TD Bank reauthorization failing (QWIN)



  • D.W.
    D.W. Member ✭✭
    edited August 28

    @Quicken Kristina - any help for those of us with TD connections still not working??

    I contacted support about the Sign-in issue. Turns out Quicken or TD suddenly had a problem with my browser. This doesn't make sense because my default browser has not changed or been updated since the TD connection issues began, and it worked just fine before. It also works with all of my other non-TD accounts. The support rep didn't really have an explanation why this might have happened. Once I got the Express Web Connection set up, I switched back to the original default browser. Fingers crossed nothing else goes wrong for a while. I'm tired of fighting with this.

  • PhilipBr
    PhilipBr Member ✭✭

    Exactly what I experienced today.. Even more problematic that I have outgoing payments that were stuck in SEND mode after the cycle. Worried for a while that every attempt would push the same payments through again. Been a Quicken users for 20+ years, this is by far the worst problem encountered in terms of impact and time to resolve. Disabled all the payments and did manual wire transfers from payee to TD. Sigh…

  • goingape
    goingape Member ✭✭

    It seems like I am connected through web connect now. My new transactions are downloading and match to the ones i manually entered. MY issue now is that the balances in two of the three of my accounts are not matching. I cannot find any transactions that I haven't entered into Quicken that are in my bank transaction list, but my balances aren't matching. So either I let quicken make an "adjustment" (its hundreds of dollars) or I leave the balances off and continue to find out why.

  • Check the opening balance of the account. That is where the differences in my accounts were

  • Laserjock
    Laserjock Member ✭✭

    @goingape: I had the same issue a couple times in the past about the balances not being the same after a bunch of transactions downloading. I found out that the opening balance or opening transaction was off or missing.

  • dubblek2
    dubblek2 Member ✭✭

    @username thainks for your screenshot documented description of what you had experienced. It documented my experience as well re never getting a choice to choose the tyoe of connection.

    I still never have, yet, even though I have now been lucky enough to get reconnected and reautorized.


    When I got to this screen you had shared:

    At the lowe right selected "Start Over"

    Which began the "normal" add account process, and brought this window up:

    Then typed in "TDBank" and got this result:

    Was surprised to see the references to "First Community Bank" but went ahead and clicked "Next", which brought up this window:

    Went ahead and clicked "Continue" and got this window:

    Fo;;owed the instructions - first did the "Sign In" which launched a web brower page where the reauthorization process was brought up… when that finished, went back to Quicken… did the "Next" and by completing all subsequent steps in the "normal" add account (but instead choosing to connect to existing accounts) got reconnected and reauthorized to TDBank accounts… and it's now again working normally…

    BUT… Note the reference to "First Community Bank" in the last screenshot as well???

    Don't know what trouble that may be causing for all of us, but that's not the same as "TDBank"… Just saying…

    And… strangely enough, the web page that gets opened when you select "Sign In"is the now infamous … Just saying again…

    Hope this helps

  • dubblek2
    dubblek2 Member ✭✭

    Follw up re Connection Type…

    After getting reconnected and reauthorized, albiet the funky "First Community Bank" scenario described in the prior post… this is what Account Details reports:

    Don't see any choice re Connection Method there, and when you click on the question mark next to "Express WEb Connect+" this is displayed:

    Note the reference here to "First Community Bank" there as well… again, just saying…

  • goingape
    goingape Member ✭✭

    Thierry, The account wasn't added as a new account. I was able to reconnect the account that I've had in quicken for many years. It didn't ask for an opening balance when I connected to TD it just downloaded the last couple weeks of transactions. Somehow it picked a date to download transactions from. I have them all matched and my main acct is showing a $400-500 difference than the online balance. All of my transactions are entered into Quicken and the balance I had was correct with TD before the reconnect. Maybe TD is adding a new way to charge fees?

  • RobMc1
    RobMc1 Member ✭✭

    Any update to this issue?

  • knute97
    knute97 Member ✭✭

    I was able to download TD Bank checking, savings and credit card for 2 days using the web connect setup.

    Today, however, all 3 account deactivated and did not download.

    Tried to reestablish the connection thru web connect and, while the accounts were found, I could not link them to existing accounts.

  • knute97
    knute97 Member ✭✭

    After several tries at establishing a web connect connection that allowed me to append transactions to existing TD accounts, it finally worked!

    A couple of things that I did notice - not all occurring at the same time.

    1. Several times the attempt located my TD accounts, but I could not add them to existing accounts.
    2. Sometimes boxes were unchecked prior to one step updates.
    3. Every time that I did connect and download transactions, the account opening balances were some false number that made the Quicken balance not agree with the online balance. To correct, I had to go to the account beginning transaction and set it to $0.