Quicken Mac produce a report on CD maturity dates

Garry@ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
edited October 2023 in Reports

Quicken for Mac stores the maturity dates on all CDs (and bonds). Is it possible to get a report which lists the maturity dates ?

Over 3 years since making this request and nothing from the Quicken Developers. I'm beginning to think they just don't care what users think, need or want.

Quicken 7.3.2 in macOS 14.1.1, on Mac Studio Max 24c. Quicken for Mac user since 1997.

20 votes

Reviewed · Last Updated


  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited December 2019
    I do not know of a report that can list this in the present version of Quicken for Mac (2020).
  • Garry@
    Garry@ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Thanks. At least the data is in there so, maybe one day a report will be possible.


    Quicken 7.3.2 in macOS 14.1.1, on Mac Studio Max 24c. Quicken for Mac user since 1997.

  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    This actually is a good question and something I am surprised hasn't come up more. 

    It has been many years since I held a CD or individual bonds, so it wasn't something I ever thought about. But for a lot of people, it would definitely be important.
  • Garry@
    Garry@ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Q2020 does store useful data on CDs and bonds – much better than Q2007. I'm surprised that there are no reports to utilise more of that data.

    I was a beta tester for Q2015 – I decided not to buy. 5 years later Q2020 is much better but still lacks features requested back then especially in reports.

    Quicken 7.3.2 in macOS 14.1.1, on Mac Studio Max 24c. Quicken for Mac user since 1997.

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Vote on Ideas!

    A Community Moderator changed this discussion to an Idea.
    Ideas are brought to the attention of the programmers for consideration.

    If you would like to see this enhancement made in a future version of Quicken please don't forget to vote on it. Locate the big blue box near the top of this webpage (or page 1 for long discussions) and click the "Up" triangle under the voting count.
    Wait a moment for the vote count to be registered and updated before you continue.
    The little triangle changes from grey to black when you have registered your vote.

    Every vote counts!

    For additional information about idea posts please read  https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7849425/creating-and-voting-for-ideas-in-the-community#latest

  • Rocket J Squirrel
    Rocket J Squirrel Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quicken for Windows introduced the Bond/CD Maturity Date report several years ago, and I find it extremely useful for monitoring my Bond/CD ladder. I'll give a vote to the Mac version.

    Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Quicken for Windows introduced the Bond/CD Maturity Date report several years ago,
    BUT - as far as I can tell, the report only looks at the "investment" accounts, and if you hae some normal "bank CDs" - there isn't a way to get them included in that report.
  • Rocket J Squirrel
    Rocket J Squirrel Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    ps56k said:
    BUT - as far as I can tell, the report only looks at the "investment" accounts, and if you hae some normal "bank CDs" - there isn't a way to get them included in that report.
    That is true, because QWin treats brokered CDs as securities. It works for me because I have only brokered CDs, no bank CDs.

    Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello All,

    This idea seems to have fallen stagnant and due to the age of the request and lack of user votes/comments, will be archived within the next 7 business days.

    If you would like to see this idea kept alive and considered for possible future implementation in Quicken, be sure to add your vote and a comment explaining how this idea would be beneficial for you.

    More information, including steps to vote and how to submit your own ideas for future product features/improvements, is also available here.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Community Support Team

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    This is a worthwhile idea. At the least, it's an idea which drives towards feature parity with Quicken Windows, a stated goal for Quicken. It seems silly that Quicken Mac asks for a CD maturity date, but the user can't get a list of CDs showing and sorted by maturity date. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Garry@
    Garry@ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    I have a number of CDs which have maturity dates and bonds which have maturity dates and call dates.  The "Edit Security" function enables those to be entered. But I can't find a way to get out a list of those maturity dates.

    Please add a new report which provides maturity dates – or at least please add maturity date to the existing "Portfolio" listing for investment accounts.


    Quicken 7.3.2 in macOS 14.1.1, on Mac Studio Max 24c. Quicken for Mac user since 1997.

  • dickm2275
    dickm2275 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    What I did is on the Portfolio view I created or edited custom1 view (customize) and added in the Maturity dates in the report.
    Now i see my bonds with the maturity date and can sort as needed. Note only the maturity date is available not the next call date so I enter the next call date in the maturity date field in the security and add in the real maturity date in the next call date field. backwards but it works
  • dickm2275
    dickm2275 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    What I did is on the Portfolio view I created or edited custom1 view (customize) and added in the Maturity dates in the report.
    Now i see my bonds with the maturity date and can sort as needed. Note only the maturity date is available not the next call date so I enter the next call date in the maturity date field in the security and add in the real maturity date in the next call date field. backwards but it works
  • Stephen Fisher
    Stephen Fisher Member ✭✭✭
    Dickm, are you sure you did that in QMac?  I can't find a "customize" option.  Where do I look for it?
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Dickm, are you sure you did that in QMac?  I can't find a "customize" option.  Where do I look for it?
    @dickm2275 is a Quicken Windows user, so his answer isn't correct for Quicken Mac.
    This is my website: http://www.quicknperlwiz.com/
  • scott_weidenfell
    scott_weidenfell Member ✭✭✭
    Ability to track and report and Bond investments: ideally purchase price, coupon rate and Yield to Maturity (YTM). It would be incredible to also update bond prices via the Schwab, eTrade or whatever mechanisms (similar to how option prices are updated).
  • Gary Virshup
    Gary Virshup Mac Beta Beta
    I for one have a lot of interest in this concept.  It would be especially useful while building bond ladders on multiple accounts.


  • Gary Virshup
    Gary Virshup Mac Beta Beta

    I have a bond ladder and I have to keep a sepaate spreadsheet to keep track of the maturities and when to purchase new bonds. Would be great if that could be done in an investment account. Just sorting my bonds by maturity would be a huge start.

    of course the bond yields, purchase dates, help with deciding between tax free municipals and corporate bonds.


  • Gary Virshup
    Gary Virshup Mac Beta Beta

    and bond maturity date


  • jacobs
    jacobs Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited April 2023

    @Gary Virshup Your original post was in a Quicken Mac Beta area, but a moderator has moved it here in the public Community section, where more users will see this thread and be able to vote for it.

    (The moderator also merged two other similar requests for bond reporting into this thread in order to keep things organizaed and get a larger number of votes on a single thread going forward. A higher number of votes allows the moderation team to push the idea to the development team for consideration.)

    Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 1993
  • Fintechguy
    Fintechguy Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    With bond yields at all time highs, many investors will have several individual bonds in their portfolio (T-bills, notes, muni bonds, etc). It would be helpful to be able to sort the portfolio page by maturity date, or it would be useful to have a report that lists all bonds by maturity date. This helps the investor to know what bonds will mature next and to be prepared to re-invest the proceeds. Adding bond maturities to the calendar would also be useful.

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @Fintechguy,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community with your request.

    Your idea has been merged into this already active Idea thread regarding the same request.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Garry@
    Garry@ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Please push this idea closer to the top of the list. It still makes life a pain to have to manually workaround the lack of a report. Alternatively, at least, add "Maturity date" to the list of columns that can be shown in "Portfolio view" of a brokerage account.

    Quicken 7.3.2 in macOS 14.1.1, on Mac Studio Max 24c. Quicken for Mac user since 1997.

  • Garry@
    Garry@ Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 12

    Quicken collects an excellent range of data on securities: maturity dates, call dates, S&P ratings, coupons, YTM, bond type and interest frequency. Yet, none of that data is used. It is not available in any reports. It is not available in register columns.

    Please add new reports to use that data. Especially, please provide a report on maturity dates. I have had to use fictional transactions in a fictional account to enable a maturity dates report. That fudge causes a lot of grief in that I have to manually exclude it from reports etc.

    This has been requested by a number of users for over 5 years. Please give it a priority.


    Quicken 7.3.2 in macOS 14.1.1, on Mac Studio Max 24c. Quicken for Mac user since 1997.

  • TCL Peter Rabbit
    TCL Peter Rabbit Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 12

    i would love to subtotal the asset allocation report by security type

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello @Garry@,

    I have merged this idea thread with a previous one of yours, as they discuss the same topic, with slightly different additions in the new one. This will hopefully push this idea thread closer to the vote count for submission to the development team.


    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • Gary Virshup
    Gary Virshup Mac Beta Beta

    I am one of the people that has asked for more support for bond ladders. A maturity dates report would be awesome addition to quicken
