Barclays US - New Website (QWIN)



  • jkoppelm
    jkoppelm Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited December 2024

    As has become my bi-weekly ritual, I just deactivated my Barclay’s account in Quicken, removed account details, signed out of my Quicken online ID (to force a new connection token), logged back in, and entered my credentials to reconnect with Barclays.

    I am still only getting Savings, but no CD account. I will continue to check every two weeks until March, when my CD matures. If not available by then, I will close the CD account and this problem goes away (for me).

    Good luck and happy holidays everyone.

  • tstepp58
    tstepp58 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭

    The absolute worst customer service from a software company that I have EVER seen. I went so far today to try to rebuild my entire quicken file from scratch with over 25 accounts. Guess what! Same issue with Barclays. I'm seriously considering dropping Quicken altogether as well as Barclays. At a loss for the last 8+ weeks.

  • hoembi
    hoembi Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Given that my subscription is coming up for renewal and the abysmall time without a fix at all for this issue, my vote will be with my wallet and I will have to not renew. This customer support / turnaround time for a known issue is not acceptable.

  • xcl789
    xcl789 Quicken Mac Other Member

    I also reported this issue to Quicken in October. It is still unresolved. Barclays did change access to their online services and take no responsibility for Quicken connectivity. Quicken is dreadfully slow in resolving this issue by making the necessary changes to accommodate Barclays' updated connection. We pay a premium for Quicken services, and they should refund their subscription cost to all affected users.

  • flyfishertn
    flyfishertn Member ✭✭

    I also reported this issue to Quicken in October … 3 months and counting … I have an online savings and a card with Barclays … I reconnected the accounts one week ago and they linked up for the first time but that lasted only a couple of days … this morning, the savings account downloaded but I got an "invalid credentials" error on the card account …

  • glenn
    glenn Member ✭✭✭

    This is now 3 months that I have had to manually enter transactions for my 7 Barclay accounts. Quicken does owe us some explanation as to what the eta is to resolution.

    Does Intuit still handle the financial institution interfaces for quicken? If so, is that where the problem is?

  • thebenskys
    thebenskys Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 4


    I have similar problems. When I try to log in or add my Barclays savings account, Quicken tells me that Barclay's doesn't recognize my ID or password. So trying from scratch i.e., adding a new account, "Search for your financial institution" produces a "Barclays Online Banking - US", screen but the website listed is: "" That is NOT the website for Barclay's Bank. To log on to my Barclay's savings account, the website is:

    No wonder I can't log in - It seems Quicken is directing my log in information to Barclays' credit card website and not the bank website! I'm attaching a screen shot, pardon the quality.

    Please advise if I have this right or wrong. Thanks.

  • Marianna
    Marianna Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Barclay's changed up their interface back in November and I was forced to change my login on to a new login on I access my savings account through Quicken on Barclay's Online Banking - US and my credit card on Barclay's Bank Delaware. I know they both appear to point to, but the two connections behave differently for me. If you try going to in your web browser today, it redirects you to and shows the following.

    I'd click on "Set up my new credentials" and then try to connect to Barclay's Online Banking - US through Quicken using the new credentials and it should work for a savings account.

  • kamcknig
    kamcknig Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    And now today it's worse again. While I had two accounts that were working originally. This issue broke them both. About a month ago, just one of them started working; and now today they are both broken yet again.

  • glenn
    glenn Member ✭✭✭

    Wow!!! After 3 months I finally have all 7 of my accounts connected with quicken. Barclay must have corrected the issue without any fanfare.

    This has been very frustrating but sticking with Barclay was the correct decision.

  • jkoppelm
    jkoppelm Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I too am seeing progress - Quicken now connects with Barclays and sees both my Savings and CD accounts, where before it only found Savings.

    However, it did not download recent transactions into the CD account, so I manually entered three month’s worth. It is possible that it will pick up future transactions, but I won’t know that until the end of the month.

  • jekeitt
    jekeitt Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Still cannot download data from Barclay Bank - NO CHANGES WHAT SO EVER!

  • DetroitRick
    DetroitRick Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    I was able to connect this morning. I haven't bothered trying since the end of November. Download went fine, but then I only have 1 Savings account with them and no credit cards.

    The connection that I successfully set up today uses (automatically) Express Web Connect. During Quicken setup, I selected the option for "Barclays Online Banking - US" (which uses Just prior to this, I had used the first Quicken suggestion which was "Barclays Bank Delaware" (also directing to That returned a Quicken error (didn't bother recording error number but something like "it isn't your fault ….").

    Long before trying any of this, I had first deactivated the Barclays connection in Quicken. Nothing else.

    As with a very few other working Quicken connections, for me, the Barclays register does not show "Last Download" date and time anymore. I can live with that.

  • karenclifton2451
    karenclifton2451 Member ✭✭✭

    it's all working again for me - as far as I can tell - 2 banking accounts & 1 credit card. it does something weird with wanting to add the 2nd account twice but it lets me ignore it. i think it required a few resets along the way - and a recent update to quicken (not sure if that was required)

  • krose
    krose Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Good to hear that some of you have your Quicken connection working again. I have been working with Quicken and their development team, and I still don't have any connection between all of my Barclay's accounts and Quicken. I have tested both Direct Connect and Web Connect, and I am still getting errors on both.

  • jkoppelm
    jkoppelm Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I also see a duplicate account (and I’m ignoring it)

  • nmayben
    nmayben Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Still not working on Mac

  • Quicken Jasmine
    Quicken Jasmine Quicken Mac Subscription Moderator mod

    Hello All,

    Thank you for coming back to keep us updated. Our teams are still actively investigating this issue and working towards a resolution. There is no current ETA.

    I do truly apologize for the frustration and inconvenience that this has been causing.

    -Quicken Jasmine

    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round-up of your top posts.

  • ScotProf
    ScotProf Member ✭✭✭
    edited January 9

    I was able to re-link QW to my Barclays Online Savings account a few days ago, and the OSU appeared to proceed smoothly. However, the account's value shown in Quicken now differs (by $531.26) from that shown when I log in directly to Barclays. Fortunately, I have a Quicken screengrab of my Accounts sidebar, taken on Dec 6th, before I re-linked. The amounts shown in QW & directly in Barclays were identical (as you'd expect). So, this discrepancy appeared after re-linking. I've gone back through 2 years of Barclays statements, comparing to the values now shown in my Quicken Barclays account, and that exact difference is present for every entry. So, for those who have recently re-linked: perhaps it might be advisable to log in directly to Barclays (or use their mobile app) and compare the amount shown there, to that shown in Quicken….

    The recent flawed experience with Barclays' "transition", the above discrepancy, and the fact that I can get better APY at another institution's HYSA, together mean that - after 11 years - I've closed my Barclays account.

  • CarlZ
    CarlZ Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I've found multiple instances of the QW register opening balance changing after re-linking the account, so I always record before the update and restore if necessary…

  • Allan401
    Allan401 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I was able to re-link my Barclays/Quicken accounts today. Like others I had one account listed twice, and on some accounts the Quicken account opening balance had been increased by a small amount (maybe by the amount of the last transaction?).

    CarlZ's suggestion above would have helped me, if I had read it earlier this morning before re-linking! Before re-linking record the Quicken account opening balance, because the Barclays online transactions and statements do not go back more than a few years.

  • flyfishertn
    flyfishertn Member ✭✭

    First day of the week, Sunday Jan 12 and back to normal for Barclays/Quicken disfunction … this morning nothing will download, savings accounts, cards .. nothing … with the error FI_WEBSITE_UNAVAILABLE (FDP-105) … 3.5 months and counting …

  • Zeka
    Zeka Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am managing Barclays accounts for myself and my family, i.e. multiple accounts. I was able to set my accounts. For one of my kids I was getting only partial list of accounts. After a couple of retries I got a complete list and was able to setup account. For other members of my family - no luck, site unavailable. If site works for one account and "unavailable" to another then it is definitely on QW aggregator side. It is not first time, QW likes this bug.

    I was using "Barclays Online Banking - US".

    Concerning QW register opening balance changing after re-linking the account. QW fixed this issue about year or two ago, and was very proud. Almost next update, in a month or two, wiped out this fix. Re-linking the account with not zero balance almost always has this problem for me. In a memo for each opening balance transaction I have "Init - $120.03" to fix this entry after account relink.

  • jekeitt
    jekeitt Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Still no fix…..very frustrating………no helpful customer support! 😡

  • davef139
    davef139 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Was able to add and sync this morning.

  • Zeka
    Zeka Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 18

    [Removed - Off Topic]

  • krose
    krose Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Finally, after nearly 4 months, all of my Barclay's accounts are now downloading properly into Quicken! I spoke with the President's office at Quicken, and the issues have now been resolved! I hope that everything is working for you too!

  • glenn
    glenn Member ✭✭✭

    Krose, great to hear you too have resolution. However, it is very disturbing that Quicken staff have not had an update on this issue since Jan 8. If Quicken thinks it is resolved they should state so in this chain.

  • flyfishertn
    flyfishertn Member ✭✭

    I have three Barclay accounts …. they'll download fine for a few days and then one will bug dump as one did this morning with a "Credential Set is in invalid status:103. Login error - Invalid username or password." error …

  • krose
    krose Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited January 19

    [Removed - Speculation] I have sent in Quicken logs on a few occasions now, and have worked directly with the developers to resolve some of these issues, and it still has taken all of these months. I hope for all user's sake that Quicken and Barclays are getting close to resolving all of the issues. So far downloads on all of my Barclay's accounts are back to normal.