Fidelity NetBenefits (QWIN)



  • Member ✭✭
    Not working for me...yet
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    > @Tammy Van Buren said:
    > I sent an e-mail to the CEO last evening. I got an update from him and he states that Fidelity has identified the change that they made on 3/7 that is causing the issue and that "Their current goal is 'to revert and test the changes with a target release of tomorrow, 3/22, at 9 PM EST’.
    > It sounds like they are finally making some progress on the issue
  • Member ✭✭
    In my NetBenefits update today, 5 of my funds updated to yesterday's closing price. They had all been stuck on 3/7.
  • I do not have Quicken yet Member ✭✭
    > @jsc34615 said:
    > > @LQLA said:

    > Can you please explain again why, as a non Quicken user, you continue to dominate a thread about an issue Quicken users are experiencing?
    > Personally, I find that there isn’t really an alternative to Q that can cover all that it does. It’s more than investment tracking. I have had very little issues with the app as a whole, and this issue is not really theirs. Do they have an issue with communication and getting the message out in a clear and effective way? Yes, and they could really work on their customer comms, but really, it’s a robust app that is very complex.
    I dominate a 20 page thread? That's disingenuous at best. As I have mentioned at least in 3 different posts, I do not have a problem with my banking program (not Q). I do have a problem with my investment tracking program (not Q). If you (or the majority of responses for 20 pages) believe Q have little pull with Fidelity, some small investment tracking program has even less. However, when suggestions arise (technical) on how the problem got fixed, it is easy for me to communicate and point those to the developer forum of my investment tracking program.

    As to your success with Q, good for you. Throughout this entire thread I would dare say you are most definitely in the minority. But heh, if it works why fix it, right??!! I am definitely not forcing anyone to look elsewhere. But I take offense that the wide held belief is that there is no alternative. Perhaps you use every nook and cranny technical capability and there may be indeed, no alternative. But for a lot of people - they track checking, savings, a loan or two, and one - three investment accounts of which 1-2 are likely 401k accounts (only downloadable through NetBenefits); likely use billpay and DirectConnect download their transactions and balances. To that, there most definitely is an alternative. Is it an easy transition? Does it do every thing down to the last detail? No and no. Does it do the things I listed above? Most definitely yes. And for free, other than the purchase of the program initially (which will never sunset).

    To each their own though. I am here, just like the rest, hoping that a solution is found soon. I do sincerely wish you continued success with your use of Quicken. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Still not working as of this morning.
  • Member ✭✭
    > @LQLA said:
    > As to your success with Q, good for you. Throughout this entire thread I would dare say you are most definitely in the minority.

    I've used quicken for over 25 years. Sure it has bugs. Every piece of software does. They get fixed over time. And forums like this are very helpful in raising issues that impact fellow users. Also for hints / tips to get the most out of the program.

    As for functionality Quicken has a product for different types of users e.g: Starter , Deluxe , Premier , Home and Business. My experience is that your financial affairs become more complex as your move through life. Deluxe used to be overkill for me but last year I upgraded to Premier for the extra function.

    Good luck with your claim "And for free, other than the purchase of the program initially (which will never sunset". Quicken used to be like that as well before they moved to the subscription model.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Whatever Fidelity did or didn't do....they need to update their website too:

    Automatic downloads via Quicken
    With Quicken, you can download your transaction history automatically via the program itself. To do this, you'll need to set up Quicken properly, and you'll need:
    Your Fidelity NetBenefits username
    Your password
    Intuit Quicken 2005 (or greater)
    Downloading your transaction history automatically via Quicken may help you avoid downloading duplicate entries.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Still not working for me…

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    It looks like Fidelity were targeting 9PM today, not 9AM...
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    another truly inciteful update from Quicken has posted -
    This issue remains ongoing and our teams continue to work toward a solution. No ETA or further details are available at this time, and this Alert will be updated once more information, updates, etc become available.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Tried everything. Each time I go to re-add, it tries to add the two core plan accounts but then it just circles forever and never goes any further. The other 3 self directed brokerage accounts attached to the core accounts do not appear to even come through. Was on chat with Fidelity tech and they are confused and just routed me back to Quicken. I swear, whenever things work in Quicken, some programmer decides to put through an update that totally whacks out the system. Last week it was all of my Schwab accounts and I lost a full day trying to fix it. Today it's Fidelity. They really need to get it together at Quicken….maybe set up a client / user board and / or people to beta test things before they launch things. The time I lose is ridiculous. Have to do this after / before I start my work day or I end up in a rabbit hole of trying to fix things.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Is my error OL-293-A, with Fidelity NetBenefits the same as all these posts for OL-220 that Quicken moderator states they can not yet fix?

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I don't believe so, at least I haven't seen that one. Only the OL-220.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    Both my Fidelity accounts (NetBenefits and Investments) updated without error this morning (3/22 PDT) for the first time since 3/7.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023

    I still cannot download the Fidelity Net Benefits data from Quicken BUT, I am able to download transactions from Fidelity Net Benefits (QIF) and import into the Fidelity Net Benefits account in Quicken. Make sure you choose your Net Benefits account to import into. Also, be careful of the date range used. There is no checking for existing/matching transactions. I had to set the start date after the last transaction before my issue started (3/6).

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Same here, my Fidelity IBM 401K account works, my wife's Fidelity 403B and Fidelity Investments account doen't work. Tried all the suggestions in the OL-220A documentation.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    After 24 hours, received a response from Q Office of the President requesting specifics of if/when a fix will be completed:

    “We understand this is affecting multiple users and that is really important for all of you to know when is this going to be fixed, unfortunately, our Online Services team still does not have a specific date on when it will be already fixed, once there is an update on this issue it will be posted on the Community Alert as you will be able to see on today's update.”
  • I do not have Quicken yet Member ✭✭
    > @DPP28 said:
    > After 24 hours, received a response from Q Office of the President requesting specifics of if/when a fix will be completed:
    > “We understand this is affecting multiple users and that is really important for all of you to know when is this going to be fixed, unfortunately, our Online Services team still does not have a specific date on when it will be already fixed, once there is an update on this issue it will be posted on the Community Alert as you will be able to see on today's update.”

    hmmmm --- Office of the President

    This is the longest run-on, poor grammar, "official response" to something of such magnitude that I have ever seen from any company, much less the President of said company.
  • Member ✭✭✭

    Update from Anja:

    Quicken Anja Moderator mod12:06PM edited 2:09PM

    ONGOING 3/22/23 

    While this issue remains ongoing, our teams have identified the issue and Fidelity is implementing a fix very soon, though we do not have an exact ETA available at this time. Further updates will be provided once more information, updates, etc become available.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

    Thank you!

    -Quicken Anja

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2023



    If your "tracking software, not (Q)," and your "banking software, not (Q)", why are you commenting on a thread that is for the OL-220-A error on Quicken with Net Benefits?

    Again, Quicken is not a 3rd party aggregator. The 3rd party aggregators are MX, Finicity, Cash Edge, Envest / Yodlee, Plaid and Intuit.

    I wish you luck with getting out of Net Benefits, that will solve your problems and whatever software that you choose to use.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    @Tony Luers
    From Fidelity's perspective, they include Q as a third-party data aggregator application. First hand infromation, I received directly from Fidelity customer service. I don't understand the defensive posture, looks like the moderators merged several forum topics into a generic "Fidelity NetBenefits." I'm in the right forum to post my thoughts on the root cause and hope for a resolution. I hope to remain using Q as my software of choice, I don't have choice on Fidelity NetBenefits.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    @Quicken Anja thank you for the update. I (we?) would appreciate one of those at least once a day, just as a "heartbeat" to know that the issue continues to have your attention and work is on-going.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have the same issue with Fidelity Net Benefitson a Broker Link account. I have not been able to download any transaction since 3/1/2023. Since then I have the Unable to Complete Request message, and have tried all the normal actions to clear it.

  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I am getting the same problem as everyone else. My 401k from Fidelity Netbenefits used to sync flawlessly for years and suddenly stopped working. I can log in to Fidelity and Fidelity Netbenefits and see my account, but when I try to link it with Win 10 through the QHB&R I get an error message when choosing Link to existing account. Please advise when this will be fixed, My subscription is about to expire, but if Quicken cannot link all my accounts I may need to not renew.
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    San issue as others. Several fidelity accounts sync fine. Netbenifits sync shows:

    Fidelity Netbenifits: error recovery an error has occurred

    When I shut down Quicken I get:

    your last online session was not completed . do you want to try again before exiting?

    On a unrelated topic, any solution to the Chase credit card account not downloading transactions? I have to card accounts with Chase one downloads fine and the other does not.
  • Quicken Windows 2017 Member ✭✭

    Is there a problem with Fidelity Netbenefits updating in Quicken? Just Kidding. Okay maybe to early to joke. Once the problem is fixed we can then see how much money has been lost if not logging into the Fidelity site directly.

  • Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks, Anja. Looks like it was initiated by some change Fidelity made and, knowing what it was, they are trying to fix it.

  • Member ✭✭✭


    Seems obvious, but Some things cannot be fixed by end users. Always check the quicken site before entering a rabbit hole. It will save you considerable frustration.

  • I do not have Quicken yet Member ✭✭
    > @woppenhe said:
    > @mis0707
    > Seems obvious, but Some things cannot be fixed by end users. Always check the quicken site before entering a rabbit hole. It will save you considerable frustration.

    Would Fidelity have taken the action they purportedly have to date, without hearing from those same end users that cannot fix said problem???
  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Still not fixed so unfortunately Tammy’s post gave us hope but Anja’s “no ETA” appears more accurate. 😢
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