The Golden 1 Credit Union VISA Credit Card Account Downloads Stopped Working (QMAC)

Apple Mac Quicken "Classic Deluxe" Version 7.8.2 (Build 708.53926.100)
My Golden 1 CU VISA CC account quit downloading/connecting on about 8/4/24. Several "Reconnect" attempts failed…(no G1 VISA CC accounts shown as "available to connect" when trying to reconnect). I suspect a credit union backend IT change (Golden 1 uses a 3rd party for credit card IT/accounting). I contacted Quicken CS and uploaded several screenshots & the Q. log files…so hopefully Quicken has notified Intuit (their bank/CU/brokerage, etc. interface/transaction download provider). Just an "FYI" for Quicken users that are Golden 1 CU customers. Thanks.
I am experiencing the same issue on my MacBook Pro M1 2021, running "Sonoma 14.6," and using "Mac Quicken Classic Deluxe" Version 7.8.2 (Build 708.53926.100). My Golden 1 Credit Union accounts for Checking, Savings, Money Market, and a CD are connected and syncing data flawlessly. However, my Golden 1 Visa account displays two messages: 1) "Quicken cannot connect to this account" and 2) "There is a problem downloading transactions for this account."
This problem has persisted for at least four days, with the last successful sync occurring on August 2, 2024. Despite attempting to "Reconnect" three times, Quicken for Mac successfully identifies all other Golden 1 Credit Union accounts and confirms their sync. However, when it comes to linking the 'found' accounts to the 'existing accounts' already in Quicken, the Visa account is conspicuously absent.
I concur with the original poster's assessment that the Visa issue likely stems from Golden 1's reliance on a third-party provider for credit card IT/accounting. Let's hope for a prompt resolution!
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Hello All,
We will be forwarding this issue to the proper channels to have this further investigated. However, we request that you please navigate to Help > Report a problem within your Quicken program and submit a problem report with log files and screenshots attached in order to contribute to the investigation. It would also aid the investigation to include a sanitized file when submitting the problem report. A sanitized file is a data file that removes personally identifiable information so you can comfortably share this file with the Quicken team.
While you will not receive a response through this submission, these reports will help our teams in further investigating the issue. The more problem reports we receive, the better.
We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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Add me to the list. Not able to connect to 2 of my accounts. Even tried disconnecting the accounts then reconnecting and it doesn't find my credit card or line of credit account. Had the error code 1006 which is why I tried reconnecting but unfortunately it didn't work.
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I am having same problem getting downloads for credit card accounts (VISA, Equity)… Followed directions to disconnect/deactivate and now there is no connection.. was getting error 1006.. All non credit accounts still working fine.. Attempts to add new account does not work…. the list of accounts to link to does not include the credit accounts?
I reported this via Chat with Tetiana yesterday.. was elevated to support team - A case was started - 11210912.. Screen shots and problem report were forwarded to Quicke Support Still no response or fix?
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Same problem Quicken Mac — There was an error code 1006 after disconnecting as instructed… credit account no longer show in list when trying to reconnect or add new as instructed to do… I chatted over an hour yesterday… uploaded report problem file, and the chat rep (Tetiana) uploaded screen shots… and she elevated all to the escalation team.. via support team I was told to wait 48 hours and try again on Wednesday today… Still does not work… I started a case - reference 11210912.
Hopefully Quicken can get this fixed soon.
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Same problem Quicken Mac — There was an error code 1006 after disconnecting as instructed… credit account no longer show in list when trying to reconnect or add new as instructed to do… I chatted over an hour yesterday… uploaded report problem file, and the chat rep (Tetiana) uploaded screen shots… and she elevated all to the escalation team.. via support team I was told to wait 48 hours and try again on Wednesday today… Still does not work… I started a case - reference 11210912.
Hopefully Quicken can get this fixed soon.
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Thanks Anja. I just submit a problem report with log files as you described.
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[Removed - Windows]
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Hi Anja Not sure why my comments are not included after posting?
I did contact Golden 1 as well and they said it was a Quicken issue..
I did upload the Problem Report on Monday 8/5/24……There was an error code 1006 - and the reports and screen shots should be there in case - reference 11210912. Thank you..
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Hello All,
This is now considered a known issue that has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA on resolution at this time. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.
We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.
-Quicken Anja
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Thank you Anja Will look forward to news of a fix or?? when it is available. … FYI I do have a screen shot with details of the 1006 error that showed up the first couple of days when I was attempting unsuccessfully to download from the credit account.. I can post or send to you if you think it helpful…
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I am having this exact same issue with my Golden1 FCU accounts. Checking and savings download transactions, but the auto loan does not.
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reported as requested. Be aware that after using Quicken for close to 30 years, this is the last year for us. The spreadsheet we built in Excel is up to date and working well. We are also able to save and access an annual copy, something Quicken no longer allows us to do because if we open a year end file it cross links in the current year file. I hope it works out for the staff at Quicken, but reading comments of the number of organizations that are affected by similar to Golden1 bug, I would say there are a lot of people who are not happy with Quicken right now.
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In defense of Quicken, we can only surmise with the advent of AI and all the hacking that is going on, the credit card companies (and others in the financial world) are dealing with an ever-shifting landscape and trying to stay 'ahead of the curve' and proactively defend against external bad actors. When this happens, it can "break" programs that are not anticipating those changes by the lenders. Golden 1 outsources their credit card stuff (I think), and thus may not be privy to software 'handshake' changes designed to protect against intruders. So I imagine this may be part and parcel of what is going on across Quicken just now. I don't think anyone at Quicken caused this breakage. However there is the inevitable time delay while the programmers at both ends interact to find a valid solution. And the end user (that is us) are less than thrilled with any delay, but patience is a virtue.
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perhaps so but using the online app, and a spread sheet, I am having no problem duplicating 95% what I use Quicken for. When it was direct connect, the burden was on the bank to keep their interface up to speed with Quicken, and Quicken to program for any bank changes. Now that it is Express Web Connect, the single point of failure becomes Quicken - so yes, it is a Quicken fault for not being privy to the changes in a coordinated way. I already know what tomorrow's bank balance will be, and Visa balance - what items are clearing tonight. With Quicken, even if it was working I would not know that until late tomorrow afternoon or the next morning. AND. if I manually reconcile the cleared items in quicken, they come down again when it starts working and create an even bigger mess - so all I can do is enter what I spend and pay, but I can't make as cleared or reconciled. Have to wait until this problem is fixed. If I could at least manually enter as cleared and reconciled then I could get my business done. I can do that with the spread sheet. I find it sad when a 20 year client starts the drift away. Don't you?
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It appears there is a work around to keep link to GO credit account , and down load transactions (.qfx) - Open your credit card account in you mobile or desktop login and download transactions from GO. and then in Quicken you can import the .qfx file to update your account. This keeps a link to the bank and allows you to reconcile… It is not the best - but can be temporarily used until they get a fix… might help SGK's issue? As a 20 + year client as well, I am still wanting a fix.
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Are you using the "Import External Data" Excel function to import your G1 transactions onto Excel? How well does that work? Or are you relying on .QFX downloads to stay up to date? Or ?? Did you build the Excel spreadsheet from scratch or is there a good template out there? Thanks.
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I simply login to Golden1 online from a bookmark in the browser (7 or 8 seconds), glance to see if there is a balance and if so what has cleared, mark it in the open spreadsheet, (20 seconds), then pay if needed, add the new entry in the spread sheet on the checking sheet, and the Visa sheet, done. Less than 2 minutes I am done. Tomorrows is already done but I decided to wait until tomorrow to pay it because there is an outstanding credit from a merchant, and those don't typically show up until the morning. What I think Quicken is missing is that the people who use it aren't lazy - they are people who value their time. We use Quicken to save us time - but the way it works now with downloads, and the number of errors, some extensive like this, it causes wasted time. I don't want to pay someone an annual fee to waste my time. We were also offended that their first reflex was to try to sell the other half a three year service contract as a solution to this problem.
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We were also offended that their first reflex was to try to sell the other half a three year service contract as a solution to this problem.
@SGK Hmmm… Quicken doesn't sell service contracts; they only sell the annual subscriptions to use the software, and they don't see three-year subscriptions. Support is always free. So I'm puzzled what it is they were trying to sell you — or whether you were actually talking with Quicken. There are companies which purport to be Quicken Support but are actually selling their services to as Quicken support; some are legitimate tech service companies, while others are scammers who try to get into your computer to either steal information or hit you for high fees to fix things which weren't wrong.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
She called (650) 250-1900 which is Quicken Support. She spoke with support and the first person transferred her to someone who tried to sell her three years of something. She understood the guy was selling very quickly as he could, to get support she had to pay for a service contract. She already pays for an annual subscription each year on all the software that she uses. Something doesn't seem right about this whole problem and the answers we are getting.
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to get support she had to pay for a service contract
That's just not correct. Quicken support is free as long as you have an active membership/subscription. And those subscriptions are only sold on an annual basis; there is no three year plan that I have ever heard of. And I've never heard a single other customer report something similar.
I don't know if she possibly dialed the number wrong? (Some sneaky scammers buy up phone numbers one digit off from an official one and wait for people to misdial.) Or perhaps someone in the support call center has an illicit side-gig going by transferring people to some other company which tries to execute a money shakedown? (I'm sure folks at Quicken would want details of your call if that's the case.) In any case, I feel pretty confident that she was not actually talking to official Quicken Support.
My suggestion is to call back again and expect you will get a real Quicken Support representative who can help you.
Or follow the Quicken Alert for known current issues with Golden1.
Quicken Mac Subscription • Quicken user since 19930 -
as of 7:30am August 16 the problem has been fixed for both of us in the house. Thank you.
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My personal line of credit linked up but my rewards card did not. I'll try again later.
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At 9:00 AM PST, I tried the "Reconnect" fix for my two Golden 1 Visa Credit Cards and the Transactions Download started working on my newer Visa Member Cash Rewards + card, but is still not working on my older Visa Rewards card.
I will keep trying with the hope that this partial fix will be fully resolved soon.
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Similar to trsands experience… I was able to reconnect my Equity Line of credit, but I still cannot connect my VISA Rewards Credit Card ?? It does not show up in the list of accounts… I have tried several times… Not sure if because I used Web connect as a temporary work around has caused a problem… I disconnected and tried to reconnect… and also did the Add new account.. the credit card account does not show up to add…reconnect??? Please advise..I also will keep trying with the hope that this partial fix will be fully resolved soon.
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SGK How did you get yours to work….on the Mac side? Still not able to connect to our VISA Rewards account?
Any new info from Anja?
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Same as "Jazzy" here….the "G1 Personal Line of Credit" connection restored…still nothing showing for "G1 VISA Cash Rewards+". (8/18, 1am).
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I have four Golden 1 accounts- checking, savings, and two credit cards. A few weeks ago the two Visa Rewards accounts stopped syncing and gave errors. About a week ago, I saw that people on this forum were able to sync accounts again. I tried connecting with Quicken and one Visa synced and the other didn't. That is still the case as of this morning.
Setting for both Visa cards are the same on Quicken and with Golden 1. I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting the second Visa account several times, but no luck.
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I am having the same issue as BianchiSound. My older Golden 1 CU Visa Rewards Card is syncing fine, but my newer Golden 1 CU Visa Member Cash Rewards + Card is still not syncing. I keep trying "Reconnect" ON THE MEMBER CASH REWARDS + CARD and go through the steps using the only choice "Quicken Connect" and it finds my existing accounts Golden 1 CU checking, savings, Roth IRA, and the Visa Rewards Card, but the Member Cash Rewards + Card is missing.