Credit card balances should dynamically update in Bill Reminders (76 Legacy Votes +1 Merged)

You may also want to add your VOTE for other features related to Bill Reminders (aka Scheduled Transactions) and Graph Features (aka Cash Flow Forecast or Projected Balance)
First, click on the underlined link, then be sure to scroll down the page, as it contains a list of related features. Click on the link to EACH IDEA separately that you are interested in, then click the VOTE button at the top of EACH page that opens up respectively to increase the count and therefore its visibility to the developers.
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)1 -
I also highly recommend that you browse through the IDEAS section of this forum and VOTE for the request of each of the missing features to be added back into Quicken for help direct the priorities of the developers.
To do that, I suggest you read this FAQ on how to filter the IDEAS to just show the ones for the Mac version, then VOTE to your heart's content:
The following are some of the many feature requests you will find:- List of Requests for Report Types
- List of Requests for Report Related Features
- Restore Transactions Downloading Acceptance and Matching workflow
- List of Requests for Reconciliation Process
- Add QuickMath functionality
- True multi-currency conversion support
- Loan Amortization
- Budget features
- many requests for configuration options
Be sure to scroll down each page, as some contain lists of related features. Click on the link to EACH IDEA separately that you are interested in, then click the VOTE button at the top of EACH page that opens up respectively to increase the count and therefore its visibility to the developers.
If you do not click VOTE at the top of the page of each feature, your vote will NOT be counted for THAT specific feature!
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
I also highly recommend that you browse through the IDEAS section of this forum and VOTE for the request of each of the missing features to be added back into Quicken for help direct the priorities of the developers.
To do that, I suggest you read this FAQ on how to filter the IDEAS to just show the ones for the Mac version, then VOTE to your heart's content:
The following are some of the many feature requests you will find:- List of Requests for Report Types
- List of Requests for Report Related Features
- Restore Transactions Downloading Acceptance and Matching workflow
- List of Requests for Reconciliation Process
- Add QuickMath functionality
- Loan Amortization
- List of Requests Related to Investments
- True multi-currency conversion support
- List of Requests Related to Budgets
- List of Requests for Data Entry and Usability Options and Features
- List of Requests for User Interface Options and Features
Click on each link above, then be sure to scroll down each page, as some contain lists of related features. Then VOTE on EACH IDEA separately that you are interested in.
If you do not click VOTE at the top of the page of each feature, your vote will NOT be counted for THAT specific feature!
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
Ideally, this feature should have the option to maintain the "Estimated Statement Date" AND the "Estimated Payment Due Date" of the FI/Bank, either automatically (via linked Bills) or manually, via input from the user, so that charges to the credit card account after the Statement date are not included, until the Payment Due Date, at which point they become included...
Otherwise, this dynamic balance should reflect all charges recorded in the account.
(If you find this part of the IDEA helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so the developers will know, thanks.)
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
Just keep it like in the windows version. Update the reminder with the with the unpaid balance. The lack of this feature is the only reason I have the windows version running on the Mac.
1 -
This is so important! This features is needed!!0
Rare comment by Quicken Marcus about future plan... relates to this IDEA request.
(If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)
Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
pretty new here and I just voted but shows only three votes. The subject says legacy votes of 70. Can you tell me what that means?0
@redgar This Quicken Community forum was run on a different forum software platform up until the end of January of this year. When Quicken migrated to this system, the divorce from the previous provider didn't go well, so some things weren't able to be preserved in the transition. One of those was the vote totals for Idea threads; they captured the votes from the old system, but were unable to insert them into this system. So they employed the very low-tech solution of modifying the topic titles to include how many votes ideas had previously received on the old system -- "legacy votes." So you should add the 70 plus the 4 above to get a total of 74 votes for the idea.Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930
I wonder if there is a way in Quicken Mac to dynamically update credit card balance and reflect such balance in Projected Balance. This will be very helpful in budget planning.1
As I accrue new credit card balance in everyday use, and I pay the full balance with every statement (which basically is a bill to pay), the Projected Balance curve in Bill and Income tab should reflect that dynamic change. Quicken Window has that capability but not Quicken Mac.1 -
I would like to see this too. As a previous Quicken Windows user, I used to have my balance reflect. As I used the card, my bill would increase and show on the Projected Balance graph.
I have a card that is due on the 1st of the month. Here is how I used it:
Today (5/2) my statement comes out and says on 6/1 you will owe $100. I enter into my register a payment on 6/1 for $100. From today (5/2) until 6/1 I charge an additional $50 on the card. In the Windows version, my 7/1 balance would show $50. This is the new charge. My 8/1 balance would show $0. This is because I have a total of $150 in charges, and 2 payment which total $150 ($100 on 6/1 and $50 on 7/1).
Basically, I have it setup to always pay whatever balance is due on my next available scheduled entry. This is the way it works in the Windows Version.1 -
Need Current Total Amount Option for Credit Card Payment Scheduled Transactions (Q Mac)
The Bills and Income graph is a very helpful planning tool for those of us who have added accurate reminders for our recurring transactions, but it's still missing a feature for credit cards: the effect of paying off each credit card in full on the cash available in the main account (typically checking). I use my average statement balance for the last twelve months as the scheduled transaction amount as a workaround, but that is not as accurate as a live balance.
I see the greatest value of Quicken as a tool to measure and plan spending and control debts. I don't think Quicken users are necessarily typical of the general population (likely a bit better educated and older), but controlling credit card balances is, I think, one of the most widespread financial challenges, and this feature would be helpful to many people. A nice enhancement would be to have the amount be the total balance, up to a user-set cap, so that people could plan paying off their credit cards.
I have some memory of a similar feature having been available in past versions.0 -
I am another user that has recently switched from windows to Mac and have noticed the lack of this setting. Having to manually update the credit card balance at every download doesn't make sense.
Please have this feature added sooner than later.1 -
A related by slightly different (subset) IDEA is
Credit Card Payment Options (Pay in Full vs Min) for Projected Balance Calculation
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Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires(Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)
(Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)0 -
Any update on this? I'm still waiting on this feature for Quicken for Mac.0
Why don't we have this yet? This is basic and critical budgeting feature to predict account balance and future cash flow! Please implement this NEXT!
0 -
I am not able to vote for this feature. The vote does not go over 39
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Yes, the vote counter goes to 40. If you see a light gray arrow under the counter, it means you have already voted for the feature. (Clicking the light gray arrow will remove your vote.) If the arrow is dark gray, then you have not voted, and clicking on it should add a vote and turn the arrow light gray. (I just tested adding and removing a vote, and it works for me as I’ve described.)
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
As a long-time Quicken user who is in the process of migrating from Quicken Windows to Quicken Mac, I quickly found that this basic and critical budgeting feature is sorely missing in Quicken Mac.
Honestly, I think it's kind of ridiculous that this product idea was submitted in November 2016 and here we are in August 2023 and the idea is still "Under Review/Consideration". It would be nice if someone from Quicken would provide us an update.
0 -
This is one of the things I miss about the PC… I don't understand why they don't have feature parity. DevOps is a thing. Quicken cleanly is dropping the ball
0 -
I don't understand why they don't have feature parity. DevOps is a thing. Quicken cleanly is dropping the ball
I understand your frustration that a desired feature hasn't been implemented. You question: why Quicken Windows and Quicken Mac don't have feature parity? Because Quicken Windows has many, many more years of development, not to mention a bigger development team. Quicken Mac is being added to and improved steadily, albeit slowly. But there are hundreds of feature requests remaining in the queue for Quicken Mac — some having many more votes than this one — and they only knock off a few of them every few months.
And yes, when you want a particular feature, it can be maddening that they prioritize creation of other features; they never give users any insight into the myriad factors that go into their decisions about what gets implemented and what remains on the future roadmap. But that doesn't mean they're dropping the ball — it just means they don't have the resources to do all the things users want in the time we want. But when you look back at the program from 3 or 5 or 7 years ago, it's clear they are chipping away at the list of features users have been asking for.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
When setting up a bill in the Bills & Income tab, the only option is to set a single amount. The dialog box says, "Enter an estimate; you can always edit the amount at a later time." This is okay for regular bills that are either the same each month or vary only slightly (like a utility bill). However, for transfers to a credit card, this does not work well.
I would like to be able to project the balance in my checking account so that it reflects future credit card payments. It would be great if the future bill (i.e., payment to my credit card) could equal my current credit card balance. I pay it off each month as soon as I receive the statement, so this way I would always be able to project my checking account balance.
If anyone has a good trick already to work around this, feel free to share.
Thanks and Happy New Year to all.
1 -
I think there's already a suggestion for Quicken Mac that covers this:
0 -
Coming from a Windows user that has tried to make use of the "bill presentment" for many years I can tell you that the third-party software they are using is trying to get these mostly by scanning the biller's website. As such, the "reliability" of this information varies widely.
This is my website: -
Hello @John_M,
Your idea has been merged into this already active Idea thread regarding the same request.
Thank you!
-Quicken Anja
Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.1 -
Does anyone from Quicken have an update on this idea?
0 -
@Scott Kandel said: Does anyone from Quicken have an update on this idea?
I'm not from Quicken, but I can provide a little information. This Idea thread currently has a status of "Under Consideration". That means it has been submitted to the Quicken Mac development team, and they have neither accepted nor rejected it. If they didn't plan to implement this in the future, they would typically say so and change the status to "Not Planned". Topics which remain in "Under Consideration" status for a long time are typically one which the developers think have merit, but haven't yet prioritized high enough to be assigned a specific time on the development calendar. There are a significant number of Ideas currently marked as "Planned", and they will need to clear some of that backlog before scheduling the next set of feature requests. The moderators here have no further insight into the future prognosis of such a feature request.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
Long overdue feature, this is essential to forecasting future cash balances!
1 -
@andy I am not making an argument against this feature, but I'm just curious: doesn't glancing at the credit card account balances in the left sidebar give you an idea of your upcoming cash needs? I find I just look at the sidebar and see my credit cards balance all the time, which gives me a feel for my upcoming payments. (I do understand for anyone whose cash flow is more than week-to-week and needs to know what's coming due in the next 10 days could benefit from seeing the credit card balances and due dates on the Bills & Income screen.)
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930