TD Bank reauthorization failing (QWIN)
Can someone from Quicken please provide some helpful information other than repeating the same blanket statement that keeps getting posted. As you can see from comments, this is severely disrupting our ability to keep on top of our finances AND causing severe frustration and burning time that I'm sure we all don't have. Silence is not the right approach here.
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The problem is not caused by TD Bank. Quickbooks works perfectly with TD Bank. THE PROBLEM IS WITH QUICKEN.
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I have not been able to get direct connect to work for me. When I try to connect that way I get "Action Required: You can now restore or set up automated access to your accounts from TD Bank Online Banking. Find out how at"
That is not a working URL I'm not sure what action is required. So I end up going through Quicken Connect where it at least gets me to a login page and a security screen I can use.
Also, the fix proposed in this thread about restoring from another backup doesn't work for me as I have been unable to find those prompts on my Quicken for Mac. There is no "Advanced" button on any screen associated with backups
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I couldn't get jantiki's fix to work for me, but I just posted a detailed description of my fix and the post disappeared. Here's a shorter version:
- Attempt to download transactions. It fails.
- Attempt to reauthorize with "Direct Connect". It fails.
- Go over to your browser, login to TD Bank, and find your way to Account Options→Account Services→Manage Linked Apps→Financial Tool Access.
- You'll see Quicken. Hit the trash can to unlink it.
- Click on Financial Tool Access and you'll see a pending request from Quicken. Approve it.
- After that everything works great. Go back to Quicken and the login works, accounts update, etc.
I should note that my previous connection was Quicken Connect, using Quicken for Mac. If you already have Direct Connect you might see something different at Step 4.
I'm pretty sure that Step 2 is necessary to generate the pending request that you approve in Step 5.
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[deleted. Never mind]
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Has anybody had any success trying Randy Poe option?
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This is what worked for me.
- First I attempted to update transactions. That failed in the usual way. But it gave me a "Reauthorize" button.
- I click "Reauthorize". When prompted, I choose "Direct Connect".
- I provide my login. That fails, with the "Action Required" message.
- Now I go over to my browser and log onto TD Bank manually from there.
- I go to Account Options → Account Services → Manage Linked Services → Manage Settings
- I see the Quicken connection. I click the trash can to "Unlink accounts".
- Then I click on "Financial Tool Access" and see there's a pending request from Quicken. I authorize it.
- Now I go back to Quicken where the Sign In window is still open. I click the Sign In button and this time it succeeds.
- I'm prompted to connect bank accounts to Quicken accounts but they all seem properly connected. I click the OK button.
- SUCCESS! Accounts appear to be updated!
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DIdn't work for me.
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Didn't work for me either.
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K. Thanks. No offense Randy but I'll wait for Quicken/TD to come up with the fix so I have somebody to blame: AGAIN. I have since deleted all of my auto updates on all of my accounts. I have no faith right now in the security of this software. Will definitely be seeking a refund. :(
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Has anyone actually spoke to a support person from Quicken?
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Quicken has support?
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So apparently Quicken has banker's hours.
Try calling tomorrow. (650) 250-1900
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I spoke to quicken support last Wednesday, all I got was it’s a known issue. She couldn’t tell me any more than what they posted. TD bank was working on it.
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Disgusting performance by both parties!!!
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This content has been removed.
Did this work for anyone else? I couldn't get it to work, even after deleting Financial Tool Access and retrying, but I still got the same denial.
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Quicken will edit posts but not give an update. Quicken, can we please at least have some kind of update? Acknowledgement? Something other than the post from the 13th SIX days ago?
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Hi Loren:
Thanks. Also using Quicken Classic R58.9 Tried the copy workaround, but Quicken was unable to load the copy. Appreciate the info…
@Quicken Anja - Is there any update or ETA here? I've been using Quicken since 1993 and this is w/o question the biggest snafu I've experienced.
Is there any way top rollback the update that is seemingly causing the issue?
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Hello All,
This issue with TD Bank is ongoing, though some progress has been made toward a resolution; the root cause of this issue is due to a problem in the data that TD Bank is sending to our service provider. We don’t yet have a date for this resolution. Some users reported unfamiliar or incorrect transactions in Quicken after downloading from TD Bank. These transactions, though incorrect, were not in any way a security concern, however, due to this incorrect data, and the potential user impact of needing to ‘weed out’ these incorrect transactions, our service provider temporarily disabled downloads while this issue is being fixed. While this is not strictly a Quicken issue, we know that this is frustrating. We will continue to keep you updated on this thread until the issue is resolved. Thank you.
Quicken Janean
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"Service Provider" does not give me a warm, fuzzy feeling.
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This is ridiculous. I tried the Poe fix and it didnt work. They need to fix this, NOW!!!
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So what will Quicken do for us for our inconvenience? I suggest extending our quicken subscription for 3 months for free.
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This is bull… We have been without the ability to download for over 10 days now. What are you doing to fix this? What are you doing to compensate for our inability to download?
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I second this motion
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Quickbooks has had known issues that are unresolved for years. They have no incentive to fix this.
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This is a lie. TD Bank communicates just fine with Intuits other software. This is solely a Quicken issue.
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Will Quicken compensate its users that bank with TD and rely heavily on Quicken maintaining the data connectivity? The subscription-based program is much less affordable these days.
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Jesus, Quicken…weeks of telling us "it's them, not us" and yet, here's a fix that worked perfectly. You owe your users with TD Bank connections a pro-rated refund of the annual fee for the nearly four weeks the program did not function as it should.
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[Removed - Disruptive/Rant]