Quicken for Mac 2017 v4.4.1 Released



  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    Yes.  I think that may be the best way to satisfy multiple users and their respective needs/desires.  Hopefully that's a simple implementation.  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2017

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    Yes but the question becomes what action would be used to clear the account indicator?
    In other versions, its clearing was tied to the completion of having reviewed and accepted (or deleted) downloaded transactions.
    If you introduce an option to make the indicator persistent, then you need a trigger to remove that indicator. Options I can think of right off the top of my head include:
    - user manually selects to clear the indicator when done (introduces an extra action by the user)
    - automatically clear the indicator when all transactions within the register are marked as reviewed (forces users to have to mark all as reviewed, which may conflict with the way users now use the Mark as Reviewed feature).
    - automatically clear indicator when there are no transactions marked to be reviewed and are unreconciled; in other words there are only unreconciled transactions that are NOT marked for review (this starts to introduce complex logic that users have to remember the meaning to)

    But again, I am looking down the road. With such a huge demand for the workflow mentioned above, I cannot imagine this not being re-introduced into Quicken at some point. And if/when it is, it will require redefining the way the account indicator works to be in line with past versions (because it is clear and objective). This would cause a change to the way a feature works after users get used to it. This will just cause frustration.

    This is what I mean by the cart before the horse. A little forethought could have prevented this. But I guess my point is moot, given that this indicator has been released. Now we have to deal with potentially changing criteria for this indicator over different future versions.

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Eagle22
    Eagle22 Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Interesting idea.  So if I'm understanding this request correctly, you want to have a key command to see the split pop-over instead of being forced to pop open the edit view.

    Have not seen 4.4.1 yet? Is it still in process?
  • Eagle22
    Eagle22 Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018

    Have not seen 4.4.1 yet? Is it still in progress?
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    As a complete aside, but just to highlight where I am coming from, although I would really like to see the re-introduction of the downloading and matching workflow mentioned above (as would MANY others), and then for this to work in tandem with the account indicator, this and other features discussed here are not features that will get me (and many other users) off of QM2007.

    As I have highlighted before, there are higher priorities to get users like me off QM2007 (or even migrators from QWin), as pointed out on the List of Obstacles and Hindrances for Migrating from QM2007 or QWin to Quicken for Mac. This is not because we do not want to migrate but rather because we CANNOT due to a lack of features that are show-stoppers.

    For me personally, of those listed, they include: 
    1. Useful Category/Transaction Detail Report
    2. Columnar report (with selectable choices for rows and columns)
    3. Investments Lot Management to track selling specific lots
    4. Either the support for converting sub-classes into sub-tags (new) OR Improve Batch Editing to include changing Split transactions to be able to handle data clean-up after the conversion to make reports work as needed
    5. and ideally the carry forward of memorized reports (not a show-stopper but re-creating about 80 reports would be a large undertaking and a hindrance otherwise)
    6. and finally Track/store Prior Reconciled Statements/periods (not absolutely critical but VERY useful for managing and maintaining data integrity; that is to help identify and correct errors that can arise for numerous reasons).
    Items 1 & 2 would make the most sense with the Request for Customizable Reporting Engine. Items 1 to 4 are absolute show-stoppers whereas items 5 & 6, though not show-stoppers per se, are hugely desirable for hopefully obvious reasons.

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Eagle22 said:


    Have not seen 4.4.1 yet? Is it still in progress?

    It is being released in stages...only 2000 downloads initially. Then if no new serious issues arise, it will be released to all users.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Interesting idea.  So if I'm understanding this request correctly, you want to have a key command to see the split pop-over instead of being forced to pop open the edit view.

    It's getting close...if Cmd-Opt-S could also close a split and exit edit mode that would be helpful, especially if nothing has been changed...makes for a more consistent experience; not 2 different keystrokes, like in QM2007.

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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Eagle22
    Eagle22 Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Eagle22 said:


    Have not seen 4.4.1 yet? Is it still in progress?

    Just got it.
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    Items 3, 1, 2 in this order very important to me
  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    Thanks smayer97 for raising the points about what it will take to clear the indicator.  You've clearly been thinking through this and I appreciate your bringing that to bear here.  I think I'd presumed that it would automatically disappear after the user had reviewed all the new/recently downloaded transactions.  Could we put your options to a users vote or will that only muddy things further?  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    So now we have this conversation taking place in 2 places, here and on this thread too. Not sure where the best place to continue is, but on this thread I know that Marcus is currently reading the replies and comments.

    Food for thought.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    @Snoopy FC I think part of defining options depends on what the short term and long term plans are for Quicken because if they do implement the option for the workflow mentioned (which I hope they eventually do at some point, and based on demand I believe it is warranted), this will have a bearing on what the best path should be from whatever solution is implemented in the short term to the needed solution in the long term. In other words, I suggest that there needs to be more info provided to come up with feasible options both for now and later.

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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    Well said.  I agree.  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • RCinNJ
    RCinNJ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Marcus, thank you for hosting this thread. I am going to lobby for my biggest problem. This has to do with how QM is not correctly keeping track of the Cash/Settlement/MMA fund in brokerage accounts (it is called different things, but is the source of money from which cash is added or removed when there are transactions in an account). From past and current posts it seems the problem goes back at least to QM2015 and has never been addressed. I assume this is not a problem with Quicken for Windows. My problem is at Vanguard. 

    I have posted on several threads including this one https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/issues-adding-shares-in-quicken-for-mac-2016 which includes screen shots. Please read through this thread! Thank you!
  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    Also, I would say in the short term, I'd rather see a major addition like loan amortization added before this is addressed further.  This new transaction processing piece is significant, but it seems the big elephant in the room is loan amortization, which has been a significant missing piece for a long time.  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    Sorry if I appear a bit thick but I'd like a bit of advice about the new backup facility.

    Prior to the update my Quicken Data File was stored in Documents
    and backed up to Library/Application Support/Quicken 2017/Backups.

    Following the update my Quicken Data File is still stored in
    Documents BUT a new folder has appeared in Library/Application Support/Quicken
    2017/Backups, called Automatic Backups, which contains a backup made each time I
    quit. There is still an old backup file in the Backups folder.

     Is this what is intended and are there any other backups
    being created somewhere else?

  • RCinNJ
    RCinNJ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2017
    I'd assume not getting rid of my old backups was intentional. The new feature will give you backups for several days, but I still like to hold onto historical backups and make a backup (and label it) before installing updates. I like when a program looks out for me with automatic backups, but that doesn't replace my own cautiousness.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    How about adding a "Cash Flow" Report for monthly and a graph showing it over multiple months?
  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Gil said:

    How about adding a "Cash Flow" Report for monthly and a graph showing it over multiple months?

    You may want to add your vote to the following idea: https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/add-ability-to-organize-reports-by-income-and-expense-vs-cash-flow-in-quicken-for-mac
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Pineman said:

    Sorry if I appear a bit thick but I'd like a bit of advice about the new backup facility.

    Prior to the update my Quicken Data File was stored in Documents
    and backed up to Library/Application Support/Quicken 2017/Backups.

    Following the update my Quicken Data File is still stored in
    Documents BUT a new folder has appeared in Library/Application Support/Quicken
    2017/Backups, called Automatic Backups, which contains a backup made each time I
    quit. There is still an old backup file in the Backups folder.

     Is this what is intended and are there any other backups
    being created somewhere else?

    The old backup is when you must have performed a manual backup. The locations are the default locations. These are as intended. You can change the locations in your preferences if you choose.

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Gil said:

    How about adding a "Cash Flow" Report for monthly and a graph showing it over multiple months?

    I suggest you read the following post about how you can add your vote for the features to improve customization of reports: https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/does-quicken-for-mac-2017-have-an-income-stateme...

    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    I would like to see an option in Quicken Mac to use the current credit card balance for scheduled transfers from another account. 
  • Thorium
    Thorium Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    I love the attention you are paying to this product! 
    I need the ability to print out account  & category lists. When I upgraded from Windows Quicken 2016 to Mac Quicken 2017, I found that I liked the categories in MQ2017 better than my old WQ2016 categories but there are too many to work with the consolidation process, especially w/o print.  
  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Kevin said:

    I would like to see an option in Quicken Mac to use the current credit card balance for scheduled transfers from another account. 

    You can add your VOTE to have Credit card balances reflected in Bill Reminders (dynamically update).

    First, click on the underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers.

    While you are at it, you may want to add your VOTE to related IDEAS found on the List of Requests for Bill Reminders (aka Scheduled Transactions) and Graph Features (aka Cash Flow Forecast or Projected Balance). Click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas.
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 Quicken Mac Other SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    You can add your VOTE to Add Ability to Print List of Accounts and Balances.

    First, click on the underlined link above to go there, then click VOTE at the top of THAT page, so your will vote count for THIS feature and increase its visibility to the developers.

    While you are at it, you may want to add your VOTE to related IDEAS found on the List of Requests for Report Types. Click on the underlined link, then follow the instructions to add your vote to more related ideas.
    (If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click "Like", so others will know, thanks.)

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Pineman said:

    Sorry if I appear a bit thick but I'd like a bit of advice about the new backup facility.

    Prior to the update my Quicken Data File was stored in Documents
    and backed up to Library/Application Support/Quicken 2017/Backups.

    Following the update my Quicken Data File is still stored in
    Documents BUT a new folder has appeared in Library/Application Support/Quicken
    2017/Backups, called Automatic Backups, which contains a backup made each time I
    quit. There is still an old backup file in the Backups folder.

     Is this what is intended and are there any other backups
    being created somewhere else?

    Yes, this is how we designed it.  We didn't want to accidentally delete a backup file that you created so we're putting the backups we're automatically creating in a separate folder.  This way you know what files will be automatically deleted and maintained by Quicken.  If you want to save off a backup every now and then you can simply copy one of these auto-backed up files and move it outside of the Automatic Backup folder so it won't get auto-replaced.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    RCinNJ said:

    Marcus, thank you for hosting this thread. I am going to lobby for my biggest problem. This has to do with how QM is not correctly keeping track of the Cash/Settlement/MMA fund in brokerage accounts (it is called different things, but is the source of money from which cash is added or removed when there are transactions in an account). From past and current posts it seems the problem goes back at least to QM2015 and has never been addressed. I assume this is not a problem with Quicken for Windows. My problem is at Vanguard. 

    I have posted on several threads including this one https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/issues-adding-shares-in-quicken-for-mac-2016 which includes screen shots. Please read through this thread! Thank you!

    I posted some comments in the other post.  I don't think there's enough information to fully figure out the problem but I provided some places to investigate.  
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Eagle22 said:


    Have not seen 4.4.1 yet? Is it still in progress?

    4.4.1 is available to everyone now including Mac App Store customers.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Nice new features. Great that these items are being addressed. I only wish they were implemented completely.

    Auto-Backup: why could it not be implemented with the option to choose how many backup copies, like in QM2007?

    New Transaction Account Sidebar Indicator: What is the criteria that makes the blue dot go away? Without that piece of information how are we to know what it means, if it is working correctly, or what the process is to manage or control it?

    Preference to Turn Off Auto-Opening Splits: why could this not be implemented to control separately the behaviour when open a split vs when to close a split, like in QM2007, and how it was requested 3 1/2 months ago here: Expanding split transactions  and detailed here?

    I like some of these improvements but I would strongly suggest that when you implement a feature that has existed before, like in QM2007, that you make it at least as complete as the original, If you choose to improve on it and add more, that is great. But to deliver less than the original is simply frustrating! I can understand delivering a feature in multiple stages when it is more complex but I just do not see the reason for these partial implementations, especially if the feature is a small one. 

    We've given this a lot of thought.  Windows supports both the blue dots and the red flag.  The red flag is tied to the comparative register feature and is what smeyer refers to.  If you turn off the comparative register, Windows displays a blue dot.  Since the Mac has never had the comparative register, the blue dot seemed like the natural feature to add first.  Although we know many like the comparative register workflow where one must accept every transaction before it gets added to their register, we believe that many more people especially younger people find this work flow cumbersome.  With that said, we know a lot of long time Quicken users like this work flow and so we will add the red flag type behavior that smeyer is promoting at some point.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2016

     Adding additional backups when no further data has been entered is not useful. Something to think about for future modifications:)

    smayer, I like your wording.  That would work.  

    I just chatted with my team and we update the database every time we open a file so data is always changing. Not everything is a major change but it is changing so it wouldn't be easy to implement a save a backup if only major changes are made.  What one person's major change could be another's minor change.  Anyway, I don't think we'll implement this request.  One other question is whether people would want to be reminded at quit so they can decide whether or not to save a backup or not.  This would be configurable of course so you wouldn't have to see it but if you did care you could turn this on and control when a backup is saved.  Is this interesting to people?
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