Quicken for Mac 2017 v4.6.0, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.6.3 & 4.6.4 Released

Quicken Marcus
Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
Please go to the new forum post for 4.6.x http://bit.ly/2yvgsxS.

We’re starting to roll out version 4.6.x to customers.  

As many of you know, we were spun out of Intuit into our own company last year and as part of that deal Intuit allowed us to continue to use their authentication and cloud infrastructure for 18 months but at the end of 18 months, we had to be off of it.  Well, that deadline is the end of September. 

The 4.6 release moves all customers to the new Quicken ID authentication system, Quicken mobile/cloud infrastructure, and transaction aggregation and download system. This is a big change. It's analogous to picking up your house from its current location and foundation, transporting it to another town, putting it on a new foundation and then changing your lock and giving you a new key.  It’s not easy and will be a little messy.  We’ve been testing 4.6 with our beta test team for nearly 2 months to try to work out the kinks but with over 14,500 banks supported there are bound to be issues.  Please use this forum post as both a place to let us know the issues you’re running into and also as a place to find answers.

What issues are people seeing?
I personally ran into 3 issues when I took the 4.6.x update using my own personal Quicken file.
1) Wells Fargo accounts said there was a partial download error.  After I synced for a 4th time, the error went away.  Wells Fargo is one of a handful of financial institutions that require us to communicate with them differently than every other institution which causes some problems.
2) I saw duplicate transactions in my Wells Fargo Home Equity account.  The rest of my Wells Fargo accounts were OK.  We are seeing some duplicate transaction issues with certain types of accounts when you disconnect and reconnect accounts but, for some reason, it happened to me even though I didn’t do this.  If you think you’re seeing duplicate transactions, turn on the FI Id column in your register.  If the ID starts with "INTUIT-“ then you are definitely in this type of account.  CitiCards are probably the biggest financial institution in this bucket.  Again, you shouldn’t run into this unless you disconnect and reconnect your accounts.  Unfortunately, at this stage, I had to just delete the duplicate transactions and things seemed to work fine after that.  We’re also looking for ways to mitigate this from happening via improvements in our cloud service.
3) Chase accounts told me I needed to go to the Chase website to verify my account by opening a secure message and following the steps to confirm my identity.  I did that but it still didn’t work. I’ve done this hundreds of times in testing and it’s worked for me before so not sure why it didn’t work this time.  This is the only remaining issue I’m working through.  I’m guessing if I disconnect and reconnect the accounts by using the Add Account button I can get this working again but I’m trying other options first.
4) Quicken Loans - I have a Quicken Loan but this hasn’t worked in awhile.  Quicken loans is blocking us for some reason and not allowing our services to update transactions so this is unrelated to the 4.6 update. As many of you know, Quicken Loans and Quicken are not related companies.  We were a long time ago but are no longer tied together.

Overall this didn’t go too bad. I was able to convert my Intuit ID to a Quicken ID, migrate my data file, get transactions downloading for all of my accounts except for Chase but I’m confident I’ll be able to fix this.  Quicken Loans wasn’t working before so this wasn’t new.

Most of you shouldn’t run into any issues but if you do please report them here.  

Also for those of you in and around Florida, please stay safe.  One of our developers, Quicken Chris, lives and works in Florida and is now on his way to his wife's family in North Carolina so we wish him and all of you Floridians the best.

9/9/2017 - My Chase is now working.  I finally received the Quicken verify email again after I called Chase to resend it.  I went through the steps and I'm no longer seeing any sync issues with Chase.  I'm now fully converted.

9/14/2017 - We started to release 4.6.1 but immediately saw a lot of people running into a false sync error.  We pulled the release, fixed the issue and re-released 4.6.2.  Let us know if you see any new errors.

9/18/2017 - Quicken Cloud updated to fix issue with One Time Passcode for FIs such as Wells Fargo.  Also added a fix for QCS_SERVER_ERROR issue which should improve adding accounts.

9/20/2017 - Released 4.6.3. Fixes top crashing sync bugs and MFA on refresh issue where there wasn't a screen to enter in a passcode.  Also automatically disconnects hidden accounts that that are no longer supported.

9/22/2017 - Released 4.6.4. Fixed a crash that could occur during syncing. Also added a new feature to be able to Fix a dead account issue (error code 324) which is the top account connection issue. This could occur if you change the nickname of your account on the bank's website. To fix this issue, you would just go to the Account Status window and click on Fix It to clear the account and to re-enter your credentials.

9/28/2017 - Released 4.6.5. http://bit.ly/2yvgsxS


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017
    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the Quicken - SNAFU!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2018
    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the usual Quicken situation ALL users suffer - SNAFU!
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited November 2017
    Marcus, will you be posting clear & praise instructions as to how this is implemented for folks?
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    RickO said:

    Does 4.6 require Direct Connect accounts to be deactivated and reactivated? I ask because there's an ongoing issue with Citizens Bank new accounts not being able to be set up in 4.5.8. Pre-existing account setups continue to work fine. If deactivation is required, then it is likely that existing Citizens Bank Direct Connect account will not be able to be re-connected. This will break direct connect and bill pay for a fairly large number of users, I suspect.

    No, you shouldn't have to do this.  My particular case is that I have mobile turned on.  When mobile is turned on we have to setup one's direct connect account in the cloud which acts like another client.  Chase requires extra verification via their web site for each client.  My Direct Connect on my computer is working fine.  The failure is coming about because the mobile Direct Connect account is waiting for verification via the Chase web site which I did but for some reason, Chase is still blocking the Quicken cloud from syncing the data.  

    Said in another way, you may run into this issue if you use mobile and if your bank requires this extra verification step.  I never ran into it before for the past 2 months but for some reason this last time, it didn't work.   

    I called Chase to send me the verification again but for some reason that didn't work so I'm still working on it with Chase.  I think the issue is at Chase.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the usual Quicken situation ALL users suffer - SNAFU!

    We discovered a Quicken Cloud deployment issue with the which impacted Wells Fargo accounts.  Wells Fargo should be working better now. Chase Quicken Connect works flawlessly.  I haven't seen any issues using that connection method.  I've only had the DC issue fail once out of many tries.  Again that is also only a mobile issue.  We did a lot of testing with Citibank credit cards and saw duplicate transaction issues only when we disconnected and reconnected the account.  We are currently working on a fix for that issue.  

    I hear you.  I agree it should be flawless but this is complicated stuff.  We continue to work on it.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Marcus, will you be posting clear & praise instructions as to how this is implemented for folks?

    I'm not sure I understand what "clear & praise" means but I will be updating this forum post with the latest and greatest information we're seeing and hearing about.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2018
    Marcus you say that your Ctit credit card(s) is setup as Quicken Connect (Express Web Connect on windows) and that would be true  if the transaction unique Id starts with Intuit-.

    Well that indicates that you are using Citibank as your financial institution.  Using Citibank will get you Quicken Connect/Express Web Connect, but if you use Citi Cards as the financial institution you will get Direct Connect (for free).  At least that is how it works on the Windows side.

    On the Chase credit cards.  Chase has recently changed to a new verification system.
    In the past it would let "applications" in without any blocking, but send an email to the user telling them that they needed to go to read a secure email, and post a verification number within 10 days.

    But now they do the verification while you are setting up an account in Quicken.
    I didn't have to do any of this while doing the conversion from Intuit Id to Quicken Id, but also note that my Chase accounts are setup for Direct Connect.

    It might very well be different for Quicken Connect/Express Web Connect (I wish the two sides would use the same name!)

    Here is what verification looks like on Windows (Direct Connect):
    Code sent to my phone.
    And next the dialog to enter it into.

    Note that during my testing I did hit messages like you have reported that you are suppose to go to the website.  As you found out, none of that is correct.  I believe you are basically getting an error, and they are sending the generic error message for not connecting, which has the old verification in mind.  At least that is what I came away with and far as I could figure out.

    I might add that I have a Macy's credit card that Citi maintains and it is Express Web Connect, and I had no problems with it during the conversion from Intuit Id to Quicken Id.  I also have a Syncrony account that is Express Web Connect and it didn't have any problems.

    Also all my Direct Connect accounts have had no conversion problems.

    I apologize in advance if any of the "misdirects" you/people from what is happening on the Mac side, but I thought at least the part about Citi credit cards might help.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017

    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the usual Quicken situation ALL users suffer - SNAFU!

    We did a lot of testing with Citibank credit cards and saw duplicate
    transaction issues only when we disconnected and reconnected the
    Are you aware of the fact that this has been a problem for years?
    It has been reported here and in betas for that long of time.

    The basic problem is how Intuit is generating the unique Id.
    They are using some kind of "seed" that is stored in their "cloud data" to generate the unique Ids.  Whenever you do a reset or deactivate/reactivate that "seed" changes, and as such you get completely new unique Ids.

    They should be generating the unique Ids in a way that if they have to start from scratch they will still get the same unique Id.  Like a hash of the date, payee, amount, and a count for cases where the first three are the same for multiple transactions on a day.  They aren't doing that.

    And that also leads to the second Intuit Id generated unique Id problem.  As in say a person is paying a toll coming and going to work for $3.  They will have two identical transactions on the same day.  Currently Intuit is generating the same unique Id for both of them, and as such people lose the second transaction.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017

    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the usual Quicken situation ALL users suffer - SNAFU!

    "I agree it should be flawless but this is complicated stuff. ". Don't release until it IS flawless!
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017

    Marcus, will you be posting clear & praise instructions as to how this is implemented for folks?

    He means Precise, ... obviously ...
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017

    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the usual Quicken situation ALL users suffer - SNAFU!

    Stephen Martin What would you prefer, a non flawless conversion (which doesn't exist, ever for all people), or Intuit to cut you off from downloading after 9/30/2017?

    Quicken Inc has little choice at this point.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2018
    Note when I did the above to test Chase's system for verifying, I got the "security" email too.  Where I had to log in and check the secure messages and verify before 7 days.  So I guess they have both "systems" going in parallel.
  • JSH56
    JSH56 Member ✭✭
    edited August 2018
    If you are having these problems with the release, then please make it BETA. It's not ready for general release to the public, in my opinion. I am holding off until this is fixed.
  • JG0158
    JG0158 Member
    edited September 2017
    I can't get either Chase or Bank of America to ework since the update
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017

    Are you kidding? "Not too bad"? I have three Wells accounts, 3 Chase Ccs, and one City CC. SOUNDS LIKE I CAN expect a hassle With all seven accounts. Sounds like the usual Quicken situation ALL users suffer - SNAFU!

    QPW, you're right of course.  Citicards has always been problematic for us because of the method our aggregator Intuit gets the transaction data but I thought most of that was cleaned up with some fixes that were made on the Intuit service side.  At least we found the ticket for the issue and it says it was fixed.  I don't personally have a Citicard so I can't test it.  Actually, I also just realised that you're a Quicken Windows user which uses a slightly different system than Quicken Mac.  The fix we found was only for Quicken Mac.  
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    JSH56 said:

    If you are having these problems with the release, then please make it BETA. It's not ready for general release to the public, in my opinion. I am holding off until this is fixed.

    The problem is my issues may not be your issues.  This is very specific to the bank you use and the way you connect to that bank.  Every bank is different.  Definitely, keep an eye on this forum and make the decision for yourself but be aware that all bank downloads will stop on 9/30 because that's when Intuit cuts us off.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    JG0158 said:

    I can't get either Chase or Bank of America to ework since the update

    Can you provide more details?  Are you using Direct Connect or Quicken Connect?  If Direct Connect, they should only be affected if you use mobile.  If they are Quicken Connect, then can you provide errors.  I have both Chase and Bank of America and both are working for me so it would be good to learn more about your specific situation so we can figure out what is going on.  Also, everyone should realize that just because a bank doesn't connect after an update it doesn't mean there's a bug in the system.  Since these have to be set up again, the bank may block you.  For example, some banks only allow existing customers to be Direct Connect customers but if you look like a new customer to them, they will block you.  In any case, every situation is different so please provide details about your particular situation.
  • JG0158
    JG0158 Member
    edited September 2017
    JG0158 said:

    I can't get either Chase or Bank of America to ework since the update

    it's quicken connect but it's not providing any errors
  • JG0158
    JG0158 Member
    edited September 2017
    JG0158 said:

    I can't get either Chase or Bank of America to ework since the update

    I have other bank accounts and they were not affected. I have deativated these accounts and set them up again, it shows the right account to be linked and after I finish the setup the update arrow rotates but nothing happens
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017
    I have a MacBook and an iMac and use both to access my quicken data file with resides in iCloud.  My iMac updated to QM2017 4.6x and appears to have updated/converted my data file to that version.  On my MacBook I have version 4.5.8 - when I try to open my data file I get an error message telling me to update to latest version to be able to open the file.  When I click check for updates I get a message - 4.5.8 is currently the newest version available.  I have tried deleting the quicken app and re-installing (4.5.8 is the version I get with the new download), restarting my computer multiple times and using disk utility to run disk first aid (no problems found).  Any thoughts on how to get version 4.6x onto my MacBook so I can open my quicken data file?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017
    Jeff D. said:

    I have a MacBook and an iMac and use both to access my quicken data file with resides in iCloud.  My iMac updated to QM2017 4.6x and appears to have updated/converted my data file to that version.  On my MacBook I have version 4.5.8 - when I try to open my data file I get an error message telling me to update to latest version to be able to open the file.  When I click check for updates I get a message - 4.5.8 is currently the newest version available.  I have tried deleting the quicken app and re-installing (4.5.8 is the version I get with the new download), restarting my computer multiple times and using disk utility to run disk first aid (no problems found).  Any thoughts on how to get version 4.6x onto my MacBook so I can open my quicken data file?

    Thanks a lot for all the info.  The data file actually resides on each machine in the documents file.  I cloud (maybe i'm calling it the wrong name) syncs any changes made on either computer to the quicken data file so that after 60 seconds or so the data file is the same on both computers.  I have had this set up for a year of so and had not had any problems yet.  Not sure I even did it on purpose.........everything just seems to sync.  Thanks again for the assist.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited October 2018
    Moderator, can you please delete my posts on this thread?
    I shouldn't have posted here.  Thank you.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017
    Upgraded to v4.6 and I can no longer update any of my accounts via Accounts-> Update all Online accounts, even after spending an hour with support.  I Have to create new and then link each time for Capital One 360, There is an issue connecting to Emigrant Direct and I cannot update or add new for this bank.  This is so frustrating!
  • JG0158
    JG0158 Member
    edited September 2017
    Same with me and every time customer service tells me that it has nothing to do with Quicken! Horrible responsiveness and total lack of accountability
  • LB522
    LB522 Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Mac Beta Beta
    edited September 2017
    Aside from the bank login functionality change, are there any other enhancements that come with 4.6?  I want to avoid "upgrading" until the last possible moment.   
  • LB522
    LB522 Quicken Mac Subscription Member, Mac Beta Beta
    edited September 2017
    Appreciate the Quicken team, especially Marcus, for working through the weekend to support Quicken customers through the roll out.   I'm sure it feels like a thankless role, so, we thank you. 

    Are there release notes published for 4.6?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017
    Ridiculous. It is their GD job and it had been poorly done. It is unforgivable to release an upgrade with so many issues. And their tech support always blames the other guy. The lot should be fired
  • JG0158
    JG0158 Member
    edited September 2017
    Now Citibank credit cards stopped working too. Is there a way to delete the latest upgrade and go back to the previous version?
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited September 2017
    I was able to restore v4.5.8 using Time Machine and having to setup my accounts again.  All in all, about 2.5 hours of headache(1 hour with support troubleshooting 4.6, 1.5 hours to restore, setup downloads and enter any missing transactions in the registers.).  Quicken, I highly recommend you pull this update.  It plain does not work.  Even the account totals down the left side are wrong, I have 2 accounts showing negative amounts when there are in the positive.  
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2017
    JG0158 said:

    Now Citibank credit cards stopped working too. Is there a way to delete the latest upgrade and go back to the previous version?

    We automatically backup everything. Your app should appear in the trash and there should be an automatic backup of the file that starts with "BACKUP (Pre-Update)".  However, your Intuit ID is now a Quicken ID and can't be used anymore.  We would prefer that you work with us to figure out what is the issue with your particular account because all 4.5.8 versions of the app will stop downloading transactions on 9/30 because of our divestiture from Intuit.  

    When you get the error can you Report a Problem so we can get your log files to figure out what is going on?  It would be good to get the error message you're seeing.
This discussion has been closed.