Chase - Download QFX Problems OL-221 (edit79)



  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Have you checked the FITIDs?

    Each need to be unique for each transaction, and currently in the messed-up Chase QFX files they are all zero, at least for me and others reporting the problem in one of the other long threads.

    This is the unique Id Quicken uses to see if a transaction is a duplicate of one it already imported.

    This is my website:
  • dlovatt
    dlovatt Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited October 2023

    [Removed - Rant]

  • nichoka
    nichoka Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I am having the same problem and agree that Quicken needs to escalate with Chase and get it resolved asap.

  • robbb1107
    robbb1107 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    i am also having same issue with chase downloads

  • RBRG001
    RBRG001 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    As of 10-24, issue remains. Have tried shutting off VPN as well as running cleanmgr as an administrator.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    Are you downloading a QFX file? The above error is only for people that are downloading and importing a QFX file.

    And since the problem is in the QFX file that Chase is creating there isn't any kind of setting on your machine that is going to fix that. If you are in fact having problems while using One Step Update, that is different, and you would be better off starting a new question about it with as much details as you can give.

    This is my website:
  • RBRG001
    RBRG001 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Yes - I'm down loading and importing a QFX file. My last successful download was on October 5; I saw this error on October 8. It ONLY

    occurs with Chase. My other download/import operations are working.

    I'm using Windows 10 Enterprise; Version R52.33 Build

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    OK, then you will just have to wait until Chase fixes it. It is really strange that for some reason it is hitting people at different times. Maybe as they pushed out the bad software to different servers around the country. When this was first reported I tried it (normally I don't use the QFX file) and it was working, but a week later it was broke for me too. The QFX file is missing the account number and all of the unique Ids are set to zero.

    This is my website:
  • jfreiberg
    jfreiberg Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I had the same problem with chase downloads. You have to deactivate the accounts, then add the accounts again. Chase made a change to quicken so this is the only way to get the downloads.

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    For what it is worth, downloading with One Step Update/Express Web Connect + is working for me and based on the lack of reports on it, for thousands more. The downloading and importing of the QFX file (What Quicken calls Web Connect) is a completely different subject, and is the one this thread is about.

    This is my website:
  • Ernieh
    Ernieh Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I continue to be unable to download Chase CC transactions. Several days ago I began receiving and error message. This morning I came to this forum and followed all the Quicken instructions, none of which worked and now I don't receive anything when attempting to download. No transactions or error message. Anyone have any thoughts?

  • RBRG001
    RBRG001 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Thank You! Do you know if a ticket has been assigned to this?

  • dlovatt
    dlovatt Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    So apprently negative comments on this board about the software and it not getting fixed are not allow?

  • David M Eisenberg
    David M Eisenberg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I am having the same issue with Chase credit card accounts. I suspect it is a problem on Chase's end as I have no issues with other institutions (AmEX, Citibank, BofA, Wells Fargo). I import transactions from QFX files (my one step update no longer works). This is the latest I have seen from Quicken support.

  • jobiespal
    jobiespal Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    edited October 2023

    Over the last week I have not been able to download transactions successfully via QFX. I keep getting an error message. Please help.

  • Quicken Anja
    Quicken Anja Moderator mod

    Hello @jobiespal,

    This is a known issue that has been escalated internally, though we do not have an ETA on resolution. While the investigation remains ongoing, please refer to this Community Alert for any and all available updates.

    We apologize for any inconvenience in the meantime! Thank you.

    -Quicken Anja
    Make sure to sign up for the email digest to see a round up of your top posts.

  • I'm Jeff
    I'm Jeff Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member

    My wife is using Chase and the same version of Quicken with no issues. I get the OL-221-A error. This started after the recent upgrade, though it didn't impact her. I contacted Chase and they clam it is a Quicken issue

  • mikeshapp
    mikeshapp Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    edited October 2023

    Quicken Classic Business and Personal, Version: R52.33, Build

    We have 4 personal Chase credit cards and I got tired of entering the transactions manually so I wrote a Linux awk script to modify the entries in the downloaded QFX files so I could import them. I realize that most people don't know or run Linux but I tried writing it in Powershell and could not get a consistent output.

    We also have a Chase INK business card which has all of the correct information in its QFX file so it imports with no problems.


    When I post this, it screws up the formatting of the QFX scripts and examples.

    The first issue is that the account number is missing. You'll see the following lines:


    There should be an account number in between them in the following format. Edit the downloaded file and add the ACCTID information using your account number.


    If you were to download the file after the edit, the OL-221-A popup windows will no longer be displayed but no transactions will be loaded due to the second issue.
    The second issue is that the FITID entries are all set to


    They should be in the format YYYYMMDD## where ## are two digits that increment up from 01. The FITID entry will consist of the DTPOSTED entry with the last two digits removed and replaced with the two digits that increment up from 01 and should look something like this:


    The scripts will handle up to 99 transactions per file.

    This is the RHEL 7.9 Linux awk script (it's actually a bash script that executes awk); I named it You can execute it like this:

    cat Chase1234_Activity20231025.QFX | ./ > NewChase.QFX

    awk 'BEGIN {cnt = 1} {
    if (match($1, "DTPOSTED")) {
    print $1;
    dtpostedlen = length($1);
    if (cnt < 10) {
    str = substr($1,0,dtpostedlen-1);
    } else {
    str = substr($1,0,dtpostedlen-2);
    dtposted = str cnt;
    cnt = cnt + 1
    if (match($1, "FITID")) {
    if (length(dtposted)) {
    print "<FITID>"dtposted;
    print $0
    exit 0
    The FITID entries in each statement should look like this:
    <NAME>AMZN Mktp US

    Note that the QFX file wants UNIX line terminators (LF only, not CRLF like in Windows).

    Have fun

  • cnccpa
    cnccpa Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I had the same issue and could not download Chase transactions and received OL-221-A error. I went into tool > account list > chose my chase account. Clicked on online services, then "deactivate." Once deactivated, I reactivated and went through the process. It solved my problem. My transactions downloaded.

  • DavePDX
    DavePDX Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    mikeshapp - Nice work!

    For those of us that are less confident of creating or running scripts, I finally (before seeing mikeshapp's entry) took a quasi manual approach. It is not as elegant as mikeshapp's, but much easier than manually entering the 200+ transactions that had accumulated since the Chase QFX quit working. Here's what I did:

    I determined the exact cutoff date from my last (successful) .QFX import.

    I then downloaded a .QFX file from Chase starting with the next day after my cutoff. Of course, this file is missing the <ACCTID> and all <FITID> fields are zero.

    Then I edited the file (Notepad++) to insert the correct <ACCTID> (my credit card number) and assigned a unique <FITID> to each transaction. By looking at a prior uncorrupted .QFX file I knew where to enter the <ACCTID> field and I saw that the Chase <FITID> starts with the date and then appends a long numeric ID number. For expediency, I simply assigned sequential 5-digit IDs starting with 00001 and incremented by one each time 00001, 00002, 00003 …

    Then I saved the edited .QFX and created a test copy of my Quicken data file.

    Finally, I imported it into the Quicken test file.

    This appears to have worked.

    When (if?) Chase fixes the issue, I will be careful to only export a .QFX starting with the next day after my workaround .QFX. That should isolate the workaround period and avoid having a set of the same transactions with my 5-digit ID and a belated correctly assigned Chase ID.

    ***Warning*** I don’t necessarily recommend this workaround because I don’t know for sure that the only corrupted fields are <ACCTID> and <FITID> (but I think they are the only ones) and I don’t know what will happen when I later import a correct .QFX. I just got impatient. (Plus, I figured that after I do all this, Chase will have the issue fixed the next day :-).

  • RobertaPF
    RobertaPF Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Let me add my name to the list. Windows 11 user. Long, long time Quicken user. I can create a download file if I select current view instead of "since last statement." If I choose "since last statement" I get the error from Chase that this part of our system is not currently working. The file created by selecting current view will not load however and I get the OL-221-A error. The file name looks the same as in the past. Chase's initial response to "this part of our system etc" was to clear the history and try again which of course, did not work.

  • ajb328
    ajb328 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Finally got Chase credit card linked to Amazon to download using web connect BUT still OL221a and OL221b failures.

    From Chase website delinked all quicken accounts. Close browser.

    From Quicken delinked accounts from "Tools /accounts"

    Then From Quicken reactivated express web connect. Had to do this twice to get both CC downloads. First time failed to recognize CC linked to Amazon. Repeated activate with this card and got downloaded transactions - about 3 weeks worth.

    Then download QFX file for CC account and still got OL221a and OL221b error messages.

    QFX file still NOT working with CC linked to Amazon. Time to make Amazon aware of Chase issue

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    @ajb328 - Chase CC linked to Amazon - clarify ?

  • tomtab@
    tomtab@ Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    Also unable to download chase transactions - tried multiple methods all failed

  • Ernieh
    Ernieh Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    As a follow up. I was just able to download my Chase credit card transactions by linking the account in Quicken. I have downloaded the file from Chase for years, as I preferred to not have any log in information stored in Quicken. But I got tired of this ongoing issue that nobody seems to be able to fix. Hope that help some of you out.

  • asmm
    asmm Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    hi, I've been reading the posts regarding this qfx download problem. I also have problems downloading qfx to my computer for credit card only. I noticed that this problem occurred after quicken updated to "Classic" and of course a small time after Chase qfx download problems. I find it interesting that a bank is taking this long to fix a problem. Financial institutions usually respond very quickly when problems are found in their software. So, what I want to communicate is that maybe quicken and chase are working together behind the scenes for some reason to force its users to authenticate to chase and quicken that they are a valid quicken users. Not sure why. I don't want to sound paranoid, but as I previously commented financial institutions generally act quickly when a software problem is found. I would like to hear what your thoughts are. thank you

  • jobiespal
    jobiespal Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I agree with ASMM. Having worked for several large Banks, a basic issue like this impacting customers would generally get resolved fairly quickly or at a minimum be escalated for a quick turn. Can the moderator provide some insight as to which party needs additional pressure…Quicken or Chase?

  • Chris_QPW
    Chris_QPW Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭

    I don't understand why people are still asking if this is a Quicken of a Chase problem. It has been documented many times in this thread and others that there is missing and incorrect information in the QFX file. Chase generates that file.

    This is my website:
  • Woodworker1047
    Woodworker1047 Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I have been downloading Chase CC data for years. Only in the last month did I get the OL-221a error. I contacted Chase IT first. After doing some checking, I was advised that there were no problems with the data. I also successfully downloaded both checking and savings. Only the CC failed. They asked me to contact Quicken, which I did. They advised me it was an ongoing problem being worked on by Quicken. I do not care who is at fault as long as Quicken and Chase resolve the issue quickly.

  • asmm
    asmm Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    If my theory is correct that quicken and chase have decided that quicken customers will need to provide their chase credentials (chase username, chase password) to quicken and then passed into the chase software systems to enable a data correct qfx import into quicken.

    It would be interesting to hear from those quicken users that have done the above whether or not they can then download the qfx file directly to their computer hard drive. And if that downloaded qfx file is data correct (containing account number and FITID).

    Another interesting point would be if those that provided quicken with their chase credentials, if they then were to deactivate their chase account in quicken and then download a qfx file to their local computer hard drive, whether that file would be data correct and be able to be imported into quicken.

    Either way I don't like what's going on here, if quicken wants to validate quicken users and minimize fraud in use of their software, then they should say it to their customers, that's something I would agree with.

This discussion has been closed.