Mohela is not working STILL

Mohela is still not working. A thread notes a solution has been identified and will be released in the future…'24, '25, '26?. Unfortunately, the thread tracking this fix was closed in Jyly '24, so we no longer have a way to understand the status of the fix. Therefore, please keep this thread open to continue communicating the release progress. RE: For all we know, it was released, but now there is a new bug, or the issue lies with Mohela, etc.
P.S. Mohela is going through a system change. Will this fix you are implementing work regardless of what system we are connected to, or will it not work until your account is transferred over to the new system?
Previous Closed Thread:
Quicken…..Any update on this? Has it been months?
Getting a message that reads
SoFi-Mohela is denying access to your account. Please visit the SoFi-Mohela website to see what's going on.
Care Code: FDP-155
And there is nothing on Mohela that explains the issue or resolution.1 -
Hello @Oceanfront,
As stated in the most recent update of the Alert, while it has been closed due to low activity, it is still considered ongoing and continues to be investigated.
An Alert being closed does not mean the open escalation ticket has been closed and is no longer being worked on. It just means that only the Alert has been closed as hardly any users are still contacting us about it. The Alert will still be updated once the fix has been released and the issue is officially considered resolved.Hope this clarifies things! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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Please visit the SoFi-Mohela web site to see what’s going on.
Care Code: FDP-155
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I have the same issue (and it's now October 23, 2004). I contacted Mohela and it is not aware of any issues. Is Quicken just playing whack-a-mole with every single financial institution and fixing connection issues one at a time?
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I am having this same issue on Quicken Mac downloading from Mohela (account was recently transitioned from Navient—which worked fine)
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My Navient accounts were moved to Mohela but Quicken fails connecting to Mohela no matter what options are tried. This is a problem and needs to be fixed. How can we get this escalated. That fact that no enough people are contacting Quicken is not a sufficient reason not to fix the problem. People may eventually just give up and leave Quicken.
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I have a feeling we will see a lot of these comments in the coming weeks as us Navient transfers try to add the Mohela accounts to Quicken. I tried today and could not.
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Hello All,
Who is specifically experiencing this issue with Navient?
Let me know!
-Quicken Jasmine
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I had Navient accounts that I disconnected online access for (per your support team). Then I tried adding Mohela and could not (I tried this a few mintues ago and it still doesn't work.
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Yes, all loans transferred from Navient to Mohela are a problem because Quicken fails connecting to Mohela. Mohela claims it is a Quicken problem and won't discuss it further.
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Hello All,
I have forwarded this issue to the proper channels so that this can be further investigated. In the meantime, could you please navigate to Help > Report a problem and submit a problem report with log files, a sanitized data file, steps to reproduce, troubleshooting steps attempted, and screenshots (if possible) attached to contribute to the investigation?
Please let me know once you have done so! Thank you.
-Quicken Jasmine
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Hi Jasmine. I just submitted a problem report. However, after submitting I think I found out what the issue is:
I think the issue may be that the Navient to Mohela transfers are directed to a different URL to log in! See the attached screenshot.
"Regular" Mohela customers can log in at
However, Navient transfers are directed to I'm guessing that Quicken is not directing anyone to this link. Looks like Quicken needs to add a separate way for Navient transfers to connect to Mohela than the rest of the Mohela customers….
The Navient transfers when logging into the Mohela site ( after we enter login name and password we then (at least the first time) have to enter either the account number or SSN number, and date of birth.
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Quicken doesn't seem to have this as a priority due to "low interest," the reason they gave on other posts they closed for discussion that didn't solve this problem. But since Navient just transferred thousands of us to Mohela, which will require Quicken to create a new Mohela connection using the address in order for us to connect, maybe they'll actually READ these posts and try to help now, instead of simply pasting from a script telling us to try things we all know won't work, or blowing it off as Mohela's fault, or saying there aren't enough of us paid subscribing members to bother to fix the issue. This should be a simple fix, read the posts, realize that Mohela has created a different way to connect for those of us that were migrated to them from Navient, and create a new connection option for all of us. BTW, Quicken isn't the only one running into this; Simplify is giving their customers useless steps to go through to connect, only to find it won't work for the same reason, they are part of the recent Navient to Mohela migration. Please read these posts, Quicken, instead of assuming we're ALL just doing it wrong!
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Hi All, We have been informed this issue is now resolved. Please try reconnecting and let me know if the issue continues or if it resolves. Thanks!
Quicken Janean
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Hi @Quicken Janean! I'm guessing this is for the original problem in this thread and not the Navient to Mohela transferees issue? As a transferee, I am still not able to connect to Mohela even after the latest Quicken update. Thanks!!
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This still does not work for me either. I see "Mohela - Loan", "Mohela", and "Mohela - Federal Student Aid" as options for connecting (none of which really make sense for a former Navient account). The first two simply give me the same stupid/useless "Oops. There is a connection problem" message. The last option prompts me for SSN and birthdate and then proceeds to either timeout or tell me my login is incorrect (which it isn't because I can login directly via their website). So, likely Quicken is using the wrong url for this.
Has the Dev team considered the comment from @Senator Cow regarding the separate servicing url?
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Hi All, I reached out to the team looking into this issue to let them know it is still ongoing and so it can be looked into further. Thank you.
Quicken Janean
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Hello All,
Our teams investigated the issue and found out that this is a long-term block on Mohela's end. We recommend contacting Mohela about this, since they're the ones with the ability to lift the block.
Thank you!
Quicken Kristina
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Why is it OUR responsibility as users to contact Mohela? I recommend that QUICKEN contact Mohela and work out the problem.
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Thank you for the follow-up. I logged in to my Mohela account and sent them a message asking them to unblock Quicken and that the block is quite surprising considering all major financial institutions allow Quicken to receive this information on our behalf. Maybe if many of Mohela's involuntary customers send a note they will relent…
@tmi42 , I bet the Quicken folks have tried with Mohela, and probably have been given the run-around by them. 😀
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Hello @Senator Cow,
Thank you for coming to share!
-Quicken Jasmine
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Hi all!
I got a response from Mohela. Things may work out in the end. At least there is hope.
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Is this working for anyone? It's still not working for me
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Not working for me either. I know my credentials are correct since I can sign onto the MOHELA site directly (at, as @senatorcow says), but I still can't get Quicken to connect, with the same issues that others have described. Like others, I consider getting this resolved with Mohela to be a Quicken responsibility.