Error download from Elan Financial Services (Fidelity Visa Rewards) CC-502 (QWin)



  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    While many people have found that connecting to Elan Financial Services instead of to Fidelity Rewards Credit Card to be a good working fix for them, others have not been so lucky. It seems to be more of an issue with QMac than it is for QWin. I do not know that that is.

    For those of you who have not been successful in getting a connection established with Elan Financial Services, you might want to try another using the Web Connect method (the manual downloading of transactions in QFX or "Quicken" or "Web Connect" file format) for downloading transactions into Quicken.

    If you wish to try this, I suggest the following process:

    1. Backup your data file.
    2. Deactivate/disconnect your current Fidelity Rewards Credit Card connection.
    3. Log into your Fidelity Rewards online account.
    4. Select the Download option, select the date range of transactions you want to download and then select the "Quicken (QFX)" format.
    5. Open the downloaded file with Quicken.
    6. Quicken should prompt you to decide what to do with the imported data. Be sure to Link it to your existing Fidelity Rewards account in Quicken.

    Your account should now be set up for manual downloading of transactions going forward.

    And you might want to check the financial institution your account in Quicken now shows you are connected to. In my case (QWin), the Fidelity Rewards Credit Card was also changed to Elan Financial Services.

    This is not an ideal connection method because it is somewhat manual but it does provide an option for downloading transactions until the Express Web Connect/Quicken Connect issue does get fixed.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • shtevie
    shtevie Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    FYI There is a separate thread for this issue in this forum for Mac users.

    In my case (Windows PC) the problem has resolved itself and I have no problems downloading transactions from the Fidelity Rewards Visa card.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    For the first time in weeks I was just now able to set up a connection in a test file for Fidelity Rewards Credit Card. The amount of time it took to set up the account was much longer than usual and I was prompted to not only enter a 2FA code, but also to enter two different security words. Never have seen all that happen before but at least it worked.

    However, the "no cents" rounding issue is present. In the past, when this "no cents" rounding issue occurred, it would usually self resolve after running OSU, again, the next day. So, I will try that tomorrow and report back here.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023


    OSU completed properly, but slowly, this morning. I was, again, prompted to enter a 2FA code and a security word.

    The downloaded Online Balance issue of yesterday ("no cents") was self-resolved.

    OSU with Elan Financial Services completed quickly, properly and with no 2FA or security word requirements.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It looks like there is a fix identified and being worked on that will be included in a future software update. See the updated posted Alert: UPDATED 9/8/23 Fidelity Rewards Credit Card - FDP-102/CC-502.

    Bookmark the Alert (to the right of the Title) if you wish to be kept informed of future updates.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It looks like there is a fix identified and being worked on that will be included in a future software update. See the updated posted Alert: UPDATED 9/8/23 Fidelity Rewards Credit Card - FDP-102/CC-502.

    Bookmark the Alert (to the right of the Title) if you wish to be kept informed of future updates.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • Pete_ATL
    Pete_ATL Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I reconnected my account. It appears to be working fine in update and update all accounts

  • Fast Eddy
    Fast Eddy Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Using a Mac. Haven't been able to connect for a couple weeks. I was attempting to set up a new connection today and noticed the following. After selecting connect account and then entering Elan Financial Services, I am directed to enter login and password. After entering this, I get the following message…"Did you mistype your sign-in info? Please re-enter your credentials for Elan Financial Services." At the top of this page shows This is not the correct website. This website is for corporate customers. The website for accessing Elan Financial Fidelity Rewards VISA is

  • TPickerill
    TPickerill Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    My Fidelity Visa account is still not updating. it has now been three weeks since the last update, before that it updated fine for years. Please advise.

  • kurtkrum
    kurtkrum Member ✭✭

    Also still got the same error and could not download transactions this morning.

  • kurtkrum
    kurtkrum Member ✭✭

    A week later and still a problem. I think it is time for the quicken community to boycott the use of the Fidelity Rewards credit card and move our business to another credit card issuer.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Downloading from the Fidelity Rewards Credit Card financial institution has a long problematic history of reliability and connectivity issues. You could do what I and many others have done: Change the connection from Fidelity Rewards Credit Card to Elan Financial Services.

    Elan is the card issuer and the same company that manages the Fidelity Rewards website. For some odd reason, downloading from Elan tends to be very reliable and trouble-free but not so much with downloading from Fidelity Rewards.

    To make this connection change is pretty simple:

    1. Enter and save the Opening Balance transaction dollar amount in the Memo field. (This step is not critical to making the change but it can be very helpful if there are issues encountered during the rest of this process.)
    2. Back up your data file.
    3. If you already have an account set up with Elan, proceed to step #5.
    4. If you do not already have an account: Go to and click on the link for creating an account. (It might not look like an official Elan website but scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see that it is.)
    5. Once the online Elan account is set up, in Quicken: Go to Account List > select the Fidelity Visa Card account to highlight it > Edit > Account Details > Online Services > Deactivate.
    6. Add Account > in the search bar type in Elan Financial and select it > Next > follow the prompts > when prompted very carefully ensure that the downloaded data is Linked to your existing Fidelity Visa card account in Quicken and make sure that the Account Name and Account Type are correct.

    This process usually works quite well and is trouble-free but once in a while there will be an account balance and/or online balance issue. Let me know if there is and I can walk you through how to permanently resolve those issues.

    I hope this helps.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • kurtkrum
    kurtkrum Member ✭✭

    I went to and logged in. My fidelity rewards username and password worked

    However, when i went to set up Elan Financial Services in quicken by adding an account, it has the website My userid and password did not work (same error as fidelity rewards).

    When i tried to add an account searching with the website, Quicken pulled up First USA, Kennebunk, and South State banks.

    Really appreciate you trying to help. But I am going to start using my amazon credit card and cancel the fidelity one since I have gone a month without data.

  • kurtkrum
    kurtkrum Member ✭✭

    I tried this and it didnt work. But thank you for trying to help. This is a tough situation since I haven't had data for a month.

    I went to the myaccountaccess website and already had an account with a userid/PW that was the same as the fidelity rewards site.

    When I tried to set up elan financial in quicken, i got the same login error.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    When you tried to set up with Elan, did you first deactivate your Fidelity Rewards set up? If not, that does need to be done first before trying to set up the account with Elan.

    You could also try backing into this by doing the following:

    1. Backup your data file.
    2. Deactivate your current Fidelity Rewards connection.
    3. Log into your online Elan Financial account or into your online Fidelity Rewards account. (It does not really matter you log into because step 4 will take you to the Elan website.)
    4. Click on Download Transactions.
    5. Select the "Quicken" format.
    6. Select the date range you wish to download (up to 18 months…but you should select just the dates your are missing for the last month or so).
    7. Click on Download and either save the file to your hard drive or select Quicken to open it. (If you save the file to your hard drive, you can select Quicken to open it by double clicking on that file.)
    8. Quicken should prompt you to decide what to do with the imported data. Be sure to Link it to your existing account.

    Your account should now be connected to Elan via Web Connect. You can opt to continue using WC for future downloads. If you do the download/import process will be simpler because Quicken will recognize the WC connection that was established and will automatically direct the imported data to the account you linked it to in step 8.

    If you wish to, you can now upgrade your connection to EWC so it can be included in future OSUs. To do this go to Account List and you should see a link to Improve connection. Click on this link and you will be taken to the set up process where you enter your login information. When completed, your account should be set up with EWC so you can download via OSU in the future.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • leishirsute
    leishirsute Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    EWC connection stopped working this morning. CC-502 error. Hopefully, this is a temporary problem.

    Deluxe R58.9, Windows 11 Pro

  • dwl1960
    dwl1960 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Started receiving CC-502 this morning 9/23/2023 updating Fidelity Rewards CC (ELAN Financial Services). Had been working fine for months. Anyone else have this start this morning?

  • leishirsute
    leishirsute Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    This morning started getting CC-502 error when trying to download from Elan using EWC.

    This download had been working daily for more than 6 months.

    Deluxe R58.9, Windows 11 Pro

  • leishirsute
    leishirsute Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Yes. Started this morning for me as well using Elan account access via EWC connection.

    Downloads had been working daily for at least 6 months.

    Thanks for sharing and letting me know I am not alone. 😉

    As a test, I tried adding an Elan account and also got a CC-502.

    I also tried adding a Fidelity Rewards card and got the same error and note (see below).

    When, I logged into the Elan website, it displayed info that the website was being updated.

    Hopefully, this is truly a temporary issue per the "What you should know" note.

    Deluxe R58.9, Windows 11 Pro

  • dwl1960
    dwl1960 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks leishirsute. Appreciate the feedback.

  • POD
    POD Quicken Windows Other Member

    I started getting the same results this morning, 9/23/2023. I updated a couple of days ago and everything was alright. I've noticed Elan services isn't the most stable service I have in Quicken. CC-502

  • tlpwis
    tlpwis Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I had this account set up for OSU for a very long time and it stopped working with CC-502 in the last week or so. I attempted to reset the connection in the account details and it wiped out online updates. I then attempt to add credentials for online update setup, and it fails with cc-802, indicating my credentials are incorrect, however the same credentials work logging into the account via their website.

  • quickj
    quickj Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have been getting errors downloading one of my cards from Elan Financial for 25 days now. There has been no communication from Quicken about a fix.

  • quickj
    quickj Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Error has been ongoing for almost a month (25 days and counting). Quicken is unable to download transactions for my Fidelity Rewards Visa (Elan Financial).

    Other aggregators do not have this problem. I can successfully download in other financial apps that use Plaid, Yodlee, Finicity, and Intuit. Even Quicken owned Simplifi can download it. But Quicken Desktop fails every time.

  • leishirsute
    leishirsute Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2023

    Deluxe R58.9, Windows 11 Pro

  • Hello @quickj,

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community and telling us about your issue, though we apologize that you are experiencing this.

    Could you please provide the exact error code and/or message you receive while trying to connect?

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I am getting this CC-502 error code with Elan this morning as well. From what I'm seeing (error code and website info) it appears that this might be related to maintenance (which financial institutions often schedule for weekends) or some other technical issue….both of which correlate well with what CC-502 is an indication of. If this is the case it should be resolved by no later than Monday morning….hopefully even earlier than that.

    Site upgrade work in process?:

    A technical difficulty Elan is having? I realize this is posted on the Client Resource Center but if that shares resources with their Consumer business then this could be applicable to Quicken's access.

    Quicken Classic Premier (US) Subscription: R58.9 on Windows 11

  • Tammy Borgnis
    Tammy Borgnis Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I am getting a CC-502 error as well for my Elan credit card. Can someone from Quicken please give us an update on when this will be fixed?

  • CaveCreek
    CaveCreek Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Ditto - Sept 23, 2023 08:23 AM MST - CC-502 on Elan, was working fine yesterday😲

    B) Windows 11 Home / Quicken Premier Subscription - Quicken user since the last century

  • jfclague
    jfclague Member ✭✭✭✭

    When I setup my acct., I created an account login at Fidelity first and then, the same ID/password on the Elan site. Have you tried that?

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