CC-503 errors from PenFed



  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    I'm getting the CC-503 error this morning. 
  • garysmith
    garysmith Member ✭✭
    My last successful download from Penfed was the morning of October 7th. When I do one-step-update after that the process shows connecting and updating, until OSU is complete, then the results totally skip any results for Penfed. Going to the data file for Penfed on Quicken shows last update of 10/7. Nothing downloaded. No condition code reported. Nothing displaying Penfed on the OAU Summary.
  • garysmith
    garysmith Member ✭✭
    OAU = OSU
  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Member ✭✭✭
    I am using Quicken for MAC and a familiar issue has reoccurred. Download Error (-30) Invalid Credentials. I then disconnected download connectivity for all 6 of my accounts and then closed Quicken. I then attempted to reestablish connectivity but received the same invalid credential error. I can use the same credential and use the Internet to connect to Penfed. This seems to happen every month.
  • hansenb40
    hansenb40 Unconfirmed ✭✭✭
    Reared its ugly head for me too this morning.  Version: R44.23 Build: 27.144.23, Windows 10
  • belfen19
    belfen19 Member ✭✭
    I'm unable to update any of my Penfed accounts. Keep getting CC-503 error telling me incorrect user name or password.
    Able to log into the Penfed website with no problem.
  • belfen19
    belfen19 Member ✭✭
    Also, why when you click "reset account" does it say "no data will be deleted", but when I try to reset and it fails, and I try to close the reset dialog, I get a pop-up that says "are you sure you want to cancel?"

    My only way to exit the dialog is to click ok, which DELETES MY LOGIN INFO! I thought no data will be deleted?

    The only other way to get out of the cancel dialog, is to use task manager to quit the program.

    Why does it delete my login info if it can't connect?
  • dhenderson67
    dhenderson67 Member ✭✭
    Here we go again :/
  • Wonderboy
    Wonderboy Member ✭✭
    I reported this to PenFed and got the usual canned "we do not support third-party downloads" page. I pushed back. They don't have to "support" it; they just have to not mess it up.
  • dhenderson67
    dhenderson67 Member ✭✭
    It's getting really old :-(
  • ed1chandler
    ed1chandler Member ✭✭
    Yep ...
  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Wonderboy said:
    I reported this to PenFed and got the usual canned "we do not support third-party downloads" page. I pushed back. They don't have to "support" it; they just have to not mess it up.
    Back in September I received this response which contradicts the normal response. 

    Due to an internal error, our IT team temporarily disabled aggregator third party access to PenFed Online. We regret you were unable to download your transactions through Quicken during this time. However, we can confirm as of September 7th, you should now be able to use Quicken again.

    I responded just let us know when things happen so customers and Quicken don’t try to troubleshoot something PFCU knows there’s an issue.

     This was from Nicole Thompson

    Manager, Executive Correspondence

    Office of the Chairman of the Board

    O: 1-800-247-5626 | F: 1-800-278-2212

  • garysmith
    garysmith Member ✭✭
    I sent an email to the PenFed Chairman.
  • darbusa
    darbusa Member ✭✭✭
    For those of you who have been long suffering because of the instability of the PenFed server and only use the PenFed CC be aware that Wells Fargo now offers a 2% cash back on all purchases and so far it has downloaded flawlessly.
  • Tom Slade
    Tom Slade Member ✭✭
    Over and over again, problems with error CC-502 or CC-503. It seems that somehow the discussions have been closed, but there has been no resolution of this problem. So I am back to manual entry of transactions. We received the ongoing discussions from a bot, I assume, saying that this was a known problem and was being worked, but it has been there now for years, and I have no sense that anyone up the Quicken supervisory chain knows about this and no one is actively working it. This morning, when I got cc-503, I clicked on Fix it. Did that, then it asked me if password had been changed, I clicked no, then it said update now, I did that, it said "Success" but it did not, has not and will not download transactions.
  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod
    Answer ✓
    Hello All,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community and telling us about your issue, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.

    This is a known issue that has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA at this time. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.

    We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Jjazz
    Jjazz Member ✭✭
    Pentagon Federal Credit Union Not updating AGAIN error 503 login info incorrect, This seems to be a monthly problem with Quicken. I've tried resetting one of my PenFed accounts with no luck, I'm hopping the fix doesn't take Quicken 3 weeks to fix this time.
  • Jjazz
    Jjazz Member ✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Pentagon Federal Credit Union accounts have not been updating since 10-8-2022. getting error message CC-304 that my sign in info is incorrect. It is correct!. THis has been an ongoing problem that rears it's head about once a month and last for weeks. any idea how to fix this or when it will be fixed? I tried resetting the accounts. that doesn't work.
  • B. King
    B. King Member ✭✭
    Quicken update has had continual issues with Pentagon Federal. I recommend that Quicken and PenFed have a high-level sit down to discuss the problem. Given the length of time this has been an issue, it is poor customer services on both sides.
  • Wonderboy
    Wonderboy Member ✭✭
    Just got this from PenFed:

    Thank you for contacting PenFed.

    A concern has been submitted on your behalf. We hope to have the connection issue resolved as soon as possible with Quicken to allow you to continue to use the service.
  • Wonderboy
    Wonderboy Member ✭✭
    Got this from PenFed this morning:

    Thank you for contacting PenFed.

    A concern has been submitted on your behalf. We hope to have the connection issue resolved as soon as possible with Quicken to allow you to continue to use the service.
  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    @Wonderboy if they would just acknowledge the issue when the issue starts, not when it’s almost fixed or is fixed. Why does Penfed have issues so often…
  • Wonderboy
    Wonderboy Member ✭✭
    @Krakat It would help if they'd get their story straight and stop telling people they do not "support" Quicken downloads.
  • Bill Pa
    Bill Pa Member ✭✭
    Me too... 3-4 days now.
  • jmgloude
    jmgloude Member ✭✭
    For what we pay EVERY year I expect better service. I've used Quicken for close to 30 years and expect better.
  • Christopher Reed
    Christopher Reed Member ✭✭✭
    This problem seemed to fix itself several weeks ago and then started becoming a problem again over the last 3-4 days
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Actually, in that last instance PenFed disabled a server that allowed third party access. Once they made a fix and reenabled we were able to download. I have no idea what the root cause of the issue is this time.

    If you are having an issue I would go to the following link at let the board know we are having issue again.
  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    What’s interesting is I have my PenFed accounts linked to my USAA accounts and they are being updated. USAA just went through some enhancements and I had to relink my PenFed accounts to USAA earlier this week and it updated transactions from PenFed that occurred yesterday! I sent an email to Nicole, who I received a response from the first part of September on the last time we were unable to download transactions, asking why USAA can get the data from PenFed, but Quicken users  are unable to download transactions into Quicken. Who is blocking Quicken users from PenFed data? PenFed or Quicken? I believe it’s PenFed. 
  • MarieBaumann
    MarieBaumann Member ✭✭✭
    Thanks all you members for being persistent. I sent an email to the Chairman of PenFed a couple days ago and haven't received a response yet. But maybe your excellent actions will have some effect. I am so sick of this problem I could scream!
  • dhenderson67
    dhenderson67 Member ✭✭
    edited October 2022
    [Removed - Solicitation]
This discussion has been closed.