Quicken for Mac 2018 v5.5.4 and Other 5.5.x Releases



  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Am I really missing something obvious, or is there no easy way to go to the other side of a transfer ? I mean like right-click menu and select Go To Transfer ?

    The only times I ever viewed such a menu, was when I wanted to edit one side of a transfer and QM suddenly pop-up a window saying: "This transaction is locked, please go to transfer."

    Why is one side locked BTW? This seems weird and unlike what I was used to before. To me, both side should be editable either way.

    I did not mean to imply a preference of one option over another. I was simply pointing out that your solution to the implementation of #2 would be a good approach for option #2 ;-)

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • J_Mike
    J_Mike SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Am I really missing something obvious, or is there no easy way to go to the other side of a transfer ? I mean like right-click menu and select Go To Transfer ?

    The only times I ever viewed such a menu, was when I wanted to edit one side of a transfer and QM suddenly pop-up a window saying: "This transaction is locked, please go to transfer."

    Why is one side locked BTW? This seems weird and unlike what I was used to before. To me, both side should be editable either way.

    I am with RickO - option #1.
    I grew to like QMac's original implementation and much prefer it in my registers.
    QWin & QMac (Deluxe) Subscription
    Quicken user since 1991

  • Concordman
    Concordman Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2018

    Am I really missing something obvious, or is there no easy way to go to the other side of a transfer ? I mean like right-click menu and select Go To Transfer ?

    The only times I ever viewed such a menu, was when I wanted to edit one side of a transfer and QM suddenly pop-up a window saying: "This transaction is locked, please go to transfer."

    Why is one side locked BTW? This seems weird and unlike what I was used to before. To me, both side should be editable either way.

    +3 on option # 1
  • J_Mike
    J_Mike SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Am I really missing something obvious, or is there no easy way to go to the other side of a transfer ? I mean like right-click menu and select Go To Transfer ?

    The only times I ever viewed such a menu, was when I wanted to edit one side of a transfer and QM suddenly pop-up a window saying: "This transaction is locked, please go to transfer."

    Why is one side locked BTW? This seems weird and unlike what I was used to before. To me, both side should be editable either way.

    QWmac2015 is my reference point.
    QWin & QMac (Deluxe) Subscription
    Quicken user since 1991

  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    s2kdriver said:

    Hi Marcus, I believe there is still a bug in the Specify Lots feature.  I mentioned this in a previous thread, but now have some grabs from 5.5.4 to better illustrate the problem.  Future transactions somehow influence the shares "Available to Sell" in previous transactions.  See attached screen shots.  In addition, I am putting in a plug for an "ACB" Specify Lots preset for Canadian users...



    This should now be fixed in 5.5.5.  Please take a look and let us know if it's not working as you expect.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    David said:

    I am still getting the spinning ball when trying to enter investment transactions, it takes almost 5 mins just to enter one transaction.  please help

    We just released 5.5.5 yesterday.  This should fix the performance issue in the investment transaction view.  We realize for those of you with years of investment data there may be slowness on the actual portfolio view.  This is caused by the chart and we haven't addressed that issue yet.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    Guy Towle said:

    Re-Posting my question here in hopes that my download bank transactions has something to do wiht the fixes you reference in 5.5.4 info above.  (I am running 5.5.4.)  Thanks.

    Mac running latest MacOS 10.13.3.  Quicken for Mac Starter 2018 Version: 5.5.4 (Build 55.21598.100)]

    Since the Quicken update approximately 5.5.x, Quicken will not download Bank of America credit card transactions without going into settings and Deactivating Downloads, re-establishing a new setup including all password control and authentication, then refreshing the bank list and letting it start all over.  If you do not take these steps each time you select the "update all accounts circle, or choose "update selected online account" in the  Accounts menu, the circle spins for 10 seconds and nothing happens.  If you choose update selected online account, five minutes go by and then an error box appears which simply says: "An error occurred during your online banking update.  This window has been opened to show you your Quicken account status.  Additional information: HTTP(null)"

    Quicken help desk shared the screen with me and tried to resolve the issue but the agent indicated that something may be going on with Bank of America.

    B of A apparently requires Quicken to use "Quicken Connect" as the connection protocol rather than "Quicken Direct" although I have tried to make them both work.

    Does anybody have any ideas on how to make things run smoothly again (after over five years of connecting instantly without a hitch.)?

    Thanks for your ideas

    Bank of America (BOA) works with Direct Connect but only for people that set it up and got it authorized with BOA before.  New BOA customers are not allowed to use Direct Connect.

    Do you have a personal VPN?  I get the HTTP(null) error when I forget to turn off my personal VPN and I try to connect with Schwab.  Some banks don't allow a connection via a personal VPN.  The IP addresses look unfamiliar from them or they are coming from a foreign country and think you're a hacker so they block the connection.  

    Other than that I'm not sure.  We didn't change anything with connectivity.  I personally can connect to my BOA credit card via Quicken Connect so I'm not sure what could be affecting your account.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Since Quicken Deluxe for Mac 5.5.4 upgrade "Share Balance" column for individual securities is no longer calculating and displaying.  Here are the details.  I have an investment account that holds individual stocks.  I have the "Shares" column and the "Share Balance" columns displayed in the "Transaction" register view.  When a security is bought or sold the "Shares" column shows the number of shares purchased or sold.  The "Share Balance" column shows the new amount of total shares of that security I now own.  This has worked just fine until I upgraded to 5.5.4.  Since the upgrade the "Share Balance" column is blank.  The "Share Balance" data does display for all transactions that occurred BEFORE I upgraded to 5.5.4.  All transactions I download after the upgrade no longer calculate and display data in this column.  Is this a bug?  Is it a new feature?  Did I miss something in the upgrade release notes?  Anyone else seeing this issue?  I sure would like to get this data back!
    BTW a couple of my accounts (all at the same institution) show the current "Share Balance" in the column but most do not.

    Hopefully, this is all fixed.  When we optimized the direct connect download we reduced the times it calculated the lots which sped everything up.  Unfortunately, there were times when we didn't have enough account information to calculate the lots which occurred if you were using web connect, importing a QFX file or in the case when some brokerages sent their data in multiple batches vs a single batch which is what we were expecting.  This is all fixed up in 5.5.5.  We also run a one time fix when you launch 5.5.5 that looks for this situation and then corrects them.  The bottom line is that 5.5.5 should fix everyone's files so all lots should be showing properly.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Since Quicken Deluxe for Mac 5.5.4 upgrade "Share Balance" column for individual securities is no longer calculating and displaying.  Here are the details.  I have an investment account that holds individual stocks.  I have the "Shares" column and the "Share Balance" columns displayed in the "Transaction" register view.  When a security is bought or sold the "Shares" column shows the number of shares purchased or sold.  The "Share Balance" column shows the new amount of total shares of that security I now own.  This has worked just fine until I upgraded to 5.5.4.  Since the upgrade the "Share Balance" column is blank.  The "Share Balance" data does display for all transactions that occurred BEFORE I upgraded to 5.5.4.  All transactions I download after the upgrade no longer calculate and display data in this column.  Is this a bug?  Is it a new feature?  Did I miss something in the upgrade release notes?  Anyone else seeing this issue?  I sure would like to get this data back!
    BTW a couple of my accounts (all at the same institution) show the current "Share Balance" in the column but most do not.

    Hopefully, this is all fixed.  When we optimized the direct connect download we reduced the times it calculated the lots which sped everything up.  Unfortunately, there were times when we didn't have enough account information to calculate the lots which occurred if you were using web connect, importing a QFX file or in the case when some brokerages sent their data in multiple batches vs a single batch which is what we were expecting.  This is all fixed up in 5.5.5.  We also run a one time fix when you launch 5.5.5 that looks for this situation and then corrects them.  The bottom line is that 5.5.5 should fix everyone's files so all lots should be showing properly.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    john2018 said:

    Stock transactions are not getting posted to the portfolio.  The portfolio market value is off by the same amount.

    I bought 2 new stocks and a mutual fund in 2 different accounts on 3/6, both @ Fidelity.    The buys show up in transactions, but not in the portfolio.   The workaround of adding a 0 $ buy of the same stock and then erasing the temporary manual transaction entry and the automatic shadow entry at the bottom of the register still corrects the problem. 

    Version 5.5.4 (Build 55.21598.100)  on macOS 10.13.3

    This should be fixed in 5.5.5
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    There is a bug in the Mac Quicken Deluxe 2018.  Heres how to replicate;
    Enter a transaction and make it an account to account transfer as the category.  
    Leave the program, and relaunch.  
    Use the same Payee so that it comes up as a remembered transaction, with the transfer as the category.  Now go and change the category to an actual category, and hit enter.
    The transaction will be recorded twice, once in that register as a category transaction, and it will also appear in the to: transfer account as a transaction.

    I wasn't aware of this issue.  We'll take a look.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    moski said:

    Marcus, I uncovered a new bug in how Comparison reports work when the two date ranges being selected have an overlap. I started a thread about it here: https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/comparison-chart-errors-data-left-out?utm_source...

    I hope that link works, but in case it doesn't here are my original posts on this:

    Initial: In Quicken Deluxe Mac 2018, I was creating a comparison chart to show current monthly Income vs. Expense compared to current year.  In the time period selection box when Customizing a report, the top dropdown says "Date Range" and the second one says "Compare To".  So naturally, I chose This Month as the first and This Year as the second. The date ranges next to each selection modified themselves correctly. But when I run this report it does two things. First, it puts the Year first and the Month second, which doesn't make any sense. Whatever is the first date range should be the first column in the report. But the more nefarious problem is that for some reason, in this configuration it totally ignores any data for the month. That column is all zeroes!  It's like the data doesn't exist. It does show data in the Year column, but this data is wrong because it's not including any of the data from the current month.  When I swap the Date Range and Compare To variables, to show This Year first and This Month second, then the monthly data does show up in the left column, the Yearly in the right, all the data seems to be there and it all adds up. I created a spreadsheet showing those differences...there's no place to attach that spreadsheet here but if the Quicken folks would like to see this I can send it along. It is a repeatable error.  So there is a workaround, but the behavior for this report is all hosed up.

    First Follow Up: I've been studying this some more and I think I understand how their calculations are working. It appears that whatever appears in the left column is subtracted from the right column.  I tested this by playing around with using This Month vs. Month to Date in the left column (the lower date range selection). When This Month is selected, any future-dated transactions are included in the left column and that number is bigger.  When Month to Date is selected, these future transactions are removed from the left column but are now added in the right column.  This would also explain why when Year is in the left column, the right column is empty because obviously all those transactions would be subtracted from the right column.  

    This means that actually, what I thought was a workaround isn't, as I'm not getting the comparison I was actually looking for.  I wanted something that I had in Quicken Mac 2007, which was a simple report that showed an expense statement for the month compared to the year so I could generally see how things are doing.  This comparison report is either calculated incorrectly, or was designed for some other reason, although I can't fathom what that would be.

    Another "feature" or "bug" that I discovered is that when you click on any of the values in the report to get a drill down, it actually doesn't show the same data as the report itself. At least in the Year (right) column, when you click on any value it will actually show all transactions for the year in that category, and yet the report will only show the subtracted amount as described above.

    So it is still very difficult to get at the simple Month vs. Year income statement that I am trying to see, unless there's some other way to do this.  I would love to hear from Quicken about this.

    Second Follow Up: One final note and then I'm done for the day on this. The error (or feature!) seems to only exist when the two date ranges overlap, or when one date range is a subset of the other.  I have another comparison report showing last year to this year and the problems don't show up. Which makes me think this is a bug that Quicken needs to iron out.

    Thanks for reporting this issue.  I think the report was designed to compare 2 like ranges so, for example, This month vs Last Month or This year vs Last Year.   With that said, I think what you're saying makes total sense.   Let me send this info to the developer and get him thinking about this.
  • wiedemag
    wiedemag Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2018
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Lost Tab Ability in QM 18 5.5.5 Upgrade Which Worked in 5.5.4?.

    Running QM 2018 5.5.5 on 17" MacBook Pro with 10.13.3.

    Long time Quicken user since 1988 and have been reluctant to leave QM 2007 for reasons well explained in other posts (primarily dealing with report deficiencies)...until 2 weeks ago...when I could no longer nurse along my corrupted QM 2007 file. It kept crashing and I would loose hours of work when the file could not be re-opened...nor would the frequent 5 or 6 duplicates AND "save a copy" files (if that process could complete without crashing!!) open.

    After having been "forced" to migrate to QM18 to preserve my sanity, I have been very pleasantly surprised to have discovered many benefits NOT available in 2007.

    One benefit has been the Tab ability (explained recently in a prior post by others) which I used often in 5.5.4 to allow rapid but still neat accessibility to other accounts while maintaining the Home window unchanged .

    Unfortunately, I am unable to find that capability again since upgrading to 5.5.5.

    I would ask that any 5.5.5 users try to activate that ability and see if it works for them with this new version and report back...perhaps I am just using wobbly thought about how I used to access that ability??
  • Unknown
    Unknown Member
    edited August 2018
    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Updated 5.5.5 Q2018 for Mac. What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" ....

    What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" and Quicken minimizes!  Seriously?
  • Craig in ER
    Craig in ER Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    john2018 said:

    Stock transactions are not getting posted to the portfolio.  The portfolio market value is off by the same amount.

    I bought 2 new stocks and a mutual fund in 2 different accounts on 3/6, both @ Fidelity.    The buys show up in transactions, but not in the portfolio.   The workaround of adding a 0 $ buy of the same stock and then erasing the temporary manual transaction entry and the automatic shadow entry at the bottom of the register still corrects the problem. 

    Version 5.5.4 (Build 55.21598.100)  on macOS 10.13.3

    Yes, this issue seems to be resolved now as far as I can tell.  I will check again when I have a need to download more transaction.  I think I can relax now.  Thank you to the Quicken team for fixing this.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    A couple of issues with loans :

    • Changing the date of the Loan Opening Balance transaction duplicates the transaction (they have different amounts though).  This is very confusing. This should either not be possible, or simply change the date and not create a new transaction.
    • When you edit the LOB to make it a transfer, go to the other side of the transfer and change the date of the other side, the link between the LOB and the other side suddenly breaks. I.e. the LOB no longer shows as a transfer. (But the other side still does - weird !) Again, this should either not be possible or work as expected.
    I tried changing the date of the LOB but I don't get a duplicate transaction.  Are you changing the date in the register or in Edit Loan Terms?  You probably want to edit it in Loan Terms anyway since your amortization table won't be updated if you only change it in the register.  Are you changing this on a connected account or manual?

    I'm also not able to reproduce your second point.  We must have our loans set up differently.  Are you changing the opening balance generated from the Edit Loan  & Payment Terms?
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    I just came across the following bug:

    1. All transactions, type something in the search box.
    2. Preferences, change transactions display from Short to Long.
    3. Go back to All transactions. The display has been updated and most transactions show a Long category, but some do not.
    Can you be more specific about what categories don't show a long category names?  When I tried this the only ones that I saw were root categories or categories at the top of the hierarchy.  Can you be more specific?
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    There is a bug in the Mac Quicken Deluxe 2018.  Heres how to replicate;
    Enter a transaction and make it an account to account transfer as the category.  
    Leave the program, and relaunch.  
    Use the same Payee so that it comes up as a remembered transaction, with the transfer as the category.  Now go and change the category to an actual category, and hit enter.
    The transaction will be recorded twice, once in that register as a category transaction, and it will also appear in the to: transfer account as a transaction.

    And in option 2, editing the transfer out should be easy by simply removing the [account] in the category field.

    P.S. I reported this problem WAY back in 2016 during BETA of v4.3...since the feature to allow entry of transfers in the category field was introduced, and I re-reported this again in a subsequent BETA soon after, and it has been reported on this forum multiple times...seems like there are some gaps in the process...

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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018
    moski said:

    Marcus, I uncovered a new bug in how Comparison reports work when the two date ranges being selected have an overlap. I started a thread about it here: https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/comparison-chart-errors-data-left-out?utm_source...

    I hope that link works, but in case it doesn't here are my original posts on this:

    Initial: In Quicken Deluxe Mac 2018, I was creating a comparison chart to show current monthly Income vs. Expense compared to current year.  In the time period selection box when Customizing a report, the top dropdown says "Date Range" and the second one says "Compare To".  So naturally, I chose This Month as the first and This Year as the second. The date ranges next to each selection modified themselves correctly. But when I run this report it does two things. First, it puts the Year first and the Month second, which doesn't make any sense. Whatever is the first date range should be the first column in the report. But the more nefarious problem is that for some reason, in this configuration it totally ignores any data for the month. That column is all zeroes!  It's like the data doesn't exist. It does show data in the Year column, but this data is wrong because it's not including any of the data from the current month.  When I swap the Date Range and Compare To variables, to show This Year first and This Month second, then the monthly data does show up in the left column, the Yearly in the right, all the data seems to be there and it all adds up. I created a spreadsheet showing those differences...there's no place to attach that spreadsheet here but if the Quicken folks would like to see this I can send it along. It is a repeatable error.  So there is a workaround, but the behavior for this report is all hosed up.

    First Follow Up: I've been studying this some more and I think I understand how their calculations are working. It appears that whatever appears in the left column is subtracted from the right column.  I tested this by playing around with using This Month vs. Month to Date in the left column (the lower date range selection). When This Month is selected, any future-dated transactions are included in the left column and that number is bigger.  When Month to Date is selected, these future transactions are removed from the left column but are now added in the right column.  This would also explain why when Year is in the left column, the right column is empty because obviously all those transactions would be subtracted from the right column.  

    This means that actually, what I thought was a workaround isn't, as I'm not getting the comparison I was actually looking for.  I wanted something that I had in Quicken Mac 2007, which was a simple report that showed an expense statement for the month compared to the year so I could generally see how things are doing.  This comparison report is either calculated incorrectly, or was designed for some other reason, although I can't fathom what that would be.

    Another "feature" or "bug" that I discovered is that when you click on any of the values in the report to get a drill down, it actually doesn't show the same data as the report itself. At least in the Year (right) column, when you click on any value it will actually show all transactions for the year in that category, and yet the report will only show the subtracted amount as described above.

    So it is still very difficult to get at the simple Month vs. Year income statement that I am trying to see, unless there's some other way to do this.  I would love to hear from Quicken about this.

    Second Follow Up: One final note and then I'm done for the day on this. The error (or feature!) seems to only exist when the two date ranges overlap, or when one date range is a subset of the other.  I have another comparison report showing last year to this year and the problems don't show up. Which makes me think this is a bug that Quicken needs to iron out.

    In case this gets missed in the other discussion thread on this (https://getsatisfaction.com/quickencommunity/topics/comparison-chart-errors-data-left-out?topic-repl...)

    Marcus, this is an example of not leveraging what has already been designed in QM2007 and QWin, where they have this ability...please refer to previous designs, logic, etc., to make sure the full scope of a function is taken into account when re-implementing it in QMac...

    Not taking the time to do this keeps resulting in gaps in features that users need and actually use...I do not think that releasing a function with less features and waiting to see if someone complains is a good approach for functions you are choosing to re-deploy...after all, there are decades of refinements that already went into those features, most for good reasons. Please factor this into your review process.

    Thanks for your consideration.

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    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    A couple of issues with loans :

    • Changing the date of the Loan Opening Balance transaction duplicates the transaction (they have different amounts though).  This is very confusing. This should either not be possible, or simply change the date and not create a new transaction.
    • When you edit the LOB to make it a transfer, go to the other side of the transfer and change the date of the other side, the link between the LOB and the other side suddenly breaks. I.e. the LOB no longer shows as a transfer. (But the other side still does - weird !) Again, this should either not be possible or work as expected.
    P.S. My suggested solution was not the best at the time...but it was only a suggestion...What RickO suggests seems simple and clean enough to address all issues.

    Have Questions? Help Guide for Quicken for Mac
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    Object to Quicken's business model, using up 25% of your screen? Add your vote here:
    Quicken should eliminate the LARGE Ad space when a subscription expires

    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    There's an issue with CSV exported reports. The file does not open well in Excel. When UTF-8 characters are present, they show as gibberish (see screenshot below).


    Re-saving the file as UTF-8 with BOM seems to fix the issue. But this has to be done manually and is clearly not a long term workaround.

    @marcus, this probably rings a bell from your previous life...

    Thanks for reporting this.  I'll take a look.  It seems like a simple fix.
  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    There is a bug in the Mac Quicken Deluxe 2018.  Heres how to replicate;
    Enter a transaction and make it an account to account transfer as the category.  
    Leave the program, and relaunch.  
    Use the same Payee so that it comes up as a remembered transaction, with the transfer as the category.  Now go and change the category to an actual category, and hit enter.
    The transaction will be recorded twice, once in that register as a category transaction, and it will also appear in the to: transfer account as a transaction.

    I've noticed this issue as well, and it's a pretty annoying one that needs to be fixed.  I like the bracket setup so that I don't need to have the transfer column open.  I like RickO's options above.  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    Whilst I'm at exported reports, is there any way to just have a list of transactions, without any subtotal ? I would like to be able to post-process in Excel with PivotTable and subtotals get in the way.

    Am I missing something obvious?

    You can also export register transactions to CSV.  If you want all transactions, click on All transactions, go to the File : Export: Register Transactions to CSV File... menu.
  • Quicken Marcus
    Quicken Marcus Employee ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Updated 5.5.5 Q2018 for Mac. What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" ....

    What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" and Quicken minimizes!  Seriously?

    We turned tabs off in 5.5.5 because we believe it was the primary cause of our #1 crash.  The crash would manifest itself in Quicken crashing when switching windows or bringing Quicken to the forefront, etc. 
  • jacobs
    jacobs SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited March 2018

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Updated 5.5.5 Q2018 for Mac. What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" ....

    What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" and Quicken minimizes!  Seriously?

    Marcus, just for clarity... You wrote in another thread "We turned tabs off in 5.5.5 because we think it's causing Quicken to crash. We'll be seeing if this crash goes away after this change.  If it doesn't then we could possibly turn them back on again." That suggests that you'll likely turn tabs back on if the same crash continues to appear now with them off.

    But what about the converse: if those crashes are gone in 5.5.5, do you intend to spend time seeking the cause of Quicken crashing with tabs on, in order to bring them back at a later date? Or are you suggesting that if this is the culprit, tabs will simply stay banished?

    I know there are a fair number of users who utilize tabs, and this is likely to be a recurring question/complaint in the forum over time, so I don't want to pass along a reply which might be misleading. I don't want to put words in your mouth, but I'm wondering if this is a more complete answer: "Tabs are turned off in 5.5.5 to see if it removes a crashing problem. If tabs prove not to be the culprit, we'll look at bringing them back in one of our upcoming releases. It tabs do prove to be the culprit, then we've got more work to do to try to isolate what is causing the crash; we will bring back tabs eventually, but it may not be in the near future because we don't know how long it will take to find and remedy the problem."

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Updated 5.5.5 Q2018 for Mac. What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" ....

    What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" and Quicken minimizes!  Seriously?

    What are tabs and how do you use them?  I know it's a moot point on 5.5.5, but where was the thread that explained them?
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • Snoopy FC
    Snoopy FC Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    This reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Updated 5.5.5 Q2018 for Mac. What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" ....

    What happened to my TABS? Click on "Show All Tabs" and Quicken minimizes!  Seriously?

    Thanks for the tip.  I just hadn't tried this in Quicken.  Hope it's reactivated.  
    QMac Subscription - iMac - Quicken Mac user since 1995
  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    There is a bug in the Mac Quicken Deluxe 2018.  Heres how to replicate;
    Enter a transaction and make it an account to account transfer as the category.  
    Leave the program, and relaunch.  
    Use the same Payee so that it comes up as a remembered transaction, with the transfer as the category.  Now go and change the category to an actual category, and hit enter.
    The transaction will be recorded twice, once in that register as a category transaction, and it will also appear in the to: transfer account as a transaction.

    P.S. My suggested solution was not the best at the time...but it was only a suggestion...What RickO suggests seems simple and clean enough to address all issues.

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    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • smayer97
    smayer97 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2018

    A couple of issues with loans :

    • Changing the date of the Loan Opening Balance transaction duplicates the transaction (they have different amounts though).  This is very confusing. This should either not be possible, or simply change the date and not create a new transaction.
    • When you edit the LOB to make it a transfer, go to the other side of the transfer and change the date of the other side, the link between the LOB and the other side suddenly breaks. I.e. the LOB no longer shows as a transfer. (But the other side still does - weird !) Again, this should either not be possible or work as expected.
     Thx....I reposted in the right place/context...   :-\  

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    (Now Archived, even with over 350 votes!)

    (Canadian user since '92, STILL using QM2007)

  • s2kdriver
    s2kdriver Member ✭✭
    edited March 2018
    s2kdriver said:

    Hi Marcus, I believe there is still a bug in the Specify Lots feature.  I mentioned this in a previous thread, but now have some grabs from 5.5.4 to better illustrate the problem.  Future transactions somehow influence the shares "Available to Sell" in previous transactions.  See attached screen shots.  In addition, I am putting in a plug for an "ACB" Specify Lots preset for Canadian users...



    The lot calculations for "Available to Sell" are working properly in 5.5.5 and are not perturbed by future transactions.  I am now able to use the custom lots feature to manually implement an ACB cost base method.  Some automation would be great for the future, but thanks Marcus for getting the basic capability fixed - much appreciated.
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