Security Prices - Issue with yesterday's closing prices changing to today's price for all holdings



  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Continuing on this investigation, I did not have a chance to Update (current) Quotes on Monday evening after close. Tuesday during trading hours, I saw prior behavior - no changes to the Monday quotes. Later Tuesday after closing (about 9 PM CT), I again saw the behavior or an Update (current) quotes improperly changing the prior days quotes - Close, Hi, Lo and Volume. In some cases, all four of Tuesday's values replaced Monday's four values. In other cases, the Hi and Lo values became 0 with only the closing price copied.

    Nine ETFs were so affected and oddly one stock (LNG).

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Moderator mod
    Answer ✓

    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    We have forwarded this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. In the meantime, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files, a sanitized data file, and screenshots (if possible) attached in order to contribute to the investigation.

    While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams further investigate the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.

    We apologize for any inconvenience! Thank you.

    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • MB
    MB Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Jasmine

    I did that fours days ago with no response.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Quicken Jasmine wrote:

    While you will not receive a response through this submission, …

    @MB wrote

    I did that fours days ago with no response.

    Is there some sort of disconnect here?

  • KCHawk
    KCHawk Member ✭✭

    I just spent about 2 hour on line with Q Support. The tech worked with a "higher level" of support. End result was to correct my ETF prices back to mid August. Supposedly I should not have any problems with ETF proces in future 😎. I asked about everyone else and he said if you have problems you should contact Q Support, which means I don't know if problem has been fixed.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    What step did they/you take to correct the prices? Did you have to correct them manually or did Support do something on their end?

    QWin Premier subscription
  • I have the same problem. Today's price changes are combined with yesterday's changes.

  • bookemdanno
    bookemdanno Member ✭✭

    I continue to see the problem. I've reported it through the Windows app.

  • bookemdanno
    bookemdanno Member ✭✭

    @KCHawk can you recount what they had you do? we'd all love to know!

  • shifter
    shifter Member ✭✭

    @Quicken Jasmine, instead of pouring over logs, your devs can very easily reproduce the issue at will 100% repeatable using these steps:

    Only requirement is to do these afterhours like 3-4 hours after the market closes or on a weekend or a holiday when the market is closed. Just to need to create a portfolio with a few ETFs like VGT, VTI, VT

  • shifter
    shifter Member ✭✭

    Don't want to rain on this but, unless they directed you to install a patch or a new build on your computer, or they fixed it on the backend, which would fix it for everybody without calling in, you may see your prices clobbered again afterhours tonight…
    You can always fix manually bad prices by deleting the price entries with 0's for high/low and then redownloading the historical prices, which I suspect is what they did on the call…

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    I decided to do a deeper dive into this, and I've found more of a mess than I bargained for. I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is the same problem, a related problem, or a different one altogether. I don't know if its something others are experiencing, or if its just my file. In either case, its really shaken my confidence in Quicken, which I've been using to track my investments for 17 years. I'm gonna lay it out in this thread because everyone here is paying attention to the quotes issue and I'm hoping some of you will do a little sleuthing and check if you're seeing the same. I apologize for the lengthy post - I'm trying to be as clear and detailed as I can.

    Like everyone on this thread, I experienced the quote overwrite problem. The first time I noticed it was in early October, but upon investigation, the first identifiable instance was Sunday 8/27. That tells me it began on Mon 8/28, or perhaps any day AFTER Mon 8/21 (if it started Monday, it would have manifested on Sunday 8/20). So by the time I realized what was happening, my September numbers were toast.

    I realized the problem was occurring when I did quote updates after 8PM Eastern, so I made it my business to update no later that 7:45, and everything looked good. As has been my past practice for years, each night, I tie out my Quicken account totals to those on the Merrill and Fidelity websites. Merrill ties out to the penny, Fidelity to within a few cents due to rounding differences. I also began checking daily gain/loss by account, which matched as well. Al was good, so I thought.

    As a result of paying so much attention, I noticed that the prior day aggregate account total was changing slightly (couple of hundred bucks or so) after the daily update. It made no sense as everything was tied out the day before. So - more investigation. I started comparing the price history for every ETF I own (roughly 60-65) against Yahoo's historical prices. Its a painstaking process and I'm not even halfway through yet, but here's what I've found so far:

    1 - At least 11 of my prior day ETF (EFAV, IJT, IUSG, IBB, IFRA, ITA, TLT, MBB, QUAL, NOBL) quotes are consistently being overwritten. The "new" quotes are NOT today's, but rather, something that's usually, but not always, within 3-4 cents of the correct price. The "bad" quotes for the above are readily identifiable by the fact that they go to 4 decimals rather than the original 2. In some cases, Quicken's price history shows a remarkable consistency with the issue (day good/day bad). In other's it jumps around a bit. Every one of the 4 decimal quotes is incorrect.

    2 - I've located several other ETFs (VCIT, ANGL, BNDX) which are harder to identify bc the incorrect quotes are the standard 2 decimals. I'm sure I'll find more as I keep going.

    3 - Some of these problems look like they originated in September and October of this year. Others seem to go back further, perhaps as far back as 2020 if the markers (0 volume, 4 decimal quotes) in the Quicken price history are to be trusted. I can't confirm anything past 1 year as Yahoo's history only goes that far.

    To summarize, there are patterns, but none are 100% consistent:

    1 - Issue affects only ETFs (that's I'm currently aware of) and is brokerage independent

    2 - Issue affects multiple fund families, but not all funds within a family

    3 - The "bad" quotes for many affected funds are within a few cents of the correct price, but not all

    4 - The "bad" quotes for many affected funds go to 4 decimals instead of the std 2, but not all

    5 - The problem has started for many affected funds in the past 2-3 months, but others go back further

    Bottom line is, my data is hosed. The current day info is good, but any history going back I don't know how far is off. I can't confirm anything because I have no historical account totals saved, and it really doesn't matter bc its just too huge of a task to try to fix it all.

    I'm hoping some of you folks will go poking around to see if you have the same, or a similar problem. The more info I have, the better armed I'll be when I finally take it to Support.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Rob445
    Rob445 Member ✭✭

    Interesting timing variant seen today.

    I updated accounts (I only have ETFs and mutual funds- no individual securities) at ~3:00 MDT (5 PM EDT) and all ETFs updated with proper closing prices, but MFs had not yet reported so I repeated the update at ~6:45 PM (8:45 PM EDT) and all MFs updated properly but ETF prices were all moved to the prior day - overwriting existing quotes (also obtained from quicken update) such that the current date shows $0 and 0% change for the day. As before, the issue is the same for ETFs from Vanguard, Schwab, & SPDR and at two different brokerages TDA/ Schwab and Merrill.

    I have submitted a problem report with this info to Quicken. Hoping they are able to fix this soon.

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    As long as you update before 6PM MT (8PM ET), quotes should be OK. Its around that time that Quicken switches to either running a different process or using a different quote provider. That's where the problem is coming from.

  • bigskyrec
    bigskyrec Member ✭✭

    About half of stock prices updated show "last update" the previous day, yet the quote price showing is correct for the current day's close plus it doesn't appear that those stock increases/decreases are included in the day's total gain/loss summary. I'm using Quicken Premier Classis, Version R52.33, Build This is happening with different accounts in different brokerages across the board. Ideas and solutions would be appreciated. I did email support a couple weeks ago but no response.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @mrzookie I did some more deep diving into the IBB ETF, since I have owned it at various times and have a mostly intact Quicken representation of its pricing back to beginning of 2019. Prior to looking at this today, I have noticed that alternate trend of some securities to have 4-decimal prices on alternate dates and occasionally 0 for volume data. I have essentially ignored it. Looking at it more in-depth for IBB today, I see the pattern you cite. and the same data you excerpted for your picture. My data shows that type of pattern back to 5/5/21. There is also a stretch from about 5/9/19 to 12/27/19 that exhibits some of that behavior.

    I my case, over the last almost 5 years, the maximum discrepancy between my Quicken closing price and Yahoo's info was +2.02 June 9, 2002 (Quicken at 116.00 vs Yahoo at 113.98. Most discrepancies seem to be under $0.10.

    I have not scoured through all my securities at this point. While I suspect there is a connection with the topic of this post, I think what you are seeing and commenting on and I am confirming deserves its own topic.

  • KCHawk
    KCHawk Member ✭✭

    Update quotes 1130 pm CDT, NO VALUES FOR ETFs.

  • KCHawk
    KCHawk Member ✭✭

    Update 1158 PM - Values for 11/2 appear but overwrite values for 11/1. Same old issue.

  • shifter
    shifter Member ✭✭

    manual workaround is to delete bad price entries (select + Del key) and then select:

    If you select Quotes instead, it will clobber them again

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    Thanks for the confirmation, I needed that. It's really helpful to know that its not a local issue specific to my datafile, which will give me some ammo for when I contact Support. And, as they say, "misery loves company" ;-)

    As you've noticed, the discrepancies are not large on a per share basis. You say under $.10. I said the average is more in the 3-4 cent range. But with a large number of ETFs and a pretty good number of shares in each, even that can cause pretty large swings. I'm expecting a significant change later today when I pull quotes after the close.

    The real issue is, of course, why the heck is Quicken overwriting good quotes with defective ones, and on a daily basis no less? Are they even aware of it, and if not, how quick will they fix it, if they fix it at all?

    I, as do you, suspect this is a separate, but related problem to the original topic of of this thread. I'm heading out of the country for a week, but when I get back I will, as you suggest (and I intended) create a separate post specifically on this issue.

  • Metooalso
    Metooalso Member ✭✭

    Quicken Classic Premier won’t update previous day stock quotes, but transaction updates work fine. Tuesday’s download won’t update Monday’s quotes. Wednesday downloads Monday but not Tuesday’s quotes and so on. Problem has been intermittent for a few months but now daily for several weeks. Tried validating with no errors found.

  • KCHawk
    KCHawk Member ✭✭

    I followed this procedure and obtained corrected prices. According to support this problem is not fixed at Quicken and users should Report a Problem under the help tab.

  • I'm having this same issue - not all, but only certain ETFs have yesterday's quote prices overwritten with today's quote prices.

    I have manually changed the erroneous yesterday prices by getting the previous day's closing price from Yahoo Finance, and manually changing the ETF's price history in Quicken.

    However if I then perform a "One Step Update" in Quicken again, Quicken changes the corrected prices for yesterday's quotes back to today's, resulting in zero gain/loss for that ETF for the day. This only seems to occur if updating on the same calendar day.

    When connecting the next day before market close, Quicken seems to leave yesterday's quote prices unchanged. Apparently something is happening in the evening after market closes in Quicken's price quotes for the previous day's closing quote.

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭


    Several years ago I noticed that some ETF quotes were alternating between closing Net Asset Value and sale prices, which are often a few pennies apart. I have not confirmed that this is still happening, but you might check those prices to see if that explains what you are seeing.

    Note that this issue is different form the main topic of discussion here.

    QWin Premier subscription
  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    Your explanation sounds like a pretty sensible take as to where those "off" quotes are coming from and I'm gonna look into it. But, if that were all that were happening, it would be one thing. The fact market price quotes are being overwritten (with NAV), on the prior day, and the issue seems to have gotten considerably worse within the same timeframe as the main topic of discussion here, points to a potential common cause. That being - something's wrong with the quotes system and it may be more serious than it appears.

    All that said, I agree that its a different issue and, as I wrote in my last post, I will repost as a separate discussion.


  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    Looks like your hypothesis as to where the "off" quotes are coming from is mostly correct. I checked 13 funds - 8 equity and 5 bond. All 8 equity and 3 of the 5 bond funds had yesterday's market price overwritten with today's NAV. The remaining 2 bond funds (MBB and TLT) were overwritten with prices that I can't determine from whence they came. Note - this is happening with the PRE-8PM Eastern quote download. Perhaps I'm seeing it because I only download quotes once a day, and always around 7:30PM. I haven't tried it but I wouldn't be surprised if the POST-8PM download overwrites (in yesterday's prices) today's NAV with today's Market Price, thus causing the $0.00 change in today's quotes.

    Its a piece, or a variation of the same problem.

  • I've been experiencing this for 3 weeks now, with a big change TODAY. Updated at 7:00PM EST. For the past few weeks, it has been mostly ETF's not working. Today, ETF's updated but about 60% of the STOCKS I track did not. The issue is the same, but I've had two separate outcomes-using today as an example:

    1. Quicken downloads today's price (11/7) but enters it in under 11/6 with no other detail (high/low/volume, etc.) and 11/7 has nothing in the history
    2. Quicken downloads today's price (11/7) and enters it BOTH as 11/7 (correctly) AND 11/6 (previous day incorrectly).

    To eliminate: Corrupt Account, File location, and anything else they can point the finger at. I created a brand new quicken data file on a new location, not cloud connected. One manual brokerage account. ONE position created (Abbvie). I entered in a couple of purchase transactions to populate it. I went in and did price updates for the first time EVER run on this brand new virgin account and did it only ONCE. Again, rules out anything to do with my existing file with over 100 investments in it, where my file is at, size of account, age of account, number of investments, etc… You can't get any cleaner or smaller of an example than this.

    Price on 11/6 was $141.89. So it downloaded 11/7 data correctly with all detail, then over-wrote yesterday's price with today's data with no high/low data.

    This isn't the first time this has happened (this ongoing 3-week saga) - but this is the WORST impact I have ever seen it. Been with quicken for over 20 years and have had simliar instances like this on/off but never this long or this impactful. I love spending an hour each night updating prices manually. Might as well go back to Excel.

  • bkitchel
    bkitchel Member ✭✭

    and some quotes are not updating at all. Accounts I'm trying to update quotes for are at Charles Schwab. I am running Quicken version QR52.33 and this started a couple weeks ago.

  • Mrtanman
    Mrtanman Member ✭✭

    I am having the same problem with half of my stocks — not sure if its related , but the problem started the weekend of Daylight savings time

This discussion has been closed.