Quicken for Mac 2018 v5.5.4 and Other 5.5.x Releases

Quicken Marcus
Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
We shut down the other 5.5.x Release Forum Post because it was getting too long.  Please put any new 5.5.x issues here in this new post. 

Today we're releasing 5.5.4.  There are a host of bug fixes in this release.  Here are the release notes:
  • FIXED - Fixed a Quicken 2007 import issue. Linked transfers with a class to investment accounts created orphaned transfers in Quicken 2018. Thanks to JustinS for his great detective work in narrowing down the problem.
  • FIXED - Fixed a problem when importing investment transactions via web connect.
  • FIXED - Increased the timeout for adding eBills. Some financial institutions like USAA take a bit longer to download bill information so this change allows these bills to complete. Thanks to MikeW who worked tirelessly with us to figure out the right amount of time to wait.
  • FIXED - Added Canadian Tax line items to investment categories.
  • FIXED - Fixed QIF file import for those moving from other software products.
  • FIXED - Fixed an issue where transaction downloads would stop working after a customer received a multi-factor authentication screen. Thanks to KristinD, one of our beloved product managers, for finding and reporting this issue.
  • FIXED Fixed an issue where sweep accounts were storing Dividend and Reinvested Dividend transactions as Interest. Thanks to RichardK who reported this in the forums.
All the changes to the 5.5.x releases are documented here

We expect there to be a 5.5.5 release in the next couple of weeks with more stability and bug fixes.  We'll update this post when it's ready.

2/26 - Releasing 5.5.4 to customers.
3/8 - Releasing 5.5.5.  This release has fixes for missing lots in the portfolio view, performance issues in the investment transaction view and issues with lots not appearing in the Specify Lots dialog.
3/21 - Releasing 5.5.6.  This release fixes the issue where people keep getting asked to enter in their Quicken ID every time they try to do an update.
4/11 - Releasing 5.5.7.  This fixes an issue some customers have run into where Quicken appears to freeze on launch.  


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited February 2018
    Marcus, sorry- new update seems to fail to update investment prices after update.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    Marcus and the Mac guys-- I am not able to enter passwords to my Schwab accounts supposedly to the keychain and update any transactions or prices.  I reenter the passwords and transactions and prices still do not update.  I have done 2 reboots with the same result.
  • brucel
    brucel Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Received 5.5.4 update notice and installed/upgraded it without issue.
  • brucel
    brucel Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2018

    Marcus and the Mac guys-- I am not able to enter passwords to my Schwab accounts supposedly to the keychain and update any transactions or prices.  I reenter the passwords and transactions and prices still do not update.  I have done 2 reboots with the same result.

    Schwab recently started using two-factor authentication.  Try logging into your Schwab account with your browser and check the "Remember this Computer" option.  I just downloaded Schwab with the 5.5.4 release without any issues other than the fact that it zero'd out today's gains (still investigating).
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited February 2018

    Marcus and the Mac guys-- I am not able to enter passwords to my Schwab accounts supposedly to the keychain and update any transactions or prices.  I reenter the passwords and transactions and prices still do not update.  I have done 2 reboots with the same result.

    I am able to log into my Schwab accounts without any issue from my computer.  I must have a good cookie.  Not having todays prices is a bummer.  They were there before todays update.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018

    Marcus and the Mac guys-- I am not able to enter passwords to my Schwab accounts supposedly to the keychain and update any transactions or prices.  I reenter the passwords and transactions and prices still do not update.  I have done 2 reboots with the same result.

    I just added my Schwab accounts to my test file without issue so I don't think there's a general problem with Schwab.  Are you saying you're seeing the Mac keychain dialog asking for a password?  Make sure the password you're entering is your keychain/Mac password and not your Schwab password.  That's a macOS dialog and not something Quicken does.  It's asking for your permission to allow Quicken access to your keychain to get the password to sync your accounts.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited February 2018

    Marcus and the Mac guys-- I am not able to enter passwords to my Schwab accounts supposedly to the keychain and update any transactions or prices.  I reenter the passwords and transactions and prices still do not update.  I have done 2 reboots with the same result.

    Things might be working although current stock prices are still not being updated.  I am still being asked for my Schwab credentials when I want to dowmload my accounts.  I think I might have fixed the issue by going to my mac keychain and locking and unlocking the password access.
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    Marcus and the Mac guys-- I am not able to enter passwords to my Schwab accounts supposedly to the keychain and update any transactions or prices.  I reenter the passwords and transactions and prices still do not update.  I have done 2 reboots with the same result.

    Same here, no issues updating Security prices
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2018
    @Marcus, has anyone given any thought to a one line separation in the PV when using Group by  Type option? 
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018
    I use the spending wheel to monitor monthly  expenses , I am now observing accrued interest for bond activity & dividend income for stocks in the security wheel , under a pie section called Investments. Is this normal operation under V5.5.4?
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018
    Just retreated to the confines of V5.5.3. Confirmed this is an issue brought on as a result of V5.5.4
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2018
    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    Is anything being done to speed up the slow loading issue?
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    On the home tab, spending by category
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    Just tried to open an older file (incase the existing file got corrupted in the conversion.. Same issue
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    Spoke to the folks at Quicken Support, they were able to simulate my situation & put in a report
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    When we added Canadian tax line items to investment categories we also did other clean up like added income/expense types to some investment categories that didn't have them before.   Accrued Interest became an Expense and Reinvested Dividends became Income.  We basically matched the types defined in Quicken Windows.  The reason we did this is so that these items can show up in reports.  Concordman, does this seem like a bug to you because you don't want to see any investment items in that pie chart or is accrued interest not an expense for you?  When I tried this I saw accrued interest which theorectically should appear there now that we made it an expense but I also saw reinvested dividends and interest income which shouldn't because they are income items.  Anyway, I realize it's different than before but we did this for improved reporting on investment items.  It would be great to better understand your particular situation.  Thanks.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Jim said:

    Is anything being done to speed up the slow loading issue?

    Hi Jim, when you say the "slow loading issue" can you be more explicit about where you're seeing slowness.  For example, I don't know if you're talking about launching the app, going to the investment portfolio view or downloading transactions?
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Quicken Mac Subscription Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018

    @Marcus, has anyone given any thought to a one line separation in the PV when using Group by  Type option? 

    I'm not sure I know what you mean.  Where is the line separation?  Is the separator between each type so it's a line that appears below the last security for each group?  I've heard people ask about seeing totals below each group vs at the top but haven't really heard anything about line separators between groups. Can you provide a little more background about why you're suggesting this? For example, is this because you're primarily looking at the right side with all of the numbers and on that side it's hard to see where the groups start and end or is it because of another reason.  Anyway, knowing the full background helps us think through solutions.
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    Marcus, in the home tab situation I think about the spending wheel as a quick snapshot into the monthly expense situation. Seeing accrued interest from bonds and dividends from stocks in this view doesn’t seem to fit. I don’t look at accrued interest on a bond purchase as an expense since it’s recouped when the bond pays it back with interest income. As it relates to stock dividends It’s a net zero income since the dividends is reinvested to purchase more shares.
    To summarize, I am all in for improvements in reporting on investments but don’t want to see it as a contributions on the monthly spending wheel
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    Another thought if I may, if Quicken has to have this in the spending wheel for investment reporting perhaps off the option to view the wheel without investment contributions, I see the option in the pull down menus but it’s not active in the home tab view
  • Concordman
    Concordman Quicken Mac Subscription Mac Beta Beta
    edited February 2018

    @Marcus, has anyone given any thought to a one line separation in the PV when using Group by  Type option? 

    Marcus everything there seems so compressed, if one has just  stocks or a Mutual fund in a particular account its not an issue, but if your dealing with  stocks , bonds, mutual funds, etc..its very tight between the types. I agree as well that the total for each type s/b below which is what most folks are accustomed to. 
  • s2kdriver
    s2kdriver Member ✭✭
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    Hi Marcus - From my perspective, labeling more investment categories as income and expense really improves the Net Income chart and reports (and hopefully the Income view in the future).  This change properly includes all sources of income and expense, which becomes especially important for self-employment and/or during retirement when cash flow increasingly comes from investments.  Thank you.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited March 2018
    I am having this problem loading brokerage accounts mostly.   VERY SLOW.  Never happened with Quicken 2017.  You have a whole thread on this slowness in the Community page.  What is UP???   Please get this fixed.  Makes me pretty uphappy with Quicken at this point.
  • s2kdriver
    s2kdriver Member ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Hi Marcus, I believe there is still a bug in the Specify Lots feature.  I mentioned this in a previous thread, but now have some grabs from 5.5.4 to better illustrate the problem.  Future transactions somehow influence the shares "Available to Sell" in previous transactions.  See attached screen shots.  In addition, I am putting in a plug for an "ACB" Specify Lots preset for Canadian users...


  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited February 2018
    Awesome.  It works!  Many thanks although I wish Quicken would fix so we could use graph view.  For the time being. . .   thanks again.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited February 2018
    Jim said:

    Is anything being done to speed up the slow loading issue?

    Marcus, its happening on each first launch of the day, very slow almost like 1 minute to startup, then on each subsequent start it only takes seconds. I'm using a new Imac 27 with 40Gig of ram and running the latest Sierra 10.12.6
  • s2kdriver
    s2kdriver Member ✭✭
    edited February 2018

    This has been reported under new release V5.5.4 .Will add here for further emphasis. After uploading V5.5.4 I now observe an investment section in the pie chart. The investment pie section contains bond accrued interest & stock dividends. 

    I would like to comment on Concordman's post above on stock dividends being zero net income - I think he may mean zero net cash (and not income).  A reinvested dividend or stock dividend are real income as far as the CRA (or IRS) is concerned - they are just paid in the form of securities vs. cash.  Those securities could be sold at any time for real incremental value.  The question then becomes - are the income and spending charts in QM meant to show a cash view or a complete income/expense view?  Perhaps the product could become more explicit as to the intent - or add appropriate views (or view options) to show both income/expense views and cash views. In my case, I would rather see complete income/expense views, but others may have different needs.
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    I am still getting the spinning ball when trying to enter investment transactions, it takes almost 5 mins just to enter one transaction.  please help
This discussion has been closed.