Security Prices - Issue with yesterday's closing prices changing to today's price for all holdings



  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello All,

    This issue has been submitted to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. While Quicken's product development teams do not provide an estimated timeframe of when a fix will be completed, it will be made available as part of a future release.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Marinauser
    Marinauser Member ✭✭

    When was it submitted for investigation? This has been an issue for over a month.

  • I have been having a similar problem for months now with Quicken premier for windows. I have several mutual funds. Fidelity seems to update its prices about 5:30 eastern. Vanguard about 6:00 pm eastern (sometimes later). On the investing portfolio screen if I press the update button with "as of" set to today sometimes the data for yesterday gets updated. Todays price also gets updated, but only due to an apparent no update today. Day gain/loss remains 0.0 and price day change (and percent) remain blank. I think this bug is caused by the time that I do the update. For example, if I do the update between 5:30pm and 6pm, it may happen, but if I wait until well after 6pm it does not. The only way to correct the Quicken data file that I know of is to set the "as of" date to yesterday and manually fix the prices. Then change the "as of" date to today and either manually update the prices or use the update button.

  • KCHawk
    KCHawk Member ✭✭

    I have not had this issue for about 2 weeks!! Are you seeing good ETF pricing?

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    The only continuing problem I am seeing is with IBB.

    I cleaned up most of it's pricing prior to 11/17/23. The 118.72 on Thanksgiving day (11/23) was the 11/22 close. The current errors are the 11/23 data, the 11/22 close and volume and the 11/20 close and volume. I have not checked if deleting and redownloading those data change anything.

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    I've not seen the problem with overwriting yesterdays price with today's in at least 3 weeks, I continue, however, to experience the problem with overwriting yesterdays price with either today's NAV or a price that I can't determine a source for. I downloaded today at 5pm and every was perfect. All my accounts tied out (against the broker sites) to the penny as did the change in daily account value. A second download at 7:30 overwrote IBB along with 20 other ETFs. They are consistently the same ones. Its also overwriting 15-20 stock prices a day, also with quotes for which I can't determine the source. I'm spending way too much time fixing prices and reconciling accounts. It doesn't help that its not all that unusual to find flat-out calculation errors in quicken and/or on the broker sites, or inconsistencies in Yahoo finance quotes (likely due to rounding). These issues add yet another layer of problems that further complicate what's going on. Its all driving me nuts.

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    @q_lurker At least 1/2 of the problem ETFs I have are displaying the same issue (alternating days of problem quotes accompanied by 0 volume) as IBB. I can PM you a list if you're interested.

  • bkitchel
    bkitchel Member ✭✭

    Today for equities held in Charles Schwab account(s) the closing prices did update correctly, but showed "0" for the per share amount up or down compared to yesterday. These all show zero, when the closing price WAS an increase or a decrease from yesterday. Seemed to be working fine for a couple weeks following the incorrect "update quotes" problems of 2-3 weeks ago, now back to incorrect price update numbers.

  • bkitchel
    bkitchel Member ✭✭

    On further examination, all equities traded on the Nasdaq exchange are updating perfectly. All equities traded on the NYSE are updating today's price correctly, but showing zero for "percentage change" and "price change." Mutual fund prices appear to be updating correctly.

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    Correct price with zero price and % change likely means that the prior day's price was overwritten with todays. I've found that current day quotes are usually correct. Its what's happening to the prior day's quotes that's the problem.

  • geo222
    geo222 Member ✭✭

    This is driving me nuts…glad I found this thread.

    Broker: Schwab

    I only have equities. About 25% of them show no change from previous day…Further inspection shows an entry for the previous day (in this case Sunday 12/3) with the same info, hence the $0 difference.

    Today, just in case it's relevant, I turned off the Real-time quotes which is a shame because it's a nice feature.

    Variations of this problem have been occurring for weeks. In my case, these numbers are used as the basis for reports and now I'm not sure of the accuracy of what has been created and updating 20-30 securities daily is not going to work. This is serious. Please fix it.

    Thanks, George

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭


    I'm seeing prior day quotes overwritten with today's quotes, or in the case of ETFs, today's NAV, or just plain wrong numbers. So yeah, there are variations galore, and its been going on for at least 2 months, probably longer.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    As I've tried to explain, it is critical in addressing this issue to understand who is giving you what quotes. In particular, you get quotes from your financial institution when they download data to you as you ask Quicken to One Step Update with them. You can do that update for that FI directly with transactions list 'gear' icon - Update transactions.

    Most users also have the Download Quotes option checked for the One Step Update. That downloads quotes for selected securities from Quicken's third party data supplier. That source can also be accessed individually via the transactions list 'gear' icon - Update quotes only.

    In my experience, only the third party data supplier is sending bad quotes. YOUR BROKERAGE HAS NOTHIG TO DO WITH THIS ISSUE! THEY DON"T MATTER!

    The NASDAQ vs NYSE aspect is a new interesting tidbit to come to light.

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    @q_lurker wrote "In my experience, only the third party data supplier is sending bad quotes. YOUR BROKERAGE HAS NOTHIG TO DO WITH THIS ISSUE! THEY DON"T MATTER!

    Agree, 100%. This is Quicken's problem and Quicken's responsibility to fix. So far, they are failing miserably.

  • bkitchel
    bkitchel Member ✭✭

    I now see it's the same old weeks'-long issue of Quicken updating yesterday's prices with today's prices, and then restating those prices today, hence the "zero" today price change and today percentage change. I wasn't looking at yesterday's prices because it was SUNDAY! But yes, Quicken had indeed updated my Sunday prices with today's prices. Once I changed all the Sunday prices to Friday's prices, today's update appears correct. And again, only my equities traded on the NYSE are having this issue. All my equities on the Nasdaq appear to be updating normally, as do my mutual funds and ETFs. Not sure why it's taking Quicken so long to resolve this annoying issue.

  • elkinsl
    elkinsl Member ✭✭
    edited December 2023

    I'm still seeing the same issue as well. NYSE only. Today, Tuesday, for NYSE the day change is 0 because it updated Monday close to Tuesday's close. Total value is correct since current qoute is correct. Just the prior day 04-DEC-2023, got fouled up. And of course it gave us some pricing for Sunday, 03-DEC-2023.

  • ryaksich
    ryaksich Member ✭✭

    I have the same problem again today.

  • @ Quicken Anja, any update from the development team?

  • Bobcat69
    Bobcat69 Member ✭✭

    So here we go AGAIN … Same F'ing problem one month later ..

    What in the hell is going on ? so damn frustrating …

    Can someone PLEASE develop an alternative to Quicken — if they do I suspect a MASS EXODUS !

  • RobertPila
    RobertPila Member ✭✭

    I have been seeing this problem since I think June 2023, and it has been only ETFs as far as I can remember.

    However earlier this week, I saw a similar problem occur with a company stock - PG. Here is a screen shot.

    From the above, you can see there is an entry on Sunday 12/3/2023, which should not exist, and the close price for 12/4/2023 is actually the close price for 12/5/2023. I want to add that after I closed and re-opened Quicken, the problem mostly corrected itself. 12/4/2023 now has the correct info for all values (Compared with data from TD Ameritrade), but the entry for 12/3/2023 was still there.

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    Yesterday (Wed ), 33 of my Tues stock quotes were overwritten with either yesterday's, or flat-out incorrect, quotes. ETFs were spot on. Today, I expect that 18 ETFs I have specifically identified will have yesterday's numbers overwritten with today's Net Asset Values (or in a few cases, incorrect quotes) because that's been the pattern with the ETFs (problems every other day). I don't know what'll happen with the stocks today, but they seem to be getting worse lately. @RobertPila Interesting that you quit/restarted Q and it repaired itself. I haven't done that, but I'm gonna try it next time.

    I suspect some of this has been going on longer than September/October, when I first noticed it. I never saw it before because I had no reason to check prior day numbers, and there's really no easy way to do it without keeping a spreadsheet which … well, why would I have done that? I'm now spending an hour or more a day updating and reconciling accounts, a process that used to take less than 5 minutes.

    @Quicken Anja, can you please escalate for us?

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    For those interested, here's a follow-up to this morning's post.

    As expected, 15 of the expected 18 Wed ETF prices were overwritten. 13 with today's NAV, 2 with unidentified incorrect prices. In 2 cases, the NAV = Market Price, so they might have been overwritten, but there were no changes noted; the last of the 18 was legitimately unchanged.

    Stock quotes were messed up again. 30 Wed prices were overwritten - 19 with today's market price and 11 with unidentified incorrect prices.

    If the hypothesis holds, ETFs should have no overwrites tomorrow. No idea what'll happen with stocks.

  • cjbgator
    cjbgator Unconfirmed, Member

    I am seeing this same nonsense on 14 stock prices for the past several days. It is loading today's price into the price history for today and yesterday. It will do these same thing tomorrow, which is peculiar because it will be overwritting the correct price that I am seeing today. This results in the displayed 'Price Day Change%' calculating to 0.0% for these 14 stocks.

    Dear Quicken—Please fix.

  • ryaksich
    ryaksich Member ✭✭

    All of my stock prices were overwritten again today. You would think Quicken would acknowledge they have serious problem.

  • Todd45
    Todd45 Member ✭✭

    This is not just ETF's, atleast for me. It's publicly traded stocks, proprietary funds in a company 401k, and stable value across various providers and connection methods. I have had corruption problems related to how things update with real-time quotes so those have been turned off for a while. In the past, to fix the issue, I would go into each stock that is displaying incorrect and edit the price history. In the P&G screenshot above, deleting the 12/4 date record with high and low prices of zero. In propriety funds/stable values funds (multiple large 401k providers) it would set all the funds to the same price. I would go in and delete the erroneous price entry and re-download with one step updating. Today, the publicly traded stocks are not fixing themselves. It appears to me to be a Quicken problem with their online services and the download quotes and investment information. I have turned off (unchecked) the download transactions and balances for the impacted brokerage account(s). When I update the online services, that is when some of the stock prices (the prior day) gets messed up (set to today's value with high and low equal to zero).

  • Jim_Harman
    Jim_Harman SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    In propriety funds/stable values funds (multiple large 401k providers) it would set all the funds to the same price.

    This is a bug with the Real time quotes option. If this option is enabled and you have securities with no ticker symbols that are enabled for quote downloading, it sets their price to the price for the first ticker symbol in your security list alphabetically (often AAPL).

    You can prevent this by un-checking the Download Quotes box in the security list for any securities that are not publicly traded and/or disabling real time quotes.

    See this discussion

    QWin Premier subscription
  • I am having the same issue with securty prices from holdinds at Raymond James. Closing Prices are being posted on previos day. Just started happening

  • Problem started for me on 12/5/23 for some (about 15) stocks/ETFs in Schwab acct. Happens if you do price update after mkt close. Today's price populates today and yesterday price so gain/loss = zero.

    Quicken support has no clue why this happens….WE PAY FOR THIS??????????

  • mrzookie
    mrzookie Member ✭✭✭✭

    Today's (Fri 12/8) score:

    59/59 ETF prior day quotes perfect, no overwrites (as expected).

    20/45 prior day stock quotes overwritten - ALL with incorrect quotes (NONE with today's prices). Every one of the 45 has been overwritten at least once during the past 2 weeks, some more often than others. Some with current day prices, others with incorrect prices.

    The problem with the ETFs seems to have a fairly predictable pattern (the same ETFs overwritten with prior day NAV on alternating days). Can't find a pattern for the stocks (yet).

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