Quicken Classic for Win - OL-295-A Errors at Vanguard
This is a terrible situation. Vanguard is among the very largest institutions and a large majority of QW and QMac users depend on Quicken connecting and downloading with 99.9999% reliability. What's happening support team? Systems analysis and problem ID should be DONE by now.
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— repeating from an earlier response —
If the One Step Update (OSU) result details are not displayed, you should be able to correct the problem with the following procedure. Note this will not correct the current problem with Vanguard, it just fixes the problem with the One Step Update (OSU) results not being displayed.
- Do a OSU and then Exit Quicken
- In Windows explorer, navigate to C:\ProgramData\Quicken\Inet. If you don't see the C:\ProgramData folder, it is hidden by default. In Windows 11 Windows Explorer, click on View then Show and select Hidden items to show the hidden folders. You should also select File name extensions under Show to see the ".dat" part of the file if that is not already selected.
- In the Inet folder, open the folder that matches the name of your active QDF file and look for the runtime.dat file. If there is no such folder, it may be because you have renamed your Quicken file at some point. In that case, search the Inet folder to find the runtime.dat file that has a time and date that matches your recent OSU. For me the folder is QDATA, which is (or was 25 years ago) the default Quicken file name.
- Once you have found the correct runtime.dat file, rename it to runtime-old.dat or something similar. Quicken will create a new runtime.dat to replace the damaged one.
- Restart Quicken and do another OSU. Now the detailed results should be displayed.
Good luck! Please let us know if you were able to find the correct runtime.dat file and if renaming it fixed the problem.
QWin Premier subscription-1 -
Problem persists with VG downloads on Win Classic Premier as of 2/25 1400 EST; what is best way/link to get updates/alerts on this thread from Quicken?
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@davidkinnard, If you click on the small bookmark-shaped icon to the right of the title of this page, you'll receive emails any time someone posts on this thread.
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Vanguard responded to me as follows. I have not yet tried it.
Upon review, Vanguard recently blocked access for third parties to aggregate information.
You can, however, use our web connect to aggregate your accounts into Quicken. Please attempt to download your accounts using our web connect feature. To download accounts using web connect, please: 1. Navigate to your Balances and Holdings page.2. Select, “Download” located in the upper right-hand corner.3. Select, “Quicken, all funds to a single account (recommended)”.4. Select a time frame (only pulls over up to 18 month’s worth of information).5. Select the accounts you would like to import and click Download. If you have additional questions, please call us at 877-662-7447. You can reach us on business days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern time.
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Vanguard responded to me as follows. I have not yet tried it.
Upon review, Vanguard recently blocked access for third parties to aggregate information.
You can, however, use our web connect to aggregate your accounts into Quicken. Please attempt to download your accounts using our web connect feature. To download accounts using web connect, please: 1. Navigate to your Balances and Holdings page.2. Select, “Download” located in the upper right-hand corner.3. Select, “Quicken, all funds to a single account (recommended)”.4. Select a time frame (only pulls over up to 18 month’s worth of information).5. Select the accounts you would like to import and click Download. If you have additional questions, please call us at 877-662-7447. You can reach us on business days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Eastern time.
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Yes, I tried this process on 3/24/25 and it worked fine for my several Vanguard accounts.
The instructions stated here do not include the last part, which is - the resulting download will be in a Quicken ofx data file. You click on that file with Quicken open (at least that was how it worked for me, Q Classic for Windows) — and the transactions will download to the respective Vanguard account(s) in Quicken.
It was painless, and I don't mind doing that for a while until this is sorted out.
Also, most probably realize this, but my Vanguard investment values update through Quicken catching the daily security price changes, without needing to go to Vanguard for anything. Fortunately, my transactions are fewer, and I don't need to do the ofx download often. It might be more of a chore for someone with more transactions in Vanguard.
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I think that says Vanguard basically broke our downloads and we have to go use Web Connect instead of Direct Connect. I have years of data already downloaded via my current connection. What happens when I now switch to the Web Connect method—anything? Can this still be be part of my One Step Update that I do nearly daily? I currently have no connection to Vanguard since I removed electronic support so I could re-create the connection—and then I hit the same problem and failure to connect.
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I agree with you
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Vanguard is referring this issue to Quicken Support staff, and in typical fashion, Quicken says it is a Vanguard problem. Given my understanding the Quicken/Vanguard relationship (typical for all financial firms GRANTING Quicken access, Quicken is responsible. Why the lack of attention and response Quicken??? Why the finger pointing?
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I spoke with my personal Vanguard Representative late afternoon 2/25/2025. He confirmed that Vanguard is aware of the problem, and that the problem is on Vanguard's end. He also said that Vanguard uses a 3rd Party vendor for the service, and that the vendor is working on a solution. And, unfortunately, there is no specific ETA for the fix, only it will be done "as soon as possible".
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I find this unacceptable that this issue has persisted for over 4 days.
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Hello All,
We continue to work with Vanguard to resolve this issue, but don’t yet have an ETA for resolution from Vanguard. In the meantime, Vanguard customers can download transactions directly from Vanguard to import into Quicken:
- Log in to your Vanguard account
- Go to the Activity tab
- Click the Download Center link
- Find the Quicken data download option
- Select the date range for downloading transactions; we recommend “Custom” and setting the date range to 7 days prior to your last successful transaction download.
You will then be able to open the file you downloaded (a .QFX file) and Quicken will add these transactions to your Vanguard account. Be sure to review your transactions in Quicken to ensure there are no duplicates.
Thank you!
(Ticket #11601449/ CTP-12250)
Quicken Kristina
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Same error. Ridiculous
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I was getting an unspecified error when trying to update my Vanguard transactions. So I thought, let's try the Reset Account thing. Bad idea. After about 20 seconds, Quicken generates a blank screen that probably has some sort of error associated with it but nothing works after that. Can't close the dialog box, can't click "More info" and Quicken is now hopeless marooned. The only way out is via CTRL-ALT-DEL and force end the task qw.exe.
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Vanguard's tech issues have been well-documented through the years. While certainly it is frustrating, I am surprised so many are so surprised that this happened and is taking so long to remedy. 😂
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for what it’s worth I called Vanguard yesterday. They advised me the workaround is to download the transactions via the website. I had to do this one account at a time, but it did work. We should not have to do this, but I want topoint out there is a work around.
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Assume I download and import the QFX file. What happens once VG fixes the problem? Will I end up getting duplicate transactions?
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Mine did the same. It is my understanding Quicken & Vanguard are aware of this. Maybe they will get it fixed soon.
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Same error for me in last week with Quicken Windows with Direct Connect to Vanguard
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According to a Vanguard rep I spoke with, Vanguard had installed new security software that prevented third party connections. I am happy they are maintaining security and can accept a little inconvenience if it is intended to prevent bad guys from hacking account data, or worse, accessing the real money.
It would be nice for Vanguard and Quicken to elevate the priority of accurate communication so front line staff and users aren't guessing.
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I just downloaded all of my accounts at the same time. (The web page label is misleading impying that all funds will go to just one account) That is, Quicken gave me prompts with an account number for each fund and which Quicken account to link to. Turns out I had not had any transactions in the last month, but balances were updated corretly as far as I can tell now. EDIT: Spoke too soon as Treasury notes were not updated to correct market values. I did an Update, quotes and it put in values for today but left past days as not updated. Tried doing a historic quote update but tno joy there either. I confess I could have missed value updates for today and mistakenly thought it came from the update quotes but maybe not. That is vanguard most likely included the current market values and update quotes did nothing.
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro
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Same issue here! First noticed it on 2/22 - previous successful connection with Vanguard was on 2/15. Win 11, Quicken Premier R61.20.
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Still shagged on the 26th…i.e update to Vanguard….
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Since R61.20 (approx 2/18/25) my evening OSUs have been unable to get transactions of any type for Vanguard accounts (2 usernames and passwords). After the attempt OSU attempt is made, the message "An error has occurred" comes up for each username account group. I made a Vanguard purchase yesterday and the shares are in my holding as of today, but no transaction showed up in Quicken and the share balance is incorrect. Quotes and credit card transactions are fine.
What's going on? Gary
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Vanguard has blocked all direct connect connections while they fix an issue with it. This affects all financial softwares that use Direct Connect to download transactions. See this Alert: UPDATE 2/25/25 Vanguard OL-295-A and Error 16503.
In addition, you might want to read through and bookmark this discussion thread on regarding this issue: Re: Quicken Classic for Win - OL-295-A Errors at Vanguard.
There is a way you can download transactions: Use the Web Connect method. WC is where you log into your online account and then manually download and import your transactions from there. There are a few posts in that thread confirming that this works and some of them provide some tips on how to successfully use WC with Vanguard.
Does this answer your question?
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home
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Vanguard OL-295-A Errors.
Still broken 2/26/2025.0 -
Users should be very careful with the so-called workaround. Downloading transactions from before Feb 21 can result in duplicates and/or corruption of your Quicken database. Downloading all transactions to a single QFX files will also cause problems. You have to download transactions for each Vanguard account separately to make sure transactions go to the desired account. My recommendation is to download to a CSV/Excel file and make make manual entries using the information.
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All the Posts have been helpful….But what I have not read in several days…if Quicken/Vanguard have any idea WHEN the connection will be resolved. Surely in thw week that has passed since this connection got broken….seems Vanguard has ID'ed the Fault…how about an ETA?
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The so-called workaround is called Web Connect (WC) and is not really a workaround. It is one of several different download/import methods that Quicken supports, just like Direct Connect (DC) is. WC should be thought of as an alternate download/import method, not as a work-around.
You are correct that at least for the first WC download/import to carefully select the date range you want for new transactions to be downloaded. If you do not select the correct date range in the online Vanguard account there is a high risk of getting duplicate transaction into the account register. This is because there is no prior WC download history so Quicken sees the download as being "new" transactions and does not filter out transactions that were previously downloaded with DC. This should become less of an issue with each successive WC download but it's always best to make sure to select the correct date range to be downloaded.
Just like with any other download connection, only 1 account at a time can be downloaded. With the other connection methods (DC, EWC and EWC+) this is also true but during OSU the downloading of each account separately is not readily transparent. With WC, each account must also be downloaded separately. Be sure to select all transactions for each individual account file to be downloaded…and do one account at a time. Do not select all transactions for all accounts because Quicken will not be able to sort them all out and place them into the appropriate Vanguard accounts.
Manually entering transactions instead of using the WC connection method is certainly a viable option, especially for those who do not have a lot of investment transactions to be entered. But it is more time consuming than WC is, especially for those who have more than just a few transactions to be entered.
Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R61.20 on Windows 11 Home