TD Bank reauthorization failing (QWIN)



  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Tried the work around once again and it still doesn't work.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    After disconnecting all my TD accounts, I went to the TD site and deleted all QUICKEN connections found here: Account Options → Account Services → Manage Linked Services → Manage Settings → Financial Tool Access.

    Then, I downloaded a QFX file from TD for just one of my TD accounts. I opened the file and imported the transactions via Web Connect (as opposed to Direct Connect). I then went back to the TD Bank website, to Account Options → Account Services → Manage Linked Services → Manage Settings → Financial Tool Access. The QUICKEN WINDOWS 2018 app was "pending." I approved it, went back to Quicken, attempted to set up direct access for one of my other TD accounts (not the one I just connected via Web Connect). It was successful, prompted me to connect all my accounts and even converted the Web Connected account to a Direct Connect link.

    Good luck.

  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member

    This worked for me Thanks!! I now have a Direct Connect to my TDBank accounts instead of the previous Web Connect

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    This worked for me as well.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Well Quicken, it seems the issue wasn't with TD after all. Ball's in your court. PLEASE…do the right thing and compensate your users (like me, a loyal Quicken user for the past 35 years!) for this great inconvenience with an extension of our subscriptions. After all, we did just successfully fix the issue on our own, without your help.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    The most recent comment left in the thread was 5 days ago? Also noticing a lot of "removed" posts in the thread. Its mot looking good.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    The exceeding long delay in resolving this issue is putting my business and my personal finances at risk. Help please, Quicken.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    This worked, I had to do it twice but it worked. Thank you Randy Poe!

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    confirmed here also, I got it working, but it was janky and took me several tries. Very slow to update now, much slower than when it was working before.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited August 2024

    When is Quicken going to fix this problem? [Edited - Readability] I've been using Quicken for over 30 years and never had this bad of a problem before. [Removed - Off Topic/Speculation]

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Continuing and very frustrating. I understand you claim its your middle ware provider (previously your parent company) but that is no excuse. Fix it or replace them with someone who can provide the stability this software used to be known for. Refunds for this year are in order. Downloads have been fundamentally broken all year long with one problem after another.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I'm very concerned that this problem has still not been resolved. Now when I try to reconnect my accounts are found but I'm not allowed to link them to my existing accounts in Quicken.

    I've gone back and forth between the bank and Quicken, and TD Bank is insisting this is not a problem on their end, but is a problem from Quicken. Nobody wants to claim responsibility for this ongoing issue. All I know is TD Bank is my main bank and I have four accounts there. This is a major inconvenience and I'm not hearing that any progress is being made.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I've run into the same issue as Joe. Reauthorizing the TD account shows my accounts so quicken has a connection to TD but as with you, I cannot link to my existing account in quicken, only option is to add, which I assume means a new account,to quicken which I assume will totally screw me up with my existing account so I'm impatiently waiting for SOMEOME at QUICKEN to take responsibility and give us a realistic update other than the TBD from 8/13.

  • Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    RDA's fix didn't work for me either. When I try to reconnect my account, I get an error saying "Quicken is having trouble connecting to TD Bank Online Banking". Trying the second time, I get "Sign in to TD…failed" and underneath it says it failed due to time out or connection error with an option to sign in via the browser. Doing that just returns you to the same connection failed error

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I'm just exporting transactions from the TD Bank site and importing them into Quicken. Works fine until they get this problem fixed.

  • Quicken Mac Other Member

    I see the on going issue with Quicken between TD Bank. The post list quicken windows. Does his also Mac because I have the same problem.

  • Member ✭✭

    I followed RDA's instructions and have been successful in re-establishing the link between all my TD accounts and Quicken. Fingers crossed it sticks!!!

  • Quicken Mac 2017 Member

    RDA’s instuctions worked for my Quicken MAC, basically just deleting the Web Connection that is shut down at moment and utilizing the Direct Connect option which is working fine while linking my existing TD accounts back to Quicken.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited August 2024

    Sooo … when can we expect to be able to download data from TD bank accounts? as a regular subscriber (paid up until May 2025!) and a Quicken user for decades, it is time to start asking for a refund on services we have been promised but not received, and look at other options to manage my finances, as this is just not good enough service! [Edited - Readability]

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    If users have found solutions, or, things that are working to re-establish connection, why isn't Quicken throwing out an approved work around for 15+ year paying customers? Hmmmm?

  • Quicken Windows Other Member

    I have been a Quicken for Windows user for 20 years however there seem to be a never-ending series of tech issues (TD Bank the latest) and downgrades (loss of Direct Connect and thus billpaying from the Quicken register for all my financial institutions) that makes me question whether to continue with Quicken. Whereas Quicken was my financial control center, it is now easier to work thru the financial institution's own interface.

    C'mon Quicken, either you work seamlessly and universally or else you will become obsolete like so many other discarded apps. And your inability to communicate with us reflects your lack of understanding of the critical nature of this problem. I won't renew until I see this resolved.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I've tried RDA's fix several times and I can't get it to work. This is beyond frustrating.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
  • Member ✭✭

    I have 2 separate company's I track with Quicken and both have TD Bank accounts connected to them. Somehow one has been downloading fine this whole time, but the other one cannot connect with TD bank for the last 10+ days. It keeps asking for 'reauthorization', but when I go to reauthorize, it wants to add the accounts and cannot see that they already exist. BTW, the TDWealth account downloads fine. It's the TD Bank one that's at issue. WTH????

  • FWIW: Since this (still unresolved) problem has surfaced, I've been using the "Export" feature on the TD website to keep my records current. It's a PIA, but at least it works.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    This has created a nightmare for my TD accts in my quicken file. After the attempts to manually import files from the bank and the other fixes mentioned, I have so many entries. Some duplicate, some showing as cleared, some that I didnt catch when manually entering daily transactions from TD website. What a mess. I am considering opening an account with a different bank although there are no convenient ones to my location besides TD. I am looking for alternatives to Quicken if anyone can suggest a good one. One out of the few of my Quickbooks Companies has troubles connecting to TD now, but some have no problems at all.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    Very sad situation. Because all said, it's a pretty good product. To bad many will not be renewing subscription due to poor and incompetent managing of this and past issues. NOT A RANT! Just an observation. :(

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited August 2024

    I'm sad to report that despite having successfully restored the Direct Connect connection between my Quicken and TD Bank, no data is being imported into Quicken and my account balances are not being updated (much like this thread by anyone from Quicken). We're all very frustrated by this seemingly endless mess. [Removed - Disruptive/Private Info] ←— the info removed was the CEO's email, which anyone can find with a Google search.

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