Release R31.6 Patch Causing Issues - "...Quicken components currently open..." [QFX]

Jessiemeister Member ✭✭
After automatic update to R31.6 I am getting error message on a few common action. For example when I go into the Lifetime Planner, and select Change Assumptions I get this "error" message "There are Quicken components currently open, and can not be uninstalled. Please close Quicken, and try uninstalling again." ???? What does that supposed to mean??

Best Answers

  • Quicken SangeethaS
    Quicken SangeethaS Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Thank you everyone for volunteering to help us. For now we have spoken to a couple of users and we will get back if we need more information. We are on top of it. We will keep you posted. Thank you for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience. 


  • andyross1
    andyross1 Member ✭✭
    I normally have my browser (tried both Firefox and Edge) set to automatically open up Quicken Windows after it downloads the QDF. After today's update (Jan 22 to R31.6), Windows pops up and tries to finish some install. If Quicken is running, it says to close it. If it's closed, it pops up a dialog looking for some install file. Quicken itself works and starts with no issues. I have rebooted the computer, with no change. I had to save the QDF and then manually import it into Quicken.
  • splasher
    splasher SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    In Windows File Associations, is the .QFX extension linked to QW.EXE which is the correct file for the association.

    -splasher using Q continuously since 1996
    - Subscription Quicken - Win11 and QW2013 - Win11
    -Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list

  • andyross1
    andyross1 Member ✭✭
    I tried pointing directly at QW.EXE, but that confused Quicken as importing needs a "-X" option. I ended up just downloading and running the full install. That seems to have fixed it. It seems as if the update install didn't fully complete all the steps.
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Interesting.   I just got that update, and tested this, and mine QFX import from MS Edge is still working.  I always wonder why some of these updates don't completely correctly.
    This is my website:
    PJENNING Member
    edited January 2021
    After my Quicken updated this morning (version R31.6; build, after I downloaded a QFX from Capital One, Quicken launches its installer program, looking for quicken.msi on DISK1.  ????
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    I'm on R31.6 and I don't see this problem so I suggest something might have gone wrong in the installing of this patch on your machine.

    Try installing the patch release from here:
    Update and Mondo Patch: Subscription Release of Quicken for Windows
    This is my website:
  • MikeyB
    MikeyB Member
    Installed R31.6 today, and now when I try to update an account using a downloaded qfx file, a window launches as if there were a software update attempting to install "Please wait while Windows configures Quicken", which results in an error message "There are Quicken components currently open, and can not be uninstalled.  Please close Quicken, and try uninstalling again."
    Has the recent update changed the way my machine handles qfx files?
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Sounds like the same problem mentioned in this thread:

    I suggest trying installing the patch again using it from here:
    Update and Mondo Patch: Subscription Release of Quicken for Windows

    If that doesn't work try what he did in that thread and use the full install again.
    This is my website:
  • aukburgs
    aukburgs Member ✭✭
    I regularly go to my Vanguard web page and download the newest account information into quicken.  Vanguard creates a new OFX file each time and by opening the file it automatically loads the new data into Quicken.  Today was the first time that the file would not load.  I went to my Wells Fargo account webpage and tried to send data to quicken and had the same problem.  The OFX files now try to (re)configure quicken and search for an installation file, Quicken.msi, but can't find it. I tried loading an older OFX file that had previously loaded without problem but got the same result.
  • Kevin O
    Kevin O Member ✭✭
    I too am having the exact issue which didn't start until R31.6 pathch was applied. I am unable open downloaded bank transactions as I receive the s "error" message "There are Quicken components currently open, and can not be uninstalled. Please close Quicken, and try uninstalling again."
  • Kevin O
    Kevin O Member ✭✭
    when trying to open transactions:

  • MikeyB
    MikeyB Member
    Chris_QPW, Thanks for the reply.  I agree it sounds the same as the other thread.  I tried the installing the mondo patch, yet I am still getting the same result.  It does indeed seem like there is an installation that did not finish properly.  I guess I'll wait to see if Quicken gets a new update out (hopefully soon...)  Does Quicken monitor these discussions and try to solve the issue? Or do I need to try their support chat?
  • sandy.wood
    sandy.wood Member ✭✭
    Beginning today, when I try to download transactions from BofA, I get a Windows installer dialog that appears to be trying to reinstall or configure Quicken. I'm running Quicken 2020 R31.6. Has anyone seen this behavior before?
  • Malv
    Malv Member
    I've gotten this same issue after Quicken updated itself. When trying to download bank transactions this notice pops up: Please wait while Windows configures Quicken. Then: There are Quicken components currently open, and can not be uninstalled. Please close Quicken, and try uninstalling again. I was not uninstalling anything and simply trying to do what I always have done. Something must have gone wrong in the update. Frustrates me that I now have to jump through hoops to get this working again.

  • NotACPA
    NotACPA SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Please double-check that you're getting an OFX file, which Quicken stopped supporting years ago, and not a QFX file.
    BTW, Vanguard, like every other investment firm, supports Direct Connect.  Why are you not using that download method, and are instead using Web Connect?

    Q user since February, 1990. DOS Version 4
    Now running Quicken Windows Subscription, Business & Personal
    Retired "Certified Information Systems Auditor" & Bank Audit VP

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Quicken Inc does monitor this forum for problems, and I see that there is even another thread posting of the same problem so this one should get some good visibility, but it certainly doesn't hurt to contact Quicken support and you can also send in reports with: Help -> Report a problem
    Contact Quicken Support

    Please note that you can always use:
    File -> File Import -> Web Connect (.QFX) File...
    This is my website:
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Multiple threads on this:
    This is my website:
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    I believe this is the same problem reported in multiple threads.  I assume you are trying to import the QFX file by opening it either in your web browser or File Explorer.
    It seems that the latest patch install has changed the association with Windows/QFX files so that it doesn't have -X option on the command line it needs.

    If you use the File -> File Import -> Web Connect (.QFX) File... menu it should work.

    See this thread:
    This is my website:
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    yeah... why are you manually downloading a file
    vs using One Step Update and downloading directly into Quicken ?
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    So.... R31.5 --> R31.6 --> will need at least one more in the series
    as per normal recent updates - glad I'm still holding at R30.21
    [EDIT] - updated topic title to reflect more text from actual Q&A
  • Coleen Madigan
    Coleen Madigan Member ✭✭
    edited January 2021
    I was able to download bank account information several days ago.  Today I got a pop up saying Windows cannot access "quicken.msi" to download and got Error.  I am uncertain how to resolve and do not want to lose my data.  Please advise.  I cannot get screen shot to print in this note. 
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    See this thread:
    This is my website:
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    Please note that you can always use:
    File -> File Import -> Web Connect (.QFX) File...

    BTW I'm quite surprised at how many people use Web Connect instead of Direct Connect/Express Web Connect.
    This is my website:
  • TangledWeb
    TangledWeb Member ✭✭
    Beginning today, when I click "Change Assumptions" in Lifetime Planner I get a Windows installer dialog that appears to be trying to reinstall or configure Quicken. I am running R30.21.  It ends up with a message prompting me the feature is not available and to insert a Quicken disk...sigh.

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Chris_QPW said:  BTW I'm quite surprised at how many people use Web Connect instead of Direct Connect/Express Web Connect.
    yeah - don't understand why -
    unless there is a fee for "directly downloading using software" -
    or they have not found the security setting to "enable" the software downloading

  • FeliciaZF
    FeliciaZF Member ✭✭
    Quicken updated to R31.6 when I first opened it this morning. I use One Step to update

    accounts. I clicked on One Step and nothing updated. I tried One Step again and some accounts updated. Clark County Credit Union was one that did not update with One Step. I logged into and tried to manually update and received a series of errors/messages:

    The first was a box stating, "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable."

    I clicked the X to close the box and received another box, "Error 1706. No valid source could be found for product Quicken. The Windows Installer cannot continue."

    I clicked the X to close that box and received another box, "C:\Users\Felic\AppData\Local\Temp\AccountHistory.qfx Fatal error during installation."

    I used Quicken yesterday without any problems. Seems to be something wrong with this new update.
  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    What version..... Help --> About Quicken ?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello all,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to report this issue. There is an active alert for this issue and it is currently being investigated and reserached.

    Please take a moment to visit the alert at the link below to review the workaround.

    You may also bookmark the discussion by selecting the gold star in the top right-hand corner. This will notify you via email of any changes or updates.

    Thank you,
    -Quicken Tyka
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    See this announcement:
    NEW 1/22/21: Issue importing Web Connect (QFX) files in Quicken Windows 31.6 — Quicken

    Also you can always use:
    File -> File Import -> Web Connect (.QFX) File... to import the QFX file.
    This is my website:
  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Member ✭✭✭✭
    @sandy.wood see this announcement:

    @TangledWeb are you sure you are on R30.21, your problem seems similar, and that should have only started with R31.6.
    This is my website:
This discussion has been closed.