Vanguard Error Code: 16503 (QMac)
I spoke with a Vanguard representative yesterday who confirmed they are aware of the issue and committed to fixing it. Fingers crossed they weren't just blowing me off with platitudes!
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@fdittmaier In case it's helpful to you…
In this same thread @jacobs said, "Your transaction history is hidden but not lost. If you disconnect the account from downloading, you can switch it back to Detail Tracking, and all your transactions will be there. You’ll likely need to delete a few Remove Shares and Add Shares transactions Quicken added when you switched to Quicken Connect. Until there’s a solution from Vanguard, you can enter transactions manually or download them from Vanguard and import into Quicken."
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Agree completely with "edit cost basis". All Vanguard funds inside the Portfolio section of Morningstar "failed to authenticate". Clearly a Vanguard issue and they need to own it.
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No help from the update to 8.1.0 released today.
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@James Tonn Problems like this are rarely (if ever) due to a bug in the Quicken desktop software, it’s a server side issue or a cloud issue.
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As you may have guessed, Quicken Windows users are having the same issues as us Quicken Mac users of recently not being able to download/sync their Vanguard transactions with Quicken. In case it's helpful, someone posted here in the Quicken Windows thread on this issue:
"This is the response I got from Vanguard. I can't wait several weeks so I started to move several of my accts that I need daily updates on to Schwab:
Hello Mr. xxxxxxxxx,
Thank you for the email. My manager shared your email, along with other Vanguard client emails that our experiencing the
same issue, with Vanguard's Sr. Leadership team, who is continuing efforts with our project team to correct the issue.
This afternoon we received the following communication form the project team:“While Direct Connect service has been temporarily disabled, we understand the value it provides to our clients, how important it is for our clients, and are working to restore the service.
While an exact ETA is not currently available, please know that we are working diligently to restore the function.
Direct Connect is expected to be restored in the next several weeks.Sincerely, Luis Estrada, Relationship Manager"
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This has happened multiple times over the years. Always Vanguard's issue. Quicken is a key management tool for me. I am done with Vanguard incompetence and failure to provide status updates or even warn users that this was coming. I have initiated a move to Fidelity.
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BEWARE! Another bizarre issue that seems to be related to Vanguard downloads. When I lost the Direct Connect I switched to Quicken Connect for just the balances - thinking I would wait this mess out until they fix it and switch back to DC and recover my history. Yesterday I had one Vanguard fund issue a dividend. The account balance in the sidebar is correct - it shows the added amount of the dividend. However, when I view the portfolio - IT DOES NOT MATCH THE SIDEBAR! The portfolio view has the old, pre-dividend balance. Interestingly enough, reports use the correct balance. However, I routinely export the portfolio view to a spreadsheet - meaning I will have the wrong balance in my analysis.
Quicken: What i the heck is going on here?
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@barryi The sidebar is showing today's balance but the portfolio screen defaults to showing the balance as of the last business day (ie, Friday). If you change the date on the portfolio to today's date, does that resolve the discrepancy?
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When I transfer between accounts at Vanguard and it always takes two business days to sync properly. The addition is first, sidebar is high. Day two the side bar is correct. This was using Direct Connect.
Today, I have a scheduled transaction, and I just noticed the same behavior with Quicken Connect (my temporary solution).
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I followed the instructions provided in another thread to download transactions from Vanguard (see below) and then imported into Quicken.
Log in
to your Vanguard account- Go to the
tab - Click the
Download Center
link - Find the
data download option Select the date range
for downloading transactions; we recommend “Custom” and setting the date range to 7 days prior to your last successful transaction download.
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Thanks JTS, yes changing the date to March 1, showed the correct balance on the sidebar and portfolio view. Been using Quicken for 20+ years and never noticed this date quirk.
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I am reporting the issue daily to quicken. when you try and connect and it fails there is a send a report button.
Maybe we should all keep that up daily so Quicken gets the point to fix this and/or apply pressure on Vanguard to fix it? Makes me feel better at any rate. It's been over two weeks - that's just bad business.
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I've just reported once using report button, but I think I will follow your suggestion😎
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There are multiple posts in the multiple Vanguard threads here that this is entirely on Vanguard, they are aware of it, they say they are going to fix it, but they don’t have an ETA. There’s nothing Quicken can do until Vanguard (and their third-party connectivity partner) turn access back on.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19933 -
I have been an avid user of Quicken since 1992, and transitioned to Qmac in 2019 with zero problems after an assist from Quicken support. Our transactions with Vanguard are not voluminous and I don't mind downloading transactions directly from the Vanguard website while this unfortunate situation is resolved. For those of you who have called Vanguard to log the issue - please provide the contact information so our concerns are sent to the same destination. TIA
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Another long-time user frustrated by these errors. I have followed the thread and found the inputs/suggestions helpful to see my details again and realize my data is safe but the analysis and balances are inaccurate until Vanguard can restore the direct connect. THANK YOU Community!
Meanwhile, I am going direct to vanguard for analysis, so they think they are winners — maybe I should move my assets over to my minor Schwab account, if not remedied soon. I will see what another week more 2 brings. March 19 will be action date.
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I followed the instructions above yesterday. I had over a dozen new transactions on 2/28 in Vanguard. I set the date range from 2/27—3/1. It said NO NEW TRANSACTIONS???????????????????????
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I downloaded transactions from Vanguard and entered an end-date of 2/28 and did not receive the dividend transactions from 2/28. I tried it again using an end date of 3/1 later in the day and it worked. This is not a great answer, but that was my experience.
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Vanguard is an investor-owned brokerage. I suggest contacting your Vanguard representative and keeping the pressure on them.
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Please disregard my prior message.
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I have Fidelity accounts and they synched today with Direct Connect. Funny enough it failed when I first tried but worked the second time I tried it later. I assumed they were doing maintenance on Sunday morning. I've seen this before at other institutions. I hope Fidelity keeps working because by workaround on Vanguard is to transfer my accounts to Fidelity.
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I hope you're right, mine worked and then didn't also.
It's "working" again. Man this stuff is so buggy.
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Here is an update from my other investment account service:
Vanguard recently made a security upgrade with its account linking process. When they did this they created problems with nearly every linking provider that uses them including Quicken, Yahoo Finance, Empower, and Yodlee. Vanguard is still working on a fix and we are waiting on an ETA for this fix.4 -
It's March 3, and DirectConnect still isn't working!
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Yes, now March 4 and it still isn't working.
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I just got a reply from a Business Development Exec at Vanguard which gives me some hope. March 4th 845am MST.
Our technology team is very aware of the situation, and we do understand the value it provides to our clients. While the service is temporarily disabled and an exact ETA is not currently available, please know that we are working diligently to restore this functionality.
As you know, you can download your transaction history in full on and upload the file to [Quicken/third-party software]. While this is not an optimal, it is the only method available while we repair the issue. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
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I have been messaging (pestering) them daily. Today's reply was not encouraging. In part, they wrote, "we are working diligently to restore the function within the next several weeks."
Several weeks? Really?
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Several weeks? Really?
Better than "later this year"! 😂
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
So I just called quicken on this error that we have been getting for the last 12 or more days. The women said that Vanguard does not support "direct connect" anymore. You can use "quicken connect" but this does not download transactions. to get the transactions you will need to go online to vanguard and do that manually.
I then called vanguard and they said a memo dated 2/25 stated they are working on it and no fix date.
what is the truth here???
Is there a bigger problem here that banks are not working with quicken anymore? Discovercard no longer connects with quicken.
Am I crazy should I look at not doing business with Vanguard? I have 75% of my portfolio there. I am on the line with them to see if they corroborate this.