went through support and they don't have any answers. I think it might be related to one-drive, which I've been using for years.

  • AdamKFarmer
    AdamKFarmer Member ✭✭

    Quicken Jared, this needs to be escalated and is clearly a Quicken bug. I get this with my Citi Accounts, OptumBank, Discover and my Credit union. I have to add my accounts back every day. Clearly an issue.

  • Charlie236
    Charlie236 Member ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    > @AdamKFarmer said:
    > Quicken Jared, this needs to be escalated and is clearly a Quicken bug. I get this with my Citi Accounts, OptumBank, Discover and my Credit union. I have to add my accounts back every day. Clearly an issue.

    @AdamKFarmer, I do so agree that there is something amiss at Quicken. I did post here, last month, about that.
    What helped me in fixing the five different accounts with those errors that came out of nowhere was following the instructions listed, at the link below, exactly, and it cleared up these errors.
    I cannot overemphasize EXACTLY. If I deviated, failure.

    Following the Fix-It that Quicken provided with the Downloads never worked. Trying my own Deactivate/Activate, etc. within an Edit Account Details didn't either. This was last month.
    This week another anomaly happened plus CC-800. Running Quicken's Validate surprisingly fixed it.

    It may be related to errors in transmission or as you mentioned a disk drive. Given the number of Community members that experienced this I'd look at transmission - funny how these all occurred in Accounts that switched to Express Web Connect - those that were Direct Connect were all OK.

    I wonder if the Quicken Team is doing forensics on Express Web Connect? Another Account that was Direct Connect recently switched to Express... & that threw out a CC-800 error when all had been fine.

    Best of luck to all of us!!!
    I'm a Quicken user since 1990.
  • AdamKFarmer
    AdamKFarmer Member ✭✭
    > @Charlie236 said:
    > > @AdamKFarmer said:
    > > Quicken Jared, this needs to be escalated and is clearly a Quicken bug. I get this with my Citi Accounts, OptumBank, Discover and my Credit union. I have to add my accounts back every day. Clearly an issue.
    > @AdamKFarmer, I do so agree that there is something amiss at Quicken. I did post here, last month, about that.
    > What helped me in fixing the five different accounts with those errors that came out of nowhere was following the instructions listed, at the link below, exactly, and it cleared up these errors.
    > I cannot overemphasize EXACTLY. If I deviated, failure.
    > Following the Fix-It that Quicken provided with the Downloads never worked. Trying my own Deactivate/Activate, etc. within an Edit Account Details didn't either. This was last month.
    > This week another anomaly happened plus CC-800. Running Quicken's Validate surprisingly fixed it.
    > It may be related to errors in transmission or as you mentioned a disk drive. Given the number of Community members that experienced this I'd look at transmission - funny how these all occurred in Accounts that switched to Express Web Connect - those that were Direct Connect were all OK.
    > I wonder if the Quicken Team is doing forensics on Express Web Connect? Another Account that was Direct Connect recently switched to Express... & that threw out a CC-800 error when all had been fine.
    > Best of luck to all of us!!!

    Thanks for the reply Charlie, when I fix it like the linked article it might work for a few days, but the problem always persists. I do use it on OneDrive, been doing it like that for years, which might have something to do with it, but I like accessing from multiple computers.
  • Charlie236
    Charlie236 Member ✭✭✭
    > @AdamKFarmer said:
    > Thanks for the reply Charlie, when I fix it like the linked article it might work for a few days, but the problem always persists. I do use it on OneDrive, been doing it like that for years, which might have something to do with it, but I like accessing from multiple computers.

    I understand.

    Best Regards,
    I'm a Quicken user since 1990.
  • AdamKFarmer
    AdamKFarmer Member ✭✭
    Will just update this thread each time I get an error. Quicken Jared, readded all my accounts, now my google store card (recently added) has CC-800. If there was any software on the market I would buy it in a heartbeat. This is so annoying.

    > @Quicken Jared said:
    > Hello @mjonis,   
    > Thanks for getting back to me with your results. We are sorry that this problem remains ongoing, even after deactivating your account's online banking services and then reactivating them. 
    > If you have already deactivated and reactivate the account featuring the exact steps listed in the previously-linked Support Article, and the issue is continuing, then I recommend that you reach out to Quicken Support. You can do this with the information provided in this link. They will need to document and troubleshoot this issue in greater details with the resources and tools uniquely available to them. I wish that I could provide a resolution from the Quicken Community, but this represents the next necessary step in addressing this issue.
    > I hope that this is helpful, and feel free to reach out with any further questions or concerns.
    > Thank you,
    > Quicken Jared 
  • Hello @AdamKFarmer,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. It is possible that having your file on One Drive is causing the issue. We strongly recommend that you keep your Quicken file on the C drive because Quicken is not designed to handle the same file being accessed by more than one user or source at a time. If you are in the file and One Drive is syncing, that can cause issues. To test if the error is popping up because of the file's location, you can try moving it to the C drive, or if that's not a viable option, make certain that One Drive is paused when you are accessing your Quicken file.

    If One Drive is not the culprit, follow these steps:

    1. Backup your Quicken file.
    2. Deactivate all accounts connected to the financial institutions that are having the issue, unless they are under a different login that is not having trouble.
    3. Check for any hidden accounts that are still trying to connect to those financial institutions. To do this, go to Tools>Account List, then, if you have hidden accounts, there will be a Show hidden accounts checkbox at the lower left. Scroll through the Account List, looking for any hidden accounts that think they're connected to those financial institutions (Transaction Download column will say "yes" if an account thinks its connected). If you find any that are connected, deactivate them.
    4. Before reconnecting anything, go to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web. There should be a blue link that says Reset your cloud data. Click on that link. Note: If you don't see that link, you have sync turned off. You would need to turn the sync on, click OK, then go back to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web. Then you should be able to click on that link. Once the cloud reset is complete, you can turn the sync back off again.
    5. After the cloud reset completes, go to Edit>Preferences>Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts. There will be a blue link that says Sign in as a different user. Click that link, type "yes", then click the Sign Out button.
    6. Quicken will log you out and take you back to the login screen. Before logging in, close Quicken and leave it closed for at least 5 seconds.
    7. Re-open Quicken. When it finishes loading, it will take you to the login screen. Log in to Quicken.
    8. Once you are logged back into Quicken, reconnect the accounts by going to Tools>Add Account. Search for the Financial Institution and follow the prompts. Do this for each financial institution you need to reconnect. Note: When reconnecting your accounts, it is important to make sure that Quicken is showing the action as Link to existing and the nickname in Quicken is the correct account you want it to download into (see sample image below). If it is showing an incorrect name or if it is trying to add instead of link, click the dropdown in the action column to correct it.

    Once your accounts are reconnected, test to see if the issue is resolved.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Lisa Br
    Lisa Br Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Kristina

    I've been following this whole thread for a couple months now. We all know the "Fix it" doesn't work. The original CC-800 Quicken support instructions on how to deactivate/reactivate don't work. I even uninstalled/reinstalled Quicken to see if that would solve the problem. Nope. So I gave your instructions a shot. I followed it to the letter. The first time I did it, it appeared to fix the problem with the two accounts that have been receiving the error for months; however, it threw the error on a different account. So I went through the entire process again to fix that account, which it did; however, the two original problematic accounts now throw the error again. So ultimately, going through all of these steps twice resulted in being in being in the exact same position as before I went through the entire process. When I talked to Quicken support back when this first started, I was told that since the accounts were still updating to simply "ignore" the error, which is not okay. Please advise on next steps.

  • Hello @Lisa Br,

    Thank you for your reply,

    Based on your description of the issue, it sounds like you've done troubleshooting on the connection side and on the program side, so that would leave troubleshooting the file itself.

    Do you keep your Quicken file on the C drive, or on a shared network drive? Is your Quicken file synced with any cloud service, such as One Drive or Dropbox (if it is, you will usually see the cloud service name in the file location)? The simplest way to check your file location, if you are in Quicken with the file open, is to click on File, then look near the bottom of the menu, just above where it says Exit. It will list the file locations for the 4 most recent Quicken files you have accessed with the one you're currently in at the #1 spot (see sample image below).

    If it is on a shared network drive, I would recommend moving it to your C drive to see if that corrects the issue. If it is synced with a cloud service, I would recommend unsyncing it or at least pausing the cloud service when you are accessing your Quicken file. The reason for this is Quicken is not designed to handle concurrent sessions. The file is intended to be used by one person or program at a time; if more than one are accessing it, that can cause issues.

    If your file is on the C drive, not syncing to any cloud service, and the issue is still happening, please let me know so we can continue troubleshooting the issue.

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Lisa Br
    Lisa Br Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Kristina

    Thank you for responding! I had moved my back up file off of One Drive to my external D: drive; however, when I checked what file was open, it was a past one off of One Drive. I moved back to the D: drive file. Do I now need to run the corrections you laid out again on this file? How do I make sure the program opens from the D: drive vs. One Drive?

  • Thank you for your reply,

    Quicken will generally open the most recent Quicken file you were using, unless you are opening the program by double clicking on a data file. If you double click on a data file, it will open the file you clicked on. It can be a bit confusing since data files are red with a white Q icon, just like the desktop shortcut. The desktop shortcut will have the little arrow icon in the lower left and will be labeled Quicken rather than having a file name (see sample image below).

    A Quicken data file has the same color scheme, but does not have the little arrow in the lower left and will have the name of the file (see sample image below).

    If you have it pinned to your task bar, you can also open Quicken by clicking the icon on the task bar (see sample image below).

    Since it sounds like the file on your D drive is a different file from the one you were working with earlier, if the CC-800 issue is happening in that file, you may want to go through the same troubleshooting steps. Is the Quicken program on your D drive also? It is generally recommended that you store your main Quicken file on the same drive that the program is installed on (for most people, that is the C drive).

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Lisa Br
    Lisa Br Member ✭✭
    edited April 2023

    Thank you! Yes, moving the files off of One Drive seems to have done the trick. That seems like a major bug that I hope Quicken fixes. It worked fine until January so they changed something that was to the program's detriment.

  • Laura111
    Laura111 Member ✭✭
    edited April 2023

    I have been having the 800 error on my Chase accounts since the last Quicken update. What ever Quicken didon that update, it screwed something up in the program. I have tried the deactivate/reactivate thing and that clearly doesn't work. I have reported the issue to support but have heard nothing. [Removed - Language]

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Moderator mod
    edited April 2023

    Thank you for your reply @Lisa Br,

    I'm glad to hear that moving the files off of One Drive corrected the issue. It isn't a bug; we do not recommend keeping the Quicken file you are using synced with a cloud service specifically because it can cause issues. You can review this article if you'd like more information.

    Hello @Laura111,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about this issue.  I'm sorry to hear you're running into this problem. Have you already tried the troubleshooting steps in this discussion? You mentioned you reported this issue to Quicken Support. I wasn't able to find a ticket from that contact; did you reach out to us by phone or by chat? Do you have the ticket number handy?

    Thank you.

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • MSStateDawg
    MSStateDawg Member ✭✭✭✭

    When you say "log off", do you mean sign out of the Quicken ID in Quicken?

  • MSStateDawg
    MSStateDawg Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2023

    Well, guess what. Your comment has been the most helpful of anything I've found. Signing out of my Quicken ID and leaving it signed out overnight has fixed my problem. [Edited-Readability]

    Thank you for posting this. I would still be pulling my hair out if you had not.

This discussion has been closed.