One-Step Update crashes Quicken and launches Bugsplat



  • Bullwinkle80
    Bullwinkle80 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    OK.. checked Chase credit card, Capital One, American Express, TD Ameritrade brokerage, BMO Private Bank brokerage. All single One Step Update (not together) They all work fine with no crashes. The only one I am having a issue with is Discover Credit Card. If I include Discover in my One Step Update by itself, crash. Interesting! Now I tried a One Step Update with all the accounts except Discover and everything works as it should. Nasty little bug with Discover right now.
  • richard159
    richard159 Member ✭✭
    Running Quicken R29.22 on Windows 10 2004. I update Schwab account every day. Today for first time, every time I try to update Schwab account on OSU Quicken crashes. If I remove Schwab from OSU then all other accounts update correctly, but if I include Schwab in OSU then Quicken crashes. Anyone else having this problem?
  • mitch.trumpetwin
    mitch.trumpetwin Member ✭✭✭✭
    Do you get a bug splat?
  • EhmannS
    EhmannS Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue for me. I've narrowed it down (so far) to Fidelity accounts update (I have more than one Fidelity account and I don't have Discover). I updated my accounts one by one after trying, retrying, rebooting, rebooting again, validating data file, etc. to troubleshoot. This is troubling ...
  • dwl1960
    dwl1960 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    I am too. Mine occurs updating my Fidelity accounts. Everything else works.
  • Herrick Inman
    Herrick Inman Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2020 Answer ✓
    One step update works for each of my accounts individually, except my Discover accounts. To try to fix this, I deactivated my Discover accounts, then tried to reactivate them via Set Up Online. After entering my UserID and Password and pressing Connect, Quicken crashes and Bugsplat launches.

    I don't have Fidelity.
  • mikeb1955
    mikeb1955 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    This just started happening to me also. I tried enabling and disabling the 3rd party OFX setting on the Schwab site and it did not help.
  • Bullwinkle80
    Bullwinkle80 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    With Discover, yes. If it is included in a batch One Step Update, it also throws up a bug splat. But if I exclude it in a One Step Update, all is well. I have deactivated online one step updates including Discover Card for now until Quicken fixes this.
  • ronaldmcohen
    ronaldmcohen Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Today, November 10, 2020, Quicken is crashing during my One Step Update when trying to update my Fidelity Investments account. A Bugsplat error screen pops up just after the program crashes and closes. I tried to reset the account, but it crashed again during the reset. Prior to today, I have never had any problem downloading transactions from Fidelity Investments.

    Is anyone else having this problem? If so, have you learned what the problem is?
  • Joseph Kopchick
    Joseph Kopchick Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    One Step Update crashed and I restored from backup. I was asked if I wanted to reset the Cloud and I checked yes. It then runs endlessly trying to sync to the cloud. OSU appears to be out of order this morning.
  • scottfmc
    scottfmc Member ✭✭✭
    Updates crashing when I attempt to update any Fidelity Investment or NetBenefit accounts. I can individually update other online accounts, but Fidelity will crash as will a One Step attempt.
  • cwinkler
    cwinkler Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    OSU crashed 3 times for me this morning (worked just fine Sunday, don't think I tried it yesterday). Unable to complete an update.
  • beachguitarhelp
    beachguitarhelp Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    One step update crashes program on desktop. It just hangs on laptop with all institutions showing waiting.
  • gogottliebs88
    gogottliebs88 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    One step update hung this morning so I shutdown Quicken, now it update just crashes continually
  • utah11
    utah11 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue: Quicken crashes a few seconds into One Step Update (and displays Bugsplat error report window). Repeated attempts; same result. Request that a Quicken administrator acknowledge & address the problem. Thanks.
  • carthman
    carthman Member ✭✭
    Glad it is just not me
  • jswafa
    jswafa Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Same here - just crashing  about 10 seconds into the update attempts.
  • rbridges01
    rbridges01 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Starting this morning Quicken crashes when Fidelity try's to update. Worked fine yesterday.
  • Ronald L Doyle
    Ronald L Doyle Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Crashing every time I include Schwab accounts in a download/update. Just started today.
  • artg
    artg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    Same problem but allow me to provide a little more detail. One financial institution is "Complete" and it's American Express. The rest are all "Waiting." Not a good way to start the day.
  • marksue
    marksue Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    I am having the same problem. I also had a crash when manually updating my LPL account.
  • georgertaft
    georgertaft Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭
    Yes same exact problem here just started this morning 11-10
  • jeanderson
    jeanderson Quicken Mac 2017 Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken: I think we have a problem. Same issue here. Crashed on first update this morning. Tried three more times and it hung each time. Restored my data Quicken data file from yesterday and same result.
  • jswafa
    jswafa Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Getting bugsplat with OSU here too.  Haven't had time to troubleshoot as thoroughly as you yet ChicagoGuy, but did get a couple of successful single account updates, and stock quotes.  Full OSU still causing bugsplat.
  • Ronald L Doyle
    Ronald L Doyle Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    Same thing happening to me but with Schwab accounts
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