Discover card and Discover bank not working anymore

Jayacol Member ✭✭

Quicken stopped downloading new transactions last week so I deactivated and re-activated both my bank account and my credit card.

Now I'm stuck with an error cc-800 with a red circle and a red line running through it next to my discover account. no matter what i do reset or reactivate or even adding as a new account will fix the problem. All other bank and credit cards work fine only Discover is not working. Discover no loner gives the option to update on the web with a qfx file so that option is not available. Manually adding transactions completely defeats the purpose of owning quicken.



  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    Discover stopped downloading for me this morning. I was able to reconnect once after a Reset which deactivated the account. I added it back but get CC-505 errors.

    I went to Discover website and under Security section see that they now have implemented an API token process like EWC+. It looks like Quicken has not updated their process yet to convert Discover Card from EWC to EWC+.

    Hopefully Quicken will provide some guidance since Discover now seems to be rejecting logins not using the API token process.

  • CMCaldwell
    CMCaldwell Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am also getting the CC-505 error for Discover. Hopefully, someone at Quicken will address this.

  • narf
    narf Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Also not getting transaction downloads on Discover card. Last transaction downloaded was June 13th. I have reset the account, but no help. No error codes, just doesn't work.

  • Ann21
    Ann21 Member ✭✭

    I'm also not getting transaction downloads from Discover Card. no error message, just no downloads. I tried deactivating, and when I tried to reactivate, I got an error message. "Quicken is having trouble connecting with Discover Card." Somebody please fix this!

  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    This is a temporary issue. Just try again later as, I believe, the error message popup directs you to do. I was just able to connect at 3:45pm ET.

  • narf
    narf Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This Temporary issue has been going on for me since mid June.

  • RalphC
    RalphC Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I have only had an issue earlier today. This is not an ongoing issue for me and I've been able to connect every day for as long as I can remember. The first troubleshooting step I would try is to log off of Quicken and re-log on.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Jayacol,

    To troubleshoot the CC-800 error you are seeing, please start by following the directions from this article on CC-800 errors. It is similar to what you already said you did, but with an extra step (checking for any hidden accounts that may be causing the issue).

    @markus1957 & @CMCaldwell,

    Are you still getting the CC-505 errors, or did that issue resolve, like @RalphC is reporting?


    When I check on our end, I can see you're getting a CC-502 (timeout error) when you try to reconnect the account. This is usually a temporary error. Per this article on CC-502 errors, please follow these steps:

    1. Open the transaction register for the account with the error message.
    2. Click the Gear Icon in the upper right of the register and select Update Now.
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update.
    4. Repeat these steps for each account with this error.

    If refreshing your accounts does not resolve the issue 

    Try waiting one business day. This error message is typically caused by maintenance on your bank's website. You can try updating again in a few hours or the next business day. If the issue still occurs after one business day, try the steps above again.


    To start troubleshooting the issue you're reporting, since you said there are no error messages, but it's not downloading, please follow these steps from this article on missing transactions/transactions not downloading:

    Be sure to follow these steps in order:

    1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Downloaded Transactions. The option Automatically add to banking registers needs to be unchecked. 
    2. Refresh your online account information by clicking the Actions Gear Icon on the upper right of the register, and select Update Now. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update. 
    3. Confirm that the Sort Order in your account is by Date; just click the top of the Date column in your account register. It's possible the transactions are in your register, but not where you thought they'd be. 
    4. Click the Reset button at the top of the register. This will confirm that there's no filtering in your account register. 
    5. Go to Actions (Gear Icon) > Register Columns > Check Downloaded Payee in the account register. This allows you to search by Payee to confirm the transactions haven't been renamed unexpectedly. 
    6. Go to Tools > Account List and check Show Hidden Accounts at the bottom left. Confirm the missing transactions haven't been added to a hidden account by clicking on the name of any account that appears with a check mark in the Hidden column.

    I look forward to your replies!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • CMCaldwell
    CMCaldwell Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I tried several times during the day beginning at 9:00am. I finally was able to connect and download at 4:00pm.

    In the recent past, this "CC-505 temporary issue" turned out to be a Quicken error that took a long time to be fixed with a different institution. I'm glad it seems to have worked this time. I have to admit my expectations were low given Quicken's recent frequent issues. I am a long, long time (25+ years) user and have never seen as many problems with the program as I have in the last year.

  • markus1957
    markus1957 Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta

    I was just able to connect and successfully download transactions, but the Reset I did earlier, changed my opening balance. Luckily, I recorded the correct amount in the memo section of the opening balance transaction and readily verified the problem.

    Disappointing that Quicken is still changing opening balances on account resets and reactivations.

  • Jayacol
    Jayacol Member ✭✭

    thanks for all your replies I've tried everything regarding the CC-800 error with the red circle and a Red line running through it.

    Its strange than when I even add it as a new account instead of linking it to an existing account it shows up as a new account with a red circle and a red line running through it and CC-800 error. the only way to get rid of the red circle it to deactivate the online Service. Its been doing this for over week on this one Discover credit card account. Its odd that I do have another Discover Credit account that is not affected by this at all I can deactivate and reactivate that account without any error messages at all. why is only one of my Discover card accounts giving me this CC-880 error and not the other one.

    Anyway I'll just keep deactivating and reactivating on a daily basis and hopefully it will fix itself eventually fingers crossed.

  • davidm2064
    davidm2064 Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed ✭✭

    having the same issue after realizing that no transactions had downloaded for two months. I deactivated the account trying to fix it and now I cannot get it connected and get the red circle with a line.

  • narf
    narf Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    @Quicken Kristina

    Here's more info on the issue I am having with Discover. I have both a discover card and discover savings accounts. I am able to download transactions from the savings accounts using Discover Bank as the financial institution. However, with discover bank set as the financial institution for my credit card it says I have successfully updated the account but there are no new transactions to review. This has been going on since June 13th. I have tried deactivating and reconnecting but it still doesn't work. I have tried configuring using Discover Card as the financial institution but it won't connect and just throws an error with a red triangle saying "Sorry, we encountered an error (It's not your fault)". When reconfiguring to Discover Bank it sets up correctly, shows an association with the correct account, and finishes with the message "Downloaded transactions from the last 9021 days" yet there are no new transactions even though there are many listed on the Discover web site. (I've had this account a long time.) I've tried the suggestions you posted, none of them helped.

    Edit: One more item, the online balance listed at the bottom of the register seems to be correctly updating even though there are no new transactions downloading.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Thank you for your replies,


    Since the troubleshooting for the CC-800 wasn't effective, it's possible that there is old/outdated information in the Quicken cloud or cache causing this issue. To troubleshoot this, please follow these steps:

    1. Backup your Quicken file.
    2. Deactivate all accounts connected to the financial institutions that are having the issue, unless they are under a different login that is not having trouble.
    3. Check for any hidden accounts that are still trying to connect to those financial institutions. To do this, go to Tools>Account List, then, if you have hidden accounts, there will be a Show hidden accounts checkbox at the lower left. Scroll through the Account List, looking for any hidden accounts that think they're connected to those financial institutions (Transaction Download column will say "yes" if an account thinks its connected). If you find any that are connected, deactivate them.
    4. Before reconnecting anything, go to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web. There should be a blue link that says Reset your cloud data. Click on that link. Note: If you don't see that link, you have sync turned off. You would need to turn the sync on, click OK, then go back to Edit>Preferences>Mobile & Web. Then you should be able to click on that link. Once the cloud reset is complete, you can turn the sync back off again.
    5. After the cloud reset completes, go to Edit>Preferences>Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts. There will be a blue link that says Sign in as a different user. Click that link, type "yes", then click the Sign Out button.
    6. Quicken will log you out and take you back to the login screen. Before logging in, close Quicken and leave it closed for at least 5 seconds.
    7. Re-open Quicken. When it finishes loading, it will take you to the login screen. Log in to Quicken.
    8. Once you are logged back into Quicken, reconnect the accounts by going to Tools>Add Account. Search for the Financial Institution and follow the prompts. Do this for each financial institution you need to reconnect. Note: When reconnecting your accounts, it is important to make sure that Quicken is showing the action as Link to existing and the nickname in Quicken is the correct account you want it to download into (see sample image below). If it is showing an incorrect name or if it is trying to add instead of link, click the dropdown in the action column to correct it.

    Once your accounts are reconnected, test to see if the issue is resolved.


    Since the troubleshooting from the article didn't work, I recommend that you contact Quicken Support directly for further assistance as they can walk you through troubleshooting steps in real-time and escalate the situation as needed.  The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.


    If you haven't done so already, please follow the missing transactions/transactions not downloading troubleshooting from my earlier post.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • JeanDTSS#1
    JeanDTSS#1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am having the same problem. Discovered how the account is updated so the online balance matches the Quicken account balance with no transactions downloaded. What it is doing is changing the account opening balance!

  • jrruss
    jrruss Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    I have the same issue with transactions not downloading/updating… have not had any new transactions downloaded since 6/28/2024 and I have a lot. I have tried all the recommended possible solutions with no luck. Spent hours on the phone with Quicken support, who prematurely closed the latest trouble ticket that was opened (Ticket #11169312). The last support agent told me to wait 24 hours and the issue would be resolved… NOT!

    Anyway, here is a screenshot of the error message I get when attempting to reactivate my Discover Card account after deactivating and waiting the recommended 24 hours (I get similar error message for my two Discover Bank accounts (checking and savings which I won't go into detail on this post):

    I am going to contact Quicken support again and report that it's still not working… this time I will ask that they not close out my trouble ticket until the issue has been resolved and verified. Very frustrating… hopefully I get some traction on the next contact interaction.

    *** UPDATE ***

    I decided to go through the detailed steps again as posted by Quicken Kristina on 7/12/2024 and now all three of my Discover accounts have the red circle with a line through it stating Quicken is unable to update your account and to add them in again (which I know won't resolve anything after all the other attempts I've made over the past few days). When I run a One Step Update on all my accounts including Discover, the non-Discover accounts succeed and the Discover accounts end up with a CC-800 error again.

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @jrruss,

    To assist with this issue, I checked on the ticket number you referenced. I can see that when you called in, you were getting a CC-501 error. Per the troubleshooting for that error, the agent recommended you wait 24 hours, try again, and call back if the issue persists. The ticket was closed because there was no further troubleshooting they could do with you at that time.

    Which troubleshooting steps from the post on the 12th did you follow? Since you're now seeing CC-800 errors, please backup your Quicken file and follow the directions in this article on CC-800 errors.

    Thank you!

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • ENB
    ENB Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited July 2024

    I have the same issue with Discover updates. I've tried the suggestions and still get the the useless error message: "Sorry. We encountered an error. (It's not your fault). I know it is not my fault [Removed - Rant]

  • JeanDTSS#1
    JeanDTSS#1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I followed the suggestion and ended up with the same red slashed circle and an account balance that did not match the online balance. After an hour of work i found that Quicken had duplicated a July 2020 transaction. Deleting that resulted in a match since I had manually enterd the missing transactions. I think the problem is that my credit card is in the account with our Quicken savings accounts. I have linked them by using my husbands login as his credit card is in a Discover credit card account. Up to now everythng has been fine.

  • jrruss
    jrruss Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2024


  • jrruss
    jrruss Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    @Quicken Kristina,

    I attempted all suggestions you made without success. For the record, here are the results of my efforts when following the steps for the CC-800 errors…

    Result when using Discover Card as the account to add:

    Result when using Discover Bank as the account to add:

    Unfortunately, the final add results in the dreaded red circle with the line through it for all three of my accounts:

    I seem to recall a similar issue awhile ago with Citibank that was an issue with the link between Quicken and Citibank servers. Might there be a similar issue going on??? I'm assuming I should reach back out to Quicken Support for next steps, yes? I have a boatload of transactions that have not reconcilled and I am concerned as this issue has persisted for weeks now. Thoughts/recommendation?

    UPDATE One more thing… when I closed my Quicken session this afternoon, I was prompted to sync with the cloud and this process failed with the following error message. Not sure if any of this is related with my other issue but strange that it cropped up now:

  • Jayacol
    Jayacol Member ✭✭

    Kristina, followed all your steps 1 through 8 to reset the cloud data

    when I finished I logged back into my account and added my discover card to my existing account and ended up with the same error cc-800 with a red circle and a red line running through it next to my account.

    Thanks but that didn't work either…

  • Dom1
    Dom1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Been trying for two days to initially create the Discover credit card connection with no success, same error screen as outlined above. I can tell you I just created two other credit card accounts from different vendors and the process for both took me to the vendor website to login and the connection is express web connect+. Both are operating properly. The Discover card is asking me for credentials within Quicken and not taking me to the website and failing.

  • GH2
    GH2 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Quicken for Windows is not updating Discover Card (via Express Web Connect) with recent activity. Last transaction downloaded was on July 4. No error messages.

    One Step Update was used and the Last download date & time gets updated, but nothing was updated to the Quicken display. No error messages. Quicken did crash on the first attempt to use OSU, but that happens so often that I'm used to it and just restart Quicken and the second attempt processes updates. Tried "Update now" CTRL-ALT-U process and it updated the date & time of last download but nothing else.

    There is recent activity shown on the Discover website so it should have something to download. Went through Discover site to find a way to manually download a QFX file, but there isn't one.

    Where's the problem point? At Discover? At Quicken?

  • Quicken Kristina
    Quicken Kristina Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello All,

    For those of you encountering CC-800 errors that won't resolve, this issue has been reported to our Development and Product teams for further investigation and resolution. Though we do not currently have an ETA, you can bookmark this Community Alert to get updates when available and to know when the issue is resolved. If you do not see the bookmark icon at the upper right, please make sure you are logged into the Community.

    Per the alert, if you are encountering this issue, please contact Quicken Support. The Quicken Support phone number can be found through this link here. Phone support is available from 5:00 am PT to 5:00 pm PT, Monday through Friday.

    Thank you!

    (Ticket #11176661)

    Quicken Kristina

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • nicci
    nicci Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Well, I thought I was crazy and went back through a year of statements because my Discover Card balance is off and reconciling busted - before I thought to look here, doh! I too have both a card and two bank accounts with them and have had this sort of problem a few times now. I deactivated online services, removed the financial institution from the account and saved. Went back in and successfully re-enabled online services for the card with Discover Bank (not card or account center) again. My balances are now correct. We'll see if any new transactions download in a few days… 😫

  • Senor Irrelevante
    Senor Irrelevante Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I had the same situation. Both my Discover Card and Discover Bank account are linked by Discover into one online account. That is, I can login into Discover website for either the Card or the Bank and see all my accounts. I also found that linking the Card to online services for "Discover Bank" worked; whereas the connections through "Discover Card" and "Discover Card Account Center" failed. All the balances are correct, for both card and bank, but the card transactions won't download with the OSP. It consistently fails on a CC-502 error. The transactions DO download after subsequently refreshing the account (Gear Icon, Update Now). I'm not happy that it's a two-step process, but I think it related to how all my accounts are linked together within Discover. My brother also has Discover Bank and Card accounts, but they are NOT linked by together by Discover. He has to login to Discover website separately to see his bank and card accounts. In Quicken, his Discover accounts are successfully connected to the separate online services, with the bank accounts connected to "Discover Bank" and his card connected to "Discover Card" without any issues.

  • djhc12a
    djhc12a Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Yes, Discover started this issue by using the same login credentials for both the Discover Bank and Credit Card. Before the latest Quicken update, I had to perform two one-step updates to download all my transactions: The first one that downloads my Discover bank account; the second after the Discover Card account failed.

    Now with the latest Quicken update, it got worse. I am manually entering my transactions. I have decided to reduce using my Discover accounts until this problem is resolved and probably holdoff on my next Quicken renewal. I am sure that Discover and Quicken are pointing fingers at each other of which company is responsible, but it would be great if they would work together to resolve this issue.

  • Dom1
    Dom1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2024

    The link below is from a Quicken moderator from 05/23 related to various accounts not updating. It just fixed my issue where two other credit cards (not Discover) that were no longer updating. It did NOT fix my update issue with my bank however. Just a note - I do not sink my data to Quicken Cloud so can't speak to issues there. I can't say for sure that it will resolve your issue but it may be worth a look. Also, make sure you have your id/password for your Quicken instance. I also can't say if it will continue to work but I'm hopeful.

  • Dom1
    Dom1 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Also, my credit card accounts did not have any error messages associated with them, just were no longer updating. Can say that matters but wanted to mention.

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