Fidelity NetBenefits transaction download is all "Unidentified Security" (edit)



  • tailgaters
    tailgaters Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I have the same problem starting in July. It seems to have been after July 7th (worked) because on July 17th the CUSIP was 9 digits. I have been editing each transaction manually in the register as noted by others. It is a pain but easy since the Memo has the security name.

    Note: The download transaction process from Fidelity website does not have this issue and still uses the 4 digit CUSIP.

  • jeffrose5
    jeffrose5 Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    I got a message to call back Fidelity. Unfortunately, Alejandra was told to pass a message to me - to go open a ticket with Quicken! I explained that this is not something "us" end-users can fix and asked (again) to escalate to the IT department or a supervisor.

    After a lengthy hold, she came back and said their team wonders if the last Quicken update may be to blame, so I'll state that I'm using R51.12 Build I wasn't able to tell when my software was upgraded and honestly I'm not sure it's relevant, but if Quicken support is reading this, just some insight into where Fidelity is at.

    She escalated my case (again), this time to a customer response manager, so we'll see what happens next time they reach out.

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I had this problem before the last two updates. I always delay applying the updates to minimize issues.

  • mjmdo07
    mjmdo07 Quicken Windows Subscription Mac Beta Beta

    My previous comment proved too good to be true. Worked properly for exactly 1 day now it fails as before.

  • Greg@mv
    Greg@mv Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have discovered that if I download the .qif file from Fidelity and try to import, it fails. However, if I edit it, I can get the transactions to import as expected. Maybe this will give Quicken or Fidelity a hint as to what to fix. Of course, I do not know if importing a .qif file works the same as Direct Connect. What I found was that looking at the .qif file I download that it has additional information after the security name. In the example below, if I remove the (OSVQ) from the security name, the transaction will import.


    The question is, did Fidelity start adding this information, or did Quicken make a change that is now confused by this additional information? Hope this information is helpful to getting the issue solved.

  • ocean1
    ocean1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I too am having the same same unidentified security problem with my Fidelity downloads. This started in mid-July (4 pay cycles thus far). The share amounts have been correct. The memo line includes the security name, so at least its marked.

  • I have the same problem and hope Quicken provides a fix or a work around solution that requires minimum manual effort

  • Quicken needs to provide a work around solution that requires minimal effort from the Quicken users. If not, this defeats the purpose of using Quicken to download Fidelity 401k transactions. Its really frustrating to waste time to match, uncheck, reset, rename, etc. to reconcile.

  • svikas
    svikas Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have the same problem

  • wilsonvr
    wilsonvr Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have also been dealing with this issue with two fidelity accounts since mid-July. My workaround has been to manually correct the transactions by using the edit command. This is very tedious and time-consuming and is not in line with my expectations. I was hoping this would be resolved quickly; however, it is apparent that neither Quicken nor Fidelity understand or are working on a solution to fix this issue. I say apparent because I’m not privy to the discussion between Quicken and Fidelity, it’s simply my perception as a Quicken customer. Which should be the most important thing for any business. My position regarding this and all issues I have with Quicken is, I’m now paying a yearly subscription. You are now not able to simply say it’s a financial institution issue, even though it may truly be a financial institution issue. As a paying Quicken Customer, I except Quicken to resolve these types of issues quickly, efficiently, and not ask me to contact the financial institution to resolve the issue. This issue has been ongoing for over 60 days and is not in line with the type of customer service that I expect. I truly hope this message is sent to Mr. Dunn. He needs to understand that charging a customer a subscription includes the responsibility to address customers issues regardless whose fault it is.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Does it sound like this Alert might pertain to the issue you are seeing?: NEW 9/7/23 Fidelity 401K - $0 Investment Account Balance.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R59.10 on Windows 11

  • Doug Giannotti
    Doug Giannotti Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta

    Same issue, every time I download shows new security w different CUSIP ID.

  • sergeykovalyov
    sergeykovalyov Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Exactly, Fidelity NetBenefits seems to be sending inconsistent data.

    Transactions contain 9-character CUSIPs, but positons contain 4-character id in place of CUSIP. And then the security list contain both security versions. This totally confuses Quicken.

    I wish Quicken could keep both of these IDs to match the security using any of them.

    Here is an example sniped from the OFX log file:




    In <SECLIST>:


  • glenn.hout
    glenn.hout Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    I've been having the same problem with both my Fidelity NetBenefits 401k and also my wife's account since July 2023. Quicken just started tagging ALL downloaded TXN's as "Unidentified Security". The TXN date, $amount, # of shares, purchase price, etc. is all correct in the downloaded info, but the security is never identified. If you look in the Memo field, you can find some textual information as to which security in your security list to which the TXN pertains (or you can log onto Fidelity NetBenefits online and just find the TXN), but both ways require that you manually update each downloaded TXN with the corresponding security.

    I was on the phone with Fidelity's "Personal Investment Tech Support" team today and they had me create a separate Quicken QDF file and just add our Fidelity NetBenefits accounts and then download TXN's. The problem is also occurring in that newly created file too. Can this please be escalated within Quicken and coordinate with the Fidelity team? No idea who has the issue, but this needs to get fixed. Fidelity NetBenefits/Quicken downloads have worked flawlessly for 10+ years that we've been using them. This is a recent issue and very annoying.

    Quicken Support Ticket #: 10461268 (logged on 9/11/2023)

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    [Removed - Speculation]. I suggest you ask to speak to a supervisor and/or suggest that they refund a portion of your annual subscription.

  • S_P
    S_P Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Last week I sent an email from which reverted back to me because this issue belongs to Fidelity netbenefits site. Today I chatted a rep on netbenefits site and provided same information here. He will pass this info to board of directors - wish they understand that partial data is incorrect.

    Thanks sergeykovalyov for screenshots. I would advise to contact your Fidelity Netbenefits (NOT Fidelity retail which is brokerage, IRA which are working just fine) and provide same the information. Hopefully more of same info will make Fidelity to look into immediately.

  • BarryMo
    BarryMo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    When I called Fidelity Net Benefits a few weeks ago, the took about 4- 5 days and came back that this was a Quicken issue. I was specific on how the CUSPID was being mangled.

    If it is indeed a Fidelity root cause, then Quicken should document the official open issue with additional information.

    There is a complete lack of transparency when it comes to the problem determination.

    Also, this comment above is not believable, "He will pass this info to board of directors - wish they understand that partial data is incorrect". Like some Fidelity call center rep has some type of communication pipeline to the "board of directors".

  • berthagator
    berthagator Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm having the same issue, but instead of "Unidentified Security", it shows the name of another security "NC Fixed Income Index" that I have never purchased through Fidelity, but have bought through a Prudential/Empower retirement account in the past.

    I haven't been able to download from Empower since they took over Prudential, so I can't really compare the actual CUSPID, but can confirm that the ID for the Vanguard target fund that I've been buying the whole time I've had this Fidelity account has changed since July.

    I'm not interested in finger pointing; I pay a subscription fee to Quicken for this stuff to work - I just want Fidelity and Quicken to play in the sandbox together. Two months is entirely too long for this to still be going on.

  • Riverdale71
    Riverdale71 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    I have been having this same issue of all transactions being labeled Unidentified Security for the last month on my husband's 401k account. I spoke to Fidelity Customer Service and they told me it was a Quicken issue. I don't believe them but wish that Quicken would pressure Fidelity to fix, especially when Fidelity's logo appears on the Quicken sign-in screen now.

  • Scott
    Scott Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Finally decided to set this back up for downloads again. Goes back only six months. Still seeing Unidentified Security all over and also lots of placeholders outside of that as well.

    I've been finding other issues with Quicken as well. Transactions missed with Morgan Stanley. Maybe it didn't know how to handle but it plain ignored it. I've had to reset a time or two to try to correct issues. A couple of times I had to delete the account and start the online downloads again. Problem is you lose anything older than about 3 - 6 months. Which throws off the graphs and YTD data.

    My bill pay (manual) got messed up about 3 updates back and simply got out of sync. Deleted all of the bill pay items listed and re-added from scratch.

    My HSA account keeps getting it data hosed.

    Still getting the CC-800 with my CU. I have followed the detailed instructions including logging out of my Quicken Account for an extended period. I have done this multiple times only with the error to always come back. The process used to work.

    It doesn't make sense to keep paying for this service when it doesn't work very well. This isn't something witnessed over a short period but decades. Since they went to an annual membership it's become far worse. How has this become the new standard or normal? All I'm doing is downloading from the financial institutions and this program gets it wrong a lot and then causes bigger issues. A lot of lost time going back and fixing things all the time. There's no point in calling or chatting with support.

    Does anyone know if I were to download the Fidelity QIF file (believe it's qif) and import it, can I then go back to this 401k account and Activate online services and then new downloads would appropriately tack onto the end of the imported qif file import? Or can you only do manual or auto. Clearly auto doesn't work.

  • Scott
    Scott Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    No point in posting here even if it's professional. Anything that doesn't fit gets deleted. Just happened.

  • 23-yrQuickUser
    23-yrQuickUser Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I just downloaded new transactions from my most recent paycheck, and the problem continues.

  • Scott
    Scott Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Is it possible to delete my 401k account, re-add but choose manual entry. Download the timeframe of data I want for Fidelity (the qif file), then import it…..THEN, after activate the Online Services so it will auto update going forward?

    Update: easy using a test file. Importing qif works fine but the balance is off from Fidelity. Not sure why. But once I switch to online services and auto update and then update a bunch of unidentified security transactions get downloaded. Messes up the account and really throws the balance off.

  • Jason Wolverine
    Jason Wolverine Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Any update @Quicken Anja ?

  • Roger Snook
    Roger Snook Member ✭✭✭

    Me too on this "UNIDENTIFIED SECURITY" - I did report this previously through "Report a problem…" and well, I just submitted again and referenced this URL. This was working just fine, but it's not now. Especially worse for anyone who has more than one security in their accounts.

  • trobertson7
    trobertson7 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Add me to the list of soon-to-be-former-Quicken-customers that have been bit by the "UNIDENTIFIED SECURITY" bug.

    I've been using Quicken since the DOS version. I was optimistic when they began doing routine updates that maybe the product would be improved. Man, was I wrong and really hate to see what has happened to a longtime stable product.

    Sorry for the lament.

  • neiltramel
    neiltramel Member ✭✭

    This Fidelity/Quicken issue has been on going for over 2 months! I noticed that Fidelity is no longer featured in the Quicken startup logo. I guess "Powered by Fidelity" isn't all that true anymore. I have 8 transactions that I have to manually correct every two weeks with Unknow security and no stock symbol. Can I get a rebate on my subscription fee until you get this fixed (not a sarcastic question)? If my phone didn't work, I would not pay that bill. If my cable was out, I wouldn't pay that bill. If my Quicken is out, what happens?

  • neiltramel
    neiltramel Member ✭✭

    Still not fixed.

This discussion has been closed.