Fifth Third Bank Returns OL-295 error



  • REvelyn01
    REvelyn01 Member ✭✭✭
    @NotACPA @Brian133 @SRENGEL Just got off the phone with 53. Finally the truth. Quicken did not test the new update with their(5/3) system and it has broken the connection.

    GO figure... Its up to Quicken to correct the problem.
    SRENGEL Member ✭✭

    Thanks for the information, and that fits with that I am seeing on running Quicken 2017 vs Quicken 2020. I am not sure how this issue would be resolved for some users but not others given the nature of the issue.

    I am also not sure, why Quicken team thinks waiting 1 to 24 hrs makes the difference when this is a product issue.
  • Tamara Dietzel
    Tamara Dietzel Member ✭✭
    I have been having this issue for over 2 weeks now and am running Quicken 2020. Fifth Third has the absolutely worst technology despite stating they doing a 5/3 effort and delivery to their customers. During the last debacle about 2 years ago, I made Fifth Third my secondary bank rather than my primary. My primary is now the Credit Union that I have had for 20 years. There was a brief Quicken issue with the credit union about 3 weeks ago and the credit union had it fixed within 24 hours.
  • twarner1
    twarner1 Member ✭✭✭
    I'm still having issues updating my Fifth Third Bank accounts. Since I'm still receiving the OL-295 error, I downloaded the QFX files directly from the Fifth Third web page and imported them into Quicken 2020 R26.17. Now, my 53 account in Quicken has been changed to manual updates and is no longer on the one step update list of accounts. When I try to setup online services with 53, Quicken told me that 53 required passwords of 12 characters or less. So, I changed my password accordingly on the 53 website and tried to reactivate 53 one step update. The response I get now is "Sorry. We encountered an error. (It's not your fault.)" no matter how many tries I attempt.

    Sarah from Quicken kind of left us all in limbo by posting on 4/23, "We have received a small update and confirmed that connections with Fifth Third Bank should be mostly restored, however work is ongoing and this error is not fully resolved at this time.
    If an error is received, we recommend allowing up to 24 hrs and then trying to add/update accounts once again."

    What is the status now? According to the Quicken rep I spoke with on the phone, the issue is still being worked on. Has this been resolved for anyone else or is it just me? Please post your experience with this error and if the "small update" worked for you. I would appreciated if Sarah could keep the "UPDATED 4/23; Fifth Third Bank Returns OL-295 error or "Sorry, we encountered an error" message" discussion open and updated.
  • JaneN
    JaneN Member
    I have not been able to sync with Fifth Third since March 23 ... FIVE WEEKS! That is my main bank account! Multiple phone calls to Fifth Third and online input to Quicken. When will the OL-295-A issue be fixed? There have to be a lot of people with this issue! You are not alone in being VERY FRUSTRATED!
  • Still isn't working for me either. I just called Fifth Third, "Quicken servers aren't communicating with 5/3 servers since Quicken's last update. Sorry but we don't have a time frame for a resolution."
  • ddashorn
    ddashorn Member ✭✭
    Ditto for me. I also had the same experience with the Fifth Third reps. They are not help whatsoever.
  • Mbednar
    Mbednar Member
    It’s another day of a 5/3rd worse. A Quicken software update yesterday but it didn’t resolve our particular problem. This has been going on since 2/27. I feel both 5/3rd and Quicken have a corresponding responsibility to fix this. We pay to use the software. The bank makes money using our money. The bank probably pays quicken a connect fee that we don’t see. Quit feuding and fix this.
  • nileswaring
    nileswaring Member ✭✭
    Don't you all find it odd (see my post from 4/25) that when I run the same version of Q on my old laptop it pulls the transactions just fine. I copy the backup file from my desktop (won't pull), restore it on my my laptop and the import from 5th3rd works just fine??
  • TomRataski
    TomRataski Member ✭✭
    > @nileswaring said:
    > Don't you all find it odd (see my post from 4/25) that when I run the same version of Q on my old laptop it pulls the transactions just fine. I copy the backup file from my desktop (won't pull), restore it on my my laptop and the import from 5th3rd works just fine??

    Are both laptop and desktop running the same versions of Quicken?
  • Quicken_Tyka
    Quicken_Tyka Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @nileswaring

    Thank you for the response and for providing more details.

    The OL-295 error usually appears when your computer cannot establish an internet connection with Quicken. This may be due to:
    • The bank updated security settings and they are preventing Quicken from connecting to them. 
    • Internet settings, firewalls, routers, a pop-up blocker, or your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
    • A server outage. 
    If you are able to connect on one computer but not the other, it would appear that you may be receiving this error due to:
    • Internet settings, firewalls, routers, a pop-up blocker, or your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
    If you haven't done so already, I would take a moment to review the steps and information available HERE.

    Thank you,
    -Quicken Tyka
  • jlison2011
    jlison2011 Member ✭✭✭
    -Quicken Tyka
    just went through all the steps again - no luck - still not able to download Fifth Third transactions. Running windows 10 and latest version of Quicken.
  • nileswaring
    nileswaring Member ✭✭
    -Quicken Tyka
    I have also gone through all the setting and no luck. I agree it has to be a setting but it appears that Quicken is blaming 5th3rd when in fact it may be an issue with how this new version of Quicken is interfacing with the operation systems of the computer. If I get time I might compare the setting between the 2 computers Both computers are W10, on the same router, running the same VPN client, AD blocker and Quicken version. The only difference that I know of is the laptop does not have Malwarebytes on it.
  • M William
    M William Member ✭✭
    This has been ongoing for me since approx March 25. That was the last time Quicken (Windows 10) was able to download from Fifth Third. The bank swears the problem lies with Quicken. "Quicken Sarah", on April 23 said the problem is getting resolved. The problem has NOT gone away for a large group of users. Silence from Quicken on the subject. FYI - this issue started well before the overload that banks experienced with the onslaught of Stimulus Checks. Should I start looking for a new money management platform?
  • ddb702
    ddb702 Member ✭✭
    I saw Sarah's From Quicken Admin. 4/23 update saying it was resolved. If not to give 24 hours. I tried again on 5/5 and still not able to connect Please Help.
  • Jeffrey Roades
    Jeffrey Roades Member ✭✭
    Still not fixed in spite of what has been said... Not on list of broken Banks.
  • I tried the suggested "steps" from above and I continue to receive the 295 error with only Fifth Third Bank. It has been since March that this problem persists. Sarah, how much longer do you expect people to just wait this out?
  • jrich4210
    jrich4210 Member ✭✭
    I am downloading my accounts from within the Fifth Third site and then importing within Quicken. This takes more time but works. It's not what I paid for but is a tempoary fix until they get this worked out.
  • Toni
    Toni Member ✭✭
    I have also been having this problem trying to download transactions from Fifth Third Bank for several weeks. When I go to an individual Fifth Third account in Quicken to download, the box that pops up notes to Fill Passwords. (see attached image.) The passwords are always stored. So it won't allow you to even try to update one account by itself.
  • Just wanted to update the quicken staff that I am still unable to download my transactions from my fifth third financial institution. Reading from the previous posts about this error Quicken staff has closed the thread for being "argumentative" which I don't think was the best action.

    Reference link:

    Then Quicken said that they have resolved the error with the connection with fifth third bank with some errors still in place, this is not true.

    I have contacted quicken support and we were on the phone for 1.5 hours. To summarize, we went through all the trouble shooting problems through different approaches and we are still running into the same error.

    Finally my quicken support member contacted a higher up on the engineering team via chat and we were told that the connection issue is with Fifth Third Bank. In addition, I was told that it was Quicken's consumer responsibility to contact Fifth Third Bank to fix this solution. I do not agree that if multiple consumers are having the same issue with Quicken to connect to Fifth Third Bank that it is the consumers' responsibility to solve this problem.

    I have recently purchased this program and I was happy with the product, I even recommended my colleagues to use the program. But, after this recent event I'm displeased with how Quicken handles their support and how Quicken tries to shift the solution to the client and Fifth Third Bank's responsibility when the issue lies with Quickens software.

    Please resolve this, or I will be requesting a refund through my credit card company and advising my colleagues + other financial group to not use Quicken.

    Quicken Customer
  • twarner1
    twarner1 Member ✭✭✭
    > @Toni said:
    > I have also been having this problem trying to download transactions from Fifth Third Bank for several weeks. When I go to an individual Fifth Third account in Quicken to download, the box that pops up notes to Fill Passwords. (see attached image.) The passwords are always stored. So it won't allow you to even try to update one account by itself.

    Toni, go to Fifth Third and export the QFX file starting with your last successful transaction date to your computer. Double click on the file to import your transactions. You will no longer have that fill password notice because Quicken will change your online status from direct download to web download. You will at least be able to manually download your transactions from 53 until Quicken gets this data exchange handshaking issue figured out.
  • ddb702
    ddb702 Member ✭✭
    Quicken Sarah moderator reported on 4/23 it was resolved. I'm still unable to update with quicken. I'm using Quicken Premier 2020 V. R26.17, I have not been able to get Quicken to update this account since getting the new Quicken all other accounts are updating fine. PLEASE help I'm getting tired of updating manually.
  • ddb702
    ddb702 Member ✭✭
    I'm sorry I'm getting O-295 error.
  • geo791
    geo791 Member ✭✭✭✭
    FYI, I have experienced the OL-295-A error when attempting to download transactions from Fifth Third Bank since April 1. Strangely, on April 29 Quicken connected to 5/3 and downloaded all of my transactions. Yippee! Fifth Third coincidentally called me that afternoon and I informed her that all was good. Unfortunately, the very next day the OL-295-A error came back and once again, transactions would download.

    Today 5/5/20, I went to my Fifth Third Bank's web site and chatted with an agent. They had no information other than to provide me with two phone numbers to call, one for Quicken, and one for 5/3 IT. Needless to say, neither of these numbers connected me with a live person. After navigating through several computer generated questions, I was placed on an endless hold. So, customer no-service is the theme of the day. I received an email from Quicken asking me to complete a survey regarding how I would rate support through the Quicken Community. When the solution to fix the problem is to shut down the thread, it does not speak well for support help.
  • rferch
    rferch Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed
    And, even more disturbing is the fact that the Quicken moderators, who have yet to provide a meaningful response, have also been silent since May 1st! And yet we are to believe that the issue has been escalated to the "highest level" by Quicken? Initially it was "just wait another 24 hours" but that was almost two weeks ago!
  • Well, I can confirm that this is still a problem for me and has been since early April. I've not been able to update my 5/3rd accounts for about a month now. C'mon, Quicken! Get this fixed!
    SRENGEL Member ✭✭
    @Quicken Sarah @Quicken_Tyka

    Tagging both of you. Are there any updates on this issue? It is clearly not resolved, and the Alert page that you both recommended we follow has not been updated since 4/23 when Quicken Sarah said the issue was mostly resolved. The issue has never been mostly resolved.

    The fact is after over a month of this issue going on, it appears that Quicken is not working on the issue, and it appears that Quicken support has not escalated the issue. We still have no timelines on expected resolution or really any sort of an update.

    Valid Question - How long would you expect someone to continue to pay for a product that doesn't work? How long would you continue to pay for a product that clearly isn't working?

    Shutting down threads because you don't like the questions or comments being made is not resolving the issue. If you have an escalation contact I am sure a number of us would be willing to take this issue directly to them vs. on this Community forum.

    Is there a group ticket number, we could reference when calling the IT help? I personally already have 2 open tickets. That way they could try multiple things with multiple users or at least track the number of calls being received on it.
  • Brian133
    Brian133 Member ✭✭✭
    Quicken released an update, but it did not solve the problem. Same error after the upgrade to: R26.21.
  • M William
    M William Member ✭✭
    March 25 was my last download connection with Fifth Third Bank for my 4 accounts (Windows 10 on a PC). On April 25 Quicken Sarah said some accounts corrected but not all. I STILL cannot get an online update to my Fifth Third accounts. Quicken Sarah has gone silent about any updates on this problem. Several community members reached out and offered suggestions. A big "Thank you" to all but unfortunately none of the suggestions worked. I was hopeful today when I saw my version of Quicken updated to Version R26.221., Build Again, no luck getting a connection with Fifth Third.
    Quicken - HELP!
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